World War II: the Good War?
Posted by alex in VNN Staff, World War II at 6:36 pm | 
By VNN Staff
December 2006
These days, World War II is often called the “good war” [1]. In other words, it’s said that the war was necessary in order to stop fascism, even though many people died in that conflict. [By the way, just for the historical record, please recall that Britain and America decided upon going to war with Germany and Japan early on. Both countries “set the stage” for war long before war actually occurred].
Was WWII really a good war? If so, who was it good for? Who was it bad for? Let’s take a look at some of the results of that war:
– Nazi Germany – the only White nation in the entire world which stood against Jewish power, communism, multiculturalism and other “-isms” – was not simply defeated, but completely destroyed
– The Soviet Union – the world’s first criminal, communist state and a state built by Jews – became a superpower, complete with nuclear weapons. The Soviets also “exported” communism all over the world after the war [see below]. That, by itself, was an incredible tragedy for humanity, far worse than the so-called “Holocaust”
– By being an ally of America, the Soviet Union gained “legitimacy” all over the globe – which may be why it didn’t collapse until 1989
– Half of Europe – i.e., Eastern Europe – fell under communist rule after the war, and under that rule millions of innocent people were killed or imprisoned
– Roughly 30 million White people died in the war, the majority of them civilians
– The world “lost” roughly 80 million White people to WWII, since many of the Whites who died during that war would have produced children later had they not died. That’s an amazing number of people. So WWII was, in a sense, semi-genocidal to the White race
– After the war, the U.S. engaged in a 40-year “cold war” with the Soviet Union, which cost American taxpayers billions of dollars and produced widespread fear of a nuclear conflict
– China became communist, thanks to Soviet aid and influence
– The Korean and Vietnam wars occurred, thanks to Soviet and Chinese aid
– Cuba became communist, thanks to Soviet aid and influence
– Nicaragua became communist, thanks to Soviet and Cuban aid
– The U.S. had a dangerous confrontation with Cuba and its big brother, the Soviet Union, in 1962, in which America came close to getting into a nuclear conflict. This was called the Cuban Missile Crisis
– Leftist political parties came to power all across Western Europe after the war, which liberalized and multiculturalized the entire region
– White racial beliefs and ideas became taboo in all of the Western countries
– Non-White immigration into most White countries became routine
– After the war, White-governed republics faded away. In their place sprang up “democracies,” i.e., non-White people voting and running for public office in White countries
– The Jews gained enormous political, social and financial power after WWII. In fact, you could say that the ending of WWII cleared the way for Jewish domination of the Western countries
– The Jews acquired their own state, Israel, which gave them even more power and also “credibility” as a people. Israel now causes much grief for the American people since not only do Americans fund Israel with $3 billion of their tax dollars per year, but America’s support of Israel causes much of the world to hate the United States
The fact is: the only people who benefited from WWII were 1) Jews and other non-Whites; 2) communists; 3) leftists and 4) a few clever businessmen who saw the war coming. Indeed, despite constant propaganda to the contrary, White culture – the greatest culture in history and a culture which began long before Christ – could be called the “main loser” of World War II. So why is it called the “good war?”
[1] the Jewish writer Studs Terkel popularized the term “the good war” with a 1984 book about various WWII experiences
2 December, 2006 at 7:54 pm
2 December, 2006 at 7:54 pm
My main point of contention regarding this story is its depositing of european culture(s) [plural] into the lump “white culture”. There is arguably no such thing as “white culture”, but rather “white cultures” which are either ethnic cultures, or composites of white cultures resulting from assimilation. I would say that some modern cultures that are classified “white are also crap, and cultures like those of the German and Briton are superior white cultures that do not benefit from being lumped with others.
2 December, 2006 at 8:12 pm
And that is where the propaganda on Islam, the only so called anti-Semitic religion in the world, is taking America: WWIII with the next, major battle against Iran.
2 December, 2006 at 8:25 pm
As I have stated here before… my old man was a navigator on a USAF propaganda plane in WWII. He always said we fought on the wrong side…
It wasnt a good war. It was just another jew war, perhaps the jewiest of all, definitely the largest ever. But I could be wrong about that “jewiest” part. They have been fighting the nameless war against everyone else forever. They are at war all the time. Time more woke up to that…
2 December, 2006 at 8:31 pm
Is so true. A quick timeline of half century, turned the world upside-down in minutes,when measuring in light years.
White people all over the world are stunt; I’m sure, of what is taking place before their eyes. The way i see it, we reached the bottom, and there’s nothing left but up.
