The Real Sickness
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, AmeriKwa, VNN Staff at 12:42 am | 
The Real Sickness
We sometimes read, in the media, that neo-Nazis and Klansmen are “sick” people who “hate” others just for the sake of it.
Let us talk about a genuine sickness instead.
We have just read an e-mail, which has circulated among some average American citizens, which talks about how Europe will be heavily populated with non-Whites in about 40 years, due to immigration and breeding. In other words, Europe – the cradle of the West and the most successful region in history – will be filled with negroes, Pakistanis, Vietnamese and other non-Whites rather soon.
But, setting that filling-up-with-immigrants feature aside for just a second, let us mention this first: already these days, non-Whites are raping and robbing Whites in Sweden, Norway, France, Germany and England in large numbers [it seems that the non-Whites have discovered that Whites put up little resistance to violent crime, since most Whites are now wimps due to 50 years of anti-White, left-wing propaganda filling European TV sets, newspapers and magazines. And why does that propaganda exist in Europe? Largely because America and Britain just “had to” gang up together and help to kick Hitler’s ass, even when Hitler didn’t threaten England or America. Hitler was the only man in recent history to stand up for Whites, and yet we “had to” make trouble with him starting long before WWII actually began, e.g., Roosevelt agitating for naval war in the North Atlantic when he didn’t need to, or, England making bold demands about Poland when, in fact, Germany was entitled to the stolen “Polish” lands of Danzig and the Corridor].
Anyway, the worst part of this story is that most Whites are now sitting on their asses watching their White countries become filled with non-Whites. Yep, watching. They’re doing nothing. They’re not sending small donations to anti-immigration groups. They’re not starting websites or e-lists, or even sharing the topic with their co-workers. [If they do talk to their co-workers, they talk about some left-wing, Jewish-written TV show full of feminism and other nonsense].
So who is sick and who isn’t? What kind of people sit around staring as their beloved countries are polluted by Brown and Black immigrants? At least neo-Nazis and Klansmen fight for their cultures. At least they put up some resistance. In fact, we hereby label neo-Nazis and Klansmen “perfectly normal” for that very reason. Your average Western citizen, on the other hand, is basically an idiot who cares only about 1) TV shows and 2) what’s for dinner.
Of course, we have saved the most important part of this immigration topic for last: who has led the movements in the White countries to allow all sorts of non-White immigrants into those countries? Answer: Jewish people and/or Jewish groups. For example, look at America: powerful Jews such as congressman Emanuel Celler spearheaded the pro-immigrant movement, which was designed to “protect” the Jews by making them less noticeable to gentiles. [You see, the Jews have long lived by a certain code: “does a specific action benefit the Jews as a group, or not?” Whether such immigration was good for White Americans was a non-issue].
White-countries-becoming-non-White is the price that we have paid for allowing Jews – who are not genetically White, despite their light skin tone – into the White countries. Yeah, yeah, we know: what about the so-called Holocaust? Well, what of it? That exaggerated, misrepresented event ended in 1945 and we’re sick of hearing about it every three days on TV and in magazines. In fact, since Jews aren’t “Western” – i.e., White European – people in the true sense of the word, what were they doing living in Europe in the 1930s/1940s anyway? They shouldn’t have been in Germany or Holland in the first place. After all, Europe is a White region, built-up by White people for White people. Speaking a White language doesn’t make a person “Western.” Dying your hair blonde and changing your name to “Smith” doesn’t make you a White person, no matter what Sol Goldsilverbergwitzfeld told you.
We say: the real sickness in the West today is people sitting around on a sofa while their vastly-superior, White culture vanishes due to non-White immigration.
21 December, 2006 at 3:08 am
Agree with most you say. But i can`t lay the whole blame on jews for immigration to norway. I live here. There are 1000 jews in this country. The whole political spectrum calls for immigration. Some just a few less then the others. Next to sweden, norway is the most politically correct country in the world.
Whenever there is some kind of nationalism and anti-immigration statements the few tv channels we have are reporting it and decrying it.
When there are reports that 80% percent of rapes in the capital are commited by non-whites the question that the media raises are not these:
Should we limit immigration?
Are these immigrants truly equal?
Are the police racist?
Should we replace the police chief for reporting this?
Do norwegian women dress too aggressive?
There have been a reported 40 murders by non-whites of whites the last 15 years. And one reported mulatto killed by whites. What`s on the news. You guessed it. The mulatto. For weeks an all out campaign to decry racism.With the white mother on tv every day. Marches in streets with every politian and interest group. Even the king of norway came out with a statement, the king speaks a couple of times every decade, so this must be important. He said : We must now search inside ourselves to make sure this never happens again.
Whenever a football player calls a nigger a monkey on the soccer field this happens: First, the player is threatened with a ban and is fined. Next, the club receivers the same treatment, third, the whole football association is fined. Of course, the player,club and association walk over themselves in an all out campaign to stop racism.
It`s on every goddamn channel. The players, the coaches and every sports leader. And every goddamn norwegian sits and watches this. And they believe everything that`s on the news. The most gullible people on the planet no doubt, except swedes who have taken most of this another notch.
The prime minister said some time ago that norway shall be the most including country in the world. A truly sick individual.
Pretty weird that when you think about it immigration to european countries started about the same time. In 1970 or thereabouts. So there must have been a concerted effort.Or sickness.
21 December, 2006 at 4:23 am
Another sickness to consider: The WN obsession with Nazism to the point that 90% of WN’s are sociopaths.
21 December, 2006 at 6:34 am
It becomes clearer every fucking day that the one and only solution to putting an end to this gradual genocide of our race is to dislodge the kikes & “white” traitors who control the machinery of anti-White propaganda in all our lands. I leave it to individual imaginations to decide exactly what that would entail.
21 December, 2006 at 9:03 am
Thanks to our allowing the Goddamn JEWS control over the bandwidth of Consciousness, especially beginning at the preverbal phase of infancy, we now discover that the basic Life Force of the West has been perverted – literally, “turned against” itself – and all of the institutions within our society glorify THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT IS RIGHT, WHAT IS TRUE, AND ABOVE ALL WHAT WORKS.
