10 August, 2006

Reader Mail: 8/10/06

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 3:32 pm | Permanent Link

[Note: Will be adding to these RM files (appending new material in comments) up to midnight of the listed day. The way to work this format is to copy the part of the letter/article you want to comment on, and then add your words below it. Many of the articles will have one paragraph and then a link. The point behind reader mail is to get the best White media, reader letters, and interesting bits from kikestream media, and anything else of topical urgency, into one power scroll, so to speak. If I have comments they will be in black for now.]


Report: US sailor spied for Israel

A US Navy sailor, Ariel J. Weinmann, is suspected of spying for Israel and has been held in prison for four months, according to an article published Monday in the Saudi daily Al-Watan. It reported that Weinmann is being held at a military base in Virginia on suspicion of espionage and desertion.

According to the navy, Weinmann was apprehended on March 26 “after it was learned that he had been listed as a deserter by his command.” Though initial information released by the navy makes no mention of it, Al-Watan reported that he was returning from an undisclosed “foreign country.” American sources close to the Defense Department told Al-Watan that Israel was the country in question.




Jack Mason defends Mel Gibson and puts Abe Foxman in his place.

George Galloway puts reporter straight regarding Israel and Lebanon and Palestine

Reporter on international news stands up to Israel represenitive on Lebanon Bombings



Good news from the frontline.

Hezbollah anti-tank fire causing most IDF casualties in Lebanon

By Ze’ev Schiff

The majority of Israel Defense Forces ground troops casualties, both infantry and armored, were the result of special anti-tank units of Hezbollah, according to intelligence sources.

The same sources note that these units have not retreated from southern Lebanon following the deployment of large IDF ground forces in the area.

The Hezbollah anti-tank teams use a new and particularly potent version of the Russian-made RPG, the RPG-29, that has been sold by Moscow to the Syrians and then transferred to the Shi’ite organization.

Some of the IDF casualties resulted when the rockets struck homes in which IDF troops had taken positions. This was the case when four soldiers of the elite Egoz unit were killed in the village of Bint Jbail. In that case a Sagger anti-tank missile had been used.



Interesting writing by former Jew York Shitty mayor, Ed Kroch. Kroch reminds us that Jorge Boosh & the presidents before him, all embraced the social Marxist & Zionist Jews. Kroch knows that the 1,000 kike refuge, that tried to get into America in 1944 from Europe, were kept out by Rosenfeld (Roosevelt) because his Jewish advisors wanted their fellow Yids to emigrate to Palestine, to help populate the soon to be bullshit sheeny state….End….Note: Don’t you just love to see that bastard Jorge Boosh “praying” at the Crocodile Tears Wall?….Mike



Marquette Park area of Chicago was at one time, a mostly Lithuanian neighborhood. Now the mestizos & others rule. I saw George Lincoln Rockwell in a march in Marquette Park in the summer of 1966, when i was 14 years old. Me & a buddy hitch hiked from Hammond, Indiana to see Commander Rockwell that summer. We both caught hell from our parents for disappearing for a day in a half. At the time, the groids & agitating Jews were causing trouble in Chicago & it was all over on the talMUDvision news. George Lincoln Rockwell seemed to be in Chicago, more times then other cities in the US & he was geting a lot of local air time, also Rockwell was a guy who took to the streets, way before the days of keyboard commandos. My self & few friends were becoming pissed-off at what the groids were doing in school & on the talMUDvision, so when we saw Rockwell on the local & national news, he sort of became a hero to us. So in the summer of 66′ we went to see him. After Rockwell was murdered, a memorial hall was put up in Marquette Park, it was called Rockwell Hall. The hall has long been gone. The 94 year old woman who was mugged, was 54 years old in 1966. Now in 2006, i’m 54 years old. How do you think Marquette Park or even Hammond, Indiana, where i still live, will be 2046, when i’m 94 years old?….Mike Kovich



Is Israel Good for the Jews?

[posted online on August 5, 2006]

American Jewish citizens can be sure that a large number of Jewish organizations will claim to speak in our name–without being asked to do so. We can also be sure that should we dissent from the US Jewish community’s central item of faith, that Israel can do no wrong, we will be pilloried. When our gentile fellow citizens express doubt, they are accused of anti-Semitism. Those of us who are Jewish are taxed with self-hatred.

Is it the supreme duty of American Jews to use our considerable influence to align US policy with that of Israel? There is, the Jewish organizations tell us, no conflict of loyalties and responsibilities; the two nations have common
values and common ends. The assertion is nonsensical, but its repetition does negate one stereotype about Jews, our supposed intelligence. It is often accompanied by the claim that there is no Israel lobby, only ordinary US citizens
spontaneously expressing opinions to their elected representatives and government. The Israel lobby’s successful campaign, coordinated with the Israeli Embassy, to persuade Congress to back the White House decision to give Israel a free field of fire in Lebanon can be read as an unintended postscript to another campaign: This spring professors John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago
and Stephen Walt of Harvard published in The London Review of Books and as a paper of the Kennedy School of Government an analysis of the “stranglehold” on US policy exerted by Israel’s unconditional backers. Those backers responded with loud denunciations of the authors as malevolently anti-Semitic or (in the most benign of their criticisms) intellectually incompetent.

“The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.”

— Mel Gibson

Was He Drinking?

“Get hold of fifty of the wealthiest Jewish financiers, the men who are interested in making wars for their own profit. Control them, and you will put an end to it all.’

(Henry Ford, father of the automobile industry, the Cleveland News, 20th September 1923.)

Are These Jews Anti-Semitic?

“We are at the bottom, not merely of the latest Great War, but of nearly all your wars; not only of the Russian, but of every other major Revolution in, your history . . . We did it solely with the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas and propaganda.”

— A Real Case Against the Jews by the Jewish writer and Rothschild biographer, Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine, January 1928, Volume 115, Number 3, pages 346-350.

‘There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that cannot be traced back to the Jews. We Jews are today nothing else but the World’s seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners.’

— By the Jewish scholar, Oscar Levy; in his preface to G. Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution.

‘Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the
Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.’

(Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that: ‘It was a Jew who said, ‘Wars are the Jews’ harvest’; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.’)

SOMBART, WERNER. 20th century German economist:

“Capitalism was born from the money loan. Money lending contains the root idea of capitalism. Turn to the pages of the TALMUD and you will find that the Jews made an art of lending money. They were taught early to look for their chief happiness in the possession of money. They fathomed all the secrets that lay hid in money. They became Lords of Money and Lords of the World…”

Sombart, not Marx, coined the term Capitalism. He wrote many books, including The Jews and Modern Capitalism. President Bill Clinton’s mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, whose magnum opus Tragedy and Hope (1966) praises the New World Order and it’s Dark Lords:

“There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international … network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies… but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.”

Sombart admired the Jews and their relentless drive for political and economic hegemony and his works were first praised as philo-semitic and Jewish students flocked to his classes. But later when they realized the facts exposed their schemes, Sombart was labeled “pro-Nazi” and forgotten down the Memory Hole.

“It is useless to insist upon the differences which proceed from this opposition between the two different views in the respective attitudes of the pious Jew and the pious Christian regarding the acquisition of wealth. While the pious Christian, who had been guilty of usury, was tormented on his death-bed by the tortures of repentance and was ready to give up all that he owned, for the possessions unjustly acquired were scorching his soul, the pious Jews, at the
end of his days looked with affection upon his coffers and chests filled to the top with the accumulated sequins taken during his long life from poor Christians and even from poor Moslems; a sight which could cause his impious heart to rejoice, for every penny of interest enclosed therein was like a sacrifice offered to his God.”

(Werner Sombart, Les Juifs et la vie economique, p. 286; Cited in The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 164)

‘The principal characteristic of the Jewish religion consists in its being alien to the Hereafter, a religion, as it were, solely and essentially worldly.

(Werner Sombart, Les Juifs et la vie economique, p. 291).

‘It is really time to give up once and for all the legend according to which the Jews were obliged during the European middle ages, and above all ‘since the Crusades,’ to devote themselves to usury because all others professions were closed to them. The 2000 year old history of Jewish usury previous to the Middle ages suffices to indicate the falseness of this historic conclusion. But even in that which concerns the Middle Ages and modern times the statements of official historiography are far from agreeing with the reality of the facts. It is not true that all careers in general were closed to the Jews during the middle ages and modern times, but they preferred to apply themselves to the lending of money on security. This is what Bucher has proved for the town of Frankfort on- the-Maine, and it is easy to prove it for many other towns and other countries. Here is irrefutable proof of the natural tendencies of the Jews for the trade of money-lenders; in the Middle ages and later we particularly see governments striving to direct the Jews towards other careers without succeeding.’

(Warner Sombart, Les Juifs et la vie economique, p. 401; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 167-168)

‘Man can only experience good or evil in this world; if God wishes to punish or reward he can only do so during the life of man. It is therefore here below that the just must prosper and the impious suffer.’

(Kadmi Kohen: Nomades, F. Alcan, Paris, 1929 p. 277; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 164)

9/11 Commission Chairmen Admit Whitewashing the Cause of the Attacks

August 7, 2006
Ivan Eland

As both the Bush administration and its client government in Israel, with their invasions of Arab states in Iraq and Lebanon, respectively, make the United States ever more hated in the Islamic world, a new book by the chairmen of the 9/11 commission admits that the commission whitewashed the root cause of the 9/11 attacks—that same interventionist U.S. foreign policy.

