BTL: Jones on Francis
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Between The Lines at 10:14 am | 
First point is to absolve Jones of any guilt for delivering an inappropriate address. Jones gives an interesting and valuable perspective on Francis, and one I’ve never seen from his fans before. Brimelow has nothing to complain about.
Culture of Death Watch
Europe is Christian, Europe is Dying – Any Connection?
Francis’s Legacy
by E. Michael Jones
I first met Sam Francis at a meeting of the John Randolph club in Chicago. He was sitting at a table with Tom Fleming. Both men are two years older than me. Both gave me the impression that I was a freshman trying to sit at the Junior Lunch Table in the School Cafeteria.
Proud and prickly, thatz the right. Politically successful? Eh, not so much.
The last time I saw Sam Francis, it was at a meeting in Washington. Sam was the moderator at a talk given by John Tyndall, a leader of the National Front in England. Mr. Tyndall was trying to get us enthused about being white guys, and so he launched into a peroration about the glories of Elizabethan England. Since Elizabethan England was the place where Catholic priests, like Edmund Campion, SJ, could be hanged until not quite dead, drawn and quartered and have their entrails thrown into boiling oil for the crime of saying the Mass, I was less than enthralled by the picture Mr. Tyndall had painted for us. In fact, if his intention was to bring us all together, his talk had the exact opposite effect. Since both Father Campion and Lord Burghley and his henchman Walsingham were all white, just what meaning did this fact possess?
Uh, that you made a strawman?
Bottom line is, would you rather your daughter marry a black Catholic or a Protestant human? Look in your heart, Jones, and admit race trumps religion.
My friend Gerry Bruen must have been entertaining the same thoughts because after Mr. Tyndall finished his speech, Gerry asked him whether “the Irish are white.†The question annoyed Mr. Tyndall, who got a disgusted look on his face and said, “Of course, the Irish are white. My mother is Irish.â€
The sort of agit-gibe thought clever by the left – the jews and appeasers who right now are destroying Ireland via immigration. Bruen’s remark isn’t clever, it’s stupid.
At this point, Sam Francis broke into the discussion, and turning to Mr. Tyndall, he asked, “Are Jews white?†Mr. Tyndall was taken aback by the question. After a long pause, he turned to Sam and said, “I’ll have to get back to you on that one.†So today I’d like to honor the memory of Sam Francis by trying to answer his unanswered question: “Are Jews White?â€
The answer is no. Jews are genetically distinct – a race. Far more related to themselves than the hosts they’ve lived among for centuries.
But before I get to that answer, I need to talk about the Culture Wars.
Sam and I were both casualities of the culture wars of the ‘60s. Both of us started out in professional life as academics, both of us got fired for transgressing the canons of political correctness. In this I claim seniority over Sam. I was fired from a position as assistant professor at a Catholic college in 1980 for being against abortion.
“I was fired by Hitler U. for speaking against jews.” Nazi = strong, Catholics = what-the-fuck-ever. Clever Gerry asks if he’s white. Maybe E-mike should ask if he’s Catholic. Catholicism is unprincipled; its very name means lowest-common-denominator. Catholicism goes with any philosophy..and Africans! Not to not like, whatz?
Sam was fired from the Washington Times many years later. What we had in common was not some racial identity—our persecutors were as white as we were—
They were race traitors, choosing not to value their race, except as a negative. The people who want to “abolish Whites” most certainly do mean to physically eliminate them, not least through reducing their breeding chances by reducing their income and the social prestige. Race doesn’t go away because Mike Jones pretends it doesn’t exist.
but rather the fact that both of our ethnic groups had been declared wicked during the opening battle of the culture wars of our generation, namely, the cultural and sexual revolutions of the ‘60s. Sam was a white southerner, a group which had been under attack since the beginning of the civil rights movement, if not the Civil War. And I was a Catholic ethnic from one of the big cities of the North.
The South is not an ethnic group. Jones at once argues that America is not a real nation, but the South is. False. Jones himself is Irish-German in descent. He can’t accept that new nations can indeed be formed out of different strains of Aryans, and that these new strains are just as valid as European originals.
Although the war against Catholic ethnics in the North was a post-World War II campaign (that was waged under a number of names ranging from urban renewal in the ‘50s to busing in the ‘70s), it actually antedated the civil rights movement’s assault on the South by a number of years.
Yeah, if you ignore the whole Civil War thing and whatever the Klan arose to combat. Better put, the influxing jews (1880-1920) picked up where the Abolitionists left off.
As proof that the two campaigns were linked by something more than my mind, I point to Martin Luther King’s arrival in Chicago a little over 40 years ago in the summer of 1966. It would be tempting to portray what happened in Chicago during the summer and early fall of 1966 as a racial struggle, but that’s not really what this battle in the culture wars was really about. Martin Luther King’s people noticed that the minute they set foot in Chicago.
Yes, it was really about race. The jews running the country were interested in destroying White neighborhoods, north or south, Catholic or Protestant. They went after the Protestant South first.
“Down South,†Southern Christian Leadership Conference Worker Dorothy Tillman said, “you were black or white. You wasn’t Irish or Polish or all of this.†What the SCLC attempted to do was transpose the moral mandate they felt they had to end integration [sic] in the south, to the cities of the north where segregation existed only by tenuous analogy. Ethnicity, not skin color, determined residence in cities like Chicago. Up North, White was a completely negative designation, deriving from black, which referred to the skin color of the newly arrived migrants from the south. I know of no northern city which had a neighborhood called “White Town,†but Chicago did have a Jew Town, a Greek Town, and a China Town. Detroit had its own Greek Town as well as a Pole Town. Cincinnati had its “Over the Rhein†and Philadelphia had a Germantown and its own China town as well as neighborhoods which everyone knew were ethnic even if the name of the ethnic group wasn’t included in the name. So, everyone who lived in Philadelphia knew that Bridesburg was Polish, South Philly was Italian, and that Northeast Philadelphia, when I grew up there, was Jewish. If Chicago’s ethnics became “white†during the struggles over the social engineering of housing in the ‘40s and ‘50s, it was only because they defined themselves as the negative of the threat, which they perceived as black hordes streaming into and then taking over their neighborhoods, not because of any racial identity of their own.
“Only because” – have you ever lived around niggers, Jones? It’s not like living around Greeks or Poles. Jones leaps over the Grand Canyon to marvel at crack in the sidewalk. Yes, whites living among their coethnics is natural and normal, but only the incredibly blind could see that this preference is a universe removed from the abiding distaste for living next to offal monkeys declard human by a government that forgot to notify nature. The fact that whites individuate in the absence of group threats does not prove they are not a group with interests. White voters have expressed their White interests time after time – voting against affirmative racism and open borders. The fact that the politicians ignore these interests and denounce their advocates as haters does not change the fact that White people is a valid identity. Jones, being German and Irish in descent, has effectively invalidated his own existence. What Jones can’t cope with intellectually is the idea of something based on more than a lowest common denominator. White ethnic groups mix without a problem because there is much more they share than they don’t share. That is not true with niggers or mexicans. You yourself, Jones, would rather live amid Protestants than Catholic mexcrement, and if you say otherwise you’re a liar. Race trumps religion.
The only thing that linked people like me with people like Sam Francis in the culture wars was the psychic space we occupied in the mind of the enemy.
Uh, yeah… you were both members of the hated race. Jews vs Whites is the war being waged, regardless of how few or many whites grasp what’s going on.
One of the most formidable culture warriors of the 1960s was a Jew by the name of Leo Pfeffer. In his book The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy, Murray Friedman refers to Pfeffer as the lawyer who “advised, planned and argued more church-state cases before the U.S. Supreme Court than anyone else in American history.†In 1947 Pfeffer
Jones doesn’t grasp the difference between culture wars and racial wars. His ideological blinders prevent him from seeing what is obvious, and not just in America. The jews aren’t fighting to control the culture, they’re fighting to kill off their competitor, and controlling the culture is the way to do that. They aren’t trying to win anybody over with those advertising circulars and Nickelodeon shows showing blond girls with nappy niggers, they’re trying to hasten our gencide in the fondue of multiculturalism. This is not an updated version of the battle between the Prussian state and the Catholic church, it’s the human equivalent of one subspecies of animal vanquishing another. To see things even more clearly than in America, where you can fool yourself, if you’re so determined, that the war is at the superficial level of culture, rather than the zero-sum racial reality it actually is, take a look at Zimbabwe and South Africa. Try to put those countries into your “culture war” analytical framework. They simply won’t go. Your religious tomfoolery that race doesn’t matter is a non-starter where whites are any kind of minority. Whites are being driven out of Zimbabwe, where they are almost entirely gone, and South Africa, where they are losing numbers rapidly. The White populations of these countries are almost wholly Protestant. And the Protestant churches helped undermine the racial and ethnic identity of their people, preparing the way for jew-led commie-nigger slaughter. It will be the same in America, if Whites fail to build a counterforce on the only basis that CAN work – race.
The difference between you and the jews, Jones, is that they know what they’re doing. You don’t. The jew uses niggers to destroy White neighborhoods, Protestant and Catholic alike. Your dislike of Protestantism prevents you from seeing this. Awakening Catholics are well advised to avoid the foolish snare of assuming the jews intend anything but the utter and final destruction of the White race. The jews couldn’t care less if some Catholic church survives among the savages and man-eating muti-practicing 60-IQ monkeys of Africa, where “The Church” finds most its customers these days.
filed briefs in two historic cases before the US Supreme Court: Everson v. Board of Education, challenging a New Jersey law that allowed state funds to be used for busing school children to religious schools; and McCollum v. Board of Education, which concerned an Illinois released-time program permitting school facilities to be utilized for religion instruction during regular school time.
This is what Pfeffer had to say about his opponents in the Culture Wars. In a memoir which appeared in 1975 in the liberal Catholic journal Commonweal entitled “The ‘Catholic’ Catholic Problem,†Pfeffer wrote that “whenever I felt that my daughter should not have something she wanted, she threatened to marry a Catholic army officer from Alabama.†“The truth of the matter,†Pfeffer continued, “was that I did not like the Catholic Church as I did not like the military and the South and for pretty much the same reasons. In the first place, it stood for what I opposed, and opposed . . .what I stood for.â€
Sam and I came under attack during the Culture Wars not because we were “white,†not because we belonged to the same racial group, but because our enemies viewed us as belonging to two different groups, both of which they found repugnant.