I have a friend who just came back from Beijing; the highest aspiration in China, for the children of the Elite, is to be a translator for the 2008 Olympics. You have all seen sixteen year old Chinese kids knock out Rachmaninoff piano concerti flawlessly, performing complex acrobatic and martial arts without error, and he said the TOTALLY disciplined focus the heirs of the Gentry are putting into being the world’s BEST translators is on a par with any of them.
If you go to the 2009 Olympics you will see the true beginning of the end of what the American System has become; just as we are breeding whiggers, whores and other geldings – truly worthless, one and all, by the way, and, to a remarkable degree, beyond redemption – they are breeding, training and grooming the new Transnational Mandarin Class.
Period. End of discussion.
He speaks enough Mandarin to understand what they were saying as he engaged them in conversation; rest assured, you will see young men and young ladies with PERFECT posture, PERFECT manners, PERFECT control of their body language…
You will see the 1936 Berlin Olympics writ large.
(Indeed, note the new large dome you will see quite often; a masterpiece of engineering, and architecture, as are the large, well-made roads leading to it.
Where have we seen this before?
Anyone? Anyone at all? Buehler?
Go to GOOGLE and type in “Germania”
Same dome – same roads.
The architect of the 2008 Beijing Olympics is world-renowned for his brilliance in architecture, as was his father.
The architect, of course, is Albert Speer, son of THAT Albert Speer.)
Everyone was so impressed with the impeccable manners, bearing, and grooming of their translators and guides at the 1936 Olympics; I can assure you, their efforts will be matched by the translators and guides at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
My friend is very well educated, and quite the world traveler; he came back, and called me. His words were eloquent.
“It’s over for America as we knew it. Simple as that. It can no more be ‘saved’ than the Titanic pushed back from the iceberg. When I went to Beijing thirty years ago, it was a dirty, dusty, backwards hovel. No more. We have vibrant, still powerful cities like Los Angeles and Chicago, that were strong enough to pretty much laugh at the Colored’s attempts to tear them down in the ’68 riots. No more. I don’t know what happened to us, but these kids I saw in Beijing have the look of those who are Born To RULE; gracious, charming, and yet confident with the power that comes from taking Destiny in hand, the Destiny of Greatness. What happened to us?”
He was so upset; it was like, in spite of all of his schooling and education, he could not understand what had happened.
“Simple,” I said.
“We let our RACIAL ENEMIES tell us who we are, and what our Values should be. Simple as that. It ALL came down to RACE, writ large. We went from Manifest Destiny to Manifest Suicide, from self-confidence to self-loathing, at a RACIAL level. In China, the Gentry and the Mandarinate, never had such illusions about human nature as we do; Equality was NEVER a part of their philosophy. They mention their Mandarinate reading and mastering the Confucian Analects, and the ideas of Mencius, and the Mohists; they also discussed ‘The Art of War,” but we aren’t told that, are we? Look at the warm-up for the 2008 Olympics, the just-finished Asian Games in Doha. Note that wu-shu – a martial art – was included, with women as practitioner/contestants. This shows that China, at the highest levels, has become a Smart Sparta – technologically skilled, and possessed of the RACIAL self-confidence that was our hallmark, until we put the Form of Equality, over the Substance of Merit.”
He paused, and asked to come over and talk tomorrow night.
“Drop by. I’m here.”
I let him in, and he said, “What do you think is going on? Really?’
I smiled.
“It’s really simple. We have accepted the terms, Ideas, Ideals, and definitions of our RACIAL enemies. YOUR generation had no shortage of confidence that we were to rule the world. Your SON’S generation allowed the 101st Airborne to FORCIBLY escort their children at bayonet point to Little Rock High School. Your GRANDSON’s generation fought to lower all standards in the name of ‘tolerance’ and ‘fairness,’ and guaranteed your GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN have become the geldings and whores who can not think, and can not reason in the abstract – pictures tell them what to feel, how to feel, what to believe, and what to do. Now, remember how SHOCKED you were at the perfect English, perfect manners, perfect grooming, perfect EVERYTHING the ‘translators’ of Beijing were? The last time this country saw that was at the prep schools where you and your wife went, and, at most, your children went. Look at us now. Hang on a minute, I know you don’t watch tv. Look at THIS. THIS is MTV, THIS is Nickelodeon, THIS is KIDS NICKELODEON, and BABY NICK, for damn infants, is coming. THIS is the REALITY that your great-grandchildren have adopted. I can assure you, the parents of the Beijing Translators don;t let their children within a thousand miles of this crap, save after they have reached a certain age, with teachers explaining to them that THIS is how their COMPETITION sees the world, and THIS is why their COMPETITION is about to become their FORMER competition.”
He and I have discussed Spengler, and yet, it was as if, for the FIRST time, he truly SAW what was before him all of the time.
“What can be done? What can we do? This is horrible. We have become a soft Athens, and are up against the Smart Sparta of New China.” (In school, as a young man, he was grilled in Thuicydides. He KNEW all about the Peloponnesian Wars. He instantly saw what it all meant.)
“What can we do? We can face the facts, and start over, knowing that the America of our youth is gone – certainly as a matter of Form, and all too soon, as a matter of Substance. We can start over, on higher ground. We can start over, where we are, knowing that no one is coming to save us from ourselves, and what WE allowed to happen to us. We can start over, one day at a time, one hour at a time, and one minute at a time. Remember that book you lent me five years or so ago, not long after we met? Remember when the member of the Meritocratic Aristocracy talked with the Captain after the battle,? Remember where the Meritocratic Aristocrat revealed that, beneath his soft voice, his silken clothes, his elegant, simpering manners and mannerisms, was the hard body of a Warrior, and a skilled master of Swordsmanship? Remember his words to the Captain? ‘My dear Captain, you make the mistake of believing that We of the Meritocratic Aristocracy care one iota what you think about us, or indeed, about anything at all. Cast aside your egalitarian wishful thinking. We literally could not care less about what you think. At best, outside the martial arena, you are ignorant to a degree that you could not begin to understand. We can not afford the luxury of allowing your misunderstanding to be remotely on a par with our far greater Understanding. You were born to Serve, and We were born to Rule. As a courtesy for your excellence in serving us in Combat, and fighting alongside us in Combat, I am showing you a small part of the much greater World We live in. Be grateful for this small boon granted you by your betters, and never presume to address us as Equals, ever again. Interesting to have met you.”