Former Governor Tom Kean and former Congressman Lee Hamilton, chairmen of the 9/11 Commission—publicity hounds that they are—want to keep the long-retired
but much celebrated panel in the public mind. They have written a tell-all book, Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission (Knopf, Aug. 15, 2006), about the trials and tribulations of the panel’s work. Despite the commission’s disastrous recommendations—which led to a reorganization of the U.S. intelligence community that worsened its original, pre-9/11 defect (a severe coordination problem caused by bureaucratic bloat)—and apparent
whitewashing of the single most important issue it examined, the chairmen are trying their best to write another best seller. The book usefully details the administration’s willful misrepresentation of its incompetent actions that day, but makes the shocking admission that some commission members deliberately wanted to distort an even more important issue. Apparently, unidentified commissioners
wanted to cover up the fact that U.S. support for Israel was one of the motivating factors behind al Qaeda’s 9/11 attack. Although Hamilton, to his credit, argued for saying that the reasons al Qaeda committed the heinous strike were the
U.S. military presence in the Middle East and American support for Israel, the panel watered down that frank conclusion to state that U.S. policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. policy on Iraq are “dominant staples of
popular commentary across the Arab and Muslim world.”



This story was sent to you by: I thought unions were supposed to protect their members jobs ??????

AFL-CIO to aid immigrant workers

Newsday Staff Writer

August 10, 2006

In what organizers billed as a “watershed partnership,” the AFL-CIO and a network of immigrant day laborers announced yesterday the formation of an alliance to fight for workers’ rights and support day laborer hiring centers around the country, including on Long Island and in New York City.

Speaking at a news conference in Chicago, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said his 9-million-member union will help fight for immigration reform, workplace safety involving day laborers and other workers, and protection against employers who try to cheat workers out of wages or physically abuse them.

“This exploitation is wrong. It’s immoral and it hurts us all because when standards are dragged down for some workers, they are dragged down for all workers,” Sweeney said.

Pablo Alvarado, executive director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, called the announcement “an historical moment.” The Los Angeles-based organization is an umbrella group of more than 40 hiring centers and organizations in the United States, including the Workplace Project in Hempstead.

The number of hiring centers nationwide has jumped from four a decade ago to more than 140 today including ones in Freeport, Glen Cove, Huntington and Queens. Many, but not all, of the workers at the sites are undocumented immigrants.

Nadia Marin-Molina of the Workplace Project called the alliance a major breakthrough. “We think it is really important to see unions and worker centers uniting for a common cause,” she said. “Sometimes there have been divisions between unions and immigrants.”

Not everyone cheered the new agreement, however. Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based think tank that favors stricter limits on immigration, said, “This is a continuation of the AFL-CIO’s general position on illegal immigration, generally to oppose enforcement and to do everything possible to make life better and easier for those here illegally.”

The alliance will not make day laborers members of the AFL-CIO, but establishes an “organized framework” so the two groups can work together. The agreement calls for the 40 centers nationwide to receive representation on local labor councils.


Hispanic birth rate soars in Southeast

The Associated Press
August 9, 2006

Hispanic births are skyrocketing in the Southeast, where an increase of at least 40 percent was recorded in five states between 2000 and 2003, according to a new government report.

Among the states with the largest increases were Kentucky (80 percent), South Carolina (62 percent), Alabama (53 percent), Tennessee (53 percent) and Arkansas (40 percent), the report found.

The report, from the National Center for Health Statistics, is called the first state-by-state breakdown of birth and fertility rates in the U.S. Hispanic population.

U.S. births for non-Hispanic whites decreased 10 percent between 1990 and 2000, and 2 percent between 2000 and 2003, the report showed. Births for blacks declined 9 percent and 5 percent, respectively.

In contrast, births for Hispanic women jumped 37 percent between 1990 and 2000, and another 12 percent between 2000 and 2003.

But there were differences in birth and fertility rates among Hispanic sub-populations, noted Paul Sutton, an author of the new report.

“Hispanics are not a monolithic group. There’s a tremendous variation” in births among women of Mexican, Puerto Rican and Cuban origin, said Sutton, a statistician and geographer with the National Center for Health Statistics.

Mexican-Americans had the highest birth rates overall, followed by Puerto Ricans and Cuban-Americans. Mexican-Americans gave birth in their teens and early 20s at higher rates, while for Cuban-Americans, the highest birth rate was for women in their late 20s.