Just flat wrong. The jews want to “abolish the White race.” Their words, not mine. Ever seen a jew say he wants to “abolish” the Catholic church? Why would they need to? The very Pope sucks jew ass every chance he gets. All they needed to do was subvert the Catholic church, and that was easy enough since its leaders were childless sodomites, often enough, or simply weak willed liberal pussies. And you can’t abolish ideas, anyway. Turning the other cheek will always appeal to the left half of the bell curve, the scum among which jeboo saught his converts. But if you get rid of the DNA that alone can produce leaders that can compete with the jews – THEN you’ve really done something. And the solution is final.
This leads me to my first conclusion about the Culture Wars. The culture wars weren’t racial; they were ethnic. Sam and I were both white, but we belonged to two different ethnic groups because ethnicity in America is based on religion.
Someone needs to inform Jones that “South” is not an ethnic group. The battle isn’t over who controls culture, it’s over who exists. The way you can tell Jones is wrong and I am right is that I address his arguments but he has never, and I’ve read his books, addressed racial biological differences that are the real bottom of the dispute. It ain’t culture. It ain’t religion. It’s race. Who do the jews hate most of all, Jones? You and your Cathlicks or Hitler and his Nazis? Are the jews wrong about their principal enemy, or are you wrong?
Think hard now, Mike. Do you and your Catholics know more about politics or do the jews? Are you able to get Rabbi Glickstein’s anti-Catholic lecture canceled in Tel Aviv, or is he able to shut down your lecture in South Bend?
I thought you Catholicks were big on humility, Jones. Is it possible the jew and the nazi see what’s going on, and you don’t?
According to the sociological theory known as the triple melting pot, country of origin ceases to be an indication of ethnic identity after three generations in America. At that point, it is replaced by religion, which becomes the source of ethnic identity in America. So the triple melting pot, as of the 1950s when Will Herberg wrote his book Protestant, Catholic, Jew, refers to Protestants, Catholics and Jews. America far from being some unified nation inhabited by generic Americans turns out to be a lot like the former Yugoslavia, a country made up of three ethnic groups based on three religions each engaged in a form of long-standing covert warfare against each other, one which often, as I attempted to show in my book The Slaughter of Cities, involves ethnic cleansing.
That’s ridiculous. Just look at the out-marrying rates of the groups, they’re higher than ever. The truth is that religious differences matter today very little. As the Rev. Lovejoy said to Flanders, they’re all pretty much the same. And they are. You insist on your version of Catholicism, but it’s a version not even the Pope accepts. According to you guys, the jews bear moral responsibility for the murder of Jesus. Yet your own Pope won’t even hold them to their own words. From this sorry group of clowns you expect fight? You expect respect from the rest of the world? Everybody knows that only “nazis” tell the full and accurate truth about the jews. Catholics like you and Hoffman invent bogus distinctions to ease the pressure on yourselves. You claim jews not accepting Jesus turned them into evil revolutionaries. You can read the Bible to see that’s not true. Assholes in Egypt, assholes in America. Different age, same assholes. Even if they weren’t really in Egypt, they wrote fiction portraying themselves a certain way, and it does reflect their racial soul. They are hate-filled, vindictive, xenophobic, paranoid parasites – always have been, always will be. You can no more reason with them that a school of pirhana can be luved out of rending flesh. The genetic outliers can leave the religion at any time, but few do. And jews aren’t foolish enough to believe their own bullshit about multiculturalism and social engineering. Otherwise they’d try to convert others. But there’s been no welfare state for Whites. Just harassment and discrimination intended to end in genocide. The dual Mikes, Hoffman and Jones, seek to sustain a distinction between rabbis and jews that simply will not hold. Whenever I read your confusions on this I want to say, “have you ever actually met and dealt with jews, Jones?” Every people gets the rabbis it deserves. The rabbis are the true flower of the jewish weed.
But you’re going to reclaim these pirhanas for the Legos and Right Reasonin’, yes, we know. It hasn’t worked…ever. But I’m sure it will next time. Like Edison, right? You just know 10,000 ways that cathlicks can’t turn niggers and jews into humans by dripping water on them and shipping palsied poofters to warble over ’em.
My second conclusion flows from the first. The culture wars are simply not understandable in racial terms. The different sides in the culture wars may have used race as a pretext, but the identity of the antagonists was ethnic not racial in the sense commonly portrayed in the media. In applying the ethnic calculus to this period of history, we discover that the blacks, even if they were the most visible player in the civil rights phase of the culture wars of the ‘60s, were ultimately the pawn of other groups, which were just as white as the groups they attacked.
Here again Jones is tripped up by his intellectual cowardice. He is simply afraid to study the biological facts of the matter. Jews are not White. They are a race at war with Whites. They are a race that has inbred for centuries, and is prone to race-specific ailments and ways of thinking. They are a breed apart. Never and nowhere does Jones take seriously the facts — not arguments — about jews as a biological group. This is the heart of the problem with religious folks. They are arrogant. They assert there are truths above and beyond the provable. Well, when that’s step one, what do you think is step two? Right. Ignoring REAL facts because they don’t mesh with your unprovable truths – truths true because, well, you just know they are.
Jones has a far better knowledge than mine of what jews have done in history. But he doesn’t know what jews are. He thinks they are a peculiarly noxious group of haven’t-accepted-Catholicism-yets, but they’re soooo much more than that. They are a breed at war with others. All others. Their interest in Catholicism is subverting it. Turning it to their own ends. They want the Callahan box, the good reputation. They’ll stuff it with their crappy parts and fool the LCD, which is an ever-increasing percentage of the church as it turns gook and nooby in search of clientele.
In his book Fatal Embrace, Benjamin Ginsburg confirms our suspicion that the racial conflicts of the ‘60s weren’t really racial at all by showing that virtually every major civil rights organization, including or one might say especially, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was in some sense of the word controlled by Jews:
Facts right, interepretation wrong. Jones is limited by his all-encompassing religionism. His refusal to see anything through a non-religious lens. The use of a third party by a second party to dominate a first party fairly screams for biological analogy.
Jews served as major financiers and strategists for the civil rights movement.
They created it from scratch and directed it to their own ends, and abandoned it once they’d refounded America on jewish Big Lies meant to culminate in White Genocide.
Jews served as well as the key liaisons between the civil rights movement and the government during both the Kennedy and Johnson eras. Jewish groups, organized through the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, had long worked closely with blacks in efforts to eliminate housing and employment discrimination from the 1950s and after.
Why use their arguments any more than their terms? The point was to destroy White neighborhoods. Niggers are niggers. It doesn’t matter who they live next to, or how many years of school jail they’re sentenced to, they can’t be any more than what they are – niggers. If Blacks weren’t niggers, nigger wouldn’t be an insult.
Jewish contributions provided a substantial share of the funding for such civil rights groups as the NAACP and CORE. Jewish attorneys were at the forefront of the legal offensive against the American apartheid system. Stanley Levinson, a longtime official and fund-raiser for the American Jewish Congress, became Martin Luther King’s chief aid and advisor, having previously served as a major fund-raiser for Bayard Rustin. Harry Wachtel was a major legal advisor and fundriaser for the SCLC. Levinson and Wachtel were often called King’s twin Jewish lawyers. Jack Greenberg, head of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund was the most important single civil rights lawyer in the United States. Jews comprised a large segment – perhaps one-third of the whites who participated in civil rights marches and protests in the South during the 1960s.
This is the good Jones. This information should be screamed from the rooftops. Jones can’t interpret the information properly because of his blinders, but he’s very good at painting scenes of time and places, and unearthing facts that racialists can use to greater advantage. And for his honest scholarship, we should and do thank him.
Kevin MacDonald, America’s premier racial theorist, says pretty much the same thing as Ginsberg in the article on the Jewish-Black alliance which appeared in Race and the American Prospect, the book Sam was editing before he died:
“The record,†MacDonald writes, “shows quite clearly that Jewish organizations as well as a great number of individual Jews contributed enormously to the success of the movement to increase the power of blacks and alter the racial hierarchy of the United States. (p. 221).
And the end result would be, as I’ve said 500x:
1) jews
2) nigs n muds n queers
3) white “butts bearing burdens”
“Jews,†he continues, “have played a prominent role in organizing blacks beginning with the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909. The NAACP was founded by wealthy German Jews, non-Jewish whites and blacks led by W.E. B. Dubois. The Jewish role was predominant:
“By mid-decade, the NAACP had something of the aspect of an adjunct of B’nai B’rith and the American Jewish Committee, with the brothers Joel and Arthur Spingarn serving as board chairman and chief legal counsel, respectively; Herbert Lehman on the exectuive commitee; Lillian Wald and Walter Sachs on the board (althought not simultaneously); and Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg as financial angels. By 1920, Herbert Seligman was director of public relations and Martha Greuning served as his assistant. . . . Small wonder that a bewildered Marcus Garvey stormed out of NAACP headquarters in 1917 muttering that it was a white organization.
The NAACP, in other words, was a Jewish organization that mobilized America’s blacks to fight racial discrimination insofar as this was congruent with Jewish goals. Benjamin Ginsberg is remarkably frank in discussing the terms of the Jewish-Black alliance:
By speaking on behalf of blacks as well as Jews . . . Jewish groups were able to present themselves as fighting for the abstract and quintessential American principles of fair play
Treating niggers as Whites’ equals is unfair, since blacks aren’t equal to Whites. They’re jungle animals best seen as pre-people.
and equal justice rather than the selfish interests of Jews alone. This would not be the last time that Jewish organizations found that helping blacks could serve their own interests as well. . . . Gains achieved on behalf of one, Jewish organizations reasoned, would serve the interests of both, while allowing Jews to project an image of unselfish pursuit of the public good. . . . For Jews . . . gains achieved on behalf of blacks in terms of equality of opportunity also promised to serve their own interest in eliminating discrimination.
It turns out that there was more to this alliance than simply fighting discrimination, by allying themselves with the blacks, the Jews found that they could covertly attack the people they perceived as their main political enemies and weaken if not destroy their political influence. I’m talking again about the ethnic groups to which Sam and I belonged. Ginsberg goes on to say that “Jews . . . had been suspicious of conservative Southerners at least since the 1920 Leo Frank case and were only too happy to help reduce their influence in American politics.†Having succeeded in the South, the WASP-Jewish coalition behind the civil rights movement decided to deal with its enemies in the North, namely the Catholic ethnics. “Liberals,†Ginsberg continues, “seized the opportunity to attack and weaken their political rivals in the North as well. Liberals charged the Northern Democratic party’s coalition of machine politicians and labor leaders [i.e., the Catholics] with racism, worked to deny them representation at Democratic national conventions and sought to cut off their access to federal patronage.â€
Richard Daley, mayor of Chicago, was the quintessential Catholic machine politician, and as such he became the target of the Jewish-WASP alliance when Martin Luther King arrived in Chicago a little over 40 years ago in the summer of 1966. Why did Martin Luther King go to Chicago, the site of the worst debacle of his public career? He went to Chicago because 1) the Quakers invited him 2) because Nelson Rockefeller gave him $25,000 if he would take his campaign to the North and 3) because, as Ginsberg puts it, “Stanley Levinson, a longtime official and fund-raiser for the American Jewish Congress, became Martin Luther King’s chief aid and advisor.â€
The Jews, as the ethnic constellation around Martin Luther King shows, could not have done this damage alone.