THAT is the Mindset the Translators of the 2008 Olympics bring to the table; they will ALL be gracious, courteous, and masters of diplomacy.
They can afford to be.
And, as for us?
We must Start Over, daily, hour, minute by painful minute, knowing that THIS TIME, the Mandarinate will be moving into fourth gear, as we struggle to find second gear.
Oh, by the way.
You DO know that China has decided to go with IPv6 for their Internet?
WE are still debating as to whether or not we can afford it.
LOOKING for second gear, versus BEING in fourth gear.
Two different worlds, with a rapidly developing chasm.
I look at what has happened to Rhodesia in less than thirty short years, and what happened to Detroit, Los Angeles, St. Louis, in less than forty years; past a certain point, Collapse becomes inevitable, and “nature, red in tooth and claw,” triumphs over the Light of Civilization.
Incidentally, look at the Cultures that are either (1) kicking our ass (Islam) or (2) preparing to kick our ass (Asia).
Am I the only one who sees they are relentlessly Masculine, and WE have become ruthlessly Feminine – whiggers, whores, and other geldings?
THAT is the real sickness.
While we all know WHO to blame – the Goddamn JEWS, and OURSELVES, for falling victim to them – overcoming this all-too-real sickness is the work of generations, starting where we are, starting TODAY.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
21 December, 2006 at 9:21 am
JAT wrote: Another sickness to consider: The WN obsession with Nazism to the point that 90% of WN’s are sociopaths.
A) Maybe the WN obsession with Nazism is because every time we try to defend white race, culture and nation they call use Nazis? Eh? You think? No, I don’t guess you do think very much at all, you stupid MF.
B) And as to “90%” and “sociopaths”, the first number is pulled out of your ass and you can keep it there. And for the second, you obviously have no grasp about National Socialism or you’d know that it is the antithesis to sociopathy. Either that, or your dumbass doesn’t know the definition of sociopath to begin with.
How kosher comments like this one by JAT (which is probably an acronym for Jews Against Truth) can be posted on VNN is beyond me. And don’t tell me it’s equal time… WN’s have had no equal time since even before WWII in AmeriKwa.
21 December, 2006 at 12:49 pm
An excellent commentary by New America. I enjoy articles which challenge prevailing views and that why I read this website. It is high time to circle the wagons and build a strong foundation from where we can re-group. We cannot afford to ignore the global issues or they will engulf us before we are strong enough to withstand their onslaught. We must stay abreast of what is occurring in China while fortifying our positions. All is not lost but it will be an uphill battle to regain what we have lost. Now that the president has decided to “double down” and surge into Bagdad, against the will of the American people and most military commanders, we have an excellent opportunity to educate our fellow “goyim” to the source of our misfortune. People are now ready to face the fact that we are being led to slaughter against our will. The patriotic war cries are dying down as the body bags pile up every small town in America. The puppet strings are exposed and the more people that see them, the stronger our base.
21 December, 2006 at 4:47 pm
Allow me to add a hearty ” fuck you” to scat JAT also. Nothing wrong with admiring the one system that brought the jews down.
21 December, 2006 at 7:26 pm
,i># JAT Says:
21 December, 2006 at 4:23 am
Another sickness to consider: The WN obsession with Nazism to the point that 90% of WN’s are sociopaths
I’m playing “spot the Jew.” Refering to the a WN’s “obsession” with nazism as a “sociopath,” meaning serial liars. Hmm – a large body of evidence reveals Jews, “the most innocent people in the world” are generally serial liars, and world class projectionists. They try to project their traits on everyone else. They smear, as the topic itself it avoided.
My guess is “yes.” Anyone else have an opinion?
21 December, 2006 at 8:33 pm
I keep forgetting the sociopathy of admiring the only recent Aryan rejection of the jew virus. I have to keep reminding myself that “surrender, slavery, degeneracy, ugliness, and death are good; freedom, beauty, and life are bad”. The 24/7 thru every channel of our state religion is just not enough to straighten out this sociopath. So, thanks for the reminder JAT.
21 December, 2006 at 8:38 pm
“. . .and world class projectionists. . .”
That’s why they love Hollywood- their projections are on the screen.
21 December, 2006 at 9:10 pm
As in “(GODDAMN) Jewish All of the Time”?
It is a wonderful testimony to the effectiveness of VNN that the Goddamn JEWS are trying desperately to distract us, today, and divert us, tomorrow.
The hook-nosed Satanists are truly terrified of the VNN Motto – “NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT” – because the NEXT step is to shift our focus from what we are OPPOSED to – the Goddamn JEWS – to what we are FOR – in Peter Shank’s masterful formulation:
Remember, THIS focuses on RACE as the dynamic, transcendent Bridge between FAMILY, and CULTURE.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
21 December, 2006 at 9:38 pm
I wrote an awkward sentence.
From JAT’s original statement:
another sickness to consider: The WN obsession with Nazism to the point that 90% of WN’s are sociopaths.
I wrote:
Refering to the a WN’s “obsession†with nazism as a “sociopath,†meaning serial liars. ”
It’s better this way:
JAT promotes the idea that the ‘the WN obsession with nazism’ leads to, or is, sociopathy, which is serial lying.
A good thing, National Socialism. is tied to bad thing, sociopathy.
Ice cream = shit. The classic bait and switch.
I do get irritated at times with the moronic comments left by Yids yidding yiddily. I prefer a “whites only” blog, more than less, simply because I have all the “diversity” I can handle in real life, and also because few of the enemies let us have our say in their spaces.