And while California and Texas continue to have the largest Mexican populations, North Carolina and Georgia had the highest fertility rates for Mexican mothers.

In North Carolina, there were 181 births per 1,000 Mexican women ages 15 to 44 in 2000. In Georgia, the fertility rate was 180 per 1,000 Mexican women.

In contrast, the U.S. fertility rate for Mexican-American women was 105 per 1,000. California’s was 112, and Texas’ was 124.

It’s not likely Georgia or North Carolina will soon surpass Texas or California in Hispanic births: In 2003, nearly 270,000 babies were born to Hispanic mothers in California and 183,000 in Texas, but 18,000 in Georgia, 16,000 in North Carolina, and 5,000 or fewer in most other Southeast states.

But the relative increase in the Southeast states is notable, and may have implications for health-care facilities and state budgets, particularly if some or many Hispanic families are uninsured.

WakeMed _ a 515-bed hospital in Raleigh, N.C. _ saw Hispanic births rise from 463 in 1997 to 1,819 in 2005.

Hispanics account for about 36 percent of the births at the hospital. Most years, more than 90 percent are Mexican, said Dr. Juan Granados, who trains obstetrics residents at the hospital.

In the past, most Hispanic mothers were part of migrant farm worker families who came to the Raleigh area for part of the year and then moved on. But lately, many Mexican families seem to be staying year-round, with men taking jobs in construction and landscaping, Granados said.


James Van Allen James Van Allen

Space pioneer born in S.E. Iowa has died

(IOWA CITY, Iowa-AP) One of the founding fathers of American space exploration, born in Southeast Iowa, has died.

James Van Allen was 91. Van Allen, who was born in Mount Pleasant, discovered the radiation belts surrounding the earth that now bear his name.

His career stretched over more than a half-century.

Van Allen designed scientific instruments for dozens of research flights.

He gained global attention in the late 1950s when his instruments, aboard the first U.S. satellite, discovered the bands of intense radiation that are now known as the Van Allen Belts.

The discovery was a milestone in the space race with the Soviet Union and prompted Time magazine to put Van Allen on its cover.

In 1987, he was awarded the National Medal of Science, the nation’s highest honor for scientific achievement.

Van Allen did his undergraduate work at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant.

He taught for many years at the University of Iowa.



Whitewashing Things for the Tribe

So powerful are God’s Pets that non-Jews go to great lengths to protect them and their nation-state. Yes, to be a Pet is to be a god in human form. All regular humans bow to you. Heck, Pets don’t even need to use deodorant, since gods don’t give off any odor. Think of the money they save. Jews are thrifty gods! By the way, who is “some commissioners?”

“Some commissioners wanted to cover up the link between the 9/11 attack and U.S. support for Israel because this might imply that the United States should alter policy and lessen its support for Israeli actions.”




Same Planet, Different Worlds

How differently the Jews see things as compared to non-Jews. For example, if Israel wants peace, why doesn’t it give back the land it stole from the Palestinians in 1967 during a war which Israel started? [1]. Wouldn’t that be the first step towards peace in the Middle East? If Israel wants peace, why did it invade Lebanon twice? Is invading a country peaceful? Is bulldozing Arab homes peaceful?


[1] the 1967 war, and other wars: http://www.pmwatch.org/pmw/snakebite/Wars.html


Mr. Linder,
You’ve been looking for a word
to describe kike hatred toward the
goyim…how about “anti-humanism.”
Just a thought.

It works conceptually; the problem is that ‘humanism’ is long in use with a different meaning.



Vhat Money? Vhere?

“Alexander, an Israeli immigrant, founded Comverse in 1984.”




Robert Fisk, Re: Israel

“A close analysis of the American-French draft – the fingerprints of John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, were almost smudging the paragraphs – showed just who is running Washington’s Middle East policy: Israel.”




Why Are Some Jews Anti-Israel?

Every once in a while, we encounter a Jew who is anti-Israel. And often, such a Jew is praised for his or her “bravery” in the face of world Jewry. “How can a Jew oppose the Jewish state of Israel?,” goes the usual question.

So, why are some Jews anti-Israel? We believe that some Jews are anti-Israel only because they think that Israel causes much trouble for world Jewry via its heavy-handed Zionist policies – in other words, those Zionist policies could cause even more “anti-Semitism” around the world. Those “brave” Jews think that the state of Israel is a big “negative” for world Jewry [and we have to agree. The Jewish state is funded by non-Jewish tax dollars, and it is a major sore spot within world politics].

Are anti-Israel Jews really brave? Or are they merely looking out for their own racial interests?