What goes up Must come down When goes down Must go up.
2 December, 2006 at 10:58 pm
When I ask my fellow countrymen why we declared war upon Germany, the answer invariably is that……. “they invaded Poland”. When I then point out to them that Russia also invaded Poland and yet we did not declare war upon them and Russia occupied Poland after the war, I am just left with a blank stare or an histerical assertion that the evil Nazis wanted to conquer the world.
I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of people are simply incapable of independent or critical thought.
3 December, 2006 at 12:39 am
‘Hengest’: “When I ask my fellow countrymen why we declared war upon Germany, the answer, invariably, is that……. ‘they invaded Poland’ â€
and, of course, the reason Germany invaded Poland WAS BECAUSE THE ETHNIC GERMANS THERE WERE BEING SLAUGHTERED!……and, of course, the filthy FREE-MASONs & chabbez-gois of the JewK were ‘up to their worthless necks’ in that mass-slaughter of innocent white women & children!….just like the ZOG-boyz of the JewK are doin’ to-day in Iraq!
3 December, 2006 at 2:11 am
Britain’s victories are barren; they leave her poor, and they leave her people hungry; they leave her bereft of the markets and the wealth that she possessed six years ago. But above all, they leave her with an immensely greater problem than she had then. We are nearing the end of one phase of Europe’s history, but the next will be no happier. It will be grimmer, harder and perhaps bloodier. And now I ask you earnestly, can Britain survive?
Churchill has renounced all British interests in Europe and those of his people who are not blind now realise that the pretext for this war [german invasion of Poland] was far removed from the cause of it, namely, the subservience of the so-called democratic politicians to their Jewish masters.
The people of England will curse themselves for having preferred ruin from Churchill to peace from Hitler.
William Joyce
3 December, 2006 at 3:52 am
It is called the good war because the jew says it was, and it was good for jews.
3 December, 2006 at 7:50 am
I’m sure Angle meant to say “Breton”, not “Briton”. Only a typo could explain such wanton error.
3 December, 2006 at 11:10 am
This article is an outstanding outline of the true Holocaust against non-jew Whites. One that needs to be framed and published over and over is: – “Roughly 30 million White people died in the war, the majority of them civilians”. This is a far cry from the 6 million jews who died in their faked Holocaust. One day we will have our reparation against the jews and their followers.
3 December, 2006 at 11:46 am
“Hengest Says:
2 December, 2006 at 10:58 pm
When I ask my fellow countrymen why we declared war upon Germany, the answer invariably is that……. “they invaded Polandâ€. When I then point out to them that Russia also invaded Poland and yet we did not declare war upon them and Russia occupied Poland after the war, I am just left with a blank stare or an histerical assertion that the evil Nazis wanted to conquer the world.
I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of people are simply incapable of independent or critical thought.”
Actually, the US didn’t declare war on Germany after they invaded Poland, France and England did. At that point in time(1939) the US was still trying to stay out of what was to become WW2.
The US entered the war when the japs attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941. Four days later the Germans declared war on the US and the jew engineered White genocide began. If not for the declaration of war by Germany, Roosevelt would have had a hard time justifying declaring war on Germany until Japan was destroyed. A stategic error by Hitler, IMO.
Edit: I assumed you are American, Hengest, If you are British then of course you are accurate.
3 December, 2006 at 2:44 pm
I refer one and all to an earlier thread on this topic:
The most succinct, accurate posting in that thread come from Biff Baxter:
Biff Baxter Says:
25 June, 2006 at 10:38 pm
No matter who you are, no matter where you think you are or what you think is going on, you’re a complete jackass if you don’t concede the truth. It’s the single most important idea you can absorb in the year 2006 …
Irregardless of what your reaction to that response might be, it’s a fact that if the men who fought the Nazis in WWII in America, Britain and Australia had known what the future would be like … NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM WOULD HAVE FOUGHT ANOTHER MINUTE. IT’S A FACT. THEY WOULD HAVE LAID DOWN THEIR ARMS AND WELCOMED THE NAZIS OR ELSE WILLINGLY DEFECTED TO THE GERMAN SIDE.
It doesn’t matter what anyone says about it. IT’S THE TRUTH.
Go back in time with a couple magazines and a DVD player, you could trigger the complete and unconditional surrender of the Western world to the Germans, no terms of any kind.
