27 April, 2006

“God’s Gift to Goyim”

Posted by alex in Luke O'Farrell at 2:30 pm | Permanent Link

by Luke O’Farrell

Phony Tony, Petty Betty and the Chocolate Kike

Have you heard the one about the black Jewish lesbian?

Back in the days when women were angry and lesbians were really angry, perhaps the angriest woman of all was the lesbian feminist Linda Bellos. Throughout the 1970s and ’80s, when she went from organising protests to running Lambeth council [in London], she seemed to wear a permanent scowl of indignation that threatened to explode, at the slightest provocation, into incandescent rage. When it came to grievance, she appeared to have it all, being black, African, Jewish, working class, lesbian and Marxist. She was angry at economic injustice, racial discrimination, sexual inequality, the oppression of the male gaze, pornography, violence against women and much else besides. Bell' of the Balls Linda BellosShe now runs her own consultancy on equality and diversity. “I get paid a lot of money giving advice that I gave for free when they didn’t want to know.� My, how the woman can talk. She doesn’t answer in sentences or paragraphs but long impassioned speeches that rise in volume and virulence if you are so foolhardy as to question a point. You can see how she would have thrived in the endless committees and meetings that characterised radical politics in the ’70s and ’80s. She had a brief but eventful career in mainstream politics. In 1986, she became leader of Lambeth council, in an extremely competitive field quite possibly the looniest of all loony left boroughs. She only lasted two years before she resigned in a rates dispute.

“Let’s not worship power for power’s sake. There are many people who do good by being quiet, loving, helpful, generous. I happen to think that is more important than powerful and loud,â€? she says, powerfully and loudly. She doesn’t listen so much as lecture. And much of what she has lectured down the years has become standard policy. On matters such as rape, policing and diversity, opinion has come round to her way of thinking. But some of her attitudes have changed. She has got in touch with her Judaism… (The Guardian, 15th February 2006)

And that – “she has got in touch with her Judaismâ€? – may be the funniest line in a hatchet-job of an article. Linda Bellos was never out of touch with her Judaism. How could she have been, as an authoritarian, power-worshiping megalomaniac? But there are frightening lines in the article too, like this one: “…opinion has come round to her way of thinking.â€? It certainly has. The White nation of Britain, like the White nations of Eastern Europe before it, is sliding ever faster into the Judeo-communist abyss. Our new ruling ideology won’t be called that openly, but all the signs are there, chief among them the huge number of Jews in positions of power and influence. Like pustules on your face at a time of plague, Jews with power and influence are not a sign of glowing health. I grow more and more convinced that the Jewish pursuit and abuse of these things are hereditary. You can see it in the recently dead arch-feminist Betty Friedan just as you can in Linda Bellos. Here’s Germaine Greer, no mean egomaniac herself, unzipping and squatting to water Friedan’s grave the day after the funeral:

Betty Friedan “changed the course of human history almost single-handedly�. Her ex-husband, Carl Friedan, believes this; Betty believed it too. This belief was the key to a good deal of Betty’s behaviour; she would become breathless with outrage if she didn’t get the deference she thought she deserved. In 1972, Betty and I were together in Iran as guests of the Women’s Organisation of Iran, and I had difficulty in dissociating myself from Betty, who would usually take over my allotted speaking time as well as her own. Betty’s imperiousness had the shah’s courtiers completely flummoxed. Ugly kike megalomaniac Betty FriedanAgain and again our escorts would ask me to explain Betty’s behaviour. “Please, Mrs Greer, she behaves so strangely, we think she may be drinking. She shouts at us, and when we try to explain she walks away. Sometimes her speech is strange.� As we were leaving our farewell party, Betty propped herself in front of our Cadillac and refused to get in. “Dammit!� she shouted, “I wunt, I deserve my own car! I will nutt travel cooped up in this thing with two other women. Don’t you clowns know who I am?�

“Mrs Greer,� pleaded the courtiers, who were shaking with fright. “What shall we do? Please make her quiet! She is very drunk.� Betty wasn’t drunk. She was furious that the various dignitaries and ministers of state all had their own cars, while the female guests of honour were piled into a single car like a harem. I looked on from our Cadillac at Betty standing there in her spangled black crepe-de-chine and yelling fit to bust, “I will nutt be quiet and gedinna car! Absolutely nutt!�

Eventually one of the ministers’ cars was sent back for Betty. As it pulled out of the gateway I caught sight of her, small, alone in the back, her great head pillowed on the leather, eyes closed, resting after this important victory. (The Guardian, 7th February 2006)