If they were wholly capable of creating the NAACP, then they certainly could have done it alone. Did the WASP establishment collude with them to cover up Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty around this time, with its murder of 34 Americans? The jews were certainly strong enough to destroy White neighborhoods using their bought and paid for Congress if they were able to cover up the literal murder of Americans by Israelis in 1967.
They were part of an alliance that included the Northeastern WASP establishment and the main-line Protestant denominations, which saw the civil rights movement as their great crusade. That alliance, according to Ginsberg, began in the years before World War II, when the Jews and the Anglophile WASP establishment united against America First and got America into the war on the side of England. It went into a brief period of remission after the War, but Senator Joe McCarthy’s attacks on the WASP establishment got it going again just in time for the civil rights movement and the sexual revolution, when Jews and WASPs united to get the government into the birth control business as a way of controlling the fertility of their unsuspecting Negro allies.
The Negro-Jewish alliance fell apart years ago. The definitive moment was the Ocean Hill-Brownsville School Board battle of 1967 when Negro activists aided by the Ford Foundation took over that school board and promptly fired all of its Jewish teachers and principals.
Superficial and wrong. The jew-black alliance is stronger than ever, its apparent demise, like that of feminism, is a measure of its success, not failure. We know that, for example, when we watch jew Jon Stewart Leibowitz on the Daily Show, that any legitimate white reproach to black behavior will be measured against “400 years of slavery.” It is the jews producing our media and culture who demand that nigger hoaxists and con artists be treated as civil rigthts advocates and White activists as haters and nazis. Au contraire, Jones, the black-jew alliance is stronger than ever. The demise of certain official forms is because like rocket booster, they’re no longer needed.
The Jewish-WASP alliance lasted longer, but it too is now showing signs that it is breaking up in a messy and acrimonious divorce. As evidence for the break-up I would cite the recommendations of the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group, the Walt-Mearsheimer report on the Israeli Lobby, and Jimmy Carter’s book calling Israel an Apartheid state. As evidence of the acrimony, I would cite David Horowitz’s critique of Carter’s book which begins with the headline “Jimmy Carter: Jew hater . . .†and then goes on to get really intemperate. The tattered remnant of the WASP ruling class now clearly views Israel and their neoconservative supporters in America as a Frankenstein of their own making. Neoconservatism, like the civil rights movement, was a black operation which got out of control, because as Liddell-Hart points out in his book Strategy, all black operations ultimately get out of control. The WASP ruling class now looks upon the neocons as the latter day version of Osama bin Laden, except that the Israelis have a lot more at their disposal than stinger missiles.
WASP ruling class? Not even close. There are idiots who put a WASP fake-grin on jewish malevolence, that’s all. And you can find just as many Catholic false faces as WASP, these days. The idea that neoconism is some sort of creation of the WASP is beyond ridiculous. It’s just same old jews, different day. Jew commies are jew commies. If you advance their agenda for eighty years, never mind, you’re a jew-hater the minute you speak out against ONE ITEM on their agenda. If the WASPs had power, a shitty kike like Horowitz would think twice before attacking an ex-president. The jews aint going to WASP conferences and kissing ass; but most of Congress is going to AIPAC. Jones allows his hatred of Protestantism to get the better of his judgment. Where’s WASPac meeting this spring, Jones? Is momma’s ugliest baby abie gonna show up and pledge his unswerving eternal fealty to Aulde England?
The same thing is true of Sam Francis’s career as a writer. It wasn’t the Negro that destroyed Sam Francis.
No, that’s because the niggers is a retarded suck puppet for the kike. Al Sharpton is the monkey, Abe Foxman is the organ grinder. Does Jackson go off on Hymietown? Well, Jesus, let’s cut the kikes some slack. Monkeys aren’t easy to train. Who created the environment in which the facts about blacks gave way to the fear of offending them? Why, bless my soul, twas the jews. Aint blacks owning them tv stations and newspapers. Aint WASPS.
In fact, if you look at the end of his career from a racial perspective, it becomes completely incomprehensible.
Um, rather the opposite. It was completely racially explainable. Jews created and continue to operate niggers as a viable political force. Fear of offending ape ‘n’ hooknose brigade conditions what appears in even our conservative, ie moderately more reality friendly, media. Sam came too close to the line one too many times; he was fired by Wes Pruden, a known coward when it comes to the kikes.
The next to last time I saw Sam Francis, he told me the story of how he got fired at the Washington Times. Sam didn’t look good. He was obviously suffering from the heart disease that would kill him. Gone was the swagger, but gone with it was, at least in my mind, the suspicion of me as the Yankee upstart freshman at the junior lunch table. Sam was a man of principle who showed courage in his writings and suffered at the hands of those who hated both his ethnicity and his integrity. When I spoke with him this time, he had been fired from his job as a columnist at the Washington Times. In fact, that was the topic of our conversation.
How blinkered does Jones have to be to think Francis was hated for his “ethnicity”? Blacks hate Whites. They could give a shit whether those whites are catholics, prots or wiggers. They hate them. They celebrate their murder. Look at the O.J. reaction.
Sam mentioned a memo he had seen, actually a fatwa, issued by the Anti-Defamation League demanding that someone do something to stop his writing. The man who stepped forward to pull the trigger in that act of targeted character assassination was William F. Buckley, the godfather of modern conservatism, and a Catholic.
Are you sure he’s not a closet WASP, Jones? May want to double check. Buckley didn’t do it out of principle either, like he were some insane Protestant ‘theologian.’ He did it out of animal fear and criminal calculation that the bread were better buttered.
Once again the dynamic of this sortie in the culture wars was ethnic/religious. Buckley volunteered to go on a mission of the sort which had characterized his entire tenure as the editor of National Review. He was going to be the goyische front man (or trigger man) for the Jewish interests that had supported him since the inception of that magazine in 1955. In case you’re interested in the details, I recommend again Murray Friedman’s book The Neoconservative Revolution, especially the section on the role people like Martin Liebman, and Frank Meyer and William (Willi) S. Schlamm, and other “forgotten Jewish godfathers†played in the creation of National Review. In return for the favor, Buckley acted as their goyische hit man, rubbing out whomever they found convenient. Buckley, it should be noted, didn’t just treat Southern Protestants this way. By the time he got around to rubbing out Sam Francis, he had already knifed fellow Catholics like Pat Buchanan and Joe Sobran in the back.
True. Jones is a good scholar. The facts he unearths fit other patterns better than the one he tries to jam them into, but he brings a lot of good hidden connections to light, as a true scholar should.
Sam was well aware of what Bill Buckley and National Review had done to the conservative movement. In Shots Fired, he argued that the serious right would have to go back beyond Burke and the 18th Century to understand what had happened. Only then could conservatism “work toward its own liberation . . . from the ideological paradigms that have dominated the conservative mind since the 1950s and to formulate a new paradigm that can more correctly identify who is a real enemy and who is a real friend of the core of the American nation and the Civilization of European man that our nation represents†(p. 276).
The truth is that Sammy toward the end began to realize the truth: that the world does not begin and end with religion or social-contract theory, and that 19th and 20th Continentals are a hell of a lot more relevant to our struggle than 1700s Anglos.
Sam is right. If what’s left of the WASP establishment or the paleoconservatives or other men of good will want to do something effective in the culture wars, they will have to understand just who the enemy is in this battle. But in order to understand that, they will have to go back well beyond the ‘60s to understand what is going on. In order to answer that question we have to go back well beyond the 18th century, in fact 1800 years beyond it, back to the opening shot in the culture wars. This battle began 2000 years ago, at the foot of the cross, when Annas and Caiphas, the Jewish high priests said to Jesus Christ, “If you come down from the cross, we will accept you as our Messiah.†Needless to say, Jesus did not come down from the cross, and because he didn’t the Jews rejected Him, chose Barabbas, and became revolutionaries, condemned to seek heaven on earth by following one false Messiah after another from Simon bar Kokhbar, to Shabbetai Zevi, to Alex Portnoy, to Paul Wolfowitz.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. The jews had a rap sheet as long as their nose before sperm-free Jesus ever irrupted out of some ugly kike bitch. The jews Jones names aren’t messiahs, they’re ordinary jews. The average, ordinary jew is a piece of shit. Again, have you ever met a jew, Jones? “Wow, how did such a noble people ever get captured by the Evil Rabbis?” The rabbis are just like their flocks – somewhat-human-shaped shit.
Sam has also written that “The distinguishing feature of 20th century revolutionary behavior and thought has proved to be . . . precisely its racial character.†But his own demise in the culture wars belies that statement.
No, Francis was exactly right. His demise was part of that war. The jews attacked him because he, however wimpily and half-assedly, defended Whites as Whites. THAT and not traditional Catholicism is what they fear. And if you disagree, you have only to look at it backwards. The jews don’t outlaw Catholicism, they allow it tax status. White organizations are DENIED that status because the system is built on preventing White identity, in any form. White identity, realized, would lead inevitably to political separation of host from parasites. Race is simply deeper than religion. Catholicism is just another church. Something to be subverted, then used to control the captive white population through bought-off preachers and ministers. Gee, and the Catholics gave in to the jews as easily as their evil WASP brothers. The only people who fought the jew and won are the nazis. Again, look at it backwards: do the jews regard cathlolics or nazis as the ultimate evil? Nazis. Obviously. Why? Because the nazis understood what jews were up to, and mirrored them, in many ways, in setting up racial organization that could fight jews effectively. The catholics, with their butter knife, found themselves, as always reduced to whimpering about ethers on the sidelines. Jews and nazis understand the stakes and the teams; Jones does not. Canny Sammy was starting to.
So, as Sam would say, who is the real enemy? To answer that question, let’s return again to Professor MacDonald’s analysis of the NAACP, the premier organization in both chronology and size of “the Jewish-black alliance.†That alliance “essentially involved wealthy German Jews aiding black organizations financially and though their organizations abilities.†That meant Jewish organizers like Joel Spingarn, who “was chairman of the NAACP from 1914 to 1934,†but the NAACP could not have survived without the support of wealthy Jews like Jacob Schiff, the man who bankrolled the Bolsheviks.
The real enemy, it turns out, both here and in Russia, was the revolutionary Jew.
Close but no cigar. The enemy is the jew, no qualifier needed. There is no body of “good” jews. The jews who are on the tail end of the paranoid/hostile bell curve fold into the larger population. But that’s only a tiny percentage. Among the rest there is not a single identifiable jewish group that works for what is objectively good for Whites, defined as tending toward the growth or at least stability of their group in their own territory and living by their own ways.
He is not our enemy because of some occult racial inheritance.
Nice work, Jones. This an intellectual being dishonest in the ways intellectuals are. He knows his ilk is attributed with and deserves the occult so he pre-flings it at the scientists. So go dig it up already, Mike. If you’re saying jews aren’t a race, you’re going to have a long row to hoe with the scientists. They manifestly are a distinct population. They are provably more xenophobic and paranoid than Aryans. Not that you need to be a scientist to understand any of this, you need only have met a jew. The aint-us vibes could hardly be stronger. Jones cuts history, even imaginary history, to fit his Ideology. According to his superstition, Jesus the all-important was rejected by jews. At that point they all of a sudden became these obnoxious revolutionaries. But the record clear that jews have always been obnoxious. And where does that come from? That’s like asking why some dogs are well tempered and others are aggressive. It’s in the bone. That’s just how they are. Jones’s conceit is that people aren’t animals. The unintentional humor is that the revolutionary jew Jones rejects is the author of the fiction he worships. There’s no proof at all that Jesus existed, and there is no proof whatsoever that jews were every anything but complete assholes obnoxious to all they encountered. The dog that didn’t bark in Jones’s scholarship is his complete lack of interest in WHAT JEWS ACTUALLY ARE, which he literally does not understand.
The revolutionary Jew is our enemy because he has rejected Logos. This means that Jews to the extent that they accept, honor and revere Logos, are not our enemies. There are Jews who accept Logos fully by sincerely accepting baptism, and there are Jews who accept it in some lesser capacity by their docility to the truth. We all know Jews like this, and they should not be excluded from our fellowship, especially since many of them have suffered at the hands of “the Jews†themselves.
The jews have no problem with right reasoning when it comes to political strategizing, do they? So they know how to think. They supply shit-thought for the rest of us, not for their own consumption. I don’t see that you Catholics have anything better than what the jews already have, nor do I see in the jews any capacity for taking advantage of your super-duper time and all eternity special offer. Who would want to go from ‘select’ to ‘catholic’? What kind of an idiot would trade real-world advantage for pie in the sky?
Now strap on your astronaut suit, readers, ’cause Jones is blasting off into outer space.
As the Gospel of St. John makes clear, the Jews became “the Jews†the minute they rejected Christ.
Ah, of course. I remember the very moment my poodle became a doberman.
As such, their only identity is negative.
Well, that’s true if Jesus is the Heboo to end all Heboos. But if you’re wrong, then you’re “positively” wacky. Do you have anything that would be accepted as evidence in any other case to sustain your Jeboo fantasy? No, you don’t. You have crap written by jews decade or centuries after the fact, none of which can be sustained by any known forensic science. The jews have power, you have assertions.
The minute they rejected Logos, which means reason, order, speech, and word, they became revolutionaries, determined enemies not only of Christ and the Christian social order, but any order in any society not of their own revolutionary making.
Occam’s Razor, dear Jones. The jews are a subspecies at war with other subspecies. There’s nothing more to it than that.
Thirty years after rejecting Christ, the revolutionary Jew rose in rebellion against Rome. Seventy years later they united under Simon bar Kokhbar, one of their many messiahs, and tried the same thing again. Having failed to destroy Rome they attemtped to destroy the Europe which St. Benedict created out of the ruins of the Roman Empire and to replace it with one of their many deadly Utopias. What do Jerusalem under Simon bar Kokhbar, the Soviet Union under Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamanev, and Radek, the short lived Soviet Republics of Bavaria under Kurt Eisner and Eugene Levine and Hungary under Bela Kun, the racial Apartheid state known as Israel under terrorists like Menachem Begin or Itzhak Shamir, or the neocon never-never land known as a free and democratic Iraq have in common? Death is what they have in common. Lots of people have to die to bring about the revolutionary Jew’s version of heaven on earth.
Correct. And the solution to the endless jew-produced misery is the exit of the repugnant race from terra firma.
The West which we seek to preserve is based on docility to Logos, the order of the universe which makes discourse possible.
Ah, boy, it never ends. Yes, yes, we know that Catholics created all science, art and everything else good. Not buying it, Jones! The West which we seek to preserve lies in the genes of the Aryan race. Which, like the jews, was around long before Jebooism, and, like the jews, just as recognizable in its character and capacities.
The essence of the Jewish Messianic politics which seeks to create heaven on earth is rejection of Logos, not sacred (or wicked) DNA.
You’re trapped in your own conceits. The purpose of Judaism is to empower the jews over all competitors. It seems to be succeeding in many places.
The essence of the Jewish rejection of Logos is known as the Talmud, which is anti-Logos in every sense of the word, from hatred of Christ all the way down to rejection of the practical logos that is known as morality. We saw a recent example of Talmudic thought this summer during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon when Charles Krauthammer and the Jewish rabbinic council attacked the Just War theory–in particular its ban on killing noncombatants and the principle of proportionality–as a “Christian†idea and, therefore, one which Jews did not have to follow. The principles of the Just War Theory are another word for civilized behavior. Those who refuse to be bound by them are barbarians and deserved to be treated as such. No country can implement Talmudic thought–as our country has—and not suffer the consequences that rejection of Logos necessarily brings with it.
They’ll be cursed with predominant political power, ownership of most mass communications, and ownership of the rich sections of every major city.
The jew’s dual code has brought him riches and power. The universalism you preach would put him back on a level with niggers and monkeys.
Jones ought to shut up until he can a find a church whose leader doesn’t publicly fellate jews around the clock.
In France in 1890, in wake of the one hundredth anniversary celebration of the French Revolution, the Jesuits who wrote for Civilta Cattolica explained how widespread rejection of Logos, in the form of the French Revolution, led to bondage, in particular bondage to Jews. The same thing is true of our country in the wake of the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. We swallowed the bait of sexual liberation and ended up enslaved by our enemies. Lest anyone misunderstand me, I am saying that the Jews are our enemy insofar as we are partisans of Logos. They are the enemy of Logos, because their religion is based on hatred of Logos.
No, they’re our enemy because they are not us. They are defeating us precisely because our elite have been unable or simply refused to see them for what they are, not because they don’t live up to some code that we fantasize is objective and eternal. Whites are wise to take their cues from winners, not losers. There is something the jews are doing that the Catholics aren’t. The nazis figured that out. Most the nazi leadership were at one time catholics. So there’s still hope for you, Jones. Read up on biology and maybe you’ll see the light.
Lytton Strachey and his friends once referred to the subversive movement we call Bloomsbury as the “higher sodomy.†Taking a page from his book, I will refer to Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular as the “higher Logos.†Those of us who follow the higher Logos know, however, that the only proper response we can make to our enemies is to love them, and the clearest manifestation of that love is our desire to bring them to the Truth, otherwise known as the Logos. We should work for their conversion to the Higher Logos.
Yeah…how’s that working out for you. What kind of a moron repays hatred with love? People should be treated the way their behavior shows we’d be wise to treat them. If they’re reviling us and assaulting us around the clock, loving them is the wrong response. Loving jews means hating yourself, White man.
At this point, it should be obvious that I am not just talking about Jews as the enemies of Logos. I am also talking about Christians who want to live and act like Jews. The Puritans spring immediately to mind along with the poisonous Judaizing influence they have had on America from the moment of its birth. But I am also thinking of the character assassins and apologists for usury, pornography and other Jewish forms of social control, those who feed at the trough of institutions like the Bradley Foundation – their name is Legion – and earn their money by poisoning the public mind.
Scour Catholic history and try to find a single Pope with the character and guts of the average Puritan. Good luck!
Slurp, slurp, slurp? What’s that? It’s the sound of a Catholic loving a jew. The Jeboo-fish rots from the head down, eh Mike? Wasn’t your lovely Pope Rat fellating the kikes when he should have been flinging blood on them this Easter?
The same forces which used the NAACP to turn the Negro into the revolutionary vanguard in the United States, the same forces which subverted the idea of conservatism, are still at work today. As Nelson Algren once said, every movement begins as a cause, becomes a business, and ends up being a racket. This is nowhere more true than in the civil rights movement, where the NAACP made the transition from cause to business, and the name of the racket is the Southern Poverty Law Center. In case you haven’t noticed, the SPLC has declared war on Catholics. Traditional Catholicism is now featured as harboring 100,000 anti-Semites. I have been listed as one of the most prominent of those 100,000, even though I am not now nor have I ever been a traditionalist. Another man on the list is Lt. Commander John Sharpe, who has just been suspended from his job as public relations officer on the USS Carl Vinson pending an investigation into his involvement in “supremacist†organizations.
Why has John Sharpe, an Annapolis graduate and career officer in the Navy, incurred the wrath of the SPLC? Was it because he plotted to blow up a Church in the South? Was it because he was lowering in the bushes in Mississippi with a rifle waiting to shoot civil rights marchers? Was it because he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan? Was it because he believes in racial supremacy? Was it because he urged people to harm Jews? No, John Sharpe was singled out for persecution because he was a Catholic and because he decided that he didn’t want to go along with all of the Catholic prostitutes—Father Sirico of the Acton Institute springs immediately to mind– who were claiming that free market laissez faire capitalism was completely compatible with what the popes had to say in encyclicals like Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno. John Sharpe made the mistake of re-publishing distributist classics by writers like G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, and for that his patriotism has been called into question by the United States Navy, which has accepted as worthy of something other than contempt the smears and slanders of the SPLC.
I’m sure that loving the jews will change this.
But it wasn’t just distributism that got John in trouble with the SPLC. It was also his two-volume attack on the war in Iraq, Neoconned and Neoconned Again, to which I contributed. The slanderers at the SPLC referred to the Neoconned volumes as containing “several articles by racists and anti-Semites.†If the idiots at the Navy who collaborated in the SPLC smear of John Sharpe’s name had taken the time to look at the book the SPLC cited they might have found notorious anti-Semites like Noam Chomsky, Paul Gottfried, and Jeff Steinberg among its contributors. Why would a Jew hater include Jews among the contributors to his book? Probably because he is not what the SPLC says he is. The article in the Navy Times attacking John Sharpe was based on the legwork of the SPLC’s paid troupe of character assassins, and it gives new credence to the old oxymoron joke about military intelligence.