  • 7 Responses to “Reader Mail: 8/10/06”

    1. alex Says:

      More about Van Allen:

      James A. Van Allen, the physicist who made the first major scientific discovery of the early space age, the Earth-circling radiation belts that bear his name, and sent spacecraft instruments to observe the outer reaches of the solar system, died Wednesday in Iowa City. He was 91.

      The cause was heart failure, family members said. Van Allen was a longtime professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Iowa, and, with the discovery of the Van Allen belts of intense radiation surrounding Earth, he became a leading figure in the new field of magnetospheric physics, which grew in importance as spacecraft began exploring the planets.

      A legendary lecturer and an inspiration to several generations of budding physicists and astronomers, Van Allen continued to show up at his office-laboratory until a month or so before he died.

      Rapid rise to acclaim

      James Van Allen, an unassuming but resolute investigator of cosmic rays and other space phenomena, literally rocketed to international acclaim with the launching of Explorer 1, the first successful space satellite of the United States.

      It was on Jan. 31, 1958, in the early days of the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union and almost four months after the Russians stunned Americans with Sputnik 1. The American Explorer 1 may not have been first in space, but a Geiger counter developed by Van Allen sent back data of what would become known as the Van Allen radiation belts.

      The radiation detector recorded two belts of charged particles trapped by Earth’s magnetic field. One belt is 400 to 4,000 miles above the surface, and the other is 9,000 to 15,000 miles above the Equator, curving toward the magnetic poles. Further evidence for the encircling radiation was detected with Van Allen’s instruments carried aloft aboard Explorer 2 and Explorer 3.

      In the celebration of the Explorer 1 success, Van Allen posed for what became an iconic picture of the early days of spaceflight. He is standing with Wernher von Braun, whose team built the rocket, and William H. Pickering, who directed the spacecraft development, all smiling broadly and holding a model of the spacecraft high over their heads. He was the last of the three to die.

      For several decades afterward, Van Allen was a staunch advocate of planetary exploration with robotic spacecraft and a critic of big-budget programs for human space flight. Describing himself as “a member of the loyal opposition,” he argued that space science could be done better and less expensively when left to remote-controlled vehicles.

      Even before the radiation-belt discovery, Van Allen was heavily involved in early American rocket research. When, on April 16, 1945, a V-2 rocket captured from the Germans was first sent aloft from the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, it carried Geiger counters provided by Van Allen. His goal was to record radiation from space before it was altered by passage through the atmosphere. Such “cosmic rays” had been his lifelong interest, and it had earlier been discovered that they were more intense in outer space.

      It has been said that scientists fall into three categories, thinkers, organizers and doers. Van Allen was a doer.

      He was born on Sept. 7, 1914, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. A physics professor at Iowa Wesleyan College, near his hometown, recognized the 18-year-old student’s skill at tinkering. The professor put him to work, at 35 cents an hour, preparing seismic and magnetic equipment for an expedition to Antarctica.

      It was to be led by Adm. Richard E. Byrd with the physics professor, Thomas Poulter, as second in command. Van Allen wanted to go, but his family thought him too young. He graduated summa cum laude and went to the State University in Iowa City for his graduate work, receiving a doctorate in 1939.

      He worked as a research fellow at the Carnegie Institution of Washington until 1942. He then joined the Navy and worked at the Bureau of Ordnance on the proximity fuse, which was, for the first time, effective against dive bombers. Its strictly kept secret was a tiny radar in the projectile’s nose that detonated when it flew past a target. He also served as an assistant staff gunnery officer in the Pacific, winning four combat stars.

      At the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, from 1946 through 1950, he supervised high-altitude research, promoting development of the Aerobee rocket, which while much smaller and cheaper than the V-2, could lift a small payload almost as high.

      In 1951, he joined the University of Iowa as a professor and head of the department of physics and astronomy. He and his graduate students developed the “rockoon,” a rocket lifted by balloon 10 to 15 miles high, where air pressure was low, then fired to soar as high as 85 miles. From icebreakers he supervised rocket shots near both the north and south geomagnetic poles in the belief that Earth’s magnetic field there was channeling cosmic ray particles down into the atmosphere, causing the aurora. Such radiation was confirmed by the rockoons.

      Swamped radiation detectors
      After the successful launching of the Soviet Sputnik and a succession of humiliating failures by the United States Navy’s Vanguard launcher, Van Allen was hastily told to refigure the radiation detectors he had designed for Vanguard to fly on the Army’s Explorer 1.

      When it was launched, it detected radiation close to the anticipated intensity as it flew over recording stations in the United States. Because it carried no tape recorder, its observations were monitored only as it flew over ground observatories, but when readings began coming in from South America, where high counting rates had been expected, the Geiger counters became strangely silent.

      “Our explanations–both wrong as it turns out,” Van Allen said later, “were either that our instruments were faulty or that cosmic rays do not strike the upper atmosphere over the tropics.”

      The puzzle was resolved when his group realized that when radiation is extremely intense, such a detector is swamped and becomes silent. Explorer 3 carried a tape recorder, and the vast extent of the radiation belt was detected. Evidence then accumulated for two belts, a more intense inner one and a diffuse outer one. The Pioneer probe to the Moon launched on Oct. 11, 1958, documented the outer part of the belts.

      The same year Van Allen took part in Project Argus, the firing of three atomic bombs 300 miles aloft over the South Atlantic to see if, like the radiation belts, their radioactive particles became trapped by Earth’s magnetism. The artificial belts were detected worldwide, producing auroras in both polar regions.

      He also promoted international cooperation in science. On April 5, 1950, one of the most ambitious scientific efforts of all time, the International Geophysical Year, was born in his living room in Silver Spring, Md.
      Van Allen said Apollo was of primary value as a television spectacular, rather than for its scientific achievements.

      The guest of honor was Sydney Chapman, a professor of natural philosophy at Oxford and an authority on the link between solar eruptions and magnetic storms on Earth. The assembled scientists agreed that it was time for a global effort to understand the earth and its environment. Chapman became chairman of the committee that organized the 67-nation research program, which was carried out in 1957-58.

      Also in 1958, the year that Sputnik undermined the American ego, Van Allen was chairman of a group of the country’s leading space scientists who recommended a manned landing on the Moon by 1968. The group included von Braun, technical director of the Army’s Ballistic Missile Agency, and directors of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

      They proposed spending $10 billion over the next decade to “establish United States leadership in space research by 1960.” They recommended prompt creation of an independent national space establishment. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was, in fact, established that year.

      Later, however, Van Allen had a change of mind. The Apollo lunar landing project, despite its vast cost, proved meager in revolutionary discoveries. None were comparable to those made by unmanned spacecraft, like the Van Allen belts, but the unmanned programs received lower priority and financing.

      Van Allen said Apollo was of primary value as a television spectacular, rather than for its scientific achievements.

      Ongoing radiation surveys
      Although he retired from active teaching in 1985, he continued monitoring data being sent to Earth from far out in the solar system. His instruments on Pioneer 10 conducted in 1973 the first survey of Jupiter’s radiation belts. Pioneer 11 followed with observations of Saturn’s belts. He was also a member of the scientific team for the Galileo mission orbiting Jupiter.

      In 1994, Van Allen received the Kuiper Prize from the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society “in recognition of his many contributions to the field of planetary science, both through his investigations of planetary magnetospheres and through his advocacy of planetary exploration.”

      He was president of the American Geophysical Union from 1982 to 1984, and he received the group’s William Bowie Medal in 1977. In 1987, he received the National Medal of Science from President Ronald Reagan, and in 1989 the king of Sweden presented him with the Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

      Van Allen is survived by his wife of more than 60 years, Abigail Fithian Halsey Van Allen; five children, Cynthia Van Allen Schaffner of New York; Margot Van Allen Cairns of Vancouver, British Columbia; Sarah Van Allen Trimble of Washington; Thomas Van Allen of Aspen, Colo.; and Peter Van Allen of Philadelphia; and seven grandchildren.

      In the early space age, Van Allen was often asked the value of space exploration. He sometimes replied with a impish smile, “I make a good living at it.”

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      John Sweeney of the AFL is a fat, soft, little Irish Catholic, who I doubt has ever done an actual days work in his life!

      Sweeney’s international union the SEIU, is the type of union where mostly jews, have sucked the low wage blood of negroes for years. Now they are looking for a new host. Sweeney seems to have been from a New York City SEIU local faction which had Irish-Italian mob ties. At least they ain’t jews huh?

      I would encourage any union members to ask why the hell the AFL-CIO is promoting foreign scab labor?

    3. alex Says:

      Mr Linder:

      You must post these inspiring videos of Aliyah from
      http://www.nbn.org.il/video/index.htm . There are four of them which will
      have you in tears of joy for an hour. These videos may even inspire Alaska
      Judy to go home. Had you suggested that Canadian Jew lawyer make Aliyah,
      you wouldn’t have gotten in nearly as much trouble.

      Donald E. Pauly
      Zionist Rastafarian

    4. New America Says:

      Concerning the “criticism” of Israel by Jews…


      Why Are Some Jews Anti-Israel?

      Every once in a while, we encounter a Jew who is anti-Israel. And often, such a Jew is praised for his or her “bravery” in the face of world Jewry. “How can a Jew oppose the Jewish state of Israel?,” goes the usual question.

