26 February, 2007

LENZ: Human Overpopulation and Lemming Behavior

Posted by alex in Financial Column, George Lenz at 10:00 am | Permanent Link

Recent advances in behavioral and biological sciences have shed light on reasons of severe political, economic and social crises that jolt out of the blue destroying or severely crippling nations. The researchers achieved these highly promising results by analyzing behavior of lemmings and applying their conclusions to the political process.

Lemmings, after several years of good breeding conditions and low rates of mortality from predation, move outward in all directions from a central area of denser lemming population. The migrating lemmings begin to move in greater numbers, at first erratically and under cover of darkness and later in bold groups that may travel in daylight. In their migration, they are subject to very high mortality from predators because they are moving in unaccustomed territory and without the shelter of a permanent home. Individual lemmings move fairly rapidly in a generally constant direction, following paths and roadways and hesitating to enter water. However, after finding no land crossings initially, those that still survive crossing a river may continue their move. Many of the migrants, not being able to distinguish between a river and the sea, end by drowning. The migration not only serves as a means to reduce the amount of overpopulation by dispersal of the species but also permits the animals to occupy different habitats at different seasons.

In a similar way, wrong policy choices of prosperous nations finally reduce human overpopulation. Frequently, experienced, well-educated, thinking and bright people led their nations into distress. Many of these bad results are not simply a matter of bad luck or external influences, but rather of a mixture with bad policy as key element. A major explanatory factor for many crises was that many nations simultaneously pursued the same strategies which proved disastrous in the hindsight, and produced major economic losses. Why do good statesmen choose poor policies, why do they at times respond identically with the same disastrous strategy, while ignoring risks?

Who wins if a nation fails? Some non-prudence in choosing a policy may be welcome to politicians since non-prudence gives leeway in exercising power. It helps to conceal corruption and to serve the politicians’ clientele. There may be also a lack of political will to implement policies, that, painful in short term, bring long-term prosperity, because political parties and their friends may gain from non-prudent policies.

The positive effects of prudent government policies, on the other hand, are a public good. Economic stability generated by prudent government policies leads to an increasing propensity to save. The increasing savings will be channeled into investment and contribute to growth and increase the prosperity of nations. The production of public goods justifies public action. Most of the short-term effects of prudent government policies accrue to politically weak stakeholder groups (voters) or to insider groups whose individual members could as an alternative generate significantly larger direct gains from non-prudent government policies (politicians and their elitist friends).

Short-term gains from non-prudent government policies mainly accrue to insiders (politicians and their elitist friends). If voters’ control is inefficient or non-existent there is a strong tendency that insiders shift to non-prudent policies to internalize rapid and large gains from risky opportunities while losses from these undertakings have to be borne by outsiders (taxpayers). With voters’ control not existing, government policies may initially be nothing more than an opportunity to steal.

As long as government is growing, financed by increasing taxes, debt loads and the central bank generated inflation, the interest of the politicians in ‘as little trouble as possible’ prevails. Government subsidies can only be withdrawn slowly from major beneficiaries; otherwise the carriers of the politicians themselves may be threatened: if beneficiaries’ interests suffer their dissatisfaction with the politicians would soar.

Power among corporate governance actors can be derived from a variety of bases: the stakeholders’ ability to influence (legitimate power) or special expertise (expert power) or the ability to reward followers for compliance (reward power). The opposite of the latter is the power to punish for non-compliance.

Problems usually emerge when the power of government to punish can be easily controlled by the reward power of lobbyists providing bribes, gifts, free vacations etc. for government bureaucrats or politicians.

As the amounts of assets controlled by voters are usually small, their only resource is their vote in general elections. Decision-making and information is rather with governments and politicians. This gives leeway to government officials and politicians to join forces with the economic, social and ethnic elites.

As long as governments are limited and prudently run, there is a pluralism in reaching public policy decisions enshrined in the coexistence of organizational subunits with different and potentially competing strategies and mental models within the same government. In distress, however, governments too often conceal the magnitude of their woes. Some continue to follow the same policies in an effort to spur recovery. Others fail to account for ever increasing debts in their books.

Through a sequence of steps that unfolds over time, different, mutually dependent organizational entities are driven into narrowing decision space and diminishing room to maneuver, thus aggravating the crises further up until the entity fails or restructures, reducing overpopulation.

In the Scandinavian economic crisis of 1987-1994 and that of Japan since 1992, politicians, riding on a wave of optimism, financed projects that had poor long-term prospects. The very process of financing contributes to the temporary success of these projects as beneficiaries bid up the price of land and other property thus raising the profitability of most economic activities and government tax revenues. Undue concentration of financing in readily available ‘hot’ industrial sectors and excessive risk-taking, for example allowing the use of leveraged derivatives, may be equally rewarding in the short term. The government behavior itself amplifies the upturn, thereby increasing the share of policies based on unrealistic development expectations.

Such behavior may be individually rational, for example if each government bureaucrat is attempting either to avoid criticism (by senior officials or politicians) by adopting relaxed policy norms or to learn by observing the behavior of others (“best practice concept”). If they are rewarded with increased prestige or promotion for initially successful policies, and have nothing to lose but their jobs if unsuccessful, this kind of risk-loving mechanism starts.

Like lemmings continuing their migration by running around on the seashore and looking for a land crossing, politicians and government bureaucrats can continue their policies because they have the ability to delay recognition of failure. Due to the delayed effect nature of politics most government policies are expected to pay off somewhere in the future, meaning it can take time until a failure of policy becomes evident – and due to information imperfections – government performance is difficult to assess by outsiders – governments can conceal problems, for example, by continuing financing bad policies or by raising taxes and increasing the size of government, i.e. continue “regular” policies with escalating size or risks. Failed government policies can therefore persist for years, obscured by the ability of governments to make bad policies look good by increasing their financing.

A shift in views on performance of government may thus be instantaneously self-fulfilling. When the bubble bursts from the strain building up, the politicians and government bureaucrats are coping with a downturn which is largely of their own making. Unless the political system is autocratic or totalitarian in nature, no single politician or government bureaucrat is influential enough to generate a crisis on its own. Instead, it is frequently observed that “politicians hunt in herds”. Cutting out or suppressing the “conflict stage” in making political decisions provides optimal breeding conditions for a combination of poor policy selection, fraud and wrong public perception resulting in a government failure.

Sifting through the evolution of many economic and political crises, I find that the seeds were sown long before the outburst. Typically, a regime shift would have been perceptible, but how far it increased uncertainty was not fully appreciated by decision-makers. The susceptibility to ‘disaster myopia’ increases whenever the political, economic or social environment changes dramatically. This phenomenon induces decision-makers to neglect events which, though large, have only a small probability of occurring and do not readily come to mind as a relevant contingency.

Economic prosperity, for example, may increase the volatility of social structures and, by increasing political competition, may place pressure on the popularity of old-established political parties whose support base had steady expanded attracted by solid although unremarkable performance in harder times. Their reaction typically is to abandon or severely limit the old, formalized and centralized routines of decision-making and to introduce new, simplified, decentralized routines including extensive delegation of decision-making authorities, to the local branches of political parties or to individual ministries or even departments so that policy decisions can be reached quickly in order to meet competition, as was the case in the 1980s Scandinavian economic crises. On the organizational level, the transformation usually is spurred by the recruitment of new politicians or government bureaucrats with little or no political and administrative background and a total change in the promotion system. Traditionally conservative politicians and government bureaucrats are denied promotion, while people oriented towards risky policies rise. Eventually risky policies fail, the crisis sets on, the government falls, and population declines.