Why play “fair” as Der Fuehrer alluded to? I don’t understand that, if it’s a management policy. I could be wrong. I’m new at this, and there may be reasons for letting them troll, that I haven’t considered.
They are good lab rats. Their game can be torn apart and analysed in real time. I think Sun Szu said something like, “Know theyself, and know thine enemies. and you shall win the war of a thousand battles.”
Yuletide greetings to you and yours, Shabboz Shabazz.
21 December, 2006 at 10:31 pm
according to ‘JAT’: “Another sickness to consider: The WN obsession with Nazism to the point that 90% of WN’s are sociopaths”
I consider it ‘a badge of HONOUR’ to be labelled as a (neo-)Nazi ‘sociopath’ by ZOG!
The jews are the archetypal ‘sociopaths’ AFA all things moral, decent & honourable are concerned!
They are TRULY, as MacDonald notes, “a people that shall dwell alone!”
21 December, 2006 at 10:38 pm
# New America Says:
21 December, 2006 at 9:10 pm
The hook-nosed Satanists are truly terrified of the VNN Motto – “NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT†– because the NEXT step is to shift our focus from what we are OPPOSED to – the Goddamn JEWS – to what we are FOR – in Peter Shank’s masterful formulation:
Remember, THIS focuses on RACE as the dynamic, transcendent Bridge between FAMILY, and CULTURE.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
I’ve noticed a shift also – less focus on “fucking niggers, kikes and spics” and more focus on us, or the individual “I”
I’ve seen more and more comments along the lines of, “we’ve let this happen, “we permitted this to happen, I was blind” or “we (or I ) got suckered,” or “I can’t believe how blind I was,” and so on. It’s not an easy shift to make. Donald Trump said on his TV show, “losing is a bitch.” The Donald was dead on right about that one. We’ve gotten our asses kicked but good.
I may look at it different than most, but here’s how I see it. Whipping the white man is no easy thing by any means, and the Jews have done a superb job. To my enemy, I say, “Salute.”
The Jews are tough and resourceful and I respect that. Jews are a worthy enemy.
Having an worthy enemy is a good thing. A good enemy forces one to sharpen themselves – better themselves – or die. Little by little, we improve. Individuals hone and gain new skills. They learn to work as a team. I look at myself, a soft 48 year old, slowly and surely turning myself into a piece of steel.
But the Jews fucked up – they left way too many of us alive, and now it’s too late. They should of killed us if they had the chance.
Now we’re on to all their tricks.
Now, our turn at bat is coming, and I wouldn’t want to be Jew when that happens. If I was a Jew, living in todays world, I’d seriously consider trying to migrate to planet Mars as a viable option.
I guess the next question will be, “what do we do NOW about our situation?
21 December, 2006 at 11:38 pm
‘Hoosier’ sez: “The Jews are tough and resourceful and I respect that. Jews are a worthy enemy”
not really!
the jews are little better than parasites: akin to: fleas, lice & maggots(although: admittedly: the latter do provide a use-ful service…….like ‘cleaning wounds’: the jews, how-ever, PROVIDE NO USEFUL SERVICE)
possessing a certain ‘rat cunning’ and ‘rat organisational ability’ because of their piratical, cut-throat ancestry(their for-bears and patriarchs: identified in their ‘Old Testament’ are clearly nothing better than mass murderers, whore mongers & serial rapists!), the jews were fortunate enough to stumble on to the three fatal weaknesses of the White Race and, using those, launch their three-pronged attack on the same…..the level of intelligence needed to identify the White Race as the greatest threat to the jews would not be HUGE: even niggz can identify us as a threat….and: wotz their average ‘level of intelligence’?
the three fatal weaknesses of the White Race
are as follows:
i/the gullibility complex;
ii/the fair-ness neurosis and
iii/the fatal pre-dilection for ‘law & order’: irrespective of whose ‘law’ or WHAT ‘order’!
(from these: springs all our current woes under ZOG!)
the three-pronged attack utilised by the jews AGAINST the White Race involves the following three fronts:
i/religious bigotry;
ii/class war-fare and
(from these: springs all the past and present ills afflicting the White Race: various ‘wars of religion’, WWI & WWII, communism/’The Cold War’, the division of white society along class & gender lines, the feminist ‘agenda’ and the current débâcle in Iraq! and the oxymoronic ‘War on Terror’)
read: “Nature’s Eternal Religion”
read: “The White Man’s Bible”
‘Classic Creativity’: PM Matt Hale speaks:
22 December, 2006 at 12:03 am
JAT Says:
Another sickness to consider: The WN obsession with Nazism to the point that 90% of WN’s are sociopaths”
Precisely. How many times have we heard decadence of the west, particularly in America? Where obese, illitirates, whiggerize, dumbed down, national idendity crisis, crimes, degeneracy, perversion, and of the bastardize illegitimate government ect is the norm these dayz.
22 December, 2006 at 12:10 am
22 December, 2006 at 12:17 am
Some thoughts for Hoosier:
Hoosier Says:
21 December, 2006 at 10:38 pm
# New America Says:
21 December, 2006 at 9:10 pm
The hook-nosed Satanists are truly terrified of the VNN Motto – “NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT†– because the NEXT step is to shift our focus from what we are OPPOSED to – the Goddamn JEWS – to what we are FOR – in Peter Shank’s masterful formulation:
Remember, THIS focuses on RACE as the dynamic, transcendent Bridge between FAMILY, and CULTURE.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
Hoosier replied:
I’ve noticed a shift also – less focus on “fucking niggers, kikes and spics†and more focus on us, or the individual “Iâ€
in reply:
And THIS is the KEY to realizing true power – defined as the ability to actually be EFFECTIVE, on OUR terms – for the first time since Rockwell figured out that either WE define who WE are, our our RACIAL ENEMIES will define us, for their interests.
When Linder opened VNN, he avoided the trap of hierarchical organization that led so many of our predecessors down the False Path that certainly never posed any threat whatsoever to our RACIAL ENEMY, whether it was the Birches, and Dr. Oliver, or the National Alliance, with whatever leadership took over after Pierce essentially threw his hands up in despair as to having competent people follow him.