      So, why are some Jews anti-Israel? We believe that some Jews are anti-Israel only because they think that Israel causes much trouble for world Jewry via its heavy-handed Zionist policies – in other words, those Zionist policies could cause even more “anti-Semitism” around the world. Those “brave” Jews think that the state of Israel is a big “negative” for world Jewry [and we have to agree. The Jewish state is funded by non-Jewish tax dollars, and it is a major sore spot within world politics].

      Are anti-Israel Jews really brave? Or are they merely looking out for their own racial interests?

      in reply:
      Linder had the correct answer, which literally Enligntened me as to the nature of the Jew in politics – indeed, in all social relations.

      “Jews don’t just take one side of an issue; Jews take ALL sides of an issue, and make sure that WHATEVER the outcome is, it will be in the fulfillment of the ONE Jewish Commandment: IS IT GOOD FOR JEWS?”

      This is of critical importance.

      If Israel works, the Jews who claim it should not exist have Israel to run to if they steal a lot of money, and/or commit a major crime against the Goy; remember, under the Talmud, if a jew steals from a Goy, it is NOT a crime.

      If Israel fails, they can offer a safe refuse to their Hebrew brethren in whatever country has been gulled into accepting a parasitic RACE that truly hates their hosts.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    5. Olde Dutch Says:


      August 10, 2006

      In what organizers billed as a “watershed partnership,” the AFL-CIO and a network of immigrant day laborers announced yesterday the formation of an alliance to fight for workers’ rights and support day laborer hiring centers around the country, including on Long Island and in New York City.

      Speaking at a news conference in Chicago, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said his 9-million-member union…

      Olde Dutch Replies:

      John Sweeney of the AFL is a fat, soft, little Irish Catholic, who I doubt has ever done an actual days work in his life!

      Sweeney’s international union the SEIU, is the type of union where mostly jews, have sucked the low wage blood of negroes for years. Now they are looking for a new host. Sweeney seems to have been from a New York City SEIU local faction which had Irish-Italian mob ties. At least they ain’t jews huh?

      I would encourage any union members to ask why the hell the AFL-CIO is promoting foreign scab labor?


    6. alex Says:


      Have you seen this?




      Wiesenthal Centre\’s Open Letter to the People of Norway



      Mr Linder:

      This is the best story on what may be a Yid in the bagel pile in the
      Weinmann spy case. It may well be a mini-Pollard.

      As you can see in photo, he looks White. His father claims that he is of
      German ancestry. However his first name is Ariel, he has no earlobes (a
      few White men like yourself have no earlobes but many Jews are missing
      them), the navy refuses to name the country involved, and Israel has more need for submarine fire control data than any other country. Russia can\’t even afford to get any of their subs out of port these days. I have never heard of a German with the name of Ariel, as in Ariel Sharon.

      Z R


      Did the Sailor Go Overboard?

      His father tells TIME that Ariel Weinmann was just a disillusioned sailor
      who deserted the Navy, but the Navy has suggested he sold state secrets to a foreign power. How did a patriotic enlistee become accused of espionage?



      Paving the Way, or, Hitler is Laughing Now

      We found it interesting that the latest terrorism suspects in Britain seem to be \”home grown\” – in other words, they apparently lived in England before being charged with terrorism [1].

      Why are non-Whites living in Britain in the first place? The last time we checked, England was a White island in Europe.

      Our point is, of course, that all of the White countries have made their own cultural beds. They allowed millions of non-White immigrants into their countries, and now they are apparently surprised when some of those non-Whites become terror suspects. Indeed, the White European countries paved the way for their current cultural mess by aiding the \”de-Nazification\” of Europe immediately after World War II. Those White countries spread bogus \”anti-racism\” and \”pro-immigrant\” propaganda after that war, and now they have no one to blame but themselves for the situation they are experiencing as a result of that [2]. They didn\’t have to reject logical Nazi racial ideology [which was, of course, pro-White]. But they chose to. Hitler must be laughing in his grave now, since his warning that the White countries must remain White is now so very obvious.

      Will the White countries ever learn the truth about culture? Will they ever discover that race equals culture?

      [1] terrorists: http://blog.vdare.com/archives/2006/08/10/terror-plot-foiled-in-britain-terrorists-homegrown/

      [2] de-Nazification: http://wsi.matriots.com/denazification.html



      ON 9/11 WHITEWASH



      Why Israel’s Campaign in Lebanon is Failing
      Mark Weber (interview)
      http://www.ihr.org/news/tehrantimes_aug ust_2006.shtml
      While Israel’s well-trained and well-equipped military machine can inflict great damage on Hezbollah and Lebanon, this campaign is proving to be a major setback for Israel and the United States, above all because Hezbollah has proven to be a much tougher and more resourceful adversary than the Zionists had expected…. This campaign is wrecking what remains of U.S. credibility in the Middle East, and is severely harming America’s stature elsewhere in the world. The U.S. has acted with such arrogance, deceit and hypocrisy, and for so many years, that its promises are nearly worthless. Washington’s claims of concern for peace, justice and democracy in the Middle East are, more obviously than ever, fraudulent and insincere.