Suck it up, lurkers. Because you know it is true. NOT ONE.
in reply:
Baxter’s core point – if we could rerun the experiment – just addresses the issue in one phrase, the depth of insight which is beyond doubt:
Biff Baxter wrote:
Go back in time with a couple magazines and a DVD player, you could trigger the complete and unconditional surrender of the Western world to the Germans, no terms of any kind.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
3 December, 2006 at 2:52 pm
Excellent summary, but let us not forget that the jews were also up to their armpits in Aryan blood during the FIRST World War.
4 December, 2006 at 12:42 am
This one is for the laughing fool. Dictionary is your friend:
Main Entry: Brit·on
Pronunciation: ‘bri-t&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English Breton, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French, from Latin Britton-, Britto, of Celtic origin; akin to Welsh Brython
1 : a member of one of the peoples inhabiting Britain prior to the Anglo-Saxon invasions
2 : a native or subject of Great Britain; especially : ENGLISHMAN
4 December, 2006 at 1:25 am
– After the war, the U.S. engaged in a 40-year “cold war†with the Soviet Union, which cost American taxpayers billions of dollars and produced widespread fear of a nuclear conflict
Great article, I would make that “trillions.” It’s widely accepted that the U.S. spent 12-15 trillion on itz nuculur weapons alone between 1948-2002.
4 December, 2006 at 2:17 am
After some reading and double cheking I give You this link. It have some intresting
points about WW2 and how itzies did it …
4 December, 2006 at 9:40 pm
“Actually, the US didn’t declare war on Germany after they invaded Poland, France and England did. At that point in time(1939) the US was still trying to stay out of what was to become WW2.”
Canada also declared war on Germany. Another horrifically Jewed cuntry.
Hitler’s declaration of war was not a strategic mistake. US was already at war with Germany. Lend-lease to England and Russia and capturing and kidnapping of German merchant marines were numerous acts of war against Germany during their so-called “neutrality”. Franklin Delano Rosenberg was a fucking Jewed lying pig.
5 December, 2006 at 1:12 am
Yep, F. D. Roosevelt was already at war with Hitler in the North Atlantic since about Summer 1941. Hitler’s declaration of war merely made it official. In fact, in many ways America started the war with Germany when American invaded and burned-down that German radio station in Greenland circa Nov. 1941.
5 December, 2006 at 4:51 pm
New America is spot on. If our fathers and grandfathers were alive today they would be horrified at the world they fought to create.
5 December, 2006 at 7:36 pm
Re Celtic Warrior and New America:
I wonder. Would they? A lot of them were and are still alive to see this jew world. For years I have watched these veterans of the slaughter of Europe constantly strut their stuff with their medals and berets each November 11th. In every documentary or interview they never seem to think they fought on the wrong side. They boast about their part in El Alamein, Normandy and the ‘Liberation of Europe’ as though they were part of a great crusade of light.
Yet, when they are pushed into the street in their own town by some blue gum savage with a white trash slut on his arm and a half ape in tow they just wail that there is no gratitude for the sacrifices their generation made. Most of them can’t seem to make the connection that this decaying, jew-controlled horror is what they fought to bring about, regardless of whether they were unaware of it at the time. They have had sixty years to figure it out but most of them just can’t, or won’t. It is hard not to feel contempt for them.
6 December, 2006 at 1:42 am
bryan o’driscoll made some excellent points, worthy of further discussion.
bryan o’driscoll Says:
5 December, 2006 at 7:36 pm
Re Celtic Warrior and New America:
I wonder. Would they? A lot of them were and are still alive to see this jew world. For years I have watched these veterans of the slaughter of Europe constantly strut their stuff with their medals and berets each November 11th. In every documentary or interview they never seem to think they fought on the wrong side. They boast about their part in El Alamein, Normandy and the ‘Liberation of Europe’ as though they were part of a great crusade of light.
in reply:
This was all formed AFTER 7 dec 41, and, for all too many of them, it was the high point of their life – at least, in comparison to what their life was before (permanent, grinding poverty), and in their later years (a decline in the standard of living since 1974).
I am talking about Lindberg being able to show these miracles at the America First rally in Des Moines, in may of 41.
I am talking about them being put on newreels across theaters all across America; particualrly to be covered as they are displayed at a meeting of the German-American Bund at Madison Square Garden.
They would have a tool that went through the Goddamn JEW-controlled Propasphere – the new, amazing, national radio networks used to such good effect, as well as the movie theaters the Goddamn JEWS also controlled.