THIS is the ultimate cell structure – whether it is April Gaede out in Kalispell, Montana, or Alex Linder in Kirksville, Missouri, the IDEA has taken on a life of its own, and is now finally getting an ORGANIC foothold, developing locally in accordance with LOCAL conditions.
The delicious irony is this – whether we call The Idea White Nationalism, Western Nationalism, National Socialism, Traditionalism, American Socialist Worker’s Party, whatever, it is taking the Form that works within the matter of Cultural SUBSTANCE it has to work with.
In short, the IDEA is transcending the trap of Wordism that Bob Whitaker so correctly fears, much less the trap of an EXTERNALLY IMPOSED, INORGANIC HIERARCHY.
Anyone seen any other example of this happening?
The Goddamn JEWS – who only have ONE COMMANDMENT – “Is it good for JEWS?” With THIS as their sole Commandment, and “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt So War” as their sole Instrument of Expansion, they have succeeded spectacularly with their perverbal RACIAL focus.
So shall we, Jews.
So shall we.
Hoosier wrote:
I’ve seen more and more comments along the lines of, “we’ve let this happen, “we permitted this to happen, I was blind†or “we (or I ) got suckered,†or “I can’t believe how blind I was,†and so on. It’s not an easy shift to make. Donald Trump said on his TV show, “losing is a bitch.†The Donald was dead on right about that one. We’ve gotten our asses kicked but good.
in reply:
But, at least, we are AWARE of this, and HOW this sad state of affairs came to pass.
We are not like the masters of Learned Helplessness, the Patriotards, waiting for SOMEONE to return, and restore some earlier version of the Constitution to its proper place; “THEN, everything will be ALLLLL RIGHHHT, and we can ALLLLL live HAPPILY EVER AFTER!”
The Next Step is to simply avoid doing wrong, and then replace what does NOT work, with what DOES work – or at least, lay the foundation for what DOES work to come into being, organically.
Hoosier wrote:
I may look at it different than most, but here’s how I see it. Whipping the white man is no easy thing by any means, and the Jews have done a superb job. To my enemy, I say, “Salute.â€
The Jews are tough and resourceful and I respect that. Jews are a worthy enemy.
in reply:
They have centuries of dedicated practice; however, as Christ, Luther, and Hitler all proved, they CAN be defeated – and the one thing they truly hate is to be identified AS JEWS by Goyim – to be identified as JEWS when they wish to be identified as ANYTHING else.
This one act – being AWARE of them – does so much to neutralize them of their power, the power to adopt whatever facade they need, to succeed.
The wonderful Roddy Piper movie, “They Live,” might well end up filed under the DOCUMENTARY section, one of these days.
“ONE,” today, and so many more, sooner than they dared imagine.
That’s why they all united, quickly, to stop the ONE who could SEE; once he convinced another, the one Idea that explains so very much of our plight, and the ONLY way out – SEEING, THINKING, and ACTING in RACIAL terms – makes all of the difference, to all of us, today, and all of them, tomorrow.
Hoosier wrote:
Having an worthy enemy is a good thing. A good enemy forces one to sharpen themselves – better themselves – or die. Little by little, we improve. Individuals hone and gain new skills. They learn to work as a team. I look at myself, a soft 48 year old, slowly and surely turning myself into a piece of steel.
in reply:
Same here.
All too often, anger – a VERY useful emotion, particularly in generating the power of Will needed to survive – has been wasted in empty, hollow, impotent acts.
With a disciplined, intergenerational RACIAL focus, anger is VERY useful, indeed.
Need any motivation to push away from the table, rather than have second helpings?
“I can not be of assistance to anyone if I am in a hospital, with a heart bypass scheduled, and diabetes to block recovery.”
Need any motivation to buy and maintain a good used car, rather than waste a fortune on always buying this year’s new model of automobile?
“The money I save, compounded over thirty years, will allow me to invest in the appropriate vehicles for my family – and, by extension, my RACE.”
If WE ever develop such a Focus, and the Discipline needed to make it work….
That’s why the Goddamn JEWS made Goddamn SURE that WE would have Libertarianism, with its sole worship of the Individual, perhaps the most effective divide-and-conquer philosophy imaginable, while they maintained their exclusive RACIAL focus.
This RACIAL focus leads organically to intergenerational thinking – the specialty of men like Brigham Young, for example, who seems to have done pretty well for the twelve thousands or so who followed him to Utah with little indeed, save their scant worldly possessions and a hundred pounds of provisions each.
It’s this continued focus on what can be done, no matter how small it may seem, TODAY, where we ARE, rather than waiting like the cowards who believe in the Rapture, that will make all of the difference; it’s that RACIAL focus, with the organic Awareness of being a trustee for your Descendants in all that you think, say, and do, that makes all of the difference.
And no detail is too small, as long as it is faithfully DONE – lose weight, do Pilates for core strength and flexibility, and simple exercises – push ups, working on a Stairmaster instead of watching dinner turn into fat – done with an INTERGENERATIONAL focus – a RACIAL focus – makes all of the difference, when compounded over a year – a mere Moment, in a lifetime.
“Soft,” today, and little less “soft,” tomorrow – and, one morning, your pants are a little baggy, your shirt collar a little looser, and both your life expectancy, and the quality of your life, increase, dramatically.
Hoosier wrote:
But the Jews fucked up – they left way too many of us alive, and now it’s too late. They should of killed us if they had the chance.
in reply:
Why did “Only the JEW, win World War II?”
Because the best and brightest of us slaughtered each other, in the RACIAL trap set for us by the Goddamn JEWS.
Why does the Goddamn JEW want us in Iraq forever?
Not just to destroy their regional Enemies; no, the exposure to depleted uranium, in the very air our Children breathe, will destroy their lives, and, more importantly, their DNA.
God DAMN but they are going to have to PAY for this!
Incidentally, the latest figure I have seen is that more than five thousand soldiers have functionally deserted; some, in Canada, some, in Europe, and they ALL say the same thing: “I’m not going back, no matter what.”