Love, love, love. Love is the solution here. Until the SPLC are loved by us whom they disdain, nothing will change.
In the end, when Father Scalia entered his hospital room and asked him if he wanted the sacraments of the Church, Sam Francis chose the Higher Logos,
Perfect conclusion to his life: an act born of weak will. A man would have told the jeboo scurrier to fuck off. The West wasn’t made by christians, it was made by scoffers.
and we can honor him by choosing the cause of Logos as we enter the next phase of the culture wars. Both Sam Francis’s deathbed conversion to Catholicism and the persecution of John Sharpe are symbolic of a shift in the culture wars. The offensive launched by the Southern Poverty Law Center is the best indication I can offer that the main front in the culture wars is now the confrontation between Jews and Catholics.
Bullshit. The WN have stirred enough shit on the web that even the dimwits with their head up jeboo’s ass recognize the jewish root of every single major problem facing the west.
The Enlightenment is finally dead. There are no more quasi-Masonic movements, where each of us can rise above whatever sect he belongs to and join the Lodge known as “conservatism†or liberalism, or whatever.
How is that any different from your own Catholic universalism?
I think we, no matter what our religious or ethnic background, should rejoice at this development because in this confrontation 1) the Church has both a history and a set of beliefs that will lay to rest forever the charge of anti-Semitism and destroy it as a tool of political oppression and 2) because no matter how much they want to finesse the attack by focusing on what they consider fringe groups, the Jews have taken on a considerable group of people, who will react eventually to the attack. The situation in Hungary now is a case in point.
Believe it when you see it. A bullet will change a jew’s mind long before love and reason.
And finally, we should be happy because the attack clearly defines the terms of engagement, all of which are all spiritual. The revolutionary Jew is our enemy because he is a rejecter of Logos, not because of his DNA. We are not anti-Semites because we oppose the machinations of the revolutionary Jew. No, we are true Christians because of that, as the Church from the time of St. Peter onward has proclaimed. Like St. Peter and St. Paul, we are suffering at the hands of the Jews, “the people who put the Lord Jesus to death, and the prophets too. And now they have been persecuting us, and acting in a way that cannot please God and makes them the enemies of the whole human race†(I Thess 1:15).
The church has been around 2000 years, and at the end of that period is fairly described as completely subverted by the jews. The nazis were around 12 years and damn near achieved complete human liberation from the human’s worst parasite. Who are you going to look to as your jew-fighting model, White man?
The fact Jones can’t bear to address is that mankind fall into warring groups called races, and no church can reconcile these.
We are now engaged in a battle which has ebbed and flowed over the centuries, but the sides in this battle have not changed. What has changed are the odds. The Jews have never been stronger; the Catholics have never been weaker, but the outcome of spiritual battles–and the battle for the soul of the West, as Tolkien knew, is a spiritual battle
He was as mistaken as you are. The West is in a physical, territorial and intellectual battle. There’s nothing wrong with people’s spirits. There’s everything wrong with institutions of their society, and the fact that all official sources have been tainted, producing the natural confusion and anxiety one would expect. Remove the jew, cleanse the tainted sources, the problem clears up. The problem is that we, the West, have treated an alien interloping parasite as though he were our own. He is not and cannot be – ever. You Catholics have had 2000 years of fantasy trying to reclaim the kike. You ever ask yourself why you failed, Jones? No, you don’t. So I’ll tell you. Because you can’t talk a radish into a turnip.
–no matter what the odds, is rarely predictable. If St. Paul, representing the Christian position, has to say, “When I am weak, I am strong.†Then the revolutionary Jew, representing the opposite position has to say, “When I am strong, I am weak.†We are outgunned on every front in the culture wars, but that is no reason for despair, if we follow the Logos that St. Paul followed, because he was outgunned by the Jews too, outgunned but not undone, saying, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed.”
Stroke, stroke, stroke. This is just flat stupid. We face a technical problem. There’s plenty of spirit out there. We need leadership, and the jews have decapitated us. Blowing jews up is the way to end their tyranny, just look at those succeeding in battle with them, they show the way.
Jones, you’re dangerously close to coming off as a Catholick Timothy Treadwell, out bringing the Logos to the grizzlies.
Normal Whites don’t like martyrs.
At the end of the day, for all the facts he unearths, Jones clouds the truth. The battle between Jew and human is biological in origin. Only a dual code can defeat a dual code. The jew is the other, not the brother-by-alien-mother.
And so, as Theoden said, “we come to it in the end, the great battle of our time, in which many things will pass away. But at least there is no longer need for hiding.†Nor, might we add, any place to hide. Many if not most of us are here today because our careers have already been destroyed by the revolutionary Jew and his goyische front men. The Jews spy on us through our computers. They suborn fellow Catholics to betray us, get us fired, prevent us from speaking. Our backs are to the wall. But in attacking John Sharpe, the SPLC has created the American Catholic version of the Dreyfus affair. They have clarified the issue. By going along with their slanders, the Navy has put itself on trial. It is our duty to play the cards which providence has dealt us. We have never been weaker, and our enemies have never been stronger, but that is no reason for despair, because as Elrond says, “this quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong.†And why is that? Because “such is the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them as because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.†(I, p. 283).
Retreat into religious balderdash might serve your emotional needs, but politically it’s useless. Equipped with a doctrine like love your enemy is no way to defeat the jews – the race that specializes in shooting little kids in the nuts. It’s just a recipe for more of the same. There are more Whites than jews. The way to defeat the jews is to stomp them into the ground.
At this point, if we were all French or Austrian or English or Russian, I would utter a stirring call for the return of the Bourbons or the Habsburgs or the Stuarts or the Romanovs to the throne. But since we’re all Americans, I can’t do that. We have no common past. We have no royal family waiting in the wings. We have no established religion which can act as a source of order and identity. We have no racial identity. We have no common DNA. I am almost tempted to say that we have no we. We are a nation of nations, and that is all we have ever been.
Just plain bigotry. Jones can’t handle the simple fact that America worked, for a good long time. Different strains of the Aryan race came together and produced a lot of good things. Then the jews took over and turned things to shit. So what? Itz not a problem if there’s a solution. And there is. And its not hiring a boss to tell us what to do. You’re completely correct, Jones, in your real complaint: America isn’t Catholic. Never was, never will be. Unlike you, we don’t need others to boss us around – at least not when we’re at our best.
All we have is various ethnic traditions and communities—Sam Francis’s South, my ethnic neighborhoods—united by the frail bonds of Logos as perceived by a human soul so beset by human passion. Even if our souls are weak, however, Logos is not. Logos is the glue that holds the universe together, and so it is strong enough to unite us as Americans whether it be the higher Logos which acknowledges Christ as Lord of the universe or the lower Logos which honors him by seeing this order in the works creation or in the moral law. We are the party of Logos, and it is only as such that we can think of surviving much less prevailing over our enemies.
Logos, of course, is identitcal with E. Michael Jones’s position. Itz so easy to argue when you can trump ever datum with “Jeboo says” or “Jeboo’s eminent pa commanded…” The rest of us will have to stick to the evidence produced by this, the only know world. Is the solution talking the jews into sense? No. The solution is…
19 April, 2007 at 10:27 am
Hitler Was Right!
See how “America will be next to take on Jewry!”
19 April, 2007 at 11:20 am
Good job, Mr. Linder. The only thing I disagree with is your suggestion of Jones’ intellectual cowardice; I think he truly believes what he says, not because of earthly considerations, but because he views himself as a repository of true Catholicism. Hence his limited perspective on the jewish question, which, unfortunately is unlikely to change.
19 April, 2007 at 11:46 am
A good retort, itz.
Jones is so inconsistent that I can’t imagine he actually believes in all of this. If Jews seek revolution on the basis of religion, then why do they go to such great lengths to support the Mezcan invasion? They’re Catholic, after all.
19 April, 2007 at 12:36 pm
“Jones, you’re dangerously close to coming off as a Catholick Timothy Treadwell, out bringing the Logos to the grizzlies.”
Every WN should see that movie and pay close attention.
19 April, 2007 at 3:26 pm
Well I’m Catholic and I had no idea I was at war with the Protestants.
All I know is that my kids are subject to state discrimination because they’re white. Not because they’re Catholic, Protestant, lower class, upper class or whatever.
Affirmative action (among other things) targets them specifically because they’re white and only because they’re white.
If Protestants targetted my kids – for whatever reason – then I’d have a problem with Protestants and I would take this idea of a war seriously.
Except, they’re not.
Jones’ piece was good but obsolete. Maybe there was a war way back when, but I can’t detect any sign of it today. All I see is every group around me has a right to assert their group interests and to lobby for more minority privileges against my kids.
Except me. I can’t because I’m white – I suppose I’m too morally inferior or something. So my kids keep getting the shaft because nobody represents or lobbies for their group interests – not allowed.
And no, Catholic groups don’t represent my kid’s group interests, not any more – to the extent they ever have.
In fact, I’m sorry to report, Catholic groups are in the forefront supporting amnesty. Their support for more non-white immigration means they want
more affirmative action discrimination in education +
more no whites allowed race based private scholarships +
more race quotas in private hiring +
more race norming of employment tests +
more separate pool executive hiring +
more minority layoff protection +
more sensitivity training +
more minority promotion networks +
more no whites allowed contract set-asides +
more minority-only tax breaks =
more racist discrimination slammed onto the backs of my kids because the’re white – and only because they’re white.
The Catholic church is hostile toward whites who assert their group interests while it panders to non-whites who do same. This is blatant anti-white discrimination.
Since the dictionary defines racism as discrimination based on race, the Catholic Church is demonstrably and undeniably a racist anti-white organization.
It is therefore not at all surprising they ardently support policies – such as amnesty – that are designed to expand the power of the racial extortion coalition so they may extract even more minority privileges off the backs of my kids.
The welfare of my children comes long before the welfare of the Church. This means I’m white first and Catholic second. Why?
Because I side with my children.
Bob’s Riddle
All anti-white racists agree that it’s ok for whites to become minorities in their own countries. All anti-white racists also agree that a Japanese person who wants to become a minority in his own country is either a traitor or clinically insane. Therefore, what is an anti-white racist?
19 April, 2007 at 4:30 pm
Excellent Alex. Sharp, incisive and straight to the point.
I remember one time you said words to the effect that ‘ it doesn’t require some complicated circuitous path of logic.’ Never a truer word spoke.
