4 September, 2006

“Siege” by James Mason

Posted by alex in books, Solar General at 11:43 pm | Permanent Link

Introduction now online at Solar General…


  • 8 Responses to ““Siege” by James Mason”

    1. Elite Aryan Crack Smoker Says:


      Why for? I thought Oswald Mosely already smashed global Jewish power with HIS gutsy commentary?

      Meanwhile, another billion dollars slid effortlessly into the coffers of the Jewish war machine today.

      So, when is it, eggzackly, that Linder & Maguire are going to start blasting their way through a hundred million mudsters (not to mention the entire U.S. military & police forces). I myself am locked, loaded & ready to go. Unless the wife wants to go to Schlockberg Jewelers this weekend. I’ll get back to ya.

    2. TC Says:


      My kinda reading, but is that all, there is to it? All I get is something like 15 chapters. Ya know, it is strange to realise, that there was a whole world out there, full of action and motion back in the ‘golden years’. And what has been accomplished?

      Someone in the know gots to write the encyclopedia of the White movement…oh, nevermind, I’ll just call up the ADL…

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      Seig Heil, Elite Aryan Crack Smoker.

      88/square root of 49 times 2/ Panzer Leider SS Wonder Weapons.

    4. expose_them_all Says:

      Great site.

      He has an essay that I wrote in 2004 archived in there. Check it out if you want.


    5. Olde Dutch Says:

      “Someone in the know gots to write the encyclopedia of the White movement…oh, nevermind, I’ll just call up the ADL…”

      TC—It seems to me that cult cats like this Mason guy are anti-Germanics making fun of those of us of Germanic ancestry.

      A jew production like Charles Manson—a product of the jew media culture—sure makes one think that some of these folks calling the jews’ nazis ain’t too far off in some respects. ;o]

    6. Bavarian Gauleiter Says:

      This article is a poor attempt at rhetoric. Praising Manson is sophistry at its finest. What’d that loser accomplish? He ended up in jail and killed a people who had no power. Mixing tangential historical incidents with one’s propaganda doesn’t convince anyone that your point is valid. The only thing this article’s good for imho is to explain why the NSM was filled with Satanists: because it was started by one.

      Anyone who knows anything about that kike Anton LaVey and his Church of Satan knows that its ideology of “do as you please” results in its believers being self-centered individuals who will stab you in the back when it’s to their “desire.” It’s only a matter of time. You can count on it. Praising Satanism because they’re not afraid to kill people? Gimme a friggin’ break. Christians kill folks too.

      To dwell on how no whites have won control of their countries back from the jew, or claiming that white race’s situation is hopeless, or that the solution is lone-wolf style targeted assassinations and other violent action, is defeatist at worst and childish fantasy at best. Sun Tzu would laugh at such calls to violence. One is doomed to lose if they don’t know when to strike the enemy. And if one strikes when they know they can’t win — because they have accurate information/intelligence about the enemy’s strength — it’s suicide and not the right way to live to fight another day.

    7. Bavarian Gauleiter Says:

      oops, should’ve been “killed some people who had no power”. Sorry.

    8. Mithras Says:

      Heil Hitler!! I have been alarmed these last few days….last Thursday I was able to access the Siege e-book through Solar General and since then repeated attempts to get through end up leaving me with blank pages….can you confirm what the heck is going on? Are the feds disrupting access to this document/site, do have they had technical problems, or have they decided to stop their activities? Would you know where else I could get Siege in e-book from, if someone could e-mail me one, or where I could buy it? Also, could you give me the status of James Mason (dead,incarcerated, dropped out of the movement…or maybe doing acid with Squeeky Fromme? lol) . Thanks for providing an excellent and informative site.
      (p.s. I live in Canada where we have so-called ‘hate laws’…. could they be the problem?)