31 July, 2006

Jews Bringing Light to the World, Minor Crotch by Minor Crotch

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, jew sex crimes, jews jewing jewily at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

A lengthy police probe was conducted in Palm Beach to investigate allegations that Epstein paid young and underage girls to massage him and have sex or engage in sexual activity with him. Police had wanted to arrest him on four counts of illegal sexual activity with minors. While that investigation was ongoing, Epstein’s lawyers were already hard at work. His defense team includes Alan Dershowitz, Roy Black, Jack Goldberger, and Gerald Lefcourt.

Jew paying minors for sex.

  • 4 Responses to “Jews Bringing Light to the World, Minor Crotch by Minor Crotch”

    1. jimbo Says:

      of course, if that was a WHITE MAN, only the slightest whiff of such an allegation would see him rotting away in a ZOG gulag so fast that if u’f blink, you’d MISS IT!

    2. Lokuum Says:

      did you notice in the comments below the article on ABC’s page?

      “what do all these people have in common??????”

    3. Chain Says:

      “It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the dildo again.”

      If you enjoy the 22 page indictment at the Smoking Gun,
      you’ll likely have to keep checking the page to make sure you didn’t experience a computer error– cause Epsteing gets his twice/thrice daily lotion and electric dildo workouts with amazing sameness. “He came in with a towel wrapped around him and then took it off” etc. etc.

      I think it is on page 11 where our billionaire kikemaster rapes the minor.

      On page 18 of the indictment, the cops find the contents of the recorders of three hidden cameras Epstein had in his fuck White teenyboppers room. The videos corroborate everything, as do the cell phone records all over the place, but odd– our kike state’s attorney in Palm Beach, Barry Krischer can only figure to file one minor solicitation charge against Lotion Epstein. “It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the dildo again.”

      Meanwhile, the Semite who killed a heeb in Seattle is locked down on a $50 million bail. Dershowitz is consistent though– this is his desired kike torture treatments for 14 and 16 year old White shiksas.


      Police Chief Michael Reiter was so angry that he wrote State Attorney Barry Krischer a memo in May suggesting he disqualify himself from the case.

      Fawning 4 webpage JYC area bio of Epstein-

    4. van helsing Says:

      They got PAID?

      Mary Phagan didnt.
