Book Review: “Onward Christian Soldiers”
Posted by alex in book reviews, books, Donald Day, VNN Staff, World War II at 6:22 am | 
By VNN Staff
February 2007
Onward Christian Soldiers: 1920-1942: Propaganda, Censorship and One Man’s Struggle to Herald the Truth (Torrance, CA.; The Noontide Press, 1982, 203 pages, softcover)
The American journalist Donald Day (1896-1966) is an interesting and important figure for White nationalists to study. He was a “mainstream” news reporter who had years of personal and professional experience when it came to such topics as Jews and World War II. Indeed, as Day himself observes in his book, a journalist comes into contact with far more – and far more varied – people in his business than probably any other type of citizen. In other words, Day had a unique window through which to observe people and events that most of the public didn’t have. He often got his facts first-hand from well-connected people.
Day was the European (Baltic region) correspondent for the Chicago Tribune newspaper. In this book, he describes how, as Europe and America approached entry into WWII, his politically-incorrect writing was censored, his passport invalidated and his career eventually terminated at the request of the Soviet Union – specifically, at the request of the Jewish, Soviet official Maxim Litvinov – and, in turn, at the request of the U.S. government (it seems there’s a Jew involved in so many political intrigues, huh?). Day’s reports from the Baltic countries to his American newspaper weren’t pro-Soviet – unlike other news reports, which portrayed the Soviets as our loyal “friends” – and that was precisely the problem. Day wouldn’t tell lies and half-truths for F.D. Roosevelt or his Soviet allies and paid dearly for such truthfulness. (In fact, at one point, Day was investigated by the U.S. government for treason when he refused to return to America as ordered. But when the U.S. government couldn’t prove treason, Day wasn’t charged. Regardless, he remained in Europe where he died some 20 years later. Interestingly, Day tried to join the Finnish army to fight against Bolshevism, but his attempt to join it was rejected due to the U.S. government’s political pressure upon Finland).
In Onward Christian Soldiers, Day gives the reader interesting and frank anecdotes about Jews, WWII (a war which he calls the “Kosher World Revolution”), and the Bolsheviks, as well as overviews of the social and political aspects of pre-war Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, etc. Most importantly, Day confirms that Jews are universally hated, and he talks about the reasons why they’re hated. Day even offers up a good idea for the world’s newspapers: that Jews be barred from working for newspapers owned, or read, by Christians, and he gives examples of why he believes that, based upon his own experiences. What a marvelous idea that is.
Day also makes it clear to the reader that, in WWII, there were only two sides of the war: the wrong side (i.e., the Bolshevik side) and the right side. The U.S. government sided with the Bolsheviks, of course, thanks to FDR and his Jewish yes-men. Day took the moral route and supported the anti-Bolsheviks.
The author was one of the few mainstream journalists to tell the truth about the Jews in print, and because of that, his book deserves to be read and considered by White people. Granted, this book isn’t large, and it might seem – to some people, perhaps – that it has a “quickie paperback”-type of feel to it in some places, e.g., the short epilogue (but who knows under what conditions it was written and transcribed?). Nonetheless, Day’s tragic story of being censored and blacklisted by his own government at the request of the Soviet Union is both vital and timeless. Day knew the truth about world Jewry and he wasn’t afraid to tell it. White people owe him a debt of gratitude for that.
21 February, 2007 at 3:11 pm
I’m surprised he wasn’t killed in an “accident” just before the “kosher Revolution”. If he’d have been a politician they’d have killed him, like Forrestal or Kennedy. (Read “Final Judgment” by Michael Collins Piper if you want some info on jewish involvement in JFK’s Dallas adventure and just general examples of jewish treachery period)