And such victories are important for egomaniacs, who come in a never-ending stream from one race above all others. That much-vaunted Jewish intellect really isn’t as important in their success as it’s made out to be, because solid achievement often matters far, far less than arrogant self-promotion. And even when a rare Jew isn’t personally pushy, he can rely on his membership of the Master Race to open doors that remain closed to much more deserving Gentiles. Theft and fraud are Jewish specialties too: Jews are the human equivalent of the parasitic cuckoo, which is able to mimic the eggs of its hosts almost perfectly. But what looks like the egg of a beautiful meadow pipit or reed warbler hatches into a greedy, screeching cuckoo. This brings me to the phenomenon of the “Jewish conservative�. There are a lot of them on both sides of the Atlantic: Mark Steyn in North America and Melanie Phillips in Britain, for example. But let’s look at a less famous one: Theodore Dalrymple, a dedicated chronicler of the life and crimes of the British “underclass�. I’ve read a lot of his articles, but even before I saw the blight and became an anti-Semite, I was growing more and more suspicious of him.

Why did he have a blind spot about race? Why did his writing make it so easy for middle-class Whites to dismiss working-class Whites as worthless? Why did he support non-white immigration, despite calling himself a conservative? When I became an anti-Semite, an answer was ready to hand: perhaps it’s because he’s a Jew. When I learned that his mother had been a refugee from Nazi Germany and his father a communist, I was almost certain of it. Turns out I was right: he is indeed a Jew and his real name is Anthony Daniels. Although lots of people write under pen-names, what’s characteristic of Jews is that they choose goyish names to address the goyim. It’s a form of parasitic camouflage – what could be more White British than “Dalrymple�? – but there’s more to Anthony Daniels’ full pen-name than might immediately meet the eye.

“Theodore� literally means “God’s gift�. And Anthony Daniels certainly knew this when he adopted the pen-name, so I suspect that ole Jewish egomania was at work again. That ole Jewish smoke-and-mirrors certainly seems to be at work in Daniels’ writing. The vital importance of race is something Jews do their best to conceal, because they don’t want to stand out as different in the societies they parasitize. Sure enough, Theodore Dalrymple doesn’t think race should matter:

Primo Levi [another Jew] most movingly wrote that each person should be judged as an individual and that no person should be judged according to his membership of a race or nation. (Social Affairs Unit, 23rd September 2005)

This is wrong in several very important ways. First of all, character is not fixed or always easy to read: a non-white individual may behave well when surrounded by Whites, but reveal his true nature when his own race gains more power. He is also very likely to excuse and conceal bad behavior by his genetic kin, even if he himself does not join in. Not all Jews are actively harming Whites, for example, but almost all Jews are silent on the topic or helping in the cover-up. Furthermore, something called “reversion to the mean� spells doom for Theodore Dalrymple’s utopian advice that his White readers should judge by “content of character, not color of skin� (or size of nose). The children of an intelligent, well-behaved black will tend to revert to the disastrous black average for these traits, while the children of an unintelligent, criminal White will tend to revert to the society-sustaining White average. Individualism cannot work in racially mixed societies and Theodore Dalrymple’s attempts to pretend otherwise are typical Jewish flim-flam. However, although Jews try to pretend race can safely be ignored, they stress the importance of ideology when the ideology in question threatens their interests. The prophet Muhammad, who encountered Jewish treachery and selfishness at first hand, was careful to warn his followers about the Jews and their true nature. This means that Islam, dangerous as it is in White nations, is admirably unblinkered on the Jewish question. And what is a major theme of Theodore Dalrymple’s writing? Why, it’s the menace of the Mohammedans:

Two of Britain’s bombers, Richard Reid [the “shoe-bomber�] and Muktar Said-Ibrahim [a wannabe London bomber], converted or reconverted to Islam in prison. This is a very small number, of course, but it does not take large numbers of such people to effect a huge change in a country’s atmosphere. And the omens for the emergence of more of them are not good. The number of Muslim prisoners has risen sixfold over the past 15 years. With more than 4,000 such inmates they make up 70 per cent of prisoners from minority groups. They are mostly of Pakistani descent, and the relative absence of people of subcontinental origin who follow other religions is equally striking. (“Our prisons are fertile ground for cultivating suicide bombers�, The Times, London, 30th July 2005)

Anthony Daniels is laying lots of skillfully camouflaged eggs in conservative nests but what hatches from them isn’t conservatism at all. It’s the same race-denying individualism peddled to Whites by the liberals whom Daniels pretends to despise. Jews hate the idea of Whites taking a tour of reality without a friendly Jew to guide them. They might see things they aren’t supposed to see and reach conclusions they aren’t supposed to reach. Anthony Daniels has appointed himself God’s gift to the conservative goyim and in his way he’s even more of a threat than left-wing lunatics like Linda Bellos. She’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing; he’s a wolf in shepherd’s clothing. Which is easier to be on your guard against? LUKE O’FARRELL

  • 9 Responses to ““God’s Gift to Goyim””

    1. Linda she ain't. Says:

      Linda = neat or pretty.
      Bellos = beautiful

      Looks like a misnomer, folks.

