29 July, 2006

VNN Returns

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 9:19 am | Permanent Link

Both VNN and Sunlit Heights are back online, the forum as well as our media content remain offline but are scheduled to return. Much work remains, but first VNN thanks our many friends and those tireless few struggling to make our return possible.

Stay tuned.

  • 36 Responses to “VNN Returns”

    1. Orion14 Says:

      Glad to see you’re back. What’s to be done with ATT and Worman? Are they going to be allowed to go about their business as if nothing happened? What’s the plan to take these enemies of freedom and truth to court?

    2. Aryan Defender Says:

      Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes !!!!!!!

      Let’s all hope the story of VNN’s “removal” by those-whose-name-must-not-be-mentioned gets spread far and wide, and comes back to


    3. Glenn Miller Says:

      We need an alternate forum. That way when one’s shut down, we can all go tuther.

      How bout it, Stan? Anybody?

      Use http://www.whitepatriotparty.com. Set up a forum there, identical to VNNF, ie., same forum titles, etc. We’ll use it ONLY when VNNF is shut down. When VNNF is operational, the other forum will be closed to all postings.

      Too much work, perhaps? I don’t know. But I do know this delay is damaging TWPL project. And we ought to take action to prevent future damagings.

    4. James Woroble Jr. Says:

      What’s this… the fucking 6,000,000+ time the (K)ike has attempted to burn VNN and Alex to the ground using itz emense global financial and political resources- AND FAILED!


      As much as this situation is a great testimony to Alex Linder’s tenacity, dedication and character, it is also a stark revelation to the actual pathetic weakness and limitations of the tweezer dick, puffer fish (K)ike. Perhaps if Alex was a 6 year old Palestinian school girl… the filthy punk (K)ike would have long ago succeeded.

    5. Mia Says:

      Now is the time for the forum fighting BS to stop. If the creature known as Warman (aptly named, no?) although his war is against his own people ( I believe he is quite white himself).. It doesnt matter anymore who likes who, if SF forum people or leaders do or do not like certain VNN people, it sets a hugely dangerous premise if VNN remains shut down and has to suddenly moderate posts that orginate from Canada..

      I know I have alerted those who can help the most, this is beyond who likes whom, it is more like the last days of Rome, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, in those days , “friend” doesnt mean you have lunch with them, it means you dont harm them,and we should remember this.
      So let us get past the name calling and insults, and if there is a past wrong, try to make it right. And if this man apologizes sincerely, and offers a gesture of peace, accept it int he spirit I have just said, you do not go to the tavern with him and drink, but you stop bashing him publically, because whatever you think , he is your blood, and the “enemy of your enemy”..

    6. Richard S. Says:

      Welcome back, what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger! Thanks to you, people are finally beginning to connect the dots. Keep up the good work.

    7. Zyklon B. Zombie Says:

      It should be possible to “mirrror” the forum, and the entire website on another server and have them dynamically update each other. Don’t keep all your ammo in the same box!

    8. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      The jews can’t hold down White Nationalism or Al Linder down.

      I do wish that Linder would start posting the news in the old format like he used to. I miss the spintros that were so chock full of hate and so enlightening.

      Al and gang, I keep biting my tongue and working in the multicultural KWA so I can keep on supporting VNN financially till the movement takes over and crushes the jews. I live for that day.

      I like how Al said something like, “Keep on steppiing in the jew cockroaches till you see the white come out”.

      Anyway, welcome back VNN.

    9. Jim Says:

      Now is the time to ask what we can do to help. So whats needed to assure that this doesn’t happen again? Zyklon has a great idea – how much will it cost? Tell us what we need to send. With thousands of readers who have just been energized in the battle, raising a few bucks shouldn’t be that hard to do. TELL US WHAT YOU NEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The face of the enemy couldn’t be more clear than it has been the past few weeks. Their savagery and cowardice is as evident in Lebanon as it is in their lickspittle servants in Washington. HOW MUCH IS IT WORTH TO YOU TO THROW OFF YOUR CHAINS?

    10. alex Says:

      All the credit for our bounceback goes to our tech guys, the real heroes here.

      Our ISP certainly has grounds for a breach of contract suit with its bandwidth supplier; whether it chooses to pursue that path remains to be seen.

      We will say that it is a shame that American companies continue to yield to jewish/sex-deviant political pressure in the face of the First Amendment. Terms of service are never fairly applied, they are used solely to shut down purveyors of opinions that run against the jews and their agenda.

