30 March, 2007

Friday Night FTL

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 8:43 am | Permanent Link

Join Dietrich this Friday night.

7:00 PM EDT: Music and Sound Bites

9:00 PM EDT: Talk

Skype ID: vnnfreetalklive
Phone: 660 675 4388

For those with plain old telephones we have a conventional phone number: 660 675 4388, though we prefer skype calls. Regardless, please attempt to send a chat message with skype before calling.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

  • 4 Responses to “Friday Night FTL”

    1. trafalgar in flames Says:

      Dietrich, they can ban an IP number – but all you have to do is use a proxy – there are all kinds of sites with lists of proxies. Or you can use programs like Tor (look it, works great) which will show your IP to constantly change. They can ban your account but not your access under new accounts/names. People won’t ban a range of IP’s unless they come from a particular ‘location’ (meaning an identifiable business, etc).

    2. Me Says:

      Another outstanding example of Nigger educational values at work.

      “Students at the kindergarten through 12th grade school are unruly, disrespectful and rarely disciplined, Walker said. “They cuss at the teachers and throw things at them, and nothing is done,” Walker said. “There was even one student who grabbed a teacher in the butt and nothing was done. The students run the school.”


    3. Will Stuteley Says:

      Great show tonight, Theseus. The lineup had a strong rapport, and I hope you can get Panzerfaust, Mr. Piddles, and WhiteMan et al. on again for another installment. You young guys are very tech-savvy, and it’s highly useful to have shows where procedural information and how-to stuff is covered. I know there are plenty of us in the audience, myself included, who really want to jump aboard, but are a bit backward computer-wise! And if you get a chance, I hope you talk/write more about how an RSS feed works.

    4. Hoosier Says:

      unfolding details on the Channon Christian & Chris Newsom Memorial Rally:
