25 August, 2006

Reader Mail: 8/25/06

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 12:45 pm | Permanent Link



Jews to Register as Foreign Agents?

Zounds. Things aren’t going so well for Jews these days:


[original URL requires online registration, no pun intended]


Satisfied, I continued ominously, “And you think that giving a bigger portion of that money to support some rich guys and governments in Europe, Japan, China, or someplace, is some stupid good news or something?”

Still, there was not a sound! Instinctively, my hand slowly started inching toward the bazooka I keep in my shoulder holster, which I admit is not only very heavy and unwieldy, but stupid, too, although it is somehow very comforting in a “raw firepower” kind of way. My fingers were close around the cold steel of the trigger as I said, “Do you comprehend, even remotely, the staggering enormity of America being looted by the Federal Reserve, which is just a private bank owned by a shadowy, semi-anonymous group of people that includes a lot of foreigners, all for the obscenely profitable benefit of these selfsame mysterious foreign strangers? Do

Suddenly, from behind the curio cabinet, my daughter sprang out, put her little fists on her hips, and with a booming voice said, “I, the one known as Daughter-Possessed-By-Demons, know!” I watched, dumbfounded, as she bellowed, “This means that we will soon be taxing ourselves more and imposing roaring inflation on ourselves (which is, actually, just another gigantic tax, in effect) by letting the Federal Reserve create the money to finance the government’s increasing deficit-spending, which is supposed to ‘offset’ the government’s increasing debt without resorting to the
alternative of levying taxes. And this increased inflation in the money supply will be followed by horrific inflation in prices. Ain’t that right, Mighty Magnificent Mogambo Moron (MMMM)?”


“Americans are nomads,” Joseph Schumpeter asserted in the 1930s.

The French and the Germans would never think of their homes as an “asset”. “Where” you come from and “who” you are is very important in the European culture. While Anglo Saxons, the world over, treat their homes as paper to be traded like a stock or a bond.

There are no investors in the financial markets today… only “players”. But the stock market is harmless. If speculators get burned, they generally understand the risks.

The real estate market, on the other hand, can cause problems in the economy as a whole. Rising prices increase the capacity of the consumer to borrow. In France and Germany you can only borrow against the last sale price of your house. You cannot, as we do in America and England, borrow against the potential sale value.

Rising indebtedness across all strata is a hallmark of Anglo societies. Consequently, because of the housing boom, there are many weak people out there… many weak balance sheets. According to the Federal Reserve, overall “valuations” in the stock market have risen about $10 trillion, but against those perceived values – indebtedness has risen $5 trillion.


looks like it aint the ol pope’s troops playin the kiddy fiddle



NYC Officials Want New ‘Survivor’ Pulled


NEW YORK (AP) – As CBS prepares to launch a new season of the hit reality show “Survivor,” this time featuring teams divided by race, enraged city officials are saying it promotes [why not ‘reflects’?] divisiveness and are calling for the network to reconsider.

“The idea of having a battle of the races is preposterous,” City Councilman John Liu said Thursday. “How could anybody be so desperate for ratings?”

For the first portion of the 13th season of “Survivor,” which premieres Sept. 14, the contestants competing for the $1 million prize while stranded on the Cook Islands in the South Pacific will be divided into four teams – blacks, Asians, Latinos and whites. [good luck, niggers!]

Liu, who is Asian-American, said he was launching a campaign urging CBS to pull the show because it could encourage racial division [superfluous] and promote negative typecasts [blame reality]. He and a coalition of officials, including the council’s black, Latino and Asian caucus, planned to rally at City Hall on Friday.

In a statement, CBS Entertainment, which is part of New York-based CBS Corp. (CBS), defended the ethnic twist, saying it follows the show’s tradition of introducing new creative elements and casting structures that reflect cultural and social issues.

“CBS fully recognizes the controversial nature of this format but has full confidence in the producers and their ability to produce the program in a responsible manner,” the statement said. “‘Survivor’ is a program that is no stranger to controversy and has always answered its critics on the screen.”

Last season, the show divided contestants into groups of older men, younger men, older women and younger women.

The show’s host, Jeff Probst, said the network was aware this season’s race ploy might offend viewers.

“It’s very risky because you’re bringing up a topic that is a hot button,” he told asap, The Associated Press service for younger readers. “There’s a history of segregation you can’t ignore. It is part of our history.

“For that, it’s much safer to say, ‘No, let’s just stick with things the way they are. Let’s don’t be the network to rock the boat. Let’s not have “Survivor” try something new,'” he said. “But the biases from home can’t affect you. This is an equal opportunity game.”



No more Prof. Kevin MacDonalds

Finding yet another avenue to destroy goyim by identifying their weakness and then pandering to it. (“It’s the RIGHT WING! It’s the RIGHT WING! It’s the Christian theocrats!”)

It is *breathtaking* to see how the kosherites pursue aggression to achieve goals via *side* effects, thereby cloaking themselves.



Alon Ziv

There are two possibilities. One, Ziv is sincere in his beliefs, which means that this is another example of destructive Jewish messianism, trying to build the world “into a better place”, and doing so in a manner which “just happens to” fit in with Jewish interests. For example, Trotsky and the other Jewish Bolsheviks.

On the other, he is insincere, and is trying to trick whites into admixture by false promises of a superman brown race to be produced by endless admixture.

Either way, the man and his idea should be eschewed, ridiculed, and refuted.

So no to genocide and say no to Ziv – another semitic lunatic or fraud attempting to sell a false bag of goods.



45 of 49 people found the following review helpful:

Many tractates NOT included on the CD, June 22, 2005
Reviewer: Marjorie Alley – See all my reviews

If you are interested in purchasing the CD version of the Soncino Hebrew/English Babylonian Talmud, please note that many of the the reviews which amazon has included on this page are NOT reviews of the CD.

I was very disappointed with the CD. I thought that it would contain the full text of the Soncino Hebrew/English Babylonian Talmud, and it does not. Many of the tractates are missing in the English portion of the CD. I guess there’s a reason that the price is so low. Only 14 tractates are included in English, and the Hebrew text is not searchable. Amazon should have explained this in the description.

Here is a list of the tractates on the CD (all of them are in PDF format):

Only 14 in ENGLISH (note that many tractates are missing):

Baba Bathra
Baba Kamma
Baba Metzia

38 on the “HEBREW-ARAMAIC” menu:

Abodah Zarah
Baba Bathra
Baba Kamma
Baba Metzia
Mo’ed Katan
Rosh HaShanah

My advice: save your money and buy the full-text electronic version.


Cyber Chicano : “El Enmascarado de Aztlan” Speaks



The Talmud, July 2, 2005

Reviewer: Chaim – See all my reviews

The Talmud is becoming the template for public law in the United States, it is clearly the civic right and the civic duty of every American to become intimately acquainted with the Talmud.

The Talmud is the product of Israel, the land of the Bible, and of Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilisation.

The beginnings of Talmudic literature date back to the time of the Babylonian Exile in the sixth pre-Christian century, before the Roman Republic had yet come into existence.

When, a thousand years later, the Babylonian Talmud assumed final codified form in the year 500 after the Christian era, the Western Roman Empire had ceased to be.

That millenium opens with the downfall of Babylon as a world-power; it covers the rise, decline and fall of Persia, Greece and Rome; and it witnesses the spread of Christianity and the disappearance of Paganism in Western and Near Eastern lands.

The Babylonian Exile is a momentous period in the history of humanity – and especially so in that of Israel. During that Exile, Israel found itself.

It not only rediscovered the Torah and made it the rule of life, but under its influence new religious institutions, such as the synagogue, i.e., congregational worship without priest or ritual, came into existence – one of the most far-reaching spiritual achievements in the whole history of Religion.

At the re-establishment of the Jewish Commonwealth, Ezra the Sofer, or Scribe, in the year 444 B.C.E. formally proclaimed the Torah the civil and religious law of the new Commonwealth.

He brought with him all the oral traditions that were taught in the Exile, and he dealt with the new issues that confronted the struggling community in that same spirit which had created the synagogue.

His successors, called after him Soferim (Scribes’), otherwise known as the `Men of the Great Assembly’, continued his work. Their teachings and ordinances received the sanction of popular practice, and came to be looked upon as halachah, literally, `the trodden path’, the clear religious guidance to the Israelite in the way he should go. When the Men of the Great Assembly were no more, the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem took their place. The delight of all those generations was in the Law of the Lord, and in His Law did they meditate day and night. When their exposition followed the verses of Scripture, it was called Midrash; and when such exposition followed the various precepts, it was known as Mishnah.

Academies arose for systematic cultivation of this New Learning, as well as for the assiduous gathering of the oral traditions current from times immemorial concerning the proper observance of the commandments of the Torah. This movement for the intensive study of Scripture did not pass unchallenged. The aristocratic and official element of the population – later known as the Sadducees – unhesitatingly declared every law that was not specifically written in the Torah to be a dangerous and reprehensible innovation.

The opposition of the Sadducees only gave an additional impetus to the spread of the Oral Law by the Scribes, later known as the Pharisees. What they sought was the full and inexhaustible revelation which God had made.

The knowledge of the contents of that revelation, they held, was to be found in the first Instance in the Written Text of the Pentateuch; but the revelation, the real Torah, was the meaning of that Written Text, the Divine thought therein disclosed, as unfolded in ever greater richness of detail by successive generations of devoted teachers.

`Apart from the direct intercourse of prayer,’ says Herford, `the study of Torah was the way of closest approach to God; it might be called the Pharisaic form of the Beatific Vision. To study Torah was to think God’s thoughts after Him, as Kepler said.


Novopress.info – 24 août 2006

:: Rencontre avec Serge-André Guay, Président du Parti National du Québec français :: [giant worms have invaded Pousilly-le-Coutre, and they have notified authorities they won’t be taking any shit. good news is they feast on niggers, particularly fond of the hazelnut-flavored north african variety]

La situation difficile que connaît la langue française au Québec suscite régulièrement l’intérêt des médias, sans pour autant donner naissance à un nécessaire débat public. Les rapports de l’Office québécois de la langue française, les interventions des organismes indépendants de défense du français, les études des experts de la langue française et
les nombreux témoignages personnels médiatisés ne parviennent pas à mobiliser le peuple québécois, y compris sa classe politique. Serge-André Guay, Président du Parti National du Québec français, pense pour sa part que le Québec a besoin d’une organisation à la hauteur de l’enjeu : un parti linguistique dédié au français et à l’identité nationale du peuple québécois. Sa mission : assurer le développement de la société québécoise sur tous les plans (social, économique, culturel,…), dans le respect de sa langue et de son identité. Pour Serge-André Guay, seul un parti linguistique pourra répondre au besoin d’une seconde Révolution tranquille au Québec, tant pour son affirmation nationale qu’internationale. Serge-André Guay a bien voulu répondre aux questions de Novopress.

Un entretien exclusif Novopress.

[people want to protect their french language/heritage in quebec]

Ce document est disponible à l’adresse suivante :



Anecdotal evidence for the influence of Muslim extremism on British Pakistani communities is not hard to come by. We visited the Al Badr Health & Fitness Centre in East London on a balmy June night to hear Abu Muwaheed–a leader of the Saviour Sect, an Islamist group–discuss who was to blame for the 2005 London bombings. His answer? Just about everyone but the bombers themselves–the British government, the British public, even moderate Muslims who betrayed their co-religionists by cooperating with the government. The evening included a video montage of fighting in Iraq that ended with footage of Osama bin Laden calling for jihad. One Pakistani man attending the session told us he considered the lead suicide bomber in the London attacks to be “a glorious martyr.” Two months later, five of the Fitness Centre’s regulars would be among those arrested in connection with the plot to bomb transatlantic flights.

How did Al Qaeda’s militant worldview become so popular among a subset of British Pakistanis? For one thing, there is the generational divide in the community. Just as in Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons–which depicts the rift between an older generation of nineteenth-century Russian liberals and their more militant, socialist sons–some of Great Britain’s young Pakistanis are filled with contempt both for the moderation of their parents and for a British society that won’t quite accept them. For many, this leaves a vacuum in their identities that radical Islamist preachers have been all too glad to fill. Now, young disciples of those preachers–Abu Muwaheed, for instance–have come into their own, and they are often even more radical than their mentors. Add to this the fact that one-quarter of young British Pakistanis are unemployed, and you have a population that is especially vulnerable to the temptations of radicalism.

Still, homegrown militancy can only partly account for the problem. That’s because it is primarily in Pakistan–not the United Kingdom–where British citizens are being recruited into Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. About 400,000 British Pakistanis per year travel back to their homeland, where a small percentage embark on learning the skills necessary to become effective terrorists. Several of the British citizens recently suspected of plotting to blow up airliners reportedly went to Pakistan to meet Al Qaeda operatives. According to a government report released this year, British officials believe that the lead perpetrators of the 2005 attacks in London–Mohammed Siddique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer–met with Al Qaeda members in Pakistan. Several individuals allegedly involved in a 2004 plot to explode a fertilizer bomb in Great Britain also spent significant time in Pakistan. In April 2003, Omar Khan Sharif, whose family immigrated to Great Britain from Kashmir, attempted to carry out a suicide attack in a bar in Tel Aviv after visiting Pakistan. In 2001, according to British prosecutors, he e-mailed his wife from there, writing, “We will definitely, inshallah, meet soon, if not in this life then the next.” And, in the fall of 2001, Sajit Badat plotted to explode a transatlantic airliner with a shoe bomb shortly after spending time in a Pakistani training camp.



When I moved to Bangkok seven years ago, John lived down the hall in my building, a grim collection of one-room studio apartments with water-stained walls surrounding a small central courtyard and a tiny pool. I would run into him in the complex’s dilapidated gym; he would be loading weights onto a rusting bar as I tried to fix the tread on the aging exercise bike. I was lonely in Bangkok, living alone for the first time in my life–in a foreign city where I could barely speak the language. I hadn’t been homesick since my first year of summer camp, but now I sometimes cried at night. So, when John made conversation at the gym, I glommed on, desperately trying to keep our small talk going.

Until I saw John’s girlfriend, that is. One evening, I noticed John with his arm around a small Thai woman. He walked upstairs and I trailed behind, recovering from my workout. As he turned to enter his apartment, I glimpsed his lady’s face–the face of a preteen girl.




A Real Diary

Finally, a diary about the Holocaust That Happened, which we also call the first holocaust: [1] [2].

We find it outrageous that so few citizens in the West know about the first, Soviet holocaust, which 1) claimed millions more victims and 2) lasted far longer than that second, inflated Holocaust [tm] which we hear about daily. Further, we wonder if this diary mentions the fact that the Soviet Union was built by Jews? Or that most of the top officers in the Soviet regime were Jewish?


[1] 2nd-Holo-nonsense: http://www.historiography-project.org/nonsense/nonsense.html

[2] the first major holocaust in recent times: http://wsi.matriots.com/first_holocaust.html



On two days 8 days apart during the 8th calendar month,
two men made the ultimate sacrifice in His service and
in His name as martyrs of His Holy Cause. Today they
stand as twin pillars of our Movement.

They died 20 years apart, one on 17 August, 1987, the
other on the 25th of August, 1967. One was Rudolf Hess.
The other was the man who was to restore and reorganize
His Movement.

On this sacred DAY OF RESOLUTION, as we resolve once
more to continue till victory the struggle for a better world,
we pause in solemn remembrance.




Gays, like Jews, are the chosen people – Opinion from Israel, Ynetnew

May be the Jews “god” was a poodle groomer or a Tay-Sachs survivor….



La. Mom Black Kids Sent to Back of Bus – NEWS – US NATIONAL – Comcast.net

Some funny bulllshit here. This could be fabricated-made up shit by the “Eskimos” to keep the “stupid” Whites in line & make them feel guilty, huh?



“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

– President Thomas Jefferson:

Carroll Quigley, Professor, Georgetown University, in his 1966 book entitled Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time (President Clinton’s mentor) writes:

“The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching [plan], nothing less than to create a World system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the World as a whole. …Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world’s money… This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the World acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the World’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank… Sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business World.”

– Prof. Carroll Quigley, renowned, late Georgetown macro-historian (mentioned by former President Clinton in his first nomination acceptance speech), author of Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time.


“Strapped homeowners feel the pain,” observes a Wall Street Journal headline.

The pain these homeowners feel is, of course, the pain they richly deserve. They took out mortgages with low teaser rates…and now their rates are being adjusted upwards. And they are being squeezed.

The article tells of one couple whose mortgage jumped from a 2.35% rate to 8.75%, two years later. They had something called an “Option ARM,” which gave them a selection of alternatives. But now they find they have no
alternative at all – they cannot afford their own home and must sell the thing. They and every one else, apparently. The market is flooded with inventory. Sellers are getting soaked. The homeowners mentioned in the article put their house on the market for $400,000. With no bids coming,
they’ve cut the price down to $270,000. They have no choice; they can’t afford to keep the house.

And there are plenty more facing the same dilemma. Delinquency rates are rising, led by delinquencies on ARMs that are three times the rate of regular, fixed-rate mortgages.


U.S. Probes Israeli Use of Cluster Bombs
Friday, August 25, 2006 9:44 AM EDT
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department is investigating whether Israel misused American-made cluster bombs in civilian areas of Lebanon.

The United Nations said unexploded cluster bombs — anti-personnel weapons that spray bomblets over a wide area — litter homes, gardens and highways in south Lebanon.

“We are definitely looking into these allegations and we’ll see where they lead,” State Department spokesman Gonzalo Gallegos said Friday.

The inquiry will determine whether the munitions were used and if so, how, Gallegos said.

A spokeswoman for the U.N. Mine Action Coordination Center refused to comment on the investigation. She said that it’s not illegal to use the cluster bombs against soldiers or enemy fighters, but the Geneva Conventions bar their use in civilian areas.

The State Department investigation will look at whether Israel’s use of the cluster bombs violated secret agreements with the United States.

Gallegos had no estimate of how long the inquiry by the department’s Office of Defense Trade Controls would take.

The Israeli army said all weapons it uses “are legal under international law and their use conforms with international standards.”

Cluster bombs are typically used against tanks and explode upon impact with steel. In the conflict in Lebanon, the shells were fired into urban and rural areas where Israel thought Hezbollah guerrillas might be hiding. Many hit the ground or pavement and did not explode.



GOP Congressman Shays Urges Iraq Withdrawal

Representative Christopher Shays (R-Conn.), once an ardent supporter of the war in Iraq, said yesterday that the Bush administration should set a time frame for withdrawing US troops. Shays is one of only a few Congressional Republicans supporting a timetable for ending US involvement in the Iraq fighting, which has claimed the lives of more than 2,600 US troops and an estimated 40,000 to 45,000 Iraqi civilians.


British Leave Iraqi Base; Militia Supporters Jubilant

British troops abandoned a major base in southern Iraq on Thursday and prepared to wage guerrilla warfare along the Iranian border to combat weapons smuggling, a move that anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr called the first expulsion of US-led coalition forces from an Iraqi urban center.


VIDEO | GI War-Resistance Grows: Sgt. Ricky Clousing Turns Himself In

A Film by Sari Gelzer and Geoffrey Millard

On Friday, August 11, Army Sgt. Ricky Clousing, who had been AWOL from his unit for a year, held a press conference the morning before he was to turn himself in to military authorities at Fort Lewis. Surrounded by press and veterans attending the Veterans for Peace Convention, Clousing spoke of the fervor of 9/11 that influenced him to join the Army, and the regret he felt once he was deployed and witnessed what he termed “the larger picture of the daily devastation of occupation.” Among those who spoke in support of Ricky was Joshua Casteel, a conscientious objector and former interrogator at Abu Ghraib prison.



In the second quarter of 2006, revolving credit rose at a robust 8.3 percent annual rate.


– There is no serious discussion of “economics” or “macroeconomics” – only the effect of key statistics on the Fed’s interest rate policy. And what that policy is likely to do to “the market.”

– It is worth noting that over the recent years, Americans have extracted a ridiculous amount of equity from their homes. In fact, since the beginning of this decade – 4.6 trillion U.S. dollars! To make matters worse, the negative personal savings rate in the United States highlights the fact that these loans taken out against homes weren’t saved for the proverbial rainy day; instead the money was spent on

  • 15 Responses to “Reader Mail: 8/25/06”

    1. alex Says:

      WTEN, Albany, NY Local Cantor Guilty of Sex Crime



    2. alex Says:

      “A gun in the hand is worth more than a cop on the phone.”-Unknown

    3. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “. . .contestants competing for the $1 million prize while stranded on the Gook Islands in the South Pacific will be divided into four teams – blacks, Asians, Latinos and whites. [good luck, niggers!]. . .”

    4. Olde Dutch Says:

      “This means that we will soon be taxing ourselves more and imposing roaring inflation on ourselves (which is, actually, just another gigantic tax, in effect) by letting the Federal Reserve create the money to finance the government’s increasing deficit-spending, which is supposed to ‘offset’ the government’s increasing debt without resorting to the
      alternative of levying taxes.”

      The Federal Reserve doesn’t create money. The Treasury creates money by borrowing for the Federal Government.

      Alex, some of these economic geniuses you publish, should at least take a college course in the mechanics of Money & Banking.

      There are criticisms of the Federal Reserve System that are valid; most have to due with the un-democratic nature of the Federal Reserve, and the composition of its board. Should they be elected? All that money n’shit. ;o)

    5. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      The Fed buys govt. bonds by “creating” money.

      Currency is non-interest-bearing debt of the national government. In the United States, it comes into circulation through the operations of the Federal Reserve Bank, which has the power to “create money.” It does so through the simple process of buying interest-bearing debt that had previously been issued by the Treasury Department. That is, Treasury issues a bond in the amount of $1000 in order to finance its budget deficit. (Note that “money” cannot exist if there is no national debt.) The $1000 bond pays an interest to its holder at maturity. The Fed can “buy” the $1000 bond with a check for $1000 written in a checkbook that has simply been given it by Congress. When the Fed creates this “ink money,” it has “monetized the debt,” i.e. converted interest-bearing-debt to cash. The process works because the citizenry needs cash as a medium of exchange, and is thus willing to hold government debt for this purpose without being compensated by the payment of interest.

      At the conclusion of the purchase, the Federal Reserve has in its portfolio an asset of $1000 that is paying interest and a liability of $1000 that is not. The interest amount covers the expenses of managing the central bank, and funds in surplus are given to the Treasury as part of its general revenues. The Fed also has the authority, of course, to reverse this process. It can decide to withdraw cash from circulation, doing so by taking the $1000 bond from its portfolio of assets and selling it on “the open market.” The decision on whether or not to buy bonds to create cash or sell bonds to extinguish cash is made by the Fed’s Board of Governors and the presidents of the regional Federal Reserve banks. They come together every several weeks as “The Open Market Committee” to decide on whether to buy, sell or hold steady. Their decision is communicated to the “open market desk” in New York City, which implements the policy decision through its own operating procedures. Conceptually, the process of creating money adds reserves to the banking system. The banks are required by law to hold a percentage of their deposits in ready cash or the equivalent of cash — its own checking account at the Mint. These reserves are a cushion to meet potential demands of the depositors. Thus, a Fed decision to “ease” may put more cash into the banking system than the banks are required to keep by law. This will push the banks into finding borrowers who will take the surplus cash in exchange for an asset that will earn a profit for the bank. A Fed decision to “tighten” may take out reserves that the banks are holding in accordance with legal requirements. This means the banks have to sell assets to private buyers in order to get their cash reserves up to par.

      The most critical part of the process is at the periodic meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). How does it decide whether to buy bonds to create money or sell bonds to extinguish it? Either it has a fixed rule that determines when to buy and when to sell. (We then say the dollar is in a “fixed system.”) Or, it has no specific rule to guide the committee, which is permitted to consider a variety of signals from the market. (We then say the dollar is “floating.”) Its value is determined by the “free market,” as that market tries to guess what is going on in the minds of the open-market committee, which meets in secret.

      When the central bank is on a “fixed system,” the FOMC’s power is enormously reduced. That is, it must act when the fixed standard it has chosen is being violated and it must not act when the standard is in equilibrium. A gold standard is one type of fixed rule. It requires that if the Treasury issues debt guaranteed in gold at the price which obtained at the moment of issue, the FOMC will be required to buy bonds when the dollar price of gold is tending to fall and to sell bonds when the dollar price of gold is tending to rise. In other words, if the target price of gold is $350, the Fed will be forced to advise the desk in New York City to buy bonds when gold has drifted to $349 and to sell bonds when it has drifted to $351.

      If the credit markets know that the Fed by law is forced into this rigid operating procedure, keeping the dollar at all times as good as gold, they do not have to guess at what is going on in the minds of the FOMC members in their secret meetings. If gold remains the most reliable proxy for the value of all other commodities, the creditors of the national government will be assured that the gold or gold equivalents they lend by buying government bonds will be returned to them with interest at maturity. The risk of a small number of men and women making incorrect decisions at the FOMC is replaced by the risk of the broad market for government credit making the wrong decisions. It is for this reason that gold standard interest rates are inevitably much lower than interest rates on floating debt. Inasmuch as private citizens who are drawing contracts in the government unit of account benefit from this reduction of risk, they are able to take greater risks in their investments in each other. The efficiency of capital is increased.

      It is also possible to fix an automatic course on the central bank’s deliberations without gold or with gold averaged in with several other commodities. The Fed’s desk could be required to buy bonds when the sum of the dollar price of gold, silver, cocoa, wheat, platinum and copper — divided by six — is, say, $200. The markets would be informed of this certainty by an act of Congress or an executive order of the President or, at present, by a simple vote of the FOMC. It may be that such a system would be superior over time to a system without any rules to guide the market, but it seems obvious that as a unit of account, such an index would require so many calculations that contracts drawn against it would carry interest rates considerably higher than a gold contract.

      Yet another rule, proposed by the monetarists and actually followed in the first years of the Reagan administration, was a quantity rule. The Fed was forced to sell bonds when the quantity of all money in circulation exceeded an amount scientifically determined by the monetarists and to buy bonds when the quantity was beneath that target. The theory took no account of day-to-day needs of the market for liquidity, on the grounds that over a long period of time the excesses and deficiencies would wash out. It was in this period that the price of gold underwent its most violent fluctuations on a day-to-day basis as the Federal Reserve was hitting the monetarist quantity targets with some precision.

      At present, the dollar is technically floating on what might be called a “Greenspan Standard.” The FOMC members each have their own preferences on how fast the economy is growing nationally, how fast in their region, what statistics constitute rapid growth, how commodity prices are acting, how the dollar is performing against other national currencies, what the White House wants done politically, and what their advisors are advising. Of all the members, Greenspan watches the gold price most attentively, and as chairman he gets to throw his weight in that direction. In addition, his attempt to get the gold price down by raising interest rates instead of draining liquidity has not worked. This hardly constitutes a Polaris, especially when the markets also have to reckon on the value of the dollar a year from now, if Greenspan is replaced by a Clinton appointee who will be driven purely by political goals.

      * * * * *

      1 Robert A. Mundell, The International Monetary Reform and Development Finance, (Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo Economic Series, no. 67, 1972), p. 5. Mundell, the Canadian godfather of modern supply-side economics, once observed that “The gains from using a common international medium are so great that some means of creating one has always been found.”

      2 Robert A. Mundell, “Inflation from an International Viewpoint,” in The Phenomenon of Worldwide Inflation eds. David Meiselman and Arthur B. Laffer (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1975), p. 41.

      3 For the uninitiated, a basic description of the central bank’s monetary mechanism is included at the end of this paper.

      4 In 1928, a small apartment in Moscow would rent for 10 rubles per month or the equivalent of half an ounce of gold. With nominal rents frozen, the same apartment in 1985 went for 10 rubles or 1/100th an ounce of gold, the equivalent in the West of a loaf of bread.

      5 Karl Marx. Capital, A Critique of Political Economy (New York: The Modern Library), p. 108. It was thus clear to Marx, as it was to David Ricardo, that a country did not need gold to run a gold standard, only a credible commitment to keep the money as good as gold.

      6 In a country that has just experienced a hyperinflation, people will hesitate to make contracts in the national money for any but the briefest periods. If a 10% devaluation then occurs, the general price level will rise by 10% almost immediately. If a country has maintained its currency’s value for many years, contract maturities will reflect confidence in the money. If a 10% devaluation occurs, the general price level will rise only gradually, as these long contracts unwind.

      7 Alan Reynolds, “Monetary Reform and Economic Boom: Five Case Studies 1792-1926.” Polyconomics, Inc., Morristown, N.J., Dec. 6, 1982. The five cases included the United States 1792-1808 and 1879-1914, England 1821-25 and 1925-34, and France 1926-1936. The U.S. example of 1792-1808 showed: “An ‘unexampled business expansion,’ with exports quintupled and a nine-fold increase in new firms. Interest rates fall, prices stop falling, and a staggering budget deficit turns into a huge surplus despite the abolition of most taxes.”

      8 Jude Wanniski, “A Gold Standard Coming,” The National Review, Feb. 6, 1995, p. 42. By cutting three percentage points off the cost of debt service, the savings to the taxpayers over a 7-year period would exceed $1 trillion. This does not include the immense increase in revenues that would flow to the Treasury as a result of the non-inflationary boom that would ensue.

      9 Cited in The Government and the Economy: 1783-1861, ed. Carter Goodrich, (New York: American Heritage Series, Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1967), p. 287.

      10 Mexico contributed to its own problems even in the Salinas years by maintaining a “crawling peg” relationship with the dollar that produced a glacial, daily devaluation of the peso as a sop to the export industries. The higher cost of capital this produces swamps any illusory gain.

      11 Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (New York: Modern Library, 1937), pp. 27-28.

      12 David Asman, “Argentina Tightens Its Anchor to Avoid Mexican Drift,” The Wall Street Journal, January 13, 1995, p. A15.


    6. Olde Dutch Says:

      Shabbos—You would rather limit the Federal Reserve use its reserves to buy and sell gold? That would only help the producers or large scale holders of gold, and it would wipe out 100 years of economic growth.

      It sure wouldn’t help anyone here!

    7. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      I didn’t write that, I just cut and paste. I don’t agree with all said there. The issue was whether or not the Fed could create money.

      Money is not a natural creature of the state. A state may coin, guaranteeing weights. But private firms may also coin. Private moneys should compete with each other. If a private firm thought it could establish a fiat money, let it try to get customers VOLUNTARILY.

      Time is quite short recently, and I did not read the entire posting, as I “assumed” it to be based on sound free market ideas. Skimming thru the article, it is the usual semi-psychotic, mixed economy statist claptrap.

      Think private money. Think commodity based money. Think competing moneys.

      I just wanted to establish that the Fed does create “money”.
      The idea is this- they write bad checks that never bounce. Fractional reserve is similar. I don’t care much for the details, it’s complicated as hell. Do you understand being allowed to write bad checks? That’s all ye need to know. . .

    8. Lutjens Says:

      “NYC Officials Want New ‘Survivor’ Pulled”

      Because they are afraid the white team will win. Jewboy doesn’t like portraying whites as superior leaders and athletes.

    9. jackumup Says:

      jews they can occupy large amount of goym time with thie worthless chit- chat and need to annoy human beings. How come they are never involved with any thing that benifits the world and at the same time doesn’t make them a profit?

    10. Olde Dutch Says:

      No. The Federal Reserve does not create money. The Treasury creates the money.

      The interest bearing debt that the Federal Reserve buys is the “reserve”. It is complicated because there is private economic growth reflected in the rate of expansion of the economy & money that is not a function of governmnet borrowing.

      All banking is, and always has been fractional reserve. The idea of a Federal Reserve was to stop destructive manipulations of either money or credit that had resulted in economic panics about every 7 years.

    11. Mati The Estonian Says:

      OK – looks like no explanation on the last pic where two guys on the monument keeping a kike away …
      its 2 Russian heroes – in the old times they cleaned up Russia from different types of “uncleaningless” aka jews and other invaders.
      So the text states ” look comrade (not like a communist style comrade – more like comrade of arms) what kind on shit is in Kremlin walls in those days”

    12. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      Olde Dutch-

      I take it you are familiar with Austrian economics.

      Have you published your refutations?

    13. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      Fractional Reserve Banking

      by Murray N. Rothbard (Jew)

      We have already described one part of the contemporary flight from sound, free market money to statized and inflated money: the abolition of the gold standard by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, and the substitution of fiat paper tickets by the Federal Reserve as our “monetary standard.” Another crucial part of this process was the federal cartelization of the nation’s banks through the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913.

      Banking is a particularly arcane part of the economic system; one of the problems is that the word “bank” covers many different activities, with very different implications. During the Renaissance era, the Medicis in Italy and the Fuggers in Germany, were “bankers”; their banking, however, was not only private but also began at least as a legitimate, non-inflationary, and highly productive activity. Essentially, these were “merchant-bankers,” who started as prominent merchants. In the course of their trade, the merchants began to extend credit to their customers, and in the case of these great banking families, the credit or “banking” part of their operations eventually overshadowed their mercantile activities. These firms lent money out of their own profits and savings, and earned interest from the loans. Hence, they were channels for the productive investment of their own savings.

      To the extent that banks lend their own savings, or mobilize the savings of others, their activities are productive and unexceptionable. Even in our current commercial banking system, if I buy a $10,000 CD (“certificate of deposit”) redeemable in six months, earning a certain fixed interest return, I am taking my savings and lending it to a bank, which in turn lends it out at a higher interest rate, the differential being the bank’s earnings for the function of channeling savings into the hands of credit-worthy or productive borrowers. There is no problem with this process.