Another cause of government failure may be the shift from a nationalist to a more internationalist government. The application of the particular internationally-popular policy may result in misinterpretation of the expected outcomes. If many governments implement the same policy in a herd-like manner, they may eventually all lose, and failure of the policy unleashes the same overpopulation-correcting mechanism.
Research by behavioral decision analysts and evolutionary biologists reveals patterns in how people cope with change, distress, complexity and ambiguity. Lemmings avoid conflict by migrating into hitherto unaccustomed territory. If there is no willingness to risk rejection by the in-group or to engage in other conflict, politicians will behave like lemmings. If politicians develop norms to avoid conflict, nations are likely to end up, for example, in the Abilene paradox (where leaders as a group makes a decision to do something that no single member of the group would do) or in groupthink (where individual leaders never really evaluate others’ positions or express an alternative point of view).
So what are the implications of this research for White Nationalists?

First, Nature needs mechanisms so that evolutionary distortions like human overpopulation can be destroyed. Lemming behavior reduces overpopulation by triggering an inner instinct of self-destruction in humans in form of herd behavior, reducing their numbers to a sustainable amount. Interestingly, it does so without affecting group solidarity – a precondition for human survival, weeding out in each human group those unable to survive the crises – the weak, feeble-minded and genetically deficient.

Second, it is prosperity, often fostered by egalitarian wealth distribution policies and effectuated by the democratic political process that creates overpopulation in the first place, thus bringing about severe crises required to correct overpopulation imbalances. Therefore, democratic political policies and socialist economic policies, while beneficial in the short run, bring about in the long run nothing but distress and suffering unto the peoples that accept them, wrecking nations at the end. Unadulterated free enterprise and republican political system, in contrast, while painful and not avert to crises, rarely avail the artificially created socialist prosperity, thus rendering unnecessary the Nature’s intervention.

Third, it establishes that the present decline of the West, while painful and tragic, has been set in motion by the Nature’s corrective action to reduce the burden of human overpopulation and thus is in the end evolutionary beneficial for European peoples. While the weak, feeble-minded and genetically deficient are removed from the European gene pool, unable to bear the consequences of crises around them, the stronger, more prudent and genetically whole European children are born into this world that would lead the European civilization to its new Renaissance.


  • 30 Responses to “LENZ: Human Overpopulation and Lemming Behavior”

    1. ML Says:

      “Third, it establishes that the present decline of the West, while painful and tragic, has been set in motion by the Nature’s corrective action to reduce the burden of human overpopulation and thus is in the end evolutionary beneficial for European peoples. While the weak, feeble-minded and genetically deficient are removed from the European gene pool, unable to bear the consequences of crises around them, the stronger, more prudent and genetically whole European children are born into this world that would lead the European civilization to its new Renaissance.”

      That’s……a sweeping error, I must say. Can’t tell if you posted this to highlight the one-sidedness of non-Jew thinking, or what. It goes without saying that anyone who speaks of “Nature” (or “the Nature”?) in this fashion is not thinking clearly, anyhow. Nature does this, Nature does that. Call it faith, call it karma — as Bill Murray once said.

      The second error is just as sweeping: there is every proof that precisely the most genetically superior specimens are caught up in the dominant metanarrative. White Nationalists will not hesitate to tell you that women will believe the winner, but it applies just as well to men, if not as uniformly. As the Jewish line is successful, his ideas and machinations ubiquitous, the majority follow and with it the beautiful, well-educated, creative members of society, leaving mostly dross for White Nationalism ( as I point out on my blog, skinheadzmustdie.blogspot.com.)

      It is on the contrary mere ego-fullfilment to imagine that only the best/strongest/etc. are reserved for White Nationalism. Every proof to the contrary surrounds us. Most WN sites are packed with young men who can’t get girlfriends, let alone the dogmatic “wives” of WN orthodoxy, for precisely this reason: all kinds of women are swallowed up by the metanarrative. Booty wants success, comfort, money, control, which ain’t to be had this way. WN is presently a “zero-return investment”. Those without too much to sacrifice – typically the ugly, the belligerent, etc. – are more likely to throw in with the fringe.

      Again, his third “point” is a perfect example of ego-fulfillment posing as evolutionary science.

    2. Parasites not lemmings Says:

      Our current problems are not natural, unless you think a species led by and destroyed by parasites is normal.

      As Commander Rockwell said, our society is being corrupted from within and purposefully destroyed by the Jew: the human parasite.

      The masses are becoming dysgenic and outproducing us, like the movies Idiocracy and They Live, because they are better fit for slavery, the jewish global slave plantation, than are the elite who say the jews are the problem.

      In nature, the alpha males and lions protect and run their peers, but in the world today, the jews suck our blood and play our “leaders” like marionettes (except for a few, such as Putin perhaps).

      Although it’s nice to think that this is normal and nature will run it’s course, I’m afraid that thinking will lead to no action and the parasite that is the Jew destroying us.

    3. ML Says:

      I should add that I am not slandering absolutely everyone involved in White Nationalism. But one of the problems with it, which Linder mistakes for “ego”, I would call exceptionalism, which includes Linder himself: a few star characters, and some genuinely sound-minded or racially valuable folks in the following. Much of white America is racially and culturally worthless. Moreover, and I should’ve mentioned this before, there is no cliff for them to jump off, sadly. (Appalachia is replete with mountains but I have not yet heard of a pack of Malungeons taking the big dive.) So the lemming metaphor may not be pushed so far without, again, displaying a certain tendency to ego-fulfillment. The breeders of Middle America are not being reduced. They are simply being degraded. Weren’t some thoughtful white men complaining about reduction of the white (I do not say “Aryan”) birthrate back in the 40’s? I know Céline did, somewhere, citing some statistics. My point is that WN needs the notion of extreme population decline to avoid a more serious problem: extreme degradation and racial poisoning. Let alone the question, how much are these whites worth at all?

    4. ML Says:

      Excellent remarks by “Parasites”. Those five sentences reduce Lenz’s conclusions to nil.

    5. fdtwainth Says:

      So far, the first responses to my article focuses on the role the jews play in the decline of European civilization. This is an important factor, and as a believer in jewish, masonic and democratic conspiracy I fully aknowledge its influence. I should notice, however, that the selfsame jews where with the European civilization for centuries, yet their accession to prominence in life of European nations generally co-incide with great crises, that were immediately preceded by periods of grand prosperity and fast population increases. Careful observation of those periods inevitably leads to the conclusion that great White men of intelligence, talent and ambition that ruled the European nations in times of prosperity and immediately before the crises should have behaved rationally and not have made the relatively obvious errors leading to crises in the first place; yet they did, and the crises happened. This in turn points to the conclusion, that an objective force of nature compelled them and their compatriots to behave irrationally; and application of the paradigm of lemming behavior to human political and economic processes provided a framework of analysis that has already yielded significant explanatory findings. Thus it is very imporant for us, White Nationalists, to understand the implications and scope of these findings for Our Cause: it is not not sufficient that the parasite should be present in a living organism, the organism’s immune system should weaken first for a parasite to take advantage of it; and the positive findings of evolutionary biology point to the conclusion that human overpopulation triggers Nature’s reponse in form of irrational lemming behavior, that in turn weaken the nation’s immune system (government/society norms and institutions) and that allows the jewish parasites to start wrecking nations. The practical consequences of these findings is, inter alia, that every social policy, aimed at betterment of unfit should be suspect; and those egalitarian policies aimed at equality of outcomes (and hence the unlimited reproduction of the unfit) should be fought tooth and nail and discontinued at the earliest opportunity.