      Nevertheless, there are multitudes of hosts, and we’ll always find new ones. The number of loyalists out there is greater than you think – don’t believe the jewsmedia hype. Although they control the high points, they are a tiny, tiny group of people — that is why our telling the truth about what they’re up to is so threatening to them. They must control the media because if they don’t they’ll be seen for what they are.

      We will continue to defend Tomasz Winnicki’s right to describe what the jews and their lackeys are doing to Canada and state and restate and rerestate our wholly legal opinion that it would be a glorious liberation for Canada to free itself from the comparatively tiny scum-scrum of jews, queers and ’human-rights’ smurfs now presiding over it as dictators.

    11. alex Says:

      Folks, the reality of America today is that without lots of money and lawyers, your legal rights mean very little.

      What is objectively necessary is an Aryan Defense League built around a coterie of hardass lawyers. These could keep our sites online, where it is proven that they attract great numbers of people. Short of this, we will continue to be abused and pushed around by the government and its catspaws.

    12. WN Legal Fund Advocate Says:

      why are there so few WN lawyers?
      did you know lawyers have the highest iq’s of all the professions on average?

    13. Jewish Supremacist Says:

      Very true, Alex. You already said it better than anyone else. It’s going to take a LOT of money to secure an existence for these type of views on-and-off line. If you don’t believe what the big money can do, read Edgar STeele’s “The Railroading of Matt Hale.” Only big money can counter what the ADL/SPLC and others can do.

    14. alex Says:

      Want change? Give me a million dollars and I will:

      – sue Richard Warman for interfering with legitimate business

      – sue Dick for false allegations of incitement to murder

      – sue various Canadian papers for defamation

      – fund Cable Bay in pursuing breach of contract against its T1 supplier

    15. alex Says:

      I just did an interview with a Canadian paper, the article should appear tomorrow.

    16. Jim Says:

      Getting that million bucks might not be as hard as you think if every reader does their part. I would imagine there are at least 25,000 readers out there. That comes to $40.00 per reader. Put up a front page that every reader has to pass before they get to VNN explaining the fund and why it is necessary to kick in now. Explain that this is the opening salvo in our war against the jew. Most readers are paying more than that per month for cable TV. Many are spending hundreds pissing away ammo at paper targets. Who couldn’t stay home one Saturday night this month? Update the page daily with amount recieved and set a time goal. As the money comes in, initiate the actions and publish the paperwork for all to see. As the actions generate publicity in the controlled media, others will find their way to VNN. PEOPLE – get off your asses. Finally we have cause for proactive action. Sort of like having your soldiers ” kidnapped “. If others can brave the bullets and bombs of Schmuely & his uncle Samuel the least you can do is part with forty bucks. Start the fund now. I’ll pledge $100.00 per month for a year. This is no time for slackers.

    17. New America Says:

      If EVER we are to be serious, then what I have said all along applies with great intensity here. Edgar Steele just nailed it when, after all manner of people told him that he ought to start a legal defense fund so his expesnes would be picked up in the essentially probono work he has done for our people.

      I was ashamed at how little people paid into it; no matter what childhood fantasies you may have, litigation costs money – even if the attorneys work for free, and, as my friends in the pro bono/Legal Aid Bureau community say, that gets real old, real quick.

      Money does not just talk; it speaks with authority.

      I send money to Hal Turner and Alex Linder each and every month; it’s not much, but it’s THERE, each and every month.

      Kevin Strom made a great point – the Jew is maxed out in all of his control systems against us, and we are just getting started. If just THREE PERCENT of the US catches on to the Jew, in the words of Edgar Steele, they are going to have to find another planet to move to.

      This means the jew must – MUST – attack with total ruthlessness at the growing Awakening of White Nationalism.

      And, we must match them and exceed them, in like measure.

      Notice how the Patriotards broadcast without interrruption, their Internet and radio broadcasts are immaculate.

      Now, look what Peter Shank, Hal Turner, Alex Linder and VNN have to go through.

      Which group, however limited in numbers, is getting all of the Jew’s guns aimed at it?


      Because, once you start to Awaken, and you can SEE the Jew behind the scenes, you can then play “Connect The Dots.” From that, it is a very short distance to playing “Cowboys and Jews.”

      I don’t think Alex has to post how much he gets; but I DO believe that either we ALL send in something EACH AND EVERY MONTH WITHOUT FAIL, or we will all end up like those dumb bastards at the National Satanist Movement.

      Don’t kid yourself; ALL of the law enforcement community are just getting their ducks in a row – everyone from the local Child Protective Services office to the IRS – before the National Satanist Movement’s membership lives are taken apart like clockwork toys.

      This is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.

      We can start by making cd copies of Peter Shank’s best, Goyfire, and The Truth Is No Defense, and just drop them off in places where they will be picked up and played – and passed along.