      Was Israel\’s Aim to Clear Path for US War on Iran?
      Gareth Porter — Inter Press Service
      Israel has argued that the war against Hezbollah\’s rocket arsenal was a defensive response to the Shi\’ite organization\’s threat to Israeli security, but the evidence points to a much more ambitious objective – the weakening of Iran\’s deterrent to an attack on its nuclear sites. In planning for the destruction of most of Hezbollah\’s arsenal and prevention of any resupply from Iran, Israel appears to have hoped to eliminate a major reason the George W. Bush administration had shelved the military option for dealing with Iran\’s nuclear program – the fear that Israel would suffer massive casualties from Hezbollah\’s rockets in retaliation for an attack on Iran\’s nuclear facilities.

      The End of the Beginning: Preparing for War Against Iran
      Dan Plesch
      Regardless of any impending ceasefire, the removal of Hizbullah and the Iranian nuclear position sets up the prospect of an US war against Iran. US forces are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in the Middle East in a few hours. US readiness for more war is just one indicator that the present war is likely to spread and intensify in the coming months…. American intentions towards Iran are fairly clear. If diplomacy and sanctions fail to halt Iran\’s nuclear ambitions then military force must be used. No one should be shocked that William Kristol, the neoconservative leader, has already called for a military strike on Iran in response to Hizbullah\’s attack on Israel.

      Bush\’s Disastrous \’Democratic Fundamentalism\’
      Patrick J. Buchanan
      Had Reagan done to Lebanon, when half a dozen Americans were seized as hostages, what Israel has done, when two soldiers were taken hostage, Democrats would have denounced Reagan as a war criminal. Conservatives would have begged him to ease up. Yet, almost to a man and woman, our politicians are falling all over one another to express their 100 percent support of what Israel has done to Lebanon. Even Israelis must feel a measure of contempt for this kind of groveling. If neither U.S. party is willing to show any independence of Israel, if America will not address the root causes of Arab animosity, and if we will not even negotiate with our enemies, we should probably pack up and get out of the Middle East. Before we are thrown out.

      Hatred of the US is Now All But Universal
      Brian Cloughley – Counterpunch
      Israel is supported root and branch by the President and Congress of United States of America. They unconditionally endorse the actions, no matter how barbaric or bizarre, of a racist, nuclear-armed country that willfully ignores UN resolutions and assassinates people as a matter of national policy…. America is the most hated nation on earth. In most countries its president is by far the most despised international figure. To read the State Department\’s Travel Advisories is to realise that for an American to take a trip overseas is a pretty grim prospect as there are so many countries to which it is highly dangerous for a US citizen to venture.

      Man arrested on rape charge; third incident reported

      Published: Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:07 PM CDT

      KIRKSVILLE – Police have arrested a 31-year-old man in connection with one of two rapes reported Tuesday while starting an investigation into a third possible sexual assault.

      According to Kirksville Police Chief Jim Hughes, just before press time today, officers responded to a report of a sexual assault and possible rape at an unspecified location Thursday morning.

      No additional information was available as officers continued to gather information on the incident.

      However, earlier in the morning, police did arrest Roderick High on charges of statutory rape regarding an incident reported at 2:48 a.m. Tuesday.

      The rape of the 16-year-old female was reported from Kum \’N Go, and police initially believed the incident occurred on the streets of downtown Kirksville. However, Hughes said further investigation has revealed the assault allegedly did not occur in any public places.

      He also said it is believed at this time that High and the victim were acquaintances.

      High moved to Adair County after spending three years on probation in Independence, Mo. He originally received a 5-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to felony robbery charges in 2001. The sentence was suspended pending his completion of terms of his probation and 60 hours od community service.

      The other assault reported Tuesday involved a 45-year-old woman and allegedly occurred in her home. A suspect has been identified in that case as well, and a domestic abuse charge could also be pending. Hughes stressed at this point, police believe the three instances have nothing to do with each other.

      \”Due to the randomness of any criminal activity, it is not unusual to have a statistical cluster of isolated incidents,\” he said. \”That can occur at anytime.\”

    7. alex Says:

      This is a picture of Islamofacist terrorism for your blog. Let’s see what you do with this.

      Blog: Dutchblog Israel
      Link: http://yonathanbert.blogspot.com/2006/08/just-to-give-you-idea-of-devastation.html