    6. Hoosier Says:

      That’s an interesting site you link to, ML. Is that your blog? It says, “as my new task in life is the total destruction of all white nationalism.” That’s pretty ambitious, if that’s what your aim is. it’s also “Dedicated to the memory of Shamil Basayev — killer of Russians, folterer, and all round good guy.”

      Ah, I see, you’re “Marshall Lentini, mortal enemy of jews, neofolkists, and white trash.”

      I don’t quite get the whole point of it, I haven’t read, but just skimmed, but it looks like you have a vendetta against Richard Barrett. No real point on my part, just trying to figure out where you’re coming from.

    7. Hoosier Says:

      Ok, I’m reading more of your blog, and I think I can see more of your point now, Marshall

    8. ML Says:

      Take my more outrageous pronouncements with a grain of salt. A lot of it is “inside joke” stuff, but the point is exposing Barrett, which isn’t hard.

      I would say my task in life is roughing up WN’s complacence. People like Richard Barrett virtually live off of ZOG, they’re part of a status quo which the Jew tolerates, perhaps even to suppress more radical views — which I try to represent.

      I wouldn’t claim Barrett’s in the pay of the Jews, and I don’t know about his involvement in Duke’s arrest, but as you can see he is a snake, and I just get this feeling that he is what the Jews want to have around to discredit all opposition. Between Barrett and Bill White, conscientious, Jew-opposed young Aryan men will never attain to recognition of their worth and satisfaction of their bloodlust. We’ll always be lumped together with conniving shyster shitbags like Barrett and cunts like White. I expose Barrett because he’s a fucking snake, and I’ll be damned if my name is associated with him through his own villainous scheming.

    9. ML Says:

      One more thing: I don’t believe in “revolution” or “collapse” or any other WN article of faith — but suppose some sort of upheaval does occur, would you want someone like Richard Barrett creeping his way over the bodies to proclaim himself jefe? That is exactly what a snake like Barrett would do: lie, steal, manipulate, deny, distort, evade, then while others are giving blood, waiting in a corner until it’s over, creeping back out and scurrying up the hill like a fucking roach.

      Linder, as we’ve seen, believes a cadre of lawyers to protect our rights is the first step in making White Nationalism a mature, forcible movement. Barrett’s a lawyer. Look at the difference between Barrett and Steele. The gulf is fucking immense. My point is, we have to destroy these idiots first, get them out of the way, sweep them under the fridge. Linder knows this, most here know this, but the “official” line is we can’t lay too hard into anyone else in “the movement”. I recognize no movement, no loyalty, no dogma, and am free to smear Barrett with all the ignominy he deserves. Not even Bill White is that bad, to tell the truth. He’s a cunt, maybe a snake, but not Barrett-level. Point is, the old generation, the southern thing, no less than traditionalism and europhilia, must died out or be killed off – figuratively, I suppose – before we can become a threat. Any movement which does not wish to become a threat is not a movement but a collective whimper. And, in closing, if White Nationalism’s only safe recourse – as it wants to survive and propser – is to surround itself with shyters, it would have to take damn good care that people like Barrett are kept completely out of the game.

    10. Biff Baxter Says:

      The truth is, nearly any attempt to replace the natural eugenic that is an extension of the physical laws that govern the universe always ends the same way – in a massive cull that kills off all but a tiny percentage of the stock in the end. Dumb people can’t build any kind of contrivance where dumb people are protected from the effects of their own folly.

      There is no dysgenic society that can accomplish anything other than to make the inevitable return of simple causality that much more catastrophic.

      Our civilization, without a doubt the most dysgenic ass-backwards arrangement in all human history that we know about, is also going to achieve the world record in greatest number of morons killed off in a single day/week/month/year.

      You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she will always return. Stupid people cannot survive, whether they choose their own retards as leaders or the poisoned mimic leeches we call Jews. It doesn’t really matter in the end because all the idiots follow one another into a ditch no matter who is leading them. Jews are a symptom of the decay when they acquire positions of authority, just like rotten wood features termites when the house is getting ready to fall down. Jews can’t lead. If they’re in leadership positions, it’s because the citizens are too stupid to know any better.

      The Earth is crying out for a threshing and it’s coming, much bigger than any normal intervention has ever been prior. While the Jews have all the slackjawed yokels fixing their gaze on the menacing spectre of towelheads charging on their goats to destroy the West … meanwhile Russia and China are 180 degrees opposite preparing to relieve all these gawping jackasses of their pathetic lives in a single day. So by all means keep worrying about Abdul the Falafel cook over there where my finger is pointing. It doesn’t matter *what* they look at, cuz they are about to die. It’s natural and healthy for vibrant and more sane homogenous rising tigers like China to consume the old senile gummy lions like America and Britain. It’s Darwinism on a grand scale between races.

      The white race has totally lost the plot. A cull would be their only chance of bouncing back and eventually recovering from this parade of fools led by the jester Kike we live in at the moment.

    11. zoroastro Says:

      Do we smell a jew rat here some place? A nearly flawless radar, eh? I guess this ends the thread and it calls for a new set of capitalised initials….. ;-)

    12. alex Says:

      Linder knows this, most here know this, but the “official” line is we can’t lay too hard into anyone else in “the movement”. I recognize no movement, no loyalty, no dogma, and am free to smear Barrett with all the ignominy he deserves.

      Most of what you’ve written is sound, but this above is complete bullshit. I learned that Barrett was a slime very early in the game, said exactly that, repeatedly, on VNN, and had nothing further to do with him and will not link to his site.

      Neither did I say that a group of lawyers is the first step, I said that it is something that should and could be done today, but is not done. Much like developing a WN curriculum for homeschoolers (leaving out the Christian jeboo gravy most otherwise solid curricula are dripping with).

      At the point in the development of resistance to Big Jew, a WN organization is possible, and a core primarily but not exclusively of lawyers, is where to being. This group will openly and aggressively advocate against the jews threatening us and for ordinary Whites. Not for the South, Western Heritage, the goober Bible, or anything else but our blood.

    13. zoroastro Says:

      Biff, you summed it up brilliantly. I will save your thoughts as future reference. I love the cold neutral precision of your thinking. Nature is just like that: merciless, neutral, it eventually comes back to the basic fact that best must breed or it all collapses, perhaps for good. The states are way into the phase of turning into Brasil, eventually Egypt, which is already the end of the road.
      The thing to do is anticipate where the jews intend to bail out of this (Argentina is my biggest bet). They also need healthy white body to feed off………….

    14. Hoosier Says:


      Wyatt Kalkenburg wrote some time ago that “movements” attract the worst kind of people, and what’s needed is a coherent “organization” with lines of accountability and responsibility to get anywhere. Given my recent experience with some “movement” types, I think he is probably correct. If I had to spend a month with these people, I’d end up in a padded room.

    15. Hoosier Says:

      I wanted to add: It very well may be that the best thing for the white race is for the “movement” or “White Power” movement to be smashed flat like an aluminum can.

    16. New America Says:

      ML made a point worthy of further discussion regarding the late “Movement””

      ML wrote:
      One more thing: I don’t believe in “revolution” or “collapse” or any other WN article of faith…

      in reply:
      This is where people like Alex Linder, Bill White, Harold Covington, et. al., get full marks, and is a primary difference between “the Movement,” and “the Cause.”

      The “revolution/Collapse” have become a Article of Faith among WN who do not realize that the TRUE foundation of ANY revolution begins with changing their Minds, and doing what they can, where they are.