In fact the simpler the better. In fact the mendacious disseminaters (sic?) have to take the long way round to ram the square peg into the round hole.
One doesn’t need a complicated applied system theory of logic to get the motive, modus operandi, method, weapon and application.
It takes more effort and subterfuge to explain why the dog didn’t bark than contaminate the crime scene.
Great stuff Alex!
ps your poodle changed into a doberman? Mine changed into a limp limbed llama – all that daytime tV made him felchy and farctating.
19 April, 2007 at 6:44 pm
Yeah, it’s a real shame that someone as scholarly and well-read as EMJo, and obliquely perceptive in weird, not-quite-head-on ways, is nevertheless quite the babbling idiot when it comes to simplifying and analyzing information.
How do you get around it? Christianity is retarded–it gets in the way of otherwise simple observations and calculations. On the one hand, I really admire EMJo’s erudition and lukewarm courage when it comes to (sort of) naming the Jew–on the other, his Catholic/metaphysical fetishism is bizarre and repellent.
Reading EMJo is always an exercise in ambivalence. Here’s a good analogy: One Sunday afternoon you find yourself involved in a fascinating political/philosophical discussion with some bloke you just met. You’re both sitting on the same park bench. The more he talks–initially at least–the more you’re impressed and in agreement with his knowledge and candor. As the conversation winds down, you’re really starting to like the guy, but an inexplicable and acrid odor gradually assails your nostrils. Only then do you realize that your newfound acquaintance had “messed” himself halfway through the conversation, all without missing a beat or breaking tempo! How much of what he said is discredited?
Such is the strange effluence of Jebooism, when wafted from the lips of an otherwise formidable intellect. Anyway, nice annotations to a deeply-flawed, but not entirely useless speech. And props for the Aryan Defense League press releases.
19 April, 2007 at 7:03 pm
Alex, I hope you sent your analysis to Jones.
“If Blacks weren’t niggers, nigger wouldn’t be an insult.” That’s more profound than Jones’s entire speech. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg.
19 April, 2007 at 8:43 pm
may GOD bless you and may the devil worship you beecause you are evil and close minded. you are a disgrace to this world.
19 April, 2007 at 8:46 pm
An interesting, if lengthy discourse. Some good points raised which deserve careful consideration.
We may divide ourselves into Protestant, Catholic, German, Irish, French, Pole etc., but to the jew we are all the same and he uses these fracture lines to infiltrate and destroy any potential cohesion we may have.
Our situation can be likened to biological warefare at the level of the micro-organism. Reflect on how the malaria parasite cleverly changes its coat to escape detection by the host immune system. The jews do the same, they create “isms” to distract and confuse us while they continue their destructive behavior.
What to do? Unmask the enemy by taking away his protective shield of ….’long suffering innocent victims’. Let people see the fearsome and formidible parasite beneath that disguise.
19 April, 2007 at 9:48 pm
Allow me to sum it all up in a few little letters:
19 April, 2007 at 11:26 pm
Thanks for posting the link to that video. It’s refreshing to see someone go after one of these pricks, although they could have pulled the stops out even more.
20 April, 2007 at 12:41 am
“Europe is christian, Europe is dying, any connection?”
White people prefer Pepsi, Pepsi makes a deal with the devil, do white people make deals with the devil??
20 April, 2007 at 12:51 am
Some comments on this excellent Between the Lines:
I suspect that the example of Sam Francis has great instructional value for us, and that is why we, with our constructive criticism, do not use his cold, dead body as a martyr’s bloody flag to be waved at the Enemy. No, we of the Racial Conscious Community – the WHITE Nationalists – see his life as a living example, which can be used a Guide for us, and those who will come after.
This meeting is an attempt to define Sam Francis to the satisfaction of various parties; in doing so, they reveal rather more about themselves than they do about the lessons to be learned from the life of Sam Francis.
What you see in the contrasting visions of Brimelow and Jones are the two models of CONservatism; Brimelow, from the materialistic perspective, and Jones, from a spiritual perspective. That Jones is seeing through the false light of the Roman Catholic Institution is an error that can be corrected; we not be limited to his understanding. In making this statement I take nothing away from Dr. Jones, and simply assert that, to understand the situation of Sam Francis through the spiritual lens of Roman Catholicism limits your understanding,
Brimelow understands that Jones critiqued Francis on the nature of the nation; that Jones saw the nation as so many ethnicities, and the nation in fact had no more identity than it derived from the ethnicities. Yet, Francis saw the clear distinction between the nation, as an organic, living entity, the matter of living Substance, and the state, the matter of legal Form.
To understand Sam Francis, I think, you have to look at five incarnations of Sam Francis:
(1) the Bright Boy, the beloved son of an absent father, and a strong mother, whose living relatives saw the dramatic transformation of the South from a series of nations, to a region;
(2) the scholar who saw a new, larger world at the University of North Carolina;
(3) the Conservative Scholar, delighting in the joy of the Reagan Presidency;
(4) the Angry Warrior, who attacked the failings of what Institutional Conservatism had become, in practice, and…
(5) the Embittered Scholar, who realized, all too late, that something – SOMETHING – provided the Force and Discipline needed to fulfill the promises of the Institutional Conservatives, and that SOMETHING is RACE.
Seen whole, I think we see a Primary Pattern of the young man, missing his Father, ultimately becoming the Father he needed, but doing so by accepting the use of what Jung called the Shadow of the Persona. The world, on the surface, saw the persona of Conservatism; in fact, what gave Conservatism any power at all what was Conservatism denied the very existence of, and that is RACE. The RACIAL War that levelled his beloved South, threatened to destroy his America.
It took all of his wanderings through the Shadowlands of Institutional Conservatism for him to realize the power of RACE, and the realization that RACE, writ large, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, was the foundation of the Solution to the many social issues that Conservatism only pretended to address.
Some quick observations:
One, Sam’s life was filled by, essentially, one betrayal after another. From his absent father to his becoming an Unperson by the Conservatives whom he worked so hard to make successful, his love went unrequited. He did not know why, as he ALWAYS played by The Rules, at least, as he understood them…
Two, Sam was – though he did not realize it, until after his removal from the Washington Times – the Court Jester at Conservative functions. These were social affairs, and were attended by a social order that was almost beyond what he could see, and was well beyond what he could understand. These were social functions where an alternative wing of the permanent government could meet, network, and support each other’s lives in their social milieu.
I suspect, with the exception of Pat Buchanan and Bob Whitaker, most of them invited Sam either out of the need for an extra, or, more often, as The Evening’s Entertainment. I suspect Sam realized this. After all, from the Old South, and no wife – at HIS age? People will talk, and they did…
Three, Sam lived a life in support of Conservatism, but, somehow, Conservatism never quite came to being. He wrote about the failure of the Reagan Presidency to meet Conservative goals by defining the issue as failure to capture the institutions of governance. All well and good, his solution was for his Middle American Radicals (the MARtians) to form new cultural institutions and recapture the nation.
I think this is where he crossed the line.
I think – and can not prove this – Sam noted the remarkable success of the goddamn JEWISH RACE in all realms of social organization, and realized that their control of the governing institutions of our society would have to be counterbalanced with, and overcome by, a Middle Class Cultural Rebellion. In effect, (light) blue-collar ethnics would have to learn to think like goddamn JEWS, and act like goddamn JEWS, if they ever wanted to have real political power in America.
In effect, his solution involved sneaking up on the Jews, a strategy that is forever doomed to failure.
Four, and this is particularly true following his removal from the editorial board of the Washington Times in 1995, Sam recognized that you could not work WITHIN his beloved System to effectively CHANGE his beloved System. From the Reagan Presidency to the Buchanan Presidential campaign, at all points where Conservatism fell afoul of the Republican Leadership, the Republican Leadership WON, and the Pragmatic Duopoly that ruled the country went unchallenged.
Conservatism, in practice, had become an example of the impotence of what Bob Whitaker calls “Wordism.” Whitaker defined Wordism, and Wordists: “Those who want lawyers, bureaucrats and academics to rule are the opposite of nationalists. Nationalists believe that men are united by a common heritage and by blood ties, not by words and documents. Lawyers, bureaucrats and academics believe that the only thing that makes one a citizen of a country is words. A person who believes that men should be united according to their nation — their common race and culture — is a nationalist. One who believes that men are only united by words should therefore be called a ‘wordist.'”
Take a moment and reread that last paragraph; it contains the critical idea that Sam did not realize, until he was effectively removed from even the proximity of Conservative political power.
The distinction between “wordist” and “nationalist” is one that would only be understood by Sam Francis while in exile; in his later writings, he realized, all too clearly, the importance of RACE, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, and from that, the importance of strong RACIAL foundations in a nation. Absent this, you merely have small empires, like the former Yugoslavia…
And Sam wanted to be a member of a Republic, not an Empire.
This conception – of the necessary linkage between RACE and NATION – allowed Sam to stand ON the intellectual and cultural heights of his Southern forbearers, and to stand ABOVE all of the political facades of COnservatism – what Conservatism had become, at the Institutional level.
Brimelow commented on V-DARE that: “Sam felt bitterly that he never had the recognition he deserved while he was alive.”
The flaw was in the bitterness; after Sam has crossed the Rubicon on the topic of Judaism, he would never get “the recognition he deserved” from folks who saw him as the possessor of the contagion known as Anti-Semitism. His need for the approval of his social betters in the CONservative Movement – and “social betters” is EXACTLY how they see themselves – limited him to seeking approval from those who had nothing whatsoever to gain from offering him any approval, in any form, whatsoever. (Incidentally, I note this is a common personality trait of poor Southern boys whose skills, talents, abilities and plain hard work get them to a certain station, but they can never move to a greater social station.) Do you REALLY think Sam was “socially accepted” by the Leadership of the CONservative Movement, save as The Evening’s Entertainment?
Of course you don’t.
Neither do I.
Sam Francis HAD been horribly used, and his dreams of a Conservative Revolution horribly betrayed, by the very people whose approval he so desperately sought, and so desperately needed. The lesson for us is simple: the paste jewel of middle-class respectability should be rejected. The best form of rebellion, of course, is excellence – simply do BETTER.
But HOW?
THIS was the question that Sam finally solved, in however hesitant a manner.
His beloved South derived its NATIONAL identity from the union of RACE, and CULTURE.
His first solution – transformation of the Reagan Democrats – formerly the Wallace Democrats – simply would not be ALLOWED to come to fruition. That Buchanan’s Presidential campaigns seemed to short-circuit with remarkable speed showed him that the MARtian Rebellion, particularly as a Culture War, would not come to pass.