People would DEMAND to see the Pictures From The Future; remember, political events were much more dramatic than our comic books called textbooks portray them to be…
All they would need is ONE Charles Lindbergh, ONE Father Coughlin, ONE Huey Long, or even ONE Will Rogers…
The self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation” WOULD join in a new “Crusade of Light” that would remake OUR nation into the National Socialist economic model, and so much would fall into place from the opportunities that would present.
bryan o’driscoll wrote:
Yet, when they are pushed into the street in their own town by some blue gum savage with a white trash slut on his arm and a half ape in tow they just wail that there is no gratitude for the sacrifices their generation made.
in reply:
Their “sacrifices” appear so only in hindsight; they have effectively destroyed the foundation of their grandchildren’s economic future by voting themselves unfunded, and unfundable, entitlements – Social Security, Medicare, Veteran’s Administration benefits – and passed the bill on to their grandchildren, who will be unable to keep those promises.
That their grandchildren have made the choice of hedonism, over achievement, reflects the fact that the “Greatest Generation” would, in the elegant formulation of Bob Whitaker, “Risk their lives for their country, but not their livelihood.” Their illusions of moral superiority, as their sons and daughters were subject to forcible racial integration AT BAYONET POINT by the famed 101st Airborne reflected their choice to enjoy the economic benefits to today, while ignoring the fact that economic development organically derives from a society’s cultural foundations; by sacrificing the cultural foundation of RACE (as the dynamic bridge between FAMILY and CULTURE), for a season, their sacrificed the greater life of the economy, for generations to come.
With an organic National Socialist system developing from the bottom of the Great Depression, an amazing society could have come forth, in a country well prepared for it – no debt, technological progress, and a division of the benefits of economic productivity between workers, and managers/shareholders/financiers, with industrial financial structures replacing banking-centered financial structures.
bryan o’driscoll wrote:
Most of them can’t seem to make the connection that this decaying, jew-controlled horror is what they fought to bring about, regardless of whether they were unaware of it at the time. They have had sixty years to figure it out but most of them just can’t, or won’t. It is hard not to feel contempt for them.
in reply:
Bob Whitaker shares this belief; he truly speaks of the self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation’ with unfeigned scorn.
I see the future of my nephews, recently graduated from high school, with a sense of horror as the damnably hard-fought achievements of their Ancestors – my father awoke at sunrise to farm with a team of mules – are thrown into the maw of unfunded, never-to-be-repaid damnable debt.
If the economic efforts we had put into World War II has been put into the American Civilization, we probably would have celebrated President Kennedy’s Inauguration in 1960, with communications from our moon base.
THAT President Kennedy would have been Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., whose remarkably talents and abilities perished fighting World War II, a war that was only won, by the Goddamned JEW.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
7 December, 2006 at 12:16 am
Even as a kid, I was perplexed by the inane behavior of Anglo America, invading and destroying Europe, instead of using the money and effort to repatriate the Negroes to Africa. Irrational, illogical self-defeating dunderheads. Blundering fools indeed.
7 December, 2006 at 4:25 am
# Hengest Says:
2 December, 2006 at 10:58 pm
When I ask my fellow countrymen why we declared war upon Germany, the answer invariably is that……. “they invaded Polandâ€. When I then point out to them that Russia also invaded Poland and yet we did not declare war upon them and Russia occupied Poland after the war, I am just left with a blank stare or an hysterical assertion that the evil Nazis wanted to conquer the world.
I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of people are simply incapable of
independent or critical thought.
-> End of quote
It was even worse!
The Soviet Union (terror state under Jewish control) invaded Finland PRIOR to WW2. Nobody helped the Fins. They were left on there own. The Jews took care of the fact that nobody helped the Fins….. And nobody declared war on The Soviet union off course.
Stalin was great buddies with Roosevelt (both had Jewish blood). And Churchill did nothing also (it’s said that he was also partly Jewish).
Remember the picture where does 3 are sitting all nice and cozy with each other. Coincidence?! I don’t think so.
7 December, 2006 at 4:41 am
I’m forgetting to mention that by that time the Soviets (jews) had murdered lots of people in the Baltic republics (which they also kept occupied) PRIOR to WW2. Nothing was done about it by France and Britain or USA.
When the Baltic republics were LIBERATED by the Germans they were astonished of what the people over there did with the jews. They took revenge! It wasn’t Germans who did it but the locals themselves. For all the atrocities the Jews had down to their families. As hard the jews had hit on them they hit them back.
Same story in The Ukraine by the way. How come that those Baltic people welcomed the Germans as liberators and went so hard on the Jews then. Just for nothing. Why would people do that. Why would people hit on Jews for nothing. They welcomed them first. It makes no sence why they would later hate them for nothing.