      The “revolution/Collapse” scenario is pretty much “God from the Machine” type thinking, a magical Mindset where SOMEONE ELSE will do the heavy lifting. After all of that, then, the Remnant will walk the Earth and declare Victory.

      Their thinking ignores basic psychology.

      The Way to obtain the Power they seek – and this appears in their hands, magically, after their Enemies have all but disappeared – is through personal Responsibility. Remember, power is NOT “the root of all evil.” In fact, power is not “evil.” Rather, power is the test of character.

      And their character is that of a coward, unwilling to do the simplest thing for the RACE they seek to support. The reward for cowardice, of course, is a lack of power, in an everincreasing downward spiral, usually ending up at the bottom of a bottle.

      The Hard Work – creating a Traditional Aristocracy – is worth the effort, both for you, your family, and your TRUE Nation, your RACE.

      The “traditional” WN?

      He can’t find it in his heart of send even twenty dollars to wherever they get their support – Linder, White, wherever.

      They didn’t matter, then, and they will matter much less, in the future.

      When it was revealed that a member of the NSM was a paid FBI informer, White had the best answer. He thanked the FBI for supporting NSM activities by supporting one of their better activist members.

      I think something like that is happening here.

      ALL of the membership type leaders seem to be leaving the battle, and this makes room for something much better to develop, organically, for all of us, who are willing to take the responsibility to do SOMETHING, every day, for our Family, and our RACE.

      And, if we can’t do anything for or about our families, then we are all the more freed up to so SOMETHING for our RACE.

      Tomorrow begins another month, and I’ll put something in an envelope to Linder, if only because those of us who can not yet take openly to the field of battle have a moral obligation to support those who can.

      And, all of the WN’s who want a “revolution?”

      Try this.

      BE what you want the world to BECOME.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    17. ML Says:

      “I love the cold neutral precision of your thinking.”

      My thinking isn’t cold enough for you? Rather it doesn’t please you; so you dismiss it as coming from a “Jew”. Whatever the WN doesn’t like, doesn’t give him the illusion of a tomorrow belonging to him, is “jewish”. God forbid anyone take him down a few pegs and suggest the future isn’t so fucking rosy as he’d like to imagine.

      As for Biff’s alleged neutrality, allow me to explode that error.

      “nearly any attempt to replace the natural eugenic that is an extension of the physical laws that govern the universe”

      And with this we leap right into self-serving cosmogony.

      “always ends the same way – in a massive cull that kills off all but a tiny percentage of the stock in the end.”

      So what you are asserting is this: because Jews have mingled whites and non-whites by force, the wrath of the jilted universe will wipe out most of the mongrel population resulting therefrom. I know it sounds very logical to allege this kind of “balancing” operation of “the universe”, but I’m afraid it’s all in your head, that is to say, in the affect related to the syllogism, not in reality.

      “Dumb people can’t build any kind of contrivance where dumb people are protected from the effects of their own folly.”

      Dumb people do not have to: smart people do it for them. You’re either an idiot or just trying to wiggle out of my argument. Jews, not goyim, built the goyfarm. Whites, not niggers, built welfare. Jews have built plenty of safety mechanisms to protect themselves from what they have wrought in our society; influential whites build themselves fortresses out in the hills to escape the ravages of negritude forced upon the rest of us. You are, of course, simply twisting my argument into sheer idiocy to rid yourself of the problem.

      “There is no dysgenic society that can accomplish anything other than to make the inevitable return of simple causality that much more catastrophic.”

      You are just magisterially pompous. WNs love this stuff. It’s so pleasurable to say things like, “the inevitable return of simple causality” — and expect no one to ask you to clarify this grandiose and entirely nebulous statement. For all the traditionalists, neofolkites, white nationalists and mythopoeic spenglerian spiritual warriors I’ve met who push “inevitable return” and “cycles” and “history is a wheel” and “ouroboros” on me, I have not found one willing to demonstrate or even elaborate on any of it. Do you think he can tell me what he means by “simple causality”? There is no fucking causality; get your head out of amateur philosophy. The status quo on the other hand requires no demonstration, and the inference of its probable course is just as solid. Romanticism crops up wherever someone is dissatisfied and cannot come to terms with it; then “the future” takes on a golden hue and everyone who does not believe becomes a heretic.

      The logic itself – that things get so bad, the reaction is so much worse – is sound, but has no bearing at all to the situation at hand: this they refuse to see, because to see it is to realize the situation will not improve or so worsen that one may successfully exploit it. What we are dealing with here is basically the same old doggerel social darwinism that has afflicted pro-Aryan circles since before Hitler’s day: the strong survive and prevail, the weak perish, etc. Extensions are: the Jew is digging his own grave, making thing so bad everything will “collapse”, and all will return to a state of whatever. Once more I point out that none of this is demonstrated by history or current affairs or safe predictions of the future based on observation of societal norms, and is rather emotional gratification with subscientific rhetoric.

      “is also going to achieve the world record in greatest number of morons killed off in a single day/week/month/year.”

      Here again we see the error of asserting what is merely pleasant to imagine. He does not say how this can happen, or rather why it must owing to the aforementioned physical laws of the universe, and he would not be able to: because it’s bullshit. Under custodial forms of government, morons and weaklings prosper, not die out, and no hand of God, economic collapse, or “inevitable return to simple causality” – whatever the fuck that is supposed to be – will step in to change it. This is almost just medieval religious thinking, or as I’ve said elsewhere, “end times” messianism.

      “You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she will always return.”

      You can grind down platitudes with a piledriver, they’ll always crop up again like the weeds they are. That statement is purely meaningless, fucking “folk wisdom” that has absolutely no application to what we are (not really) discussing. But it’s easy to say, you know, to get the effect: all this miscegeny and so on, Nature will swing ’round and set it all to rights someday. God/Nature/Karma/Simple Causality. Mark my word, the worse it gets, and it can only get worse, this kind of thinking will still be around, saying change is coming, change is inevitable, the reaction is inevitable, etc., whereas it appears to one who prefers not to romanticize the future that the only inevitability is the continuance of degeneration. Why not a different metaphor? The longer a clod of dirt rolls downhill, the more dirt and speed it picks up along the way. What if we’re just a clod of fucking dirt and not, as WNs romantically “think”, some kind of volcano slowly gathering steam to explode? Silly me, I thought decadence meant just weakness. I didn’t know that from decadence you could get strength. Apparently you can, according to the avg WN. Seems to me, from perusing history, that decadent societies generally do not revivify unless taken over by a completely foreign race — and indeed, another WN dogma, mentioned in this thread, is that the Chinese or Russians or both are busily at work fitting us for the yoke, crediting both with immense foresight and direction.

      “Stupid people cannot survive,”

      This is just cognitive dissonance! Stupid people cannot survive. I wonder if no one else sees the idiocy of this with all the obese, ignorant, self-centered moron consumers and subhumans we have for neighbors. Right, ok. They’re just “die out”. Again, doesn’t say how when or why, just that they cannot survive, when they seem to everyone else to be BOOMING. Mexicans are outbreeding blacks and whites, they are pretty stupid, yet they “cannot survive” — they’ve survived for thousands of years like everyone else, and now have latched onto a custodial state which gives them an unprecedented improvement in their standard of living, yet they “cannot survive”, no. Fat white whores popping out the next generation of white trash or mulatto bastards, they can’t survive either: even though everything is in place in this society, which shows no signs of collapse at all, to support and encourage them. In WN eschatology, everything is ripe for collapse; the weak shall perish, the WNs survive; and all will be well, for Darwin said “the strong prevail”, though he meant lower mammalia, man having created for himself morality and asylums for the unfit.