Finally, alone, virtually abandoned by all but a precious few of his former allies, living in a house that did not increase in value in the market run-up from 2000 to 2005 (you draw the conclusion), Sam Francis realized the Truth:
It ALL began with RACE, and getting the question of RACE correct is the necessary foundation for a political system. This was the foundation that was rarely discussed by his Ancestors, both familial and intellectual, because they simply assumed that anyone – and everyone – would take this self-evident Truth for granted.
Look at his later work, and realize what Sam Francis realized – what everyone else sees as Culture Wars, Sam saw – correctly – as RACE Wars – Soft War, at that, but a battle for the minds and souls of men, no less deadly, in their way, than the artillery duels of other wars.
He also realized the Enemy was the goddamn JEWS, but he did not realize, until it was too late, how many of his CONservative Compatriots were, in purpose as well as practice, one with the Jews…
We won’t make THAT mistake!
Let’s learn from the example of Sam Francis:
One, we will never get the approval of our RACIAL enemies.
Two, Our RACE Is Our Nation.
Three, like all other races, our RACE deserves its own RACIAL Homeland. The example of Harold Covington’s “Northwest Republic Trilogy” is an excellent starting point for all discussions; his “Northwest Republic” itself might be an excellent ending point for our journeys, as well, at least for a season…
Four, to coin a phrase that Francis would have been right at home with, “NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT.” This is not just a slogan; it is A Way Of Life.
Five, to Hell with CONservatism: “If you’re not talking about RACE, you’re not talking to ME!”
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
20 April, 2007 at 2:18 am
Jones is so inconsistent that I can’t imagine he actually believes in all of this. If Jews seek revolution on the basis of religion, then why do they go to such great lengths to support the Mezcan invasion? They’re Catholic, after all.
Damn good point.
20 April, 2007 at 2:47 am
I think you’re being too hard on this guy, Alex. Yes, we know he’s full of crap in many regards and we can see how brilliant you are. You don’t have to keep putting your foot down on the throats of these weaklings, Alex, because you’re so busy critiqing their flaws you may be missing out on pretty useful allies.
I actually think this bit about “Logos” is the only wafer we can dose for the masses that may get the basic message across. It worked during the Middle Ages – the peasants picked up on this idea of the Jew as a generally accursed destroyer following the Crucifixion and they got kicked out of Europe whenever they tried to settle until the dwarf mutant butcher called Cromwell let them back in. We combined Christianity with a healthy rejection of the Jew, his ideas and his presence.
You’re a bit autistic that way, Alex, a little too eager to be right when so often in history that’s just a synonym for beautiful loser. Maybe you need to soften up in some regards and you’ll find a pretty big movement building around WN under the usual blanket of religion (that always masks biology so as to make it palatable to chunderheads) and racial motivations. Honestly, one of the Jews great strengths is their ability to cooporate as a whole with their “co-religionists” (racial tribe) despite minor differences that whites often allow to individuate them into ineffectual competing opposition groups.
I think allowing this guy to spread this meme of the “Logos” would reveal it’s the perfect fit for that empty slot in the average fool’s head where the racial awareness should go.
Brilliant writing as par for the course.
20 April, 2007 at 3:10 am
“Jones, you’re dangerously close to coming off as a Catholick Timothy Treadwell, out bringing the Logos to the grizzlies.â€
Every WN should see that movie and pay close attention.
It’s a case story in how delusions about race can get one killed. Bears are not humans, bears eat humans.
Affirmative action (among other things) targets them specifically because they’re white and only because they’re white.
That’s true. Jones seems determined to refuse to see the tree for the leaves.
I can’t because I’m white – I suppose I’m too morally inferior or something. So my kids keep getting the shaft because nobody represents or lobbies for their group interests – not allowed.
As I always say, the problem is Systemic, not functional. How we dress, which terms we use, do not matter. The System as it exists today, as built by the jews and collaborators, MUST deny White identity. And this denial takes legal form – it is law, not prejudice. Blacks and jews are allwoed to form 501c educational foundations to advance their racial interets, but Whites are not. Those who encourage Whites to blame themselves for not making democract change always ignore the very real unequal treatment under law. Those who urge us to play a rigged game as though it were on the level are not our friends, they are our enemies pretending to be our friends.
The only thing I disagree with is your suggestion of Jones’ intellectual cowardice
I make that charge on one specific point – Jones’s unwillingness to entertain the notion that jews are in fact a different species, or subspecies, or race. There is evidence they are, and the scientific evidence backs up everyday experience, which is usually a good sign one is onto something. Jones is, as you say, not so much a coward as a Buhliever, and his Ideology insists that all men are equal in the eyes of god. There is no such thing as irreconcilable races, just men who haven’t been reached with the Good News yet.
Jones is wrong. You see how I did that? No splayed portals. No cutesy/gnarly relics. No potato-chip grease Marys. Just straight blunt bald Aryan truth.
Jones wants to believe that all men can get along, and that conflicts and group interests can be reconciled in the light of the Cross. It is not so. Biology, humble, offers explanations of group differences that, unlike Christianity, really do show why men can’t get along: they’re cats and dogs. “Not everything with a face is human,” as a fascist said.
The value in Jones, as with many academics, is not in his interpretations but in the facts he digs up.
Our situation can be likened to biological warefare at the level of the micro-organism. Reflect on how the malaria parasite cleverly changes its coat to escape detection by the host immune system. The jews do the same, they create “isms†to distract and confuse us while they continue their destructive behavior.
These bio-analogies to my mind are much more persuasive than Jones’s eternal attempts to explain that jews just need a change of heart brought on by fine words, which reminds me of nothing so much as the trillion-dollar delusion that niggers can be cured with money and speech.
What to do? Unmask the enemy by taking away his protective shield of ….’long suffering innocent victims’. Let people see the fearsome and formidible parasite beneath that disguise.
Yes – these poower persecuted yahoodis who own the center of your city and occupy 1/4+ of the billionaires list.
This meeting is an attempt to define Sam Francis to the satisfaction of various parties; in doing so, they reveal rather more about themselves than they do about the lessons to be learned from the life of Sam Francis.
Well put. We should indeed take a room-temperature view of Canny Sammy, for our own good. He was a fat schlub who went a little farther than his conservative brethren, but not far enough. He carefully distanced himself from White racialism in his every public utterance, then hypocritically complained when Whites didn’t back him after he was fired by the Washington Times. To me, the bottom line was that he wanted it both ways. That was the theme of his life. To be a radical and a respectable at the same time. He reaped the natural result: he made less money than he would have made as a neocon, but still plenty enough to keep him in pies. He was radical enough to scare some of the patriotards, but not radical enough to inspire anybody, especially as he made it clear it was not he who would lead. Throw in his perpetual whine that he didn’t get enough credit for his work and you have someone who, dare I say it, was rather selfish and immature. He was a precocious career girl from day one to day last. He said WN were fools to take on the jews, but we say he was the fool not to.
Jones is so inconsistent that I can’t imagine he actually believes in all of this. If Jews seek revolution on the basis of religion, then why do they go to such great lengths to support the Mezcan invasion? They’re Catholic, after all.
I should have gone to town on this point, but forgot it in the rush. I mocked Jones on FTL for saying that Mexes are disliked because they are Catholics, rather than for their racial heritage. Since he also maintains the WASP/AIPAC dynasty hates Catholics more than whites, he has a great deal o’ ‘splainin’ to do.
Bring in the other fellow’s point that his kids — and yours and mine — are discriminated against because of their RACE and not their religion, and Jones’s argument is mortally wounded.
Itz all about the race thang, and no denying it.
BTW, excellent capsule of Sammy’s life New America, we always appreciate your comments.
in fact, what gave Conservatism any power at all what was Conservatism denied the very existence of, and that is RACE. The RACIAL War that levelled his beloved South, threatened to destroy his America.
Well, Burke and Kirk did not. They certainly did not go into race much or as much as we WN do, but there is not a thing I’ve found in either of their work, even given their religious bent, that contradicts WN, except maybe when it comes to solutions. But both Burke and Kirk understood the need to understand the sheer variety of life – to see things for what they are. Now, they would attribute these differences to god, and claim that assessing what’s out there, in all its proliferating glory and horror, is the first duty of the scientist, social or physical. I think that fits into racialism very neatly, as it goes perfectly with the anti-Ideologicalism that is conservatism. They would say, hey, don’t lump in niggers with whites until you understand what exactly the two things are, how they are the same and how they differ. And that goes for all the rest of the races too. So I don’t think conservatism has any inherent problem with racialism. It never did before Bill Buckley became the shabbes hitman for the kikenmafia, as Jones discusses.
20 April, 2007 at 4:24 am
Superb. You hit the nail on the head. Catholicism and Evangelical Protestantism are Jewism by other avenues.
Sam Francis was right about a lot of things, but he was dead wrong about the big thing. He was self-centered, obsessed with personal physical gratification, and probably sexually dysfunctional. In all honesty I suspect he had Klinefelter’s Syndrome, a condition where the individual is afflicted with the XXY chromosome. KS sufferers tend to be fat and have gynecomastia, along with possessing feminine behavior traits. Sam’s lack of any known romantic life and his death at around 60 of cardiac problems fits the syndrome very well. it’s too bad he did not seek treatment as KS sufferers can be treated with considerable success.
Since sterility is usual, and in any event the condition cannot be passed on genetically, treating them is not dysgenic.
20 April, 2007 at 7:09 am
The connection is jEWS , jEWS that corrupted the Catholic church by infiltration.
They then set about making the old Bible “jEW friendly” by ripping out all reference to jEW behaviour and the result is “jUDEO-christianity”
That’s what they have done to the key Governments of the west today , ‘infiltration’ , and it all started with the corrupting of the church centuries ago.
Remember , our forefathers were FORBIDDEN to loan Money at USURY and the jEW was hated for this practice… that is their power today, control of the Banking.
20 April, 2007 at 11:53 am
“. . .as it goes perfectly with the anti-Ideologicalism that is conservatism. . .”
Jew Daniel Bell wrote The End of Ideology in 1960:
20 April, 2007 at 1:55 pm
“Jones is so inconsistent that I can’t imagine he actually believes in all of this. If Jews seek revolution on the basis of religion, then why do they go to such great lengths to support the Mezcan invasion? They’re Catholic, after all.”