Did you know the Arab street refers to US forces as “the JEWS?”
THEY know the score!
If the Goddamn JEWS have not destroyed us, it’s not from lack of trying!
Hoosier wrote:
Now we’re on to all their tricks.
in reply:
THAT is their fear.
We don;t waste our energy blaming their front men – the Colored, the “Communists,” the “United Nations,” the “Internationalists,” the “Soviet Union.”
Go straight for the Goddamn JEW!
Hoosier wrote:
Now, our turn at bat is coming, and I wouldn’t want to be Jew when that happens. If I was a Jew, living in todays world, I’d seriously consider trying to migrate to planet Mars as a viable option.
in reply:
Covington ends “A Distant Thunder” with a communication from OUR University on Marsopolis, so, Mars is not the “viable option” they might hope.
But, damn, it’s a START!
Hoosier wrote:
I guess the next question will be, “what do we do NOW about our situation?
in reply:
Peter Shank noted that, even if we got rid of all of our RACIAL enemies, we would still have to deal with ourselves.
This is a more profound observation than many might casually realize.
By dealing with OURSELVES, individually, we can become stronger, collectively; all too much effort has been put into the Dream of our Enemies disappearing, not realizing how useful they are as spurs to Disciplined, Focused, ACTIVITY starting with US, starting where we ARE.
Just this simple Idea has led to Brigham Young’s Idea of a separate RACIAL Nation in the Wilderness, Bill White’s creative reformulation of National Socialism in ONE Form, Harold Covington’s formulation of an independent White National Republic, Tom Metzger’s formulation of independence of operation, today, as a foundation of collective self-defense, tomorrow, April Gaede’s formulation of Kalispell, Montana as a place where the Goddamn JEWS can be faced DOWN, and where none may make afraid, Peter Shank’s analysis of how the Goddamn JEWS set every trap along the way, but the disciplined focus of a social order based on FAMILY, RACE and CULTURE defines the necessary foundation to something much better – all of this pulls from one IDEA, implemented with damn near single-minded Discipline, and a ruthless sense of Responsibility to our FAMILY, our RACE and our CULTURE.
To me, it’s very simple:
Look at what the Goddamn JEWS have done that WORKS, and understand WHY and HOW it works.
It ALL comes down to one Idea, and one Ideal:
RACE, as the dynamic bridge between FAMILY, and CULTURE.
It works for the Goddamn JEWS, it worked for OUR Ancestors, and it will work for US, and our POSTERITY.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
22 December, 2006 at 12:42 am
“. . .migrate to planet Mars as a viable option. . .”
They can migrate from PLANET HOLLYWOOD. . .
Instead of Invaders from Mars, it will be Invaders to Mars.
22 December, 2006 at 12:46 am
Hoosier, New America great posts/thoughts, important too. Yes, I have had enough fake diverisity. When I post again on the forum, the minute a troll shows up, I am calling it what it is.
It pains me to see our young men in their 20’s wearing trousers that have their ass showing even when they bend over, and they are not fat at all, but wearing nigger MTV baggy low raise trousers. I have seen these filthy clothes even on 10-5 year old boys at the grocery and their stupid parents buy this filthy clothing of free will? I am going to have to see if the over sized clown clothes are cheaper than normal clothing next I in a department store.
When I see healthy familie’s I compliment them, as seeing them warms my heart and I say it is important.
Hoosier, as for them killing U.S. In 1950-52 in Korea they really meant to bloody our nose and literally push us in the Sea at Pusan.
Douglas MacArthur, fouled that plan with the Inchon landing and that counter attack was keep 100% top secret from Wash.D.C. or else it would have failed as he and his command knew to for a FACT the treason was in D.C. transferred all info the enemy. Please see Lt. Genearal USMC Lewis W.Walt’s 1979 book “The Eleventh Hour” Names and dates are given, General Walt was asked to resign when the book came out too.
The Korean war was to keep Mac, from resigning the Army in 1950 and to prepare to run for the president’s office, they knew this in Hooeyweird, NYC, London and Moscow, and this could not be allowed to happen, so start the WAR and Mac. would take command and never make to clean out the White whore house once and for all.
I want to thank all the great posters and writer’s of VNN, for their couarge and especially thank you Alex Linder for making this site avaiable through all the b.s and troubles of the last 6 years, and still you stayed focused enough to have Childeren too! Victory!
22 December, 2006 at 6:09 am
New America, intersting story with some good points. But it’s a story. My work had me spend a lot, I mean a lot, of time in China. You give them far too much credit. They can copy, that they can.
22 December, 2006 at 10:25 am
You may have a point. The West went through a fundamental change in thinking from a post monarchial Christian world view to the secular democratic present. Do you know what that is?
Hint: If you feel that nationalism demands a faith in Hitler and the Nazis you suffer from it as well.
22 December, 2006 at 11:31 am
Lived in Beijing Says:
22 December, 2006 at 6:09 am
New America, intersting story with some good points. But it’s a story. My work had me spend a lot, I mean a lot, of time in China. You give them far too much credit. They can copy, that they can.
in reply:
This is an important point; no one has ever claimed that the Chinese society is a hotbed of societal innovation, much less a wellspring of Creativity – THAT is part and parcel of our unique RACIAL Heritage.
I suspect that they are copying the BEST, from the perspective of Technology – TOOLS! – within their essentially static social structure; thus, for instance, they are going to IPv6 and, possibly, the ZFS file system as the foundation of their next Internet – the best TOOLS – while doing all in their power to moderate the Internet as a tool for opening their essentially hyperstable social order to Western ideas of “freedom,” and “democracy.”
This does represent a tremendous contrast between “The Best, and the Rest,” and the governing Elite go to great lengths to insure their position at the top is unchallenged. This means the best opportunities go to THEIR “posterity.”
Yet, THEIR “posterity” has a strong Awareness of RACIAL discipline, manifested as the filial foundation of their social and philosophical systems; thus, the “best and brightest” of the Elite have practiced arduously, daily, sixteen hours a day for YEARS, SOLELY to be able to flow in the West as fish in the stream of Power.