      “whether they choose their own retards as leaders or the poisoned mimic leeches we call Jews.”

      Fallacy: no one “chose” Jews or representative goyim. But his point here is: nothing can prevent people we deem inferior from disappearing — though that is exactly what every detail of this society is designed to do. In other words, Biff is living in Fantasy Land, where everything is going according to plan, all will be well, nur abwarten, usw.

      “It doesn’t really matter in the end because all the idiots follow one another into a ditch no matter who is leading them. ”

      Ditches, cliffs, collapses, causalities, laws. These nebulosities are just piling up. It’s all just inapplicable metaphorical speech. “See, they’re like lemmings, so like, they’ll all run into a ditch, and we’ll be left up top!” — Woh! This is cold, neutral precision? Give me a fucking breaking. It is idiocy.

      Jews are a symptom of the decay when they acquire positions of authority,

      No. They are not a “symptom of decay”. Nothing was “decaying” about America when they wormed their way in; there were simply holes to exploit. Jews outsmarted the American goyim where they were thwarted by the Germans. Jews go where business is booming. It is only pleasurable for you to say they are a “symptom of decay”, because it dismisses their prowess, their achievement, their victory, and the continuing domination of white societies. This goes hand in hand with the self-flagellating “we need to look at ourselves first” self-help moralism which I attacked O’Meara for elsewhere. Jews aren’t smart or anything, no, they’re just a symptom; we’re to blame, we need to be more folkish, more this, more that, we’re in decay, la la la. As the old saying goes: NIGGERS ARE THE SYMPTOM, JEW IS THE DISEASE.

      “just like rotten wood features termites when the house is getting ready to fall down”

      Another stupid ass metaphor. Again: WNs use metaphors like this to give themselves the feeling and illusion that the future will swing to their favor. The house is falling, the system collapsing, the fabric torn, the foundation worn. It’s aaaallll going down, you have only to wait, for Jews just came around to gnaw away at the wood.

      “Jews can’t lead.”

      Sure they can, they just do it more cleverly than most, and in unfortunate directions. Social engineering for the worse is no less leadership than engineering for the better; leading whites on a crusade against themselves with entertainment and guilt is no less leadership than leading a crusade against a real foe. It is however to your advantage to offhandedly assert that they simply “can’t lead” — it makes them look incompetent and unimportant, which you need, rhetorically, to bolster your belief that the uh…house is….going to fall.

      “If they’re in leadership positions, it’s because the citizens are too stupid to know any better.”

      Of course. No one has said otherwise. You are “flooding” with rhetoric, here. Everything you said prior to this was calculated to give the impression that Jews are singularly incompetent; that they in fact “can’t lead”; yet here you admit they can attain to leadership, when people are stupid enough. This indicates your conception of “leadership” is moral and romantic: you think leadership is only leadership when it is toward the good.

      Biff here, optimistic that he is, would like to believe that Jews are incidental to the garbage can that America has become; he believes, and cannot begin to define or sketch, in a nation-wide collapse of some nature where all inferiors, which he has neither defined, will disappear or die; America, he says, is a house of rotten wood and Jews are termites. — And here it would be well to pause and ask anyone else following this if they believe Jews are just termites in the walls, indeed, if there are walls at all? The whole question is one of sustainabilitynot at a high standard of living but at the lowest. A bass can sustain the lowest note, for example. There are still Afrikaaners in South Africa, they work, they surf, they enjoy life, most of them are airheaded multicult morons oblivious to the dangers of negritude, and indeed, Cape Town is a pretty decent place in which to insulate oneself therefrom. Yet the hysteria whipped up by WN would have one believe it is Hell on Earth for the whites down there because some few dozens – or whatever number it is – have been murdered or have moved away. I’m not trying to paint a rosy picture of South Africa here, only trying to say that WN dogma exaggerates very often, from political motive. Now, my point is, society can be sustained at lower levels indefinitely; every aspect of this society testifies to the ingenuity of the custodial ideology (got from Christianity), which lies, covers up, plugs holes, where the natural order of things threatens to break through again. And at some point a threshold of degradation is reached wherefrom the better stock cannot recover. We have long passed that point. Association with avg Maircans should be enough for anyone to confirm it. The end is here. The rest is attrition.

      I give up though. You can’t reason with messianists who think they have “Darwin” in their pocket, anymore than christers with their Jeboo.

    18. ML Says:

      I wanted to add: It very well may be that the best thing for the white race is for the “movement” or “White Power” movement to be smashed flat like an aluminum can.

      Exactly. No good comes of it, no good has ever come of it. I doubt anyone worthwhile has come from “white power” circles. Linder never shaved his head; Pierce probably never listened to Skrewdriver. Scenester mentality is worthless to us. But I’m not just talking about “wp”, but most of “WN”, traditionalism, and so on. Traditionalism sort of feeds into WN romanticism, whereas WNs tend to be more honest and level-headed than Traditionalists as such, who are completely full of it. But WN has its own species of wishful-thinking that cannot be rooted out of it. Every scene wants to survive per se, and will do what it can to ensure that survival. In that “per se” you have the whole error. WN would better be dissolved, and a new concept, with more radical content and much less romanticism, put in place. Though of course it would have to be destroyed, however one wishes to interpret that.

      If I had to spend a month with these people, I’d end up in a padded room.

      Oh man, you have no idea. I’m sure you came up against the wall of dogma somewhere and were squarely repulsed. People want to believe and survive — not analyze, judge, and act. I have always tried to point out that White Nationalism is more a cult than a movement, or rather, tried to delineate exactly how it behaves like a cult, or a scene, with its own dogmas and heresies and typical reactions. And for all that I most often just feel exhausted. I’d be all right with wiping my hands of it and doing something else, and in fact did just that; but I happened to send an email to this Barrett, whom I knew nothing about – unforgivable stupidity on my part, perhaps – regarding a friend of mine, and was treated to identity fraud. Now what can I do? Have to make sure I am not made out to be something I am most assuredly not.

    19. ML Says:

      This is where people like Alex Linder, Bill White, Harold Covington, et. al., get full marks, and is a primary difference between “the Movement,” and “the Cause.”

      I like that distinction. “Movement” sounds important, and is always phony. “Cause” doesn’t imply anything more than conscience, and effort in a certain direction. A cause is in the heart, a movement is on the sleeve.

      The “revolution/Collapse” have become a Article of Faith among WN who do not realize that the TRUE foundation of ANY revolution begins with changing their Minds, and doing what they can, where they are.

      If it’s not one thing it’s the other. You know of course that I fundamentally disagree with and despise your “Mind Change” business, but at least you’re not a COLLAPSIST.

      The “revolution/Collapse” scenario is pretty much “God from the Machine” type thinking, a magical Mindset where SOMEONE ELSE will do the heavy lifting. After all of that, then, the Remnant will walk the Earth and declare Victory.

      Exactly. In fact, I almost used that very phrase – deus ex machina – in one of my comments here. It’s something that the author throws in to carry the plot along, without any real relation to story or characters. The metaphors have nothing at all to do with the state of affairs; they falsify the state of affairs to appease the metaphorist. It’s a release of tension, not a valid statement of probability.

      Their thinking ignores basic psychology.