We all know. The jews murdered, raped, looted and exploited those people in the Baltic states and the Ukraine.
Moral of the story: don’t let jews in. NEVER!
7 December, 2006 at 1:28 pm
The Second World was the greatest tragedy in human history.
It could have been the greatest breakthrough for our race, the only good war we fought for ages, the war that could have resulted in shaking off the shackles so craftily put on us by the devilish tribe for centuries .
But well, the Germans lost and so WWII turned out as the epitome of tragedy, as Louis-Ferdinand Celine has put it. Over Stalingrad the death-bells rang for the whole white race, although most Whites preferred to play deaf for decades, while their world crumbled down after their crucial defeat.
Some minor criticisms concerning the article: The cold war was a hoax; in a similar way the war on terror is a hoax. Jews love to play charades. The reason for this charade was to divide the befuddled whites in two parties (communists vs. capitalists) although both parties were controlled by the jews. The Soviet-Union did not collapse; it was dissolved by the same powers, which created it, and again for the detriment for our race. (Has nobody realized, that our downfall accelerated since 1989, even though it had a considerable speed since 1945?)
We should honestly give a damn, whether China, Cuba, Nicaragua turned Communist or not. That is John-Birch-rhetoric, based on the suicidal teachings of Christianity. All those countries had never a cultural vocation, and probably can’t have a benign government, because their inhabitants can’t be civil enough. All those countries were part of Zog before (due to the various empires controlled by jewish bankers, mainly the “British Empire”), and they remained Zog. The brand name “communist” was given only for maintaining the cold war hoax.
Since the white countries are overrun by the black hordes since 1989, and the hordes show the typical hostility of the inferiors to their betters towards us, fuelled by the “victimiology” popagated by the jews, it is insane to becry the fate of the Chinese, Cubans when we speak of WW2. This war was the great tragedy of the German nation and the whole white race. We should never forget that.
8 December, 2006 at 12:06 am
Some thoughts in reply:
Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:
7 December, 2006 at 1:28 pm
The Second World was the greatest tragedy in human history.
It could have been the greatest breakthrough for our race, the only good war we fought for ages, the war that could have resulted in shaking off the shackles so craftily put on us by the devilish tribe for centuries .
But well, the Germans lost and so WWII turned out as the epitome of tragedy, as Louis-Ferdinand Celine has put it. Over Stalingrad the death-bells rang for the whole white race, although most Whites preferred to play deaf for decades, while their world crumbled down after their crucial defeat.
in reply:
This is the kind of “victory” that only led to our defeat; I was talking with a guy today, who was talking about how we “won” after being “attacked at Pearl Harbor.”
I told him to look at a map of Europe BEFORE WWII, and a war of Europe AFTER WWII, and tell me who gained the most territory, the most skilled population, the most resources, all at gunpoint, thanks to us.
you wrote:
Some minor criticisms concerning the article: The cold war was a hoax; in a similar way the war on terror is a hoax. Jews love to play charades. The reason for this charade was to divide the befuddled whites in two parties (communists vs. capitalists) although both parties were controlled by the jews. The Soviet-Union did not collapse; it was dissolved by the same powers, which created it, and again for the detriment for our race. (Has nobody realized, that our downfall accelerated since 1989, even though it had a considerable speed since 1945?)
in reply:
This was the Great Insight of Chuck Pearson mentioned by Linder on one of the early GOYFIRES – “The Goddamn JEWS don’t just take one side of an issue; they take ALL sides of an issue, so no matter what side prevails, THEY HAVE CONTROL.”
That we continue to fall for their duplicity is because we have given them control of our Culture, and thus, we have no Center of our own to derive our Ideas, and our Ideals, from.
you wrote:
We should honestly give a damn, whether China, Cuba, Nicaragua turned Communist or not. That is John-Birch-rhetoric, based on the suicidal teachings of Christianity. All those countries had never a cultural vocation, and probably can’t have a benign government, because their inhabitants can’t be civil enough. All those countries were part of Zog before (due to the various empires controlled by jewish bankers, mainly the “British Empireâ€), and they remained Zog. The brand name “communist†was given only for maintaining the cold war hoax.
in reply:
All too true.
you wrote:
Since the white countries are overrun by the black hordes since 1989, and the hordes show the typical hostility of the inferiors to their betters towards us, fuelled by the “victimiology†popagated by the jews, it is insane to becry the fate of the Chinese, Cubans when we speak of WW2. This war was the great tragedy of the German nation and the whole white race. We should never forget that.
in reply:
This is what I like about VNN, Peter Shank, Bill White, Harold Covington, and guys like that; for the FIRST TIME, we are moving from pure defense, to an Intelligently Convieved OFFENSE, on OUR terms, for US.
The irony is, we have the two best models before us, the one used by our Eternal RACIAL Enemies, the Goddamned JEWS, and a melding of the best of the National Socialists models of NSDAP Germany, and the Scandinavian nations.
If we can just accept that we must work, relentlessly, to understand just how the Goddmaned Asiatic Hive Mind known as the Goddamn JEWS works with relentless intensity, at all times, to accept their false premises, their false “facts,” and their false conclusions, then, from the forces of Will required to actively negate that, we shall be able to develop and explain – NOT defend, as we have spent far too much time on defense! – WHY our Ideas, and our Ideals, are best.
Then, we can take the best, make it better, and leave the rest, behind, in an America that never really was…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
8 December, 2006 at 5:24 pm
Some good comments from bryan o’driscoll, new america and sehnsucht nach dem reich. But did the jews really ‘dissolve’ the Soviet Union when it not longer suited their purposes, or did it fall apart due to the internal contradictions of communism? All jew theories starting with their pseudo-scientific ones in the hard sciences and their even more laughable ones in the social and political ‘sciences’ are hopelessly contradictory.
The nig & mud invasion of North America and Europe has been accelerating well before 1989, so what benefit did the jews obtain from pulling the plug on the Soviet system??
8 December, 2006 at 11:45 pm
in reply to Celtic Warrior:
Celtic Warrior Says:
8 December, 2006 at 5:24 pm
Some good comments from bryan o’driscoll, new america and sehnsucht nach dem reich. But did the jews really ‘dissolve’ the Soviet Union when it not longer suited their purposes, or did it fall apart due to the internal contradictions of communism? All jew theories starting with their pseudo-scientific ones in the hard sciences and their even more laughable ones in the social and political ’sciences’ are hopelessly contradictory.
in reply:
The “internal contradictions of communism” faced external contradictions of an economy that was so trapped in the Goddmaned JEWS command system – with their artificial parallel systems of governance and a shadow pricing regime that was based entirely on the accounting fictions of an absolute labor theory of value, and transfer costs – that the TWO systems could no longer work together.
Remember, the Soviet Union had such poor accounting systems because of the greatest black market on Earth; one system, for the Party, officially, and another system, in reality, based on the black market, controlled by the Goddamn JEWS who basically ran the show.
The tremendous gap between these two systems became insurmountable, and, as luck would have it, the Goddamn JEW oligarch’s appointment, Vladimir Putin, saw the opportunity, with his RUSSIAN brethren, to try to restore a New Russia from the ashes of the unsustainable Soviet Union.
you wrote:
The nig & mud invasion of North America and Europe has been accelerating well before 1989, so what benefit did the jews obtain from pulling the plug on the Soviet system??
in reply:
The Goddamn JEWS pulled the plug on the Soviet system by liquidating the assets of the country for one to two cents on the dollar – artificial accounting systems, remember – and, when possible, getting the money out of the country, and into places such as, yes, Israel.
They then left the Russian people to starve to death, slowly, and freeze to death, in the dark.
Their theory was they could take all of the money out of the country, let it collapse, and come back, buying everything for a penny on the dollar, and nailing down total control of the empire under the new property rights regime formed as part of glasnost/perestroika.
It almost worked.
Putin, who I think is the foremost statesman of the Twenty-First Century, has recognized that Empire is expensive, and unsustainable; his Russian Federation consists of ethnic unity as its foundation – Russia, the Baltic states (in fact, if not in law), and Ukraine – the breadbasket of Europe, and home to Sebastopol, the warm water port headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet.
The rest of the former Soviet Union is simply seen from the perspective of economic geography – thus, Chechnya, per se, is useful for its valuable mineral deposits in the north, as well as its energy reserves. Under Putin’s Russian Federation, Russian interests, in numerous facades, are free to deal with the issues of access and control of these resources, with no concern for the Chechen people who stand between Russia, and these resources.
When the Chechens decided to seek their freedom – to develop these resources on their own terms, with Western corporations, cutting Russia out of the deal altogether – Russia sent in the Army, whose tanks faced fire from rpgs and snipers located atop the buildings of the Chechen capital of Grozny.
This was no problem for Vladimir Putin.
He simply took a bunch of obsolete, junk, World War II era, out of round artillery pieces, and old, worm out ammo, out of storage, stood it off at a safe distance, lit it up, let it run around the clock, and TOOK THE TOP OFF OF EVERY BUILDING IN GROZNY.