Many will see the ’08 Olympics as a sporting event.
THEY will see the ’08 Olympics as the opportunity for the culmination of LIFETIMES – note the plural – as THEIR “posterity” build perfect Living Bridges to The Best of the West, the wellspring of what the Asiatic Hive Consciousness lacks – THE CREATIVE SOUL – and who knows what kind of world THEIR grandchildren will build?
The last time WE had both together, a bankrupt. destitute nation, whose citizens died of exposure and starvation in the dark, became, in less than a decade, the world model for a new type of RACIAL organization that only ONE people could CREATE, the National Socialist model.
It was so successful that ALL of the collective efforts of the Asiatic Hive Consciousness known as the Goddamn JEWS were mobilized, and they united their goy servants to destroy it in the cradle – a perfect example of the RACIAL nature of the eternal war the Goddamn JEWS wage upon ALL of mankind.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
22 December, 2006 at 12:00 pm
“. . .turning myself into a piece of steel. . .”
Man of Steel
easily defeats
Man of Steal
22 December, 2006 at 12:41 pm
New America Says:
22 December, 2006 at 12:17 am
All too often, anger – a VERY useful emotion, particularly in generating the power of Will needed to survive – has been wasted in empty, hollow, impotent acts.
Yes, like arguing with hatemongers hatefully hating on message boards. I caught a positive virus from Alex Linder when he posted the thread on a “Jewess Jewing Jewily.” It’s viral marketing at its finest. I never could get that out of my mind. From Alex Linder to me, and now it’s mine. Thanks Alex.
Here’s a favor in return, Alex – an honest assessment. If the VNN blog is to spiral upwards, you have to keep the Yid/mud/anti’s/queers out. VNN is part of the natural world, and what works everywhere else, will work here. It can be handled more efficiently at the moderator level, so posters won’t have to spend time dealing with them.
That’s my sales pitch.
22 December, 2006 at 2:15 pm
New America: you mentioned the film ‘They Live’ and I was reminded of the scene where the white hero tries to get the nigger to look through the special spectacles. What an effort it took! They almost beat each other senseless before the jig would look and see the truth. It’s almost as hard to get most white people to see the truth in the real world. Unfortunately, we don’t have magic spectacles to show the kike in true light. Kikes are almost as ugly in looks and far worse in character than the aliens in the film.
Hoosier, as to whether all enemies should be kept off the blog, I don’t know. It would be OK to have the odd yid on so that we could practise attack on them. I enjoy insulting kikes now and then. We certainly have plenty of ammunition while all they can do is hiss and spit their hatred.
22 December, 2006 at 5:30 pm
that’s true too, is it fun to insult them, Bryan. Maybe the ideal would be a little bit of yid troll insult fest, but not all the time. The forum has the right idea of having an Opposition section, and kept them in their ghettos but they have to stay there.
I don’t know how that could be done with a blog. Maybe they ARE already just letting a few slip through the cracks and deleting the rest.
22 December, 2006 at 6:18 pm
bryan o’driscoll wrote:
22 December, 2006 at 2:15 pm
New America: you mentioned the film ‘They Live’ and I was reminded of the scene where the white hero tries to get the nigger to look through the special spectacles. What an effort it took! They almost beat each other senseless before the jig would look and see the truth. It’s almost as hard to get most white people to see the truth in the real world. Unfortunately, we don’t have magic spectacles to show the kike in true light. Kikes are almost as ugly in looks and far worse in character than the aliens in the film. *snip*
in reply:
There IS a key that opens the door – and that’s all I want to do! – just get them to ADMIT that the hook-nosed Satanists even EXIST as demons who walk the Earth in shoe leather – and it requires something that will soon be in great supply.
BAD economic times.
They have masked the recognition of their true economic plight by using their houses for ATM’s, only to begin to realize that they will soon be underwater as their houses return to historical valuations.
As well, property taxes will rise – look at your property tax bill and see the words “constant value tax rate” this is the terms where the STATE gets at LEAST the constant value FROM your property. regardless of what your property is worth – AND most of their mortgages have a clause where, if their property becomes worth less than a certain amount, the mortgage is due and callable IMMEDIATELY – thus, foreclosure proceedings can begin immediately. (Foreclosure experts, don’t jump in and talk about Notice of Default filings and all of that; I know all of that, and I’m making a point. Thank you!) The banks will, in effect, then either rewrite the mortgage for the NEW amount of valuation, if they are so inclined, earning a new round of fees, OR they will move forward and get a deficiency judgment against the now insolvent broke property owner for the difference.
When this sort of cascading collapse hits, on a personal level, that’s one thing; when it takes our entire financial industries, such as the savings and loan industry, that’s another. My personal definition of a Great Depression is when the financial system is restructured, and the forced process of marking to market value results in the destruction of entire financial sectors, including many pension programs.
The late Wallace Peterson wrote my undergrad macroeconomics textbook; his was a clean, clear voice that spoke in counterpoint to the false duality of Samuelson, on the one hand, and the monetarists, on the other. In ’94 Peterson wrote a book that no one paid attention to, called “Silent Depression.” It laid out his analysis, in lay terms, of how the middle class was just getting NAILED economically, but a wide range of creative fiscale tools and accounting tricks masked this – people looked at the raw numbers, and nobody bothered to look at their personal PPI sets. It has become MUCH worse since then. Indeed, even now, few people use even the FREE version of Microsoft MONEY to see what is REALLY happening to them financially. No one bothers to realize that their insurance policies are constantly being rewritten, with various deductibles going up, various copays going up, and various limits of exposure going DOWN…
A Wise Friend of mine told me that only one in five Americans – that’s as in “twenty percent” – realized, when talking with interviewers, that an increase in the national deficit means an increase in the national debt. Let’s forget about the implications of balance of payments deficits – you might as well be talking about alien space brothers, for all it means to people who have the same right to vote that you do.
I don’t talk about any of that.