    20. New America Says:

      ML made another excellent observation:

      ML wrote:
      *snip* “I have always tried to point out that White Nationalism is more a cult than a movement, or rather, tried to delineate exactly how it behaves like a cult, or a scene, with its own dogmas and heresies and typical reactions. And for all that I most often just feel exhausted.”

      in rely:
      WN’s leaders claimed it was a “movement,” but, somehow, nothing ever moved forward. Nothing got done, with a small handful of exceptions, formed by a small handful of exceptional men, who seem to have developed a common ethos of RACE first, and defining all subsequent actions from that.

      The idea that WN became a “cult” is so true that it asks the obvious question: What kind of people join cults?

      People with problems – deep problems, profound problems, and an inability to even see the problems for what they are.

      Think of the old NSM – if you want a “cult,” Hell, I’ll show you DEVIL WORSHIP in the same package. Again, the same commonality of failed person, who can not develop a focus that allows him to see the way forward.

      These all have one thing in common – they are full of goddamn LOSERS, who rejoice in their self-chosen status as professional victims, “outlaws” who reject a society that rejected them, not for who they were, but for who they became, and what they did to get there.

      Simply stated, they are all trapped in a kind of permanent Adolescence, unwilling to do ANYTHING of a CONSTRUCTIVE nature whatsoever.

      And, I suspect this has not been by accident.

      The “Movement” organizations simply acted as masterful false flag operations to insure that the few really Adult people WN attracted would seek the prominently advertised false flags, and get (1) trapped in their folly, or (2) become disgusted, and go back to Sleep.

      Thanks to the Internet, ENOUGH people with shared values, and shared Ideals, are dealing with the critical issues of Family, RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, and Culture, that, organically, SOMETHING is developing around a handful of Ideas, and Ideals.

      The “Movement” was basically nihilistic; it sought the absence of pain, rather than the pursuit of greatness in the fulfillment of a much greater Purpose than themselves, and their immeidate sensate gratifications. It’s motivation, then, was to get out of Low Reverse into NEUTRAL.

      Neutral – NOTHING – was pretty much their goal, and they have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

      That’s why we have a positive obligation to support those who make a positive transformation possible, by defining the terms to OUR satisfaction, and defining the situation to OUR satisfaction.

      That means putting money in an envelope and sending it to those who are out front on the field of battle, to support them financially, until we can stand by their side.

      Being in debt keeps you moving in reverse; cash moves you forward.

      Simple as that.

      I became exasperated at a “Movement” that waited until some sort of “Revolution/Collapse” scenario magically unfolded, and you and your associates would magically appear on top of The New World.

      This is Wishful Thinking – “And they all lived happily ever after.”

      Peter Shank made the best comment on this sad state of affairs:

      “Suppose, somehow, you wake up and are rid of the Jews/the Colored/the illegals. You still have you and your situation to deal with. What are you doing about that, today, right now?”

      Peter’s right – with Responsibility comes Power.

      The question of Responsibility, of course, comes down to your Values; from that, and the situation in which you find yourself, you develop a Purpose, and Goals.

      And if your understanding of these is so weak, and your faith so limited, than a Cult will serve you just fine.

      For the rest of us, only a Cause will do.


      That works!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    21. fdtwainth Says:

      2 ML

      Thank you for your multiple comments. It looks like you haven’t fully red the article or have not fully grasped its implications for WN Cause. Lemming behavior is not an analogy but a fairly recent but well established paradigm in evolutionary biology. It has been successfully applied within a number of social sciences, including economics and political theory, and has yielded significant research findings in these disciplines. Personally I have successfully applied it in economic research before I decided to apply it to behavior of politicians in times of crises. My article is not a fomulation of a research hypothesis, but the presentation of results obtained by applying lemming behavior paradigm to explain behavior of decision-makers in times of crises. To arrive at them I run a correlation-regression analysis on a representative sample of ten major European countries, on major political/economic/social crises data series and population data series for the last 200 years, for which reliable population data are available. My findings are as follows: population cicles peaks positively correlate to 81% of instances of major political/economic/social crises with a lag 20-30 years at a confidence level 0.99, for periods 1860-1920, 1950-1970 I also have a positive Granger casuality test, stongly supporting the thesis presented in this article: human ovepopulation triggers lemming behavior. I could have posted a referenced research paper, but most respected VNN readers would have made little out it, therefore I opted for a more popular format, yet it does not diminish the reliability of the findings presented here. I encourage you to test the research hypothesis yourself along the lines suggested, to see for yourself the relevance of findings presented in the article to WN Cause, and the solid research paradigm it is grounded in.

    22. ML Says:

      It looks like you haven’t fully red the article or have not fully grasped its implications for WN Cause.

      I read the damn article, but concerned myself with the usual metaphorical bravado at the end.

      Lemming behavior is not an analogy but a fairly recent but well established paradigm in evolutionary biology.

      Seems to me “established paradigm” is by now postmodern for “analogy”. I’m not sure that Saussure would approve, nor the Jew Kuhn who revived it in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, but it’s one of those seemingly deep “philosophy of science” terms swirling around these days. Most of that stuff is jewy or just plain unnecessary.

      It has been successfully applied within a number of social sciences, including economics and political theory, and has yielded significant research findings in these disciplines.

      Well, I should hope they’ve accomplished more with it than Lenz!

      I’m sure you’re spot on with your numbers and all, but you shoot past Lenz’s little moralisms at the end of his essay, which were the target of my critique: the desiderata masquerading in subscientific darwinsprach. Bottom line: White Nationalism is becoming hung up on quasi-scientific metaphors and rhetoric to bolster its unrealistic hopes. One guy says “itz coming”, another guy says: “…it establishes that the present decline of the West, while painful and tragic, has been set in motion by the Nature’s corrective action to reduce the burden of human overpopulation and thus is in the end evolutionary beneficial for European peoples.” I think they’re both wrong, but at least the first guy says it without pomp passed off as “science”.

      Sounds fishy to me.

    23. New America Says:

      ML’s unaddressed issues need, well, to be addressed.

      I agree with you that White Nationalism, as it has been, is worthy of being eliminated as anything other than a sort of minstrel show, full of sound, and fury, signifying failure in the extreme.

      I can only agree, with the exception of a handuul of, well, exceptional people – Pierce, Oliver. Linder, Whitaker, White, Covington – a small number, indeed.

      However, the issue is QUALITY, and not quantity – our RACIAL enemies have that, to burn.

      I offer Traditionalism – sort of in the model of Evola Light, if you will, with more Nietzsche than many feel comfortable with – and can comfortably defend my proposition that you find so unsupportable – Only a Change of Mind, Can Save Our Kind.

      The “Movement,” and its attendant organizations (yes, I know I’m using the term “organizations” very loosely!) have, by and large failed; yet, in their place, a Cause is Calling Forth an Impulse in the Souls of our best, and it is they who will transform the idea of White Nationalism/Western Nationalism (WN2/M) into the Ideal that our RACE needs to eventually form our own Nation, regardless of which country we are living in.

      The “Movement’ was as hierarchical as you could imagine – money, information, and support, all went UP the ladder, and pats on the head came down – if they were lucky. All in all, a System that served the purposes of our RACIAL enemy, the goddamn JEWS, extremely well.

      We are growing up – we are acting as Adults, and have the common bond of the Cause – RACE! – as the common thread connecting and transforming all of our activities.

      Above all, we have moved beyond the Childishness of waiting for the Hero to save us from ourselves. Pierce dies, and the NA falls apart. Everyone learned from that, and we learned from the Internet, with no middlemen to distort the message.

      In turn, Strom formed National Vanguard. With Strom neutralized, one and all expected National Vanguard to have collapsed.