There was ONE Chechen warlord who was quite famous, and quite elusive in avoiding capture. Putin offered a reward of something like a million USD for his capture. Note that this is in accordance with Sun Tzu’s insight – “It is a thousand times cheaper to pay the best of spies, lavishly, than the worst of armies, poorly.”
The Chechen warlord’s body was never turned in.
His head was.
It was verified, money changed hands, and, since then, everyone left in Chechnya (it’s a good place to be away from, these days) sleeps with one eye open, knowing that the world’s foremost practitioner of geopolitical studies is just getting warmed up.
As for the issue of religion, and RACE, did I mention Putin is Russian Orthodox?
Heh heh heh.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
10 December, 2006 at 7:43 am
Personally, I have no time for religion. I believe that they are all rackets and always have been. However, they can provide a means for social and racial cohesion. If there was a religion that evloved organically from our race which strengthened our sense of racial belonging then I would be all for it. If it is a racket for control let it be our exclusive racket. Russian Orthodox is one of the only versions of the the Christian cult that is not actively hostile to our survival at present. However, it will only have a minor influence in the coming struggle. Our race will have to overtly become our religion, and all white social, national and economic institutions will need to be subserviant to it. One can only speculate on what form it will take but it will need to appeal to something in our core, in a way that will exclude other races. If it makes fanatics of its followers then so be it. We need fanaticism now. Tolerance and apathy and cynicism are killing us. There must be a world-wide religious ‘SS’ far more ruthless than the original. In National Socialist Germany the SS never had the universal power that its enemies suggested. By the time it had a modicum of control it was far too late and Germany had been sunk, to a great extent by ‘liberal’ German traitors, particularly in the General Staff. Hitler was far too soft. If he had the same ruthless, evil qualities of Stalin, Churchill and Rooseveldt he would have crushed the British at Dunkirk and occupied Britain, and then introduced National Socialism throughout Europe. The diseased monster in the White House would then have been isolated across the Atlantic and would have unable to help his jewish pals in the Kremlin. At worst, the war in Russia would have been a stalemate, an infinitely better result than the disaster of 1945. With intelligent propaganda the Slavic people would have helped sweep the kikes into the Pacific. It was not to be and the war has continued in different form on up to now, where the whole white world faces the jew and its minions across the Oder writ large, waiting for the hammer to fall. The Germans fought with desperate courage on the original Oder to no avail. We had better develop some of that desperate courage if we are to have a chance.
10 December, 2006 at 11:41 pm
in reply to bryan o’driscoll:
bryan o’driscoll Says:
10 December, 2006 at 7:43 am
Personally, I have no time for religion. I believe that they are all rackets and always have been. However, they can provide a means for social and racial cohesion. If there was a religion that evloved organically from our race which strengthened our sense of racial belonging then I would be all for it. If it is a racket for control let it be our exclusive racket. Russian Orthodox is one of the only versions of the Christian cult that is not actively hostile to our survival at present. However, it will only have a minor influence in the coming struggle.
in reply:
Savitri Devi noted that the principles that form our modern “religions” are “simply rackets in the forces of disintegration, dishonest tricks to bluff the fools…”
Let’s take a moment, put on our Hoffman Lenses, and quote from Savitri Devi.
“Liars hate those who speak the unpleasant truth, and who act in accordance with it.
The “unpleasant truth†is that pacifism, non-violence and so forth are, most of the time, just rackets in the service of the forces of disintegration; dishonest tricks to bluff the fools, to emasculate the strong, and to set millions of cowards and hypocrites (the bulk of the world) against the few people whose inspired policy, pursued ruthlessly to its logical end, could perhaps, even now, arrest the decay of man. And if they are not that, then, they are nonsense.”
Savitri Devi. “The Lightning and the Sun,” p 33-35
I could not agree with you (or Devi!) more, particularly in the case of what Christianity has become; which is pretty much a parody of what Christianity began as, and, today, Christ would simply flatten most of his “followers” as fools who serve the enemies of Christianity. These, of course, are the Goddamned JEWS, who have formed “Judeo-Christianity,” which is the ultimate oxymoron – the JEWS animate the very spirit of “Anti-Christ,” and yet, are accepted AT LEAST as equals by most “Christian”congregations, who accept without question the Goddamn JEWS claim as “THE Chosen People.”