I talk about their children going to “school” to be “trained” for jobs that have left America by the time they get out.
I talk about children who are in or will be graduating from college, and will have to live at home, because their student loans are too great to EVER be repaid.
I talk about the difference between when THEY were young, and we saw a world so full of opportunities we put men on the moon (WHITE MEN, by the way!) AND BROUGHT THEM BACK!
I then give a small Test to them, of just one phrase, that Kevin Alfred Strom created:
“What happened to us? What happened to White People?”
Their reaction to those last two words are all I need to see.
I have seen – on the four times I used it, at blue collar convenience stores near where I live – a look of SHOCK on the face of recipient.
As I leave, I stop at the “community bulletin board,” where look at them as I tap a 3 by 5 card I put up, with three websites on it –,, and
That’s all.
Do they have a “food distribution program” for “disadvantaged people” at your local all-White, blue-collar rural church?
Do they have an Unemployment Office that is the busiest office in town?
Same idea.
To return to my beginning, BAD economic times DEMAND attention, and, with the people I am working with, bad economic times never really left.
And, all of the tricks used to disguise them are running out of power.
This will be the last “Merry Christmas” for too many of us, unless we take matters into our OWN hands.
One way, or another.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
23 December, 2006 at 5:52 pm
Well, I say JAT is right. I say 100% of WNs are sociopaths. We’d better be, our survival counts on it. I’m definately a sociopath of our current so-called society. How could one not, and still genuinely care about the fate of white folk? That being said, whites in general are far more cooperative, orderly, and socially adept than the heathen mudpuppies, as evidenced by our superior societies, Nazi Germany being right at the top of the list. A healthy, vibrant society bonded by a homogenous racial population that had pride and a positive identity. No wonder you murdering assholes are so afraid of whites who know the truth. Hey JAT, you’re a typical jew fifth columnist and as the Man said,”there is no Truth in you, or your kind.” I’m glad you see us. Itz coming, most assuredly and deservedly you murdering maggot! Want to see real sociopaths in action? The jew, highly adept at lying, stealing, swindling, murdering, inciting, conspiring, sneaking, skulking, etc., etc., ad nauseum ad infinitum. Note their heavy involvment in organized crime. The most prolific race by far for breeding the true sociopath. Auslander raus!!! 88 and a rebel yell!!! Deguello, jew-filth! (JAT, that’s MISTER ANTISEMITE to you!)
23 December, 2006 at 8:45 pm
A further observation for bryan o’driscoll:
In my response to your post, I said:
“I then give a small Test to them, of just one phrase, that Kevin Alfred Strom created:
“What happened to us? What happened to White People?â€
Their reaction to those last two words are all I need to see.”
THIS is the Real Sickness; the denial, the active abrogation of our RACIAL Identity by the hook-nosed Satanists, to the point that our posterity identify more with their RACIAL enemies than they do with us!
I have seen tired, older men literally look startled when I use that phrase:
“What happened to us? What happened to White People?â€
It is as if they have forgotten their heritage; they have forgotten the wellspring from which their society grew, they have forgotten the very foundations of their RACIAL greatness.
Just one generation later – but it is a generation raised on television and the group as the foundation of their identity – the forgotten foundations of their RACIAL greatness have been replaced by their ACTIVE NEGATION.
Our sons dress in the clothing of the gelded conquered, and adopt the mannerisms of blindly aping their new rulers; our daughters become a generation of “Fuknchuks,” the common whores of their new rulers, and they feel morally superior to their ancestors, as they reflect outwardly the values that have been placed in the hearts and minds by our RACIAL enemies.
Hoosier spoke of the incredible motivational powers of a clear, cold anger, a source of energy that can be transformed into a spur for Activity.
I felt that after my blood kin sent their posessions down for the holidays (the UPS Store packs it up and ships it, saving one and all the airport drama, and airline incompetence) and I mentioned I have looked at everything, including the ONE comic book/graphic novel which has ideas I can work with.
I will “suggest” that I will take them to the mall and buy them some appropriate clothes while they are staying with me, and “suggest” that they might want to “donate” their “Team White Trash” t-shirts to a charity, along with their baggy pants, and other poor-fitting garb. I will make my “suggestions” with a discussion of how other people truly deserve such fine raiment, as we drive to the Salvation Army Thrift Shop. I shall “share my concerns” using the diplomatic words of a country preacher at a shotgun wedding, and the tone of a Parris Island drill instructor.
The cable tv shall be virtually inoperative – guess which channels get locked out? – for the several weeks they are here; their computer games will be used as educational tools – there is something called “HALO” that I can use to good effect. I JUST HAPPEN to have a bunch of Richard Marcinko books lying around…
I have also arranged for them to take a real Skills Assessment Course at the local community college – that is the basic price they MUST pay for living an essentially idyllic life for most of a month, on my dime. They will have to work for the rest of their lives; might as well find out what they will enjoy doing, because retirement, as we know it, is OVER, especially for their generation.
If they don’t like it, fine.
This is NOT a democracy; it is a Benevolent Dictatorship.
I will also pay for their attending a dojo for a month, in the hopes it will inspire them to gain the mindset they will need in the Dark Days to come.
Their generation has Dreams; I have Plans, and I have Plans, for them.
And, except for the Skills Assessment, they don’t really have to actually DO anything.
They will be rewarded accordingly.
As they say in that great movie, “The Matrix,” “Welcome to the Real.”
Remember the words of Peter Shank – “WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US!”
It’s up to us to DO SOMETHING about it, every day.
By the way, that includes sending some money to Alex Linder, Bill White, Hal Turner, wherever you get your Inspiration (ALL of them, if you want!), EACH AND EVERY MONTH.
In the words of “Doc” Schneider, “It’s down to ‘Boots, or Bullion.’ Feet in the street, or cash on the line.”
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
24 December, 2006 at 2:45 am
I agree the Jews are behind all the evils affecting the white race.
27 December, 2006 at 5:37 am
blah blah blah zzzzzzz. KKK = 11 11 11 =11 22 33 = jew-masonic front organization.