      In fact, it is better than ever; Frank Roman’s pieces are a perfect replacement for Strom’s work. Better, at the end of his essays, Roman reminds us of our RACIAL duty – to return to the Stars, in the fulfillment of our RACIAL destiny.

      The NSM reveals its fundamental flaws to one and all, and not even Bill White can save it. So, White forms his own, MUCH more effective, organization, and redefines National Socialism in an “American” context… at least for now.

      Pierce’s ADV’s are replaced by the much better GoyFires, AND Free Talk Live carries the ball further down the field.

      No one speaks to the issues of the nuts and bolts of the formation of an NS Republic in the American Northwest; how could it be formed, and how might it work?

      Harold Covington sits down and writes the Northwest Republic TRILOGY – THREE damn books – dealing with these issues. Guess what I’ll be giving out for Christmas next year?

      You can imagine the unwrapping under the Christmas tree now…

      “DAMN, aren’t these a little, uh, extreme?”

      “No, but they’re a start.”

      These are the transformation of the endings into New Beginnings, and the slightest good deed is worth far more than the grandest of intentions. These good deeds are being defined BY us, our OUR terms, with the underlying theme of the fulfillment of RACIAL greatness.

      These events symbolize the beginnings of the Change of Mind, that will Change our Kind.

      After all, we don’t want to end up like Sam Francis, do we?


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    24. Hoosier Says:

      ML said:

      “Oh man, you have no idea. I’m sure you came up against the wall of dogma somewhere and were squarely repulsed.

      I was turned off by all the backstabbing and hypocrisy, and lack of any real direction. I may as well been back at the Missionary Church years ago. It’s a religion of some kind, that’s true. There are decent and sincere people involved, but they seem to be playing the wrong game. They reminded me of people playing the slot machine at casinos. Once in a while, a win occurs, but over time it’s a losing game. You can’t beat the house playing by the houses rules.

      I’m still reading Mein Kampf, it’s been slow going – It may be that the underlying principles that Hitler discovered, are the guidance or answers that are needed. But the principles seem to be needed to be stripped of the “religion” of Hitler, Nazism, the 25 points, white power, and so on. “tweeking” may be all that’s needed. Hitler said:

      “The ‘folkish’ view recognizes the importance of mankind in it’s racially innate elements. In principle, it sees in the State only a means to an end, as as it’s end it considers the preservation of the racial existence of men.”

      I don’t know how it can get any clearer than that. He didn’t say it was a German or white thing, but a universal thing for “mankind.” Hitler was describing a universal means of peace for ALL mankind, a sort of global “peace on earth, good will towards men.” He NEVER advocated a “race war.” Jesus Christ, a “race war” plays right into the Jews hands with their class and race warfare doctrine. Am I the only one who can see this?

      He also advocated a “building” rather than “destroying” structure, as he noted the failure of Otto Von Bismark. It’s certainly easier to sell “peace and hope for mankind” rather than “kill the niggers and the spics”

      Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that the “movement” seems to be
      playing the game according to the Jew’s playbook, and it’s doomed for failure. The point was already made by ML, but I wanted to make it TOO, dammit.

      New America said:

      The Way to obtain the Power they seek – and this appears in their hands, magically, after their Enemies have all but disappeared – is through personal Responsibility. Remember, power is NOT “the root of all evil.” In fact, power is not “evil.” Rather, power is the test of character.

      Yes, very true Maybe the blame should shift from the shoulders of the “lemmings” and the responsibility for failure or success on our shoulders individually and collectively. Gotta go, great conversation.

    25. Hoosier Says:

      I wanted to add:

      New America, I’d send ALex Linder 20.00 if I had the money, but I recently got laid off, and I’m scrambling around. I got a part time job, luckily, right next door to where I live, so at least I have a stream of income coming in. The company I was working for is regrouping, and we parted, at least temporarily, on very good terms, and they were happy with me, I think, so I may get it back in the future. We’ll see.

      I think I’ve almost gotten good enough at Texas Hold ’em poker to make a living at it online, or at least develop a nice stream of income. Itz a lovely game, and I’m finding it a world class way of learning financial warfare. Except my goal isn’t to “beat” anyone, it’s to make my pile of chips get bigger, stably, over time. I’m not playing against the house, but against other players.

      I’m trying to crack a certain personal financial code, and I think I’m getting close. One things for certain: I’m either going to crack it, or die trying.
      If I do, and if it’s like other things in my life, I’ll probably have to change damn near EVERYTHING, and most everything I’m saying now about my situation will be null and void.

      Later, buddy.

    26. Hoosier Says:

      This conversation has triggered a lot of thoughts on my part, and I keep coming back to it. Online communication has it’s limits, in a real time conversation, blanks could be filled in much faster. Anyway, if anyone wants to give me shit, I’ll say this: at least I’m trying to come up with ideas and solutions instead of bitching.

      If you think it’s so easy, YOU put YOUR ideas up here. Go ahead and tear my ideas apart if you can, just don’t call ME an idiot for trying, OK? I’m not particularly wedded to any idea at this point, other than “what works”

      I think Hitler was describing something like “Universal Nationalism” instead of “White Nationalism. How’s this for a “paradigm shift”? How about whites + asians + blacks, etc. vs the Jews, instead of Jews + blacks + asians, etc, against whites?

    27. New America Says:

      in reply to Hoosier:

      Thanks for the comments.

      Some ideas:

      One, reading Mein Kampf is essentially the cultural equivalent of an IQ test; reading Savitri Devi seems to add a more explicitly spiritual foundation to these ideas, which only complement them by placng them in the appropriate cultural context.

      Two, Michael Walsh wrote a paperback book called “The Triumph of Reason,” which is an introduction th Hitler’s thinking with quotes from AH. It’s pretty impressive, and a lot easier first read than Mein Kampf. I suspect Noontide Press has it.

      Three, the old-time “Movement” organizations have been stripped of their auras of mystery and power, and are seen as being a bunch of pathetic losers, hiding behind the Forms of what White Nationalism WAS, to the detriment of facing the Reality before them. They are trapped in a past that never was, and are trying to remake a small portion of that past in this place, in this time. They are using the Forms of Power as the functional equivalent of a cargo cult, and wonder when the plane will land.

      Four, the Ideal we are pursuing is so strong, it has resisted the best efforts of fools and idiots to pervert it. After Bill White rejected the NSM (National Satanists Movement), he created his own organization, along proper RACIAL lines. That’s SMART. This Ideal will adopt as many Forms as it needs, as we make available for it. As a shorthand to describe the Ideal is use the phrase WN2/M.

      I use the phase WN2/M to mean White Nationalism/Western Nationalism, the Forms of yesterday with the spiritual substance that called forward Martel, and so many others, in the pursuit of a RACIAL destiny well beyond their wildest dreams. The first part gets through to our people on one level, and the second part forms what we are truly fighting FOR.


      Hitler’s formulation defines the greater purpose of governance, in any Form:

      “The ‘folkish’ view recognizes the importance of mankind in it’s racially innate elements. In principle, it sees in the State only a means to an end, as as it’s end it considers the preservation of the racial existence of men.”

      (Peter Shank’s formulation of Family, RACE and Culture fits right in here, by the way. By RACE, I mean RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.)

      The clever trick of the goddamned demonic JEWS is to create a false duality, so that whatever choice you make, you are making one of THEIR choices. The “Movement” seems almost perfectly established to insure that any attempt at RACIAL organizations ends up in neutral, and any choices made will only support the JEWISH choices. It wasn’t until I heard Pierce, and read Yockey, that I realized the “Movement’ was simply one big false flag, designed to neutralize us.