I mention that Putin is Russian Orthodox (as he publicly demonstrated as he took office), when he made it clear to all that Christianity, in at least ONE Form, was now displacing almost a century of Goddamn JEW control of Russia.
bryan o’driscoll wrote:
Our race will have to overtly become our religion, and all white social, national and economic institutions will need to be subserviant to it. One can only speculate on what form it will take but it will need to appeal to something in our core, in a way that will exclude other races. If it makes fanatics of its followers then so be it. We need fanaticism now. Tolerance and apathy and cynicism are killing us.
in reply:
This is an excellent point, and one that few choose to address.
Let’s start with the obvious – that Judaism is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christianity, just as Satan is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christ.
Mixing the two is like mixing poison with medicine; at first, it weakens the medicine, and then, over time, it destroys the medicine.
When the “Christians” adopted the Masoretic Text as the foundation of the King James Version, the Goddamn JEWS had half of their job done; when the “Christians” adopted the Revised Standard Version – the Scofield Bible – with its explicit formulation of Christian Zionism, the Goddamn JEWS had the foundation fully laid, and had simply to wait as their seminary graduates promulgated this poisonous work through their teachings, particularly in the American South where, even now, it is the basis for instruction at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
A good starting place is to see what works for the Goddamn JEWS, and do it ourselves, for US; their “religion” is based SOLELY on RACIAL UNITY, and RACIAL SUPREMACY. They really have no concept of a “Kingdom of Heaven,” for instance, or an explicit rejection of THIS world as inherently EVIL, as we seem to do.
A useful idea for us might be a blend of Zoroastrianism – which is entirely consistent with the foundational principles of what Christ preached, and practiced – and the Christianity taught by the Anointed Standard Version, available at and That the true predecessor religion to Christianity IS Zoroastrianism – THE religion of the remarkably successful Persian Empire – is a point ignored by virtually all of our “preachers.”
bryan o’driscoll wrote:
There must be a world-wide religious ‘SS’ far more ruthless than the original. In National Socialist Germany the SS never had the universal power that its enemies suggested. By the time it had a modicum of control it was far too late and Germany had been sunk, to a great extent by ‘liberal’ German traitors, particularly in the General Staff. Hitler was far too soft. If he had the same ruthless, evil qualities of Stalin, Churchill and Rooseveldt he would have crushed the British at Dunkirk and occupied Britain, and then introduced National Socialism throughout Europe. The diseased monster in the White House would then have been isolated across the Atlantic and would have unable to help his jewish pals in the Kremlin. At worst, the war in Russia would have been a stalemate, an infinitely better result than the disaster of 1945. With intelligent propaganda the Slavic people would have helped sweep the kikes into the Pacific. It was not to be and the war has continued in different form on up to now, where the whole white world faces the jew and its minions across the Oder writ large, waiting for the hammer to fall. The Germans fought with desperate courage on the original Oder to no avail. We had better develop some of that desperate courage if we are to have a chance.
in reply:
One, I strongly commend Blumetti’s “The Lion Is Humbled” as an excellent alternative history dealing with this issue. It’s inspiring to read a book where The Good Guys win.
Two, we must BE what we want the world to BECOME. We can, effectively, remake what Christianity HAS become, to what it should have BECOME, in our personal lives. has some useful ideas in what Christianity IN PRACTICE should be, and their analysis pulls DIRECTLY off the Ideal of RACE.
Again, continuing Devi’s analysis:
“And thus, day after day, year after year, now and in the future, the conflicting Powers of light and darkness cannot but carry on their deadly struggle, as they always did, but more and more fiercely as time goes on. And as time goes on, also, the struggle will more and more be between openly acknowledged and openly accepted violence and violence dishonestly disguised, the former being put to the service of Life’s highest purpose on earth — namely, the creation of a perfect, or “Golden Age†humanity — and the latter, to that of the enemies of Life. It has to be so until, after the final crash, — the “end of the world†as we know it, — the leadership of surviving mankind falls to that victorious élite who, even in the midst of the long, general decay of man, never lost its faith in the everlasting cosmic values, nor its will to draw from them, and from them alone, its rule of action.” Devi, ibid.
Devi’s phrase that pays is this section is “…openly accepted violence,” which requires an awareness of One Principle:
Violence Solves Everything.
It certainly works for our RACIAL enemies, as it sends our geldings fleeing to adopt the clothing and mannerisms of the conquered.
It HAS worled for us in the past, and WILL certainly work for us, in the future, a future we can either choose to Create, as Conquerors, or allows Others – the Goddamn JEWS to create for us, as Conquered.
Remember, Children, “Practice, practice, practice.”
While we can.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!