      Remember, they would not have attacked Linder if he wasn’t seen as making serious headway in laying the foundation for a Deep War against the parasites.

      The “badge of honor” is all well and good; but cold, hard cash makes the difference.

      For now…

      Alex, like Peter Shank, has proven himself by the way his Enemies have treated him.

      We should honor their perception.

      Send money, each and evrey month, or say good-bye to what little is left of the America that WAS The Land of the Free, and The Home of the Brave.

      New America!

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    18. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Great you are back. VNN gives me the illusion that there is still intelligent resistence out there. I feared the worst when the site was not available. Don´t waste time and money and above all your great talent on lawyers.

    19. Orion14 Says:

      I’ll throw the first $100 bucks in the bucket.

    20. alex Says:

      I’m not talking about any specific case. Money spent on lawyers can easily be wasted. I will not back any legal case without very careful consideration.

      What we need is a formal organization that includes lawyers, may even be built around them, but is not simply a legal defense fund. The state of things is such that writing on the Internet is but one front, and the ability to fight on the legal front simultaneously is just as important. And of course there are other fronts, including the technical and the physical. It is time for the forces that will found the new nation to begin to coalesce. I would like as many lawyers as we can to join us.

      But in any case our reborn forum will focus entirely on activism – chatterers begone. This is not a spectator sport. Bring some sweat or money or technical help to the table, or just read and keep quiet.

    21. pacifica Says:

      Interesting to note that wikipedia had noted the development of “vnn”, yet has locked and prevented any comment on current events in “israel”.

      Wonder what the latest wikipedia on vnn will say?

    22. Mel Gibson Says:

      Please do a segment and provide coverage on Mel Gibson and his comments on the jews, and how this was interpreted by the media.

    23. Barmy Says:

      Before long, Mel G. will be going cap in hand, weeping, to his Betters, begging for forgiveness, not unlike Marlon Brando.

    24. Non-Lawyer Says:

      Alex Linder says: “I would like as many lawyers as we can to join

      There is only ONE white nationalist lawyer out there, as far as I know of.

      Getting a law degree and being an effective lawyer requires a much higher than normal IQ.

      Could that be the reason there are practically NO WN lawyers?

    25. alex Says:

      Likelier is that overt WN lawyers such as Matt Hale are denied their law licenses precisely because of their political views. So no one really knows how many WN-sympathizing lawyers there are…


      Consider the case of Matthew Hale, an avowed racist who took the Illinois Bar Exam. Hale passed the exam, including the portion on ethics, but was refused a law license because of his political and religious views.

    26. Orion14 Says:

      Alex Said:
      “What we need is a formal organization that includes lawyers, may even be built around them, but is not simply a legal defense fund. The state of things is such that writing on the Internet is but one front, and the ability to fight on the legal front simultaneously is just as important. And of course there are other fronts, including the technical and the physical. It is time for the forces that will found the new nation to begin to coalesce. I would like as many lawyers as we can to join us.”

      Now you talking Alex. I love ya man. You have my undying support!!

    27. Carl Loerbs Says:

      Good to see VNN back up again!!! I like Glenn Miller’s idea and I think it’s quite generous of him to volunteer his White Patriot Party site as a backup VNN site.

      Perhaps if contributions roll in we could set up a VNN Contingency Fund that could grow through compound interest. This fund could eventually become large enough to use for some of that legal action contemplated. We know the Jews invented compound interest. Isn’t it time we took one of the Jews’ weapons and turned it against them?

      BTW, Byron Jost and October Sun Films was also knocked off line, since Cable Bay was their ISP, too.

    28. Jan L in Sweden Says:

      Welcome back and congratulations to another victory over ZOG. VNN and Alex Linder is very resilient. And every small victory only makes you stronger.

    29. jimbo Says:

      youse aren’t gunna get any lawyers to go into bat for youse period….unless they’re almost @ ‘retirement age’ & therefore have little, or nothing, to lose…an alternative way to go would be ‘paralegals’……white people who have completed, or are in the process of completing, law school but haven’t taken ‘bar exams’ as such as yet.
      of course: only the best & brightest would be good enough to take on ZOG.
      AFA ‘funds’ are concerned, you can’t rely on WNs to contribute any-thing substantial…..most probably aren’t that well off to start with!
      I’v posted this before: the only two sure sources of large funds are either well-heeled individuals/corporations and/or foreign guvmints.
      I’d personally be choosing the latter!

    30. siobhain Says:

      But in any case our reborn forum will focus entirely on activism – chatterers begone. This is not a spectator sport. Bring some sweat or money or technical help to the table, or just read and keep quiet.