    2. sr Says:

      Very good essay. Thank you, Luke.

    3. whiteskelet Says:

      The post about Anthony Daniels is very accurate, especially this part:

      “The vital importance of race is something Jews do their best to conceal, because they don’t want to stand out as different in the societies they parasitize.”

      That’s the essence. Every word is true. Just to look more like the “average citizen”, they import people of all colours, WHATEVER THE PRICE WHITES MUST PAY. Importing people looking a little like them was racially clever in their – collective ? – view. The anti-Semitism of many of those people wasn’t foreseen, however.

      Each time a Jewish intellectual denies the concept of race, he’s denying his objective status as a parasite. He doesn’t do it for YOUR interest, Whitey!

      People like Anthony Daniels make you hate the Jews, ironically. When they’re exposed, they do stand out, not yet in all eyes, but that may come. And they stand out, not just as people from another race, but as a sneaky enemy. More and more I can understand how things happened in Germany. It just what’s going on in the USA and the UK right now! Nobody learns from history!

    4. lawrence dennis Says:

      Here is a true story about Bettye Goldstein (the real name of ‘Betty Friedan’) told by her ex-husband:


      Quite vivid in my mind is a midnight in about 1967 — a year or so before Betty and I separated for good. We were living at our Dakota apartment then — Betty disagreed with something I said (that’s all it took), went into one of her raging uncontrollable fits, screaming, her face twisted in hate and insane anger, “You fucking no good prick you, you no-good bastard, you fucking bastard,” meanwhile sprinting into the kitchen. Back she came straight at me brandishing two large kitchen knives. “You fucking Goddamn sonofabitch, I’m going to cut your fucking cock off — your big cock it doesn’t mean a thing to me.” At this I calmly picked up a kitchen chair, nailed her to the wall like a lion-tamer and took the knives away. And that was just a minor incident during that period when her explosive personality was further inflamed by amphetamines she was taking for weight loss, reinforced by alcohol.


      That’s jew-invented ‘feminism’ in a nutshell: Bettye ‘dogface’ Goldstein brandishing scissors as she threatens, “I’m going to cut your fucking cock off”!!

      For more information about this egomaniacal, hypocritical ‘heroine’ who ‘saved’ American women from ‘male oppression,’ see

    5. van helsing Says:

      If jews are the gift, then I would like to return the gift (de-gift? re-gift?) from whence it came.

    6. swinestein Says:

      When the day of the roap arrives it will be such a pleasure putting these ugly kikesses to rest.

      I can hardly imagine how beautiful America could be without jooos and their muds creating human toilets out of a once great land.

    7. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Luke, I have really enjoyed reading your articles in Heretical.com.
      Keep up the good work and many more British people will know the truth.

    8. van helsing Says:

      THIS IS A GOOD ONE TOO. JUI-BONO… IF I WERE MORE OF A SADIST… FANTASTIC FOUR… and half the column is quotes etc……


      “Let Them Eat Kike!�
      Place Your Trust In Us, You Cretins

      If I were more of a sadist, I’d wish that I were more of a sadist. As it is, I’m not enjoying the last days of Tony Blair the way many others are. I’d much rather see the downfall of the scheming sheenies who have manipulated him: Peter “Prince of Darkness� Mandelson and Michael “Lord Cashpoint� Levy, for example. Someone as dim as Blair has been putty in their hands and if it weren’t for the Jew-filter clamped firmly over Western politics, such a sorry specimen of the White race would never have got near the top in the first place.
      As it is, only sorry specimens get through the Jew-filter: if you won’t lie and cheat for the Chosen Ones, you have as much chance of succeeding in politics as Zimbabwe has of landing a man on Mars. Bliar is the most prominent example, but there are countless more race-traitors in the British government whose chief talent is to keep a straight face while spinning the lies that will supposedly lead us to a multi-racial Jewtopia:

      Schoolchildren should be taught “traditional British values� as part of an attempt to challenge extremism and promote a more cohesive society, the higher education minister, Bill Rammell, will say today. Under the proposals, all 11 to 16-year-olds will learn about free speech and democracy in the UK, as well as the contribution made by different communities. Mr Rammell will announce a six-month review of the school curriculum by a leading headteacher to see how best “core British values� can be incorporated into the school timetable.
      Speaking at South Bank University, Mr Rammell will say the UK is a strong multicultural and multifaith society, but to prosper it must focus on shared “core values�. These include the tradition of free speech; the contested view that Britain was founded on freedom, democracy and liberty; and the contribution of different communities to building a modern, successful country. “I very strongly believe that we are a multicultural, diverse society and I think that gives us incredible strength and richness,� he told the Guardian. “But I think it is crucial that we recognise that there are some core British values that are central and common to us all.� (The Guardian, 15th May 2006)

      Can you keep a straight face listening to this guff? You shouldn’t be able to. After all, what is the point of teaching values that are already “central and common� to us all? Are Muslim children going to be taught that water flows downhill and that politicians are lying whenever their lips move? Of course not. As soon as you admit the need to teach something, you admit that it isn’t “central and common�. Islam has no tradition of free speech, let alone of “freedom, democracy and liberty�, and if Bill Rammell wants to sample the “incredible strength and richness� of our multi-cultural diversity, he ought to go and live in one of the Muslim ghettos that pockmark Britain.
      After the ghettos’ inhabitants have extended one of their traditional ten- or fifteen-to-one “Welcome the Whitey� ritual greetings, Bill might start to change his mind about the Joys of Diversity:

      Machete Mob in Race Hate Attack
      A man whose head was sliced open with a machete by a racist mob as he tried to protect two young women has been left paralysed down one side. Tower Hamlets police say the gang attack is being treated as racially motivated. John Payne and two friends were viciously set upon by a gang of Asian youths wielding machetes and metal bars in Stepney on April 8. At around 11.30 pm that night, John was walking two young female friends home after an evening out. The trouble started when John, friends Sarah O’Leary and Jenny Curran, and Jenny’s brother Denny turned into the car park of Dagobert House, off Jamaica Street.

      A gang of between six and nine Asian youths were waiting in the car park. They shouted racist insults at John and his friends, who told them to be quiet. They were then set upon by the gang, which swelled to a mob of 20 as other Asian youths rushed to join in the beating. Despite John and Denny’s attempts to protect her, Jenny was repeatedly punched and kicked, and struck on the head with a metal pole. Denny and John were both hacked around the head with machetes, leaving John with a deep wound. John was taken to intensive care at the Royal London Hospital. He is now paralysed down one side of his body, and has slurred speech and memory loss. He has regained some movement, but it is still uncertain whether he will be able to work again. (East London Advertiser, 3rd May 2006)

      But what are the chances that one of the people responsible for flooding Britain with aliens actually has to suffer the consequences like that? Vanishingly small, at least in the short term. JuLabour don’t care what we suffer because they don’t think they’ll have to suffer it themselves, and they’re still trying to keep us quiet by lying. Take the suicide-bombings in London on 7th July 2006:
      The Clues that MI5 Missed and the Unanswered Questions
      • Mohammad Sidique Khan led the 7/7 bombers. His phone number was logged by MI5 in 2003 after he was contacted by a known terror suspect already being monitored by the security services. The two men talked about arranging meetings but this was never followed up. Why?

      • The following year Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, another 7/7 bomber, were bugged over a number of months by MI5 talking about a separate alleged plot to blow up targets in the UK. One of the bugs was placed in a car Khan was driving, yet MI5 says it did not have the “resources� to identify either man. Is this credible?

      • Khan and Tanweer visited terror training camps in Pakistan in 2003 and 2004. Their trips were not monitored, say the security services, despite the war on terror being in full flow. Why did MI6, which has substantial resources in Islamabad, fail to pick them up? Why were they not clocked at British ports?

      • In the months before the bombings MI5 took a greater interest in Khan for reasons not properly explained. It admits it showed surveillance photos of him to foreign intelligence services and terrorist prisoners in detention centres around the world. Why was MI5 suddenly so interested in Khan?

      • The telephone number of a third bomber, Germaine Lindsay, was also on MI5 files long before the attacks. This had previously been denied. Lindsay’s Fiat car was linked to a burglary in May 2005, in which a handgun was involved. Lindsay was shown on the police computer as the registered owner, but police inquiries at the time failed to track the car. Why?