      The blaming of others for our misfortunes is a hallmark of our impotence; like Children, we blame everyone for our situation. It is only when he accept responsibility – an Adult characteristic, to be sure – that we earn the power to do what needs to be done.

      I am to the point that I firmly believe NINETY PERCENT of our nominally RACIAL brethren would just as soon see us in a Lake of Fire, and that’s fine. They have become so addicted to the Jewtrix – the pictures they see on the television, the words they hear on the radio and see in the newspaper – that, effectively, it’s like the beginning of “The Matrix”:

      “Lieutenant, your men are already dead.”

      I firmly believe that, with HALF of the “Adult” population in America on prescription tranquilizers, that the pain of “waking Up” is simply too much for them, and they will kill us rather than stir from their Sleep.


      And, as for sending some money to Linder, it’s a suggestion. Each of us is doing what we can, where we can, as best we can. Indeed, Linder goes out of his way to not solicit money, believing the Work before us offers rewards far greater than most can imagine.

      I also know what it is like to wake up in the morning, and be told, “Work has gone away.”

      The social ties – the psychic income and social stabilizers – of work are more important than many realize. Alcohol consumption – and sale of Lottery tickets – are up dramatically, and more people than I dared realize substituted debt for income with negative ARMS on what used to be their HOUSE. These are starting to “reset,” and I notice the pharmacists counter at the drugstore is doing a land office business.

      My personal financial code has come to three basic ideas – removal of debt, don’t buy what you don’t need, and can’t pay for with cash, and don’t accept responsibilities that are not yours. In my better years, I did an annual spring cleaning, and took a lot of “stuff” to the local Salvation Army. Now, I’m back to the Salvation Army – as a customer.

      And I have a LOT of company there, as so many of us have discovered “the paste jewel of middle-class respectability” is just that.

      We must be what we want the world to become – simple as that.

      Incidentally, thanks to Linder’s critique of Sam Francis, and your comments, I’ve been working on an alternate history of Sam Francis. It has been a great tool to focus my thinking of just how badly CONservatism has served us, and what Creative solutions we should offer.

      And, to remind myself of our RACIAL heritage, when I wake up in the morning, I play the “Tomorrow Belongs To Me” video clip- that REALLY helps to establish the right State of Mind!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    28. Hoosier Says:

      Thanks for all the comments, New America. I’m too tired to do much more than sit here and read, but I did read what you posted.

      I’m looking at poker, because it’s a game of skill primarily – at least the cash games are. That’s why the casinos push tournaments so hard – because you have to be lucky, or take outrageous risks at key junctions. They really try to get people in an emotional, excited state of mind.

      Incidentally, thanks to Linder’s critique of Sam Francis, and your comments, I’ve been working on an alternate history of Sam Francis. It has been a great tool to focus my thinking of just how badly CONservatism has served us, and what Creative solutions we should offer.

      That’s great. I enjoyed the chapters you already wrote. I hope you put it in a word or PDF format, so it could be read all at once. I’m assuming you’re figured out that these threads have a short shelf life, as I’m assuming the VNN staff doesn’t have the manpower to approve threads as they age.

    29. ML Says:

      Man, putting Mein Kampf and Devi in the same sentence is just wrong. You have to think about what Hitler himself would say of Devil, or whomever. WWHD? Not read Devi, I’d bet my life on’t.

      It’s just the plain diff between pragmatism and romanticism. Hitler was not a romantic, or at least not when it came to politics or his worldview. When he finally took over Austria, he forbade republication of Ostara and the writings of “List”. Why? Because occultism is not politically relevant and ideologically distracting, i.e. dangerous.

      Devi places fuck all “in context”. Devi is a fad, no more. Hitler needs no context outside of history.

      I curse whomever first thrust this femme scribbler Devi onto White Nationalists. With all the naivete of followers they latched onto her because she is a little bizarre and uses nebulous mytho-speech.

      Spiritual context my eye. Mein Kampf has plenty of spirit. I am more inspired by one single line of MK – which is, as we all know, usually about half a page – than I could ever be by twenty books of egotistical neofolk litterature.

      Only men who are inspired by pragmatism are fit to bear the rifle.

    30. New America Says:

      in response to ML:

      ML wrote:

      Man, putting Mein Kampf and Devi in the same sentence is just wrong. You have to think about what Hitler himself would say of Devil, or whomever. WWHD? Not read Devi, I’d bet my life on’t.

      in reply:
      Hitler was a brilliant autodidact; the most casual reading of “Hitler’s Table Talk” reveals a man who was widely – and deeply – read.

      That Hitler spoke to issue of the folk spirit – and had an entire bureaucracy to deal with these issues – meant that he would certainly be right at home with Savitri, and she with him.

      ML wrote:
      It’s just the plain diff between pragmatism and romanticism. Hitler was not a romantic, or at least not when it came to politics or his worldview. When he finally took over Austria, he forbade republication of Ostara and the writings of “List”. Why? Because occultism is not politically relevant and ideologically distracting, i.e. dangerous.

      in reply:
      “Occult” simply means “hidden.”

      In our terms, for instance, a lot of what we call Christianity lacks the spiritual energy of what Savitri referred to as our pagan ancestors.

      I have always regarding Cultures as the outworking of spiritual constructs that we perceive as religions, but that’s just me.


      If you can imagine Western Civilization without Christianity, then, more power to you. Hitler saw this as so important an issue that he transformed the Institutional nature and practice of Christianity into something that was more along the line of what Christ would do, TODAY. Stripping out the influences of the Satan-inspired demonic faith of Judaism from Christianity was part and parcel of what he attempted, transforming it into a religion that WORKS, and was spiritually alive.

      What had Institutional Christianity become by the time of NSDAP Germany?

      In the words of Savitri Devi, “…a racket to bluff the fools…”

      Hitler would have agreed with her.

      ML wrote:
      Devi places fuck all “in context”. Devi is a fad, no more. Hitler needs no context outside of history.

      in reply:
      Devi, like Hitler, wrote for Eternity.

      Her words, like Mein Kampf, continue to educate, and inspire.

      ML wrote:
      I curse whomever first thrust this femme scribbler Devi onto White Nationalists. With all the naivete of followers they latched onto her because she is a little bizarre and uses nebulous mytho-speech.

      in reply:
      Given what “White Nationalists” have become, perhaps we would all be much better, and much further along, if we all had the benefit of a strong acquaintance with Savitri Devi’s writings.

      ML wrote:
      Spiritual context my eye. Mein Kampf has plenty of spirit. I am more inspired by one single line of MK – which is, as we all know, usually about half a page – than I could ever be by twenty books of egotistical neofolk litterature.

      in reply:
      Yet, the “plenty of spirit” that Mein Kampf has to offer is not diminished in the least by the “plenty of spirit” that Savitri Devi has to offer; quite the contrary.

      ML wrote:
      Only men who are inspired by pragmatism are fit to bear the rifle.

      in reply:
      “Pragmatism” ignores the Ideas, and Ideals, that they who bear the rifle serve.

      As Peter Shank so astutely noted, “The Jews took over America without firing a shot, by controlling the picture you see, and the words that you hear and read.”

      And all of the rifles owned by “White Nationalists” have had not one iota of effect on them.

      A casual acquaintance with the writings of Savitri Devi – and Adolph Hitler – would succeed where the rifles have failed, in controlling the demonic JEW-controlled Propasphere’s control over our very thoughts, and our minds.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!