      No more forum chix with their inane commentary and mixed-race head cases seeking acceptance from white racists b/c they can’t accept themselves? Now we’re moving in the right direction. You always come back better than ever!

    31. Glenn Miller Says:

      Alex, why not file a pro-se federal lawsuit now on the grounds of “conspiracy to interfer with your 1st amendment rights” ?? John Flynn and/or Edgar Steele could draft it.

      The best defense is an attacking offense. The resulting jewsmedia coverage will be enormous. You’ll recall my own recent lawsuit was reported in over 300 newspapers, plus TV and radio news broadcasts. Plus, your case has even more merit, in that “they” actually silenced you/took away your free speech and that of 5,000-plus forum members.

      In other words, EXPOSE THE GD KIKES. Un-mask them. And do so via ZOG’s courts and via the kikes’ media.

      Whatever legal action you decide upon, count on me for $100.00 donation. We can also do an expose report in the next WPL edition.

      You won’t win, of course. But a $1 million dollar lawsuit filed by an
      attorney has little chance, either.

    32. Carl Loerbs Says:

      There’s a Canadian anti-racist site called Recomnetwork that accepts comments. I just posted an Anonymous comment on their story about VNN. It has not been censored. Perhaps others might wish to do the same.

    33. elbrus_arya Says:

      happy to see VNN back today. the jewish democracy everywhere means : to pretend and then to cheat goyim…
      but i think this happened to VNN mostly as the result of the today’s middle east events … where the MUSLIM HEROS are going to behead one of the the BEAST’s heads ; israel.

    34. Guest Says:

      Looking good. I think I’m going to like the blog format and new look. Looking forward to returning.

    35. SouthCoastNationalist Says:

      Well done Alex and the guys in admin…

      I think ZOG just shot itself in the foot here. They will no doubt have gloated for a while, like the maggots they are. They had VNN taken down, but not for long.

      Now they will have the fear of whatever shithead they worship in them. Inevitably VNN will rise again, they will have failed yet again, and how many times can they make excuses for their failures?

      Truth is, a strong man can be knocked down, but he will be much more scarey when he gets straight back up and looks his enemy right in the eye!


    36. jimbo Says:

      re: Glenn Miller

      yeh….’Rounder`s’ advice is good: i would advise getting some expert para-legal advice…..doesn’t have to be $1000-an-hour expensive lawyers…..here’s hoping that you know someone who knows someone &c or that someone on these forums knows someone &c….i can’t help you there because i’m from Oz & don’t know any-one @ all personally in the JewSA!

      the thing is: don’t be intimidated by ‘the law’.
      most of it is simply ‘procedure’.
      once you know the ins-and-outs of that: the correct motions, forms &c…..yr ½-way there.

      i hv represented my-self in a n° of small, ‘domestic violence’-type cases
      and, after becoming familiar with the particular procedures, was able to get them all dismissed by local magistrates because of ‘insufficient evidence’

      another possible avenue for you is, if you know any imprisoned WNs, they, too, might be able to help. often, a ‘jail-house lawyer’ is better than a $1000-an-hour job.

      i managed to ‘beat’ a very serious charge because of ‘jail house lawyers’,
      without whose practical @-the-coal-face knowledge and experience, i wouldn’t have known how to properly instruct my own legal team or, even, which legal team was the best one for my defence.

      on reflection, being ‘remanded in custody’ was a ‘god-send’ because, if i had been floating around ‘on bail’ (and jes’ ‘having a good time’: instead of doing some serious legal studies!), i just would hv left every-thing up to vrs ‘court-appointed’ attorneys and ‘come a cropper’ as they say

      don’t forget that a motley crew of ‘environmental activists’ more or less held the multi-national fast food giant ‘McDonalds’ hostage recently in the UK by defending a court-case of ‘defamation’/’restraint of trade’ by doing their own legal research and by garnering advice from various sympathetic legal types……the KEY TO IT is to do yr case ‘on the cheap’ by those means & methods out-lined but to force yr opponent(s) to hire expensive, multi-million $$$ legal teams….it’s basically guerilla war-fare in the court-room!

      even if you lose, you win.

      that was the case with the ‘McDonalds activists’. They had a £multi-million
      judgement entered against them but McDonalds refused to enforce pay-ment because of the bad publicity.

      also: US courts are prblby better than those in Oz where, for instance, an individual can’t launch such proceedings against multi-national companies &c unless they can prove they hv the assets to meet an adverse judgement. I think yr Constitution may protect you there……? 14th AMendment….?……could be….’due process’……right to a trial….what-ever!