      • The security services had been monitoring a suspected Islamic fundamentalist in the Beeston area of Leeds that the bombers came from only a year or so before the attacks. He worked in the same extremist bookshop the bombers frequented and he knew them. Why was this not mentioned in the Home Office account last week?

      • The flat where the bombs were made was sublet to the bombers just a few weeks before the attack. The man who gave them the keys is an Egyptian with a PhD in biochemistry. He left for Cairo eight days before the bombings. Last week he said he was entirely innocent of any involvement. He also confirmed the British authorities have never sought to interview him. Why? (The Sunday Times, 14th May 2006)

      Why? Well, I can suggest a good answer for all of those questions. It wasn’t because MI5 was incompetent but because MI5 was overwhelmed. Tracking potential terrorists in Muslim-enriched Britain must be a lot like tracking potential rapists in black-run South Africa. In other words, there are so many it has to be a matter of guesswork and luck. MI5 has some very powerful computers and some very sophisticated software at its disposal, but where Muslim gang-bangers are concerned it’s probably just as well off relying on much older technology:
      “A Mohammad Sidique Khan, sir. Another of our vibrant Muslim community. We’ve recorded him discussing the prospect of enriching us with a explosion or two. Should we investigate further? What’s that, sir? Roll the dice? Hold on, please… Five and three, sir… Very well, sir. I’ll put him in the ‘Action Pending’ pile.â€?
      That’s probably isn’t too far from the truth, but maybe if MI5 had taken more notice of the Fantastic Four who murdered fifty-five people on 7/7, another Fantastic Four might have murdered even more on another day. Bliar and his government obviously know much more than they are telling us, and they’re still trying to use lies and spin to keep Britain’s racial time-bomb from exploding. It won’t work and the longer we pretend the bomb isn’t ticking, the more people are going to be crowded around it when it goes off. I’m concerned about Whites first and foremost, but I don’t welcome the prospect of Muslims suffering unnecessarily either, which is why I want us to start repatriation as soon as possible. The longer we let the situation fester, the worse off everyone is going to be. It’s not as though they’re not prepared to leave:
      Two-Thirds Of Muslims Consider Leaving UK
      Hundreds of thousands of Muslims have thought about leaving Britain after the London bombings, according to a new poll. The figure illustrates how widespread fears are of an anti-Muslim backlash following the July 7 bombings carried out by British born suicide bombers. Nearly two-thirds of Muslims told pollsters that they had thought about their future in Britain after the attacks, with 63% saying they had considered whether they wanted to remain in the UK. Older Muslims were more uneasy about their future, with 67% of those 35 or over having contemplated their future home country compared to 61% among those 34 or under. Britain’s Muslim population is estimated at 1.6 million, with 1.1 million over 18, meaning more than half a million may have considered the possibility of leaving. (The Guardian, 26th July 2005)

      Paying them to go back where they belong would leave both sides better off. As an extra incentive, we could even give them Tony Blair and the other JuLabour cheerleaders for the war in Iraq to put on trial in their homelands, while American Whites do the same with Bush and his neo-con puppet-masters. After all, both Britain and America are suffering from the same disease. It’s called Jew-flu and it induces the madness described here by Pat Buchanan:
      Historians will one day marvel that, as their Southwest was slipping away from the United States – demographically, linguistically and culturally – Americans were fighting to keep Iraq together. Remarkable. Foreigners are invading and occupying Arizona, while Americans are fighting for Anbar province.
      Foreigners are invading and occupying Britain too, while our soldiers fight for Basra province. The best way to understand this lunacy is to ask “Cui bono?� – “Who benefits?� The answer, of course, is: “Jui bono!� – “Jews benefit!� Whites fight non-whites in the Middle East so Israel’s power increases, while non-whites fight Whites in America and Europe so the West’s power decreases. Jews have long recognized the world as their goyster: it’s full of gullible goyim to deceive, drain of blood, and destroy.
      That’s why one clear message rings down more than two millennia of Western history: “Jews are poison!� Ignoring this message has been the biggest mistake we’ve ever made and the message now sniggered behind the hands of race-traitors like Bush and Blair is: “Let them eat kike!� But there’s reason for hope. Jews and their shabbas goys have tried to hold back reality with a dam made of lies, but the dam is leaking badly in a dozen places. The more it leaks, the weaker it grows; and the weaker it grows, the more it leaks. When it finally collapses, there won’t be room in the Jew-canoe for the present gang of traitors, criminals and parasites to ride out the flood.


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