1 August, 2006

Jews: The World’s Single Worst Problem

Posted by alex in jewish hate & hypocrisy, Mel Gibson at 6:39 am | Permanent Link

Mel Gibson’s Crime: Not supporting Jews UNCONDITIONALLY

by Mark Green
[email protected]

August 1, 2006

Mark Green is an independent political commentator, former TV talk show host and co-founder of MarWenMedia.com (http://www.marwenmedia.com)


Does actor and director Mel Gibson deserve a Hollywood-style blacklisting because of “anti-Semitic comments” he made to a cop during a hum-drum DUI arrest? The simple answer is this: No. Never. Not even close.

In fact, though Gibson should certainly be rebuked for his threats to an arresting officer, emotional outburst, and the idiotic timing of his political remarks, he should be respected for his bold conclusions.

As for his sin of drunkenness, Gibson’s measured alcohol level of .12 amounts to about three drinks. That’s pretty modest considering it was going on 3 am. On any given weekend night, Gibson was probably less intoxicated than about than a third of drivers who manage to make it home without incident. In most states he probably wouldn’t have even been arrested, since .10 blood alcohol level is the historic norm for determining intoxication. As for his political comments, now it gets complicated. And revealing.

No question about it, Mel’s in hot water. But it’s primarily with the Thought Police in American media and their cronies in Culture Control. Don’t expect Oscar-winner Gibson to emerge months from now as if nothing happened. This isn’t a mere drug bust, assault charge, or even a comment disparaging of the Pope or motherhood. Mel Gibson has gone way over the top: he’s offended international Jewry.

Just what was his most “disgraceful” remark?–that “the Jews are responsible for all the world’s wars”? Oh my! Never! No truth there! Here’s another unforgivable line (to the arresting officer): “Are you a Jew”? How rude! Criminal! Just thinking about it makes me tremble.

Now it’s well known that some elements within organized Jewry tried to destroy Gibson for producing “The Passion of Christ”, so his paranoia over Jewish interference in his affairs is not without warrant. But suppose Gibson’s remarks were simply: “The Jews find themselves enmeshed in so many of the worlds’ wars… how interesting.” And suppose he merely asked the arresting cop, “are you Jewish?”. What then? The headline fodder would likely be gone. At that point, the whole incident would properly be nothin more than a curious ‘So What?’. But instead, Gibson foolishly showed his hand.

By contrast, suppose we change Gibson’s ‘bigoted” remarks from “F**king Jews” to “F**king Christian Fundamentalists”. Would anyone even notice? Certainly, there would be no Hollywood hysteria over the comment. In fact, he’d more likely be the toast of the town, possibly feted with a Free Speech Award from the ACLU.

But as every public figure knows, offending Jews is not the same thing as offending Christians. No sireee.

Indeed, the gatekeepers who manufacture and regulate public anxiety want desperately to keep the heat on Mel. Why? They know that Mel’s not on their side. Indeed, Gibson certainly understands–and probably disdains–international Jewry for their political project know as the State of Israel. Thus, the real issue isn’t Gibson’s alleged “bigotry”, but duplicitous and lethal conduct of the Jewish State.

The big story here is the perverse double standard concerning religion and ethnicity that we Americans continuously endure. For instance, if an African-American indelicately generalizes about how “f**cking whites enslaved blacks” am I going to get huffy over it? Nope. Will complaints follow, charges be filed? Not on your life. Truth–even a kernel of truth–makes for a valid argument. Let the debate begin! Americans of European descent accept their exceptional and imperfect role in world history, including the institution of slavery (which they abolished).

For matters “of concern to the Jewish community” however, the opposite is true. Untoward generalizations at any time are simply unacceptable. Never, never, never. And the American government’s unwavering commitment to the Jewish State reflects this unrelenting obligation.

As for Gibson’s political comments, are we supposed to believe that organized Jewry isn’t deeply involved in orchestrating wars in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Lebanon? Don’t be silly. Now the case can be argued many ways, but no one can dispute the fact that this glorious tribe of geniuses, victims and survivors–many of whom operate at the highest levels in Washington, Hollywood, New York and Tel Aviv–regularly finds itself in the middle of political meltdowns. And as the bodies accumulate in Iraq, Lebanon and Gaza, those on the front lines whose villages are now barren fields surely know who’s responsible. That’s the main subtext in the overblown Gibson Affair. Only it’s not coming soon to a movie theater near you.

But let’s agree on this: Gibson does owe an apology, but it’s to the arresting officer, who he threatened for arresting him. Problem is, Hollywood wants Gibson’s head for defying their greatest taboo, namely, criticizing the Chosen People. This is Kosher McCarthyism, plain and simple.

And it’s particularly ironic coming from Tinsel Town with its levels of drug addiction, infidelity, billion-dollar porn-casting and open-faced warmongering.

No, the Arab world doesn’t hate us for our freedoms. They hate us for our vices and hypocrisy.

So please don’t write off (or shun) Mel Gibson. He should certainly be forgiven. Indeed, one can be a fine person, even if one dislikes Jewish behavior and politics. How is that? Hatred is a burden. No one wants to hate. And Gibson I bet would rather love than (secretly) dislike some of his Jewish colleagues in Hollywood. Yet he’s probably found himself disliking many Jews, possibly because of their attitudes and actions which are connected to their sense of superiority associated with being Jewish. It’s an unpleasant but rational decision. But one needn’t hate all Jews because of the actions of some individuals and Zionist Jews in particular.

And this distinction surely needs to be made. Similarly, Jews shouldn’t necessarily hate their harshest critics. A war of words needn’t bring about bloodshed. But the political and cultural power held by Jews makes them an omnipresent force which affects us all. Often very negatively. The expanding (and perpetual) Mideast wars are just one example of their extraordinary power.