      The same is even true of the great “investment banking” houses, which developed as industrial capitalism flowered in the nineteenth century. Investment bankers would take their own capital, or capital invested or loaned by others, to underwrite corporations gathering capital by selling securities to stockholders and creditors. The problem with the investment bankers is that one of their major fields of investment was the underwriting of government bonds, which plunged them hip-deep into politics, giving them a powerful incentive for pressuring and manipulating governments, so that taxes would be levied to pay off their and their clients’ government bonds. Hence, the powerful and baleful political influence of investment bankers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: in particular, the Rothschilds in Western Europe, and Jay Cooke and the House of Morgan in the United States.

      By the late nineteenth century, the Morgans took the lead in trying to pressure the U.S. government to cartelize industries they were interested in – first railroads and then manufacturing: to protect these industries from the winds of free competition, and to use the power of government to enable these industries to restrict production and raise prices.

      In particular, the investment bankers acted as a ginger group to work for the cartelization of commercial banks. To some extent, commercial bankers lend out their own capital and money acquired by CDs. But most commercial banking is “deposit banking” based on a gigantic scam: the idea, which most depositors believe, that their money is down at the bank, ready to be redeemed in cash at any time. If Jim has a checking account of $1,000 at a local bank, Jim knows that this is a “demand deposit,” that is, that the bank pledges to pay him $1,000 in cash, on demand, anytime he wishes to “get his money out.” Naturally, the Jims of this world are convinced that their money is safely there, in the bank, for them to take out at any time. Hence, they think of their checking account as equivalent to a warehouse receipt. If they put a chair in a warehouse before going on a trip, they expect to get the chair back whenever they present the receipt. Unfortunately, while banks depend on the warehouse analogy, the depositors are systematically deluded. Their money ain’t there.

      An honest warehouse makes sure that the goods entrusted to its care are there, in its storeroom or vault. But banks operate very differently, at least since the days of such deposit banks as the Banks of Amsterdam and Hamburg in the seventeenth century, which indeed acted as warehouses and backed all of their receipts fully by the assets deposited, e.g., gold and silver. This honest deposit or “giro” banking is called “100 percent reserve” banking. Ever since, banks have habitually created warehouse receipts (originally bank notes and now deposits) out of thin air. Essentially, they are counterfeiters of fake warehouse-receipts to cash or standard money, which circulate as if they were genuine, fullybacked notes or checking accounts. Banks make money by literally creating money out of thin air, nowadays exclusively deposits rather than bank notes. This sort of swindling or counterfeiting is dignified by the term “fractional-reserve banking,” which means that bank deposits are backed by only a small fraction of the cash they promise to have at hand and redeem. (Right now, in the United States, this minimum fraction is fixed by the Federal Reserve System at 10 percent.)

      Fractional Reserve Banking

      Let’s see how the fractional reserve process works, in the absence of a central bank. I set up a Rothbard Bank, and invest $1,000 of cash (whether gold or government paper does not matter here). Then I “lend out” $10,000 to someone, either for consumer spending or to invest in his business. How can I “lend out” far more than I have? Ahh, that’s the magic of the “fraction” in the fractional reserve. I simply open up a checking account of $10,000 which I am happy to lend to Mr. Jones. Why does Jones borrow from me? Well, for one thing, I can charge a lower rate of interest than savers would. I don’t have to save up the money myself, but simply can counterfeit it out of thin air. (In the nineteenth century, I would have been able to issue bank notes, but the Federal Reserve now monopolizes note issues.) Since demand deposits at the Rothbard Bank function as equivalent to cash, the nation’s money supply has just, by magic, increased by $10,000. The inflationary, counterfeiting process is under way.

      The nineteenth-century English economist Thomas Tooke correctly stated that “free trade in banking is tantamount to free trade in swindling.” But under freedom, and without government support, there are some severe hitches in this counterfeiting process, or in what has been termed “free banking.” First: why should anyone trust me? Why should anyone accept the checking deposits of the Rothbard Bank? But second, even if I were trusted, and I were able to con my way into the trust of the gullible, there is another severe problem, caused by the fact that the banking system is competitive, with free entry into the field. After all, the Rothbard Bank is limited in its clientele. After Jones borrows checking deposits from me, he is going to spend it. Why else pay money for a loan? Sooner or later, the money he spends, whether for a vacation, or for expanding his business, will be spent on the goods or services of clients of some other bank, say the Rockwell Bank. The Rockwell Bank is not particularly interested in holding checking accounts on my bank; it wants reserves so that it can pyramid its own counterfeiting on top of cash reserves. And so if, to make the case simple, the Rockwell Bank gets a $10,000 check on the Rothbard Bank, it is going to demand cash so that it can do some inflationary counterfeit-pyramiding of its own. But, I, of course, can’t pay the $10,000, so I’m finished. Bankrupt. Found out. By rights, I should be in jail as an embezzler, but at least my phoney checking deposits and I are out of the game, and out of the money supply.

      Hence, under free competition, and without government support and enforcement, there will only be limited scope for fractional-reserve counterfeiting. Banks could form cartels to prop each other up, but generally cartels on the market don’t work well without government enforcement, without the government cracking down on competitors who insist on busting the cartel, in this case, forcing competing banks to pay up.

      Central Banking

      Hence the drive by the bankers themselves to get the government to cartelize their industry by means of a central bank. Central Banking began with the Bank of England in the 1690s, spread to the rest of the Western world in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and finally was imposed upon the United States by banking cartelists via the Federal Reserve System of 1913. Particularly enthusiastic about the Central Bank were the investment bankers, such as the Morgans, who pioneered the cartel idea, and who by this time had expanded into commercial banking.

      In modern central banking, the Central Bank is granted the monopoly of the issue of bank notes (originally written or printed warehouse receipts as opposed to the intangible receipts of bank deposits), which are now identical to the government’s paper money and therefore the monetary “standard” in the country. People want to use physical cash as well as bank deposits. If, therefore, I wish to redeem $1,000 in cash from my checking bank, the bank has to go to the Federal Reserve, and draw down its own checking account with the Fed, “buying” $1,000 of Federal Reserve Notes (the cash in the United States today) from the Fed. The Fed, in other words, acts as a bankers’ bank. Banks keep checking deposits at the Fed and these deposits constitute their reserves, on which they can and do pyramid ten times the amount in checkbook money.

      Here’s how the counterfeiting process works in today’s world. Let’s say that the Federal Reserve, as usual, decides that it wants to expand (i.e., inflate) the money supply. The Federal Reserve decides to go into the market (called the “open market”) and purchase an asset. It doesn’t really matter what asset it buys; the important point is that it writes out a check. The Fed could, if it wanted to, buy any asset it wished, including corporate stocks, buildings, or foreign currency. In practice, it almost always buys U.S. government securities.

      Let’s assume that the Fed buys $10,000,000 of U.S. Treasury bills from some “approved” government bond dealer (a small group), say Shearson, Lehman on Wall Street. The Fed writes out a check for $10,000,000, which it gives to Shearson, Lehman in exchange for $10,000,000 in U.S. securities. Where does the Fed get the $10,000,000 to pay Shearson, Lehman? It creates the money out of thin air. Shearson, Lehman can do only one thing with the check: deposit it in its checking account at a commercial bank, say Chase Manhattan. The “money supply” of the country has already increased by $10,000,000; no one else’s checking account has decreased at all. There has been a net increase of $10,000,000.

      But this is only the beginning of the inflationary, counterfeiting process. For Chase Manhattan is delighted to get a check on the Fed, and rushes down to deposit it in its own checking account at the Fed, which now increases by $10,000,000. But this checking account constitutes the “reserves” of the banks, which have now increased across the nation by $10,000,000. But this means that Chase Manhattan can create deposits based on these reserves, and that, as checks and reserves seep out to other banks (much as the Rothbard Bank deposits did), each one can add its inflationary mite, until the banking system as a whole has increased its demand deposits by $100,000,000, ten times the original purchase of assets by the Fed. The banking system is allowed to keep reserves amounting to 10 percent of its deposits, which means that the “money multiplier” – the amount of deposits the banks can expand on top of reserves – is 10. A purchase of assets of $10 million by the Fed has generated very quickly a tenfold, $100,000,000 increase in the money supply of the banking system as a whole.

      Interestingly, all economists agree on the mechanics of this process even though they of course disagree sharply on the moral or economic evaluation of that process. But unfortunately, the general public, not inducted into the mysteries of banking, still persists in thinking that their money remains “in the bank.”

      Thus, the Federal Reserve and other central banking systems act as giant government creators and enforcers of a banking cartel; the Fed bails out banks in trouble, and it centralizes and coordinates the banking system so that all the banks, whether the Chase Manhattan, or the Rothbard or Rockwell banks, can inflate together. Under free banking, one bank expanding beyond its fellows was in danger of imminent bankruptcy. Now, under the Fed, all banks can expand together and proportionately.

      “Deposit Insurance”

      But even with the backing of the Fed, fractional reserve banking proved shaky, and so the New Deal, in 1933, added the lie of “bank deposit insurance,” using the benign word “insurance” to mask an arrant hoax. When the savings and loan system went down the tubes in the late 1980s, the “deposit insurance” of the federal FSLIC [Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation] was unmasked as sheer fraud. The “insurance” was simply the smoke-and-mirrors term for the unbacked name of the federal government. The poor taxpayers finally bailed out the S&Ls, but now we are left with the formerly sainted FDIC [Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation], for commercial banks, which is now increasingly seen to be shaky, since the FDIC itself has less than one percent of the huge number of deposits it “insures.”

      The very idea of “deposit insurance” is a swindle; how does one insure an institution (fractional reserve banking) that is inherently insolvent, and which will fall apart whenever the public finally understands the swindle? Suppose that, tomorrow, the American public suddenly became aware of the banking swindle, and went to the banks tomorrow morning, and, in unison, demanded cash. What would happen? The banks would be instantly insolvent, since they could only muster 10 percent of the cash they owe their befuddled customers. Neither would the enormous tax increase needed to bail everyone out be at all palatable. No: the only thing the Fed could do, and this would be in their power, would be to print enough money to pay off all the bank depositors. Unfortunately, in the present state of the banking system, the result would be an immediate plunge into the horrors of hyperinflation.

      Let us suppose that total insured bank deposits are $1,600 billion. Technically, in the case of a run on the banks, the Fed could exercise emergency powers and print $1,600 billion in cash to give to the FDIC to pay off the bank depositors. The problem is that, emboldened at this massive bailout, the depositors would promptly redeposit the new $1,600 billion into the banks, increasing the total bank reserves by $1,600 billion, thus permitting an immediate expansion of the money supply by the banks by tenfold, increasing the total stock of bank money by $16 trillion. Runaway inflation and total destruction of the currency would quickly follow.

      This article originally appeared in the October 1995 issue of The Freeman and is reprinted with permission

    14. jackumup Says:

      one Jew that should definitely register as a foreign agent is Micheal medved, his father is a terrorist weapons developer in jewsahome, he is constantly harping the Jew agenda as he plays his deceptive role as a conservative

    15. Unreconstructed Strom Thurmond Says:

      “No. The Federal Reserve does not create money. The Treasury creates the money.”

      Olde Dutch, you are wrong about the Fed. It does create money, and it is an unmitigated evil.