If and when world Jewry changes its oppressive, duplicitous ways, one should forgive them and make peace. I hope that happens soon. For now however, during this time of needless, aggressive wars, disdain for international Jewry is less a sign of bigotry than an indicator of political awareness.

Today, Zionism deserves to be disdained. Pundits will dismiss this as anti-Semitism. But don’t be fooled. Jewish political conduct deserves reform. It’s chauvinistic underpinnings are out of step with modern attitudes (and law) which advance equality and would otherwise have the U.S. behave with true impartiality in the Middle East and beyond.

Thus, the very term “anti-Semite” has become junk propaganda. It’s an overreaching smear. One’s character and personality shouldn’t be measured against their level of devotion to things Jewish. How absurd. How narcissistically… Jewish. Yet they’ve hoisted this burdensome masquerade on the Christian world and many have accepted it; so much so that they’re willing to launch wars for Israel. Mel Gibson surely understand this, and considers it wrong.

There are many unethical people who do terrible things each and every day. If it turns out that they absolutely and uncritically LOVE Israel and the Jews, does this make them virtuous? George W. Bush apparently thinks so.

Why then should otherwise ethical people be judged negatively if they consider collective Jewish actions deplorable? This is the absurd choice imposed on us by defenders of organized Jewry. Many of us understand that a lot of today’s Jewish leaders act as foreign agents, representing the interests of an ethnostate, headquartered in Tel Aviv, and whose grasping, aggressive tentacles penetrate nearly every nation on earth. The global, Zionist movement undermines national sovereignty world-wide and threatens freedom-loving people everywhere. To discourage any whistleblowers, Jews propagandize every corner of the globe with Holocaust lore and then tar their political opponents as “Nazis” or “anti-Semites”. They also work tirelessly to censor their political opponents. These anti-democratic tactics deserve to be tossed in the trash bin of Orwellian mind control.

At this moment in history, world Jewry is delibarately doing damage to America, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and many other countries as they militantly advance Israeli interests over all others. Many people are suffering greatly, enduring constant fear, and/or being killed. This is wrong.

If this makes me an anti-Semite then I wear the badge proudly.

  • 8 Responses to “Jews: The World’s Single Worst Problem”

    1. Coup d'Etat Says:

      The jews are watching Mel’s every move and by golly he can’t go out and have a drink. No doubt the police were called to go capture him after a jew saw him have a few drinks.

      There’s more than one way to skin a cat alive and that is to start complaining about the jews in your neighborhood. That’s for starters. Another is to print and pass out information about how the jews have invaded our government and make up over 12% in our House/Senate. People need to know the facts instead of receiving fiction from their TV’s. There are many other ways to bring hell upon the pests.

    2. David Prospero Says:

      Jews are everywhere…not in numbers but in sensitive positions that allow them to manipulate events such as these. If one were to guage what jews were where and what they had a hand in this saga unfolding (the arresting officer was a jew), you’d be hard pressed not to see a conspiracy.
      And what of the alleged attempt to play down the matter by senior station officers? Digging deeper may show that Gibson wasn’t the only target here.
      When all is said and done however, jews depend on willing goys for the success of their operations and this is what WN should target…not the jews themselves but their slavish goys.
      Like all wars, it’s collaborators who do the greatest damage and reflect the degree of oppression from the heel of the Talmudic boot.

    3. Bond...James Bond Says:

      So Mel has a little too much “jesus juice” and before you know it he’ speaking like jesus himself.
      That wasn’t Mel saying all those nasty things it was Jesus!
      You see when you truly believe in christ he will find ways to speak threw you. This is especially true when one drinks 30% proof “jesus juice”
      Last nite I went out and had about seven or eight drinks of “jesus juice” I drove home drunk just hoping I would get pulled over by some jewish looking cop. I wanted jesus to speak threw me and tell the world about the jew.
      Anyway I made it home.. ate two pieces of cold pizza and then proceeded to puke my guts out all in the name of jesus!
      Praise the Lord!!

    4. Quinlan Says:

      If you want to see an example of McCathyism at work, visit “The Gibson Affair: A Defining Hollywood Moment” by Ariana Huffington.
      It insults reader intelligence more than Mel.

    5. John Flynn Says:

      I can feel the zeitgeist in the air. People are no longer afraid of jews, or their “anti-semite” labeling, except Mel Gibson of course. But it cuts both ways though. While I sense that people are much more desensitized and indifferent to the jews’ whine, people are also fairly indifferent to the jews’ crimes, a la Lebanon.

    6. MB Says:

      So, is it time, yet, to get out my HITLER WAS RIGHT bumper sticker?

    7. Theseus Says:

      “25 Lebanese toddlers agree, Hitler was right!”

    8. Antagonistes Says:

      So . . . they got him. And the arresting officer was Jewish? Could that be true, as I have heard?

      Anyway, Gibson’s crime was making a movie about Jesus. What could it be about this man, and the religion he founded, that causes such enmity in Jews? What are they so scared of?

      Gibson went out of his way not to offend Jews, even by leaving out the famous New Testament lines, “His blood be on us and our children!” (Matt. 27:25) You would think they would be grateful to him.

      Perhaps Gibson’s crime is actually in DEFYING the Jews, by going ahead and making the movie. But still, what is it about a Jesus-movie that is so terrifying and unsettling to Jews?

      “. . . the disciples were gathered together behind locked doors, for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19) Will this be said now about Mel Gibson? Will he hide, or debase himself, for fear of the Jews?

      How we need a White Racialist Christian hero–is it Mel?