The jews don’t see the mestizos as any kind of competition. We all know this. The hateful jews don’t see non-whites as much competition In anything. We are the competition, and our ‘leaders’ sold us out and let the jews take control of our lives from start to finish. Jews know damn well that whites built the modern world. Without whites, jews would still be in their shit-stained robes haunting the bazaars of the “Middle East”. The jews feel things are advanced far enough, they’ve stolen enough of our technology and so forth, that it’s now prudent for those goddamn white goyim to make their exit from the planet so that they can rule the roost. So they hope. It isn’t going to happen, and the jews will be toppled in the West. It’s only a matter of when. The entire situation cannot be maintained forever. It’s unsustainable.
20 April, 2007 at 2:16 pm
in reply, to clarify:
Alex cited my statement:
in fact, what gave Conservatism any power at all what was Conservatism denied the very existence of, and that is RACE. The RACIAL War that levelled his beloved South, threatened to destroy his America.
alex replied:
Well, Burke and Kirk did not. They certainly did not go into race much or as much as we WN do, but there is not a thing I’ve found in either of their work, even given their religious bent, that contradicts WN, except maybe when it comes to solutions. But both Burke and Kirk understood the need to understand the sheer variety of life – to see things for what they are. Now, they would attribute these differences to god, and claim that assessing what’s out there, in all its proliferating glory and horror, is the first duty of the scientist, social or physical. I think that fits into racialism very neatly, as it goes perfectly with the anti-Ideologicalism that is conservatism. They would say, hey, don’t lump in niggers with whites until you understand what exactly the two things are, how they are the same and how they differ. And that goes for all the rest of the races too. So I don’t think conservatism has any inherent problem with racialism. It never did before Bill Buckley became the shabbes hitman for the kikenmafia, as Jones discusses.
in reply:
To clarify, Conservatism comes uniquely from the West, and Western Civilization only had vitality and power as long as it represented the outworking of the values and interests of the White RACE.
My quarrel with CONservatism is that it is the institutionalization of Conservatism, and, like all Institutions infiltrated by the goddamn JEWS, simply reflects goddamn JEWISH interests at the expense of White RACIAL interests.
Essentially, and tragically, Sam Francis fought for the restoration of the Substance of Conservatism, while the Form was controlled by the West’s RACIAL enemies, the goddamn JEWS. Sobran’s treatment at the hands of Buckley rather proved that, as if any proof was needed.
All of the political issues can be addressed to greatest effect when they are addressed in the context of RACE, rather than mere ideological Wordism.
Sam fell in love with the meaning of the Words, and did not see the Actions that the Words masked.
Remember, Brimelow noted that Sam “felt bitterly” about his lack of recognition, his lack of approval, by the very Institutions that lied to him consistently…
I suspect this reflected his “Good Boy/Smart Boy” Childhood, always seeking the approval of Others – implicitly, his betters – and I suspect his experiences at the UNC/Chapel Hill forced him to get on the hamster wheel and push for all he was worth.
Remember this: Sam was living in a house in a majority black county (Prince George’s, outside the District of Columbia) that did not appreciate in the middle of the greatest real estate market boom in American history, 2000-2005. Living in Little Somalia will do that…
Sam just looked out his window, every day, and saw the primacy of RACE as the organizing principle of human affairs.
To make another point, what has CONservatism, at the Institutional level, offered us but incessant alarms, and feelings of learned helplessness in the face of imminent doom, for more than FIFTY YEARS?
To make a final point, tying back to Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic, how much better a life would Francis have had if he had sold the house, and just took the money and MOVED to the Northwest, to Start Over, on the Higher Ground of RACE?
Much better, I suspect.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
20 April, 2007 at 3:22 pm
I liked your essay, New America, but “Our race deserves its own Racial Homeland”???
We had a racial homeland, and it is called Europe. We messed up there, and ran away to America and Canada and Australia and S. Africa and so on. We messed up again in these lands. How many more homelands are we entitled to?
Sounds like Ilana Mercer Syndrome, if you ask me.
20 April, 2007 at 9:10 pm
in reply to Stronza:
Stronza wrote:
I liked your essay, New America, but “Our race deserves its own Racial Homeland�??
We had a racial homeland, and it is called Europe. We messed up there, and ran away to America and Canada and Australia and S. Africa and so on. We messed up again in these lands. How many more homelands are we entitled to?
Sounds like Ilana Mercer Syndrome, if you ask me.
in reply:
One, thanks for the kind words.
Two, you are correct; we “messed up” in our ancestral homelands, and we did so because of a goddamn JEWISH controlled intellectual system called Liberalism – Classical Liberalism, to be exact. It is important to remember the ONE distinct characteristic of “Liberalism”: that its controlling idea is EQUALITY.
“Classical Liberalism” sought EQUALITY of OPPORTUNITY; “Modern Liberalism” seeks EQUALITY of OUTCOMES. As well, strongly implicit in the practice of “Liberalism” is the idea that only a strong government, a strong CENTRAL government, can bring EQUALITY to fruition. As you may well imagine, goddamn JEWS support “Liberalism” in all of its Forms, for the Substance of “Liberalism” inevitably forces all power into the central government.
Thus, ironically, Liberalism leads to Totalitarianism, which is pretty much exactly what the goddamn JEWS want.
Bob Whitaker noted the fallacy of Wordism – the triumph of ideology, the belief that Words are the most powerful of all social forces. Wordism is the antithesis of nationalism, the organic extension of the Family into the Nation. As you know, goddamn JEWS are the natural antagonists to nationalism, and will do all in their power to destroy all nations, with one exception…
So, in essence, we lost our Ancestral “Racial Homelands” through accepting the words and definitions offered to us around the theme of “Equality.” Everyone of these “racial homelands” was lost in the name of “Equality.” Indeed, most of them were lost to their RACIAL enemies without a shot being fired, through the goddamn JEWS control of the words they read, and the pictures they saw. Remember, goddamn JEWS have two remarkable advantages over us: one, they only have ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT, “Is it good for JEWS?” and two, a gift for organizing exclusively along RACIAL lines.
Three, how many more “homelands” are we entitled to?
As many as we deserve.
Remember, the concept of NATION flows organically from the concept of FAMILY; indeed, organically, naturally, a nation is simply an extended family. Our RACE Is Our Nation; this philosophy works for the goddamn JEWS, and it will certainly work for US. The geographical manifestation of this – a true RACIAL Homeland with defensible borders – is certainly a goal to work towards, and, more importantly, a useful analytical framework to identify organic RACIALLY BASED SOLUTIONS to the problems we face where we are.
That leads us to Harold Covington’s “Northwest Republic,” as defined (preliminary) in his “Northwest Trilogy” series of novels. Covington has done all of the intellectual heavy lifting for us, in how he has defined the formation and operation of an organic State. Incidentally, note the RACIAL vitality of Covington’s Model; the CONservatives offered us fear, and learned helplessness in the face of the various Forms goddamn JUDAISM operated behind. Covington’s Northwest Republic is positive, assertive, and EXACTLY what you would expect from a society organized exclusively around what is best for the White RACE, the Creative RACE.
I have never heard of “Ilana Mercer Syndrome,” and I have only read snippets of her works on VNN.
I suspect Mercer would love to join us in our Northwest Republic.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
21 April, 2007 at 10:51 am
New America Says:
20 April, 2007 at 9:10 pm
I don’t think I’d care to have her there:
” My father, Rabbi Ben Isaacson, with Pope John Paul II”
21 April, 2007 at 10:56 am
Sorry, in the last post, I was replying to New America who said:
I have never heard of “Ilana Mercer Syndrome,†and I have only read snippets of her works on VNN.
I suspect Mercer would love to join us in our Northwest Republic.
I put brackets around what I quoted New America as writing. Doing that apparently deletes whatever is in the middle, in the VNN blog format.
21 April, 2007 at 12:55 pm
Hello, N.A. Thank you very much for your further explanation and justification for development of more white homelands. I tend to attribute the mess we are in to our leaders’ lack of foresight, instead of jewish depredations (which are Standard Operating Procedure for them, and we ought to know that). How is it that our leaders knew to kick the chozen out of our lands, but then let them back in??!? How could we have let this happen?
Some British Lord (jewish) named Montagu or some such alias is quoted as saying that it is not the gentiles’ fault that they are falling behind the jews; he explained, tho not in enough detail, that jews have a “natural advantage”. So where might that lead us now? If he was right, it seems a bit hopeless.
Ilana Mercer is a jewish libertarian woman who, if I am not mistaken, was born in S. Africa. When SA went bad for the white people – on whose coattails she needed to hitch herself for the fulfillment of her comforts – she ran to Israel, but that didn’t suit her needs either. So, she ran away to Canada, which on becoming Absurdistan, was also too much for her. So she made her way to the US, where, as far as I know, she still lives. “Ilana Mercer Syndrome” is my application of such constant flight to our own outlook, tho the correspondence isn’t quite perfect.
21 April, 2007 at 6:28 pm
Alex said:
“But both Burke and Kirk understood the need to understand the sheer variety of life – to see things for what they are. Now, they would attribute these differences to god, and claim that assessing what’s out there, in all its proliferating glory and horror, is the first duty of the scientist, social or physical. I think that fits into racialism very neatly, as it goes perfectly with the anti-Ideologicalism that is conservatism. They would say, hey, don’t lump in niggers with whites until you understand what exactly the two things are, how they are the same and how they differ. And that goes for all the rest of the races too. ”
That is the Logos.
The logos was not originally a Christian thang. It first surfaced in Heraclitus and from there moved from Greek philosophy to Egyptian mysticism and finally the early jewish evangicals of Christianity trying to impress.
Logos means the underlying eternity beneath the world of change. Plato said things could be divided between that which is never “becoming” but always “is” and that which is always “becoming” but never is “is”. Ancient Indian philosophy also shares the same idea.
Consider a fractal with an infinite border but occupying a finite space, or the Mandelbrot Set which shows infinite variety again within a set space. We are all variations on a theme. That theme is the Platonic ideal. The logos is the unchanging which produces out of itself the infinite changing varieties of established forms. The staement, “A nigger ain’t an Aryan,” is supported by the logos.
“Although this Logos is eternally valid, yet men are unable to understand it — not only before hearing it, but even after they have heard it for the first time. That is to say, although all things come to pass in accordance with this Logos, men seem to be quite without any experience of it — at least if they are judged in the light of such words and deeds as I am here setting forth. My own method is to distinguish each thing according to its nature, and to specify how it behaves; other men, on the contrary, are as neglectful of what they do when awake as they are when asleep.”
— Heraclitus
It is this complete contempt shown everywhere for thought and truth that riles me no end and makes me hate the cupidity, malice, envy, and cowardice which functions in this world as “authority” and “wisdom”.
21 April, 2007 at 11:54 pm
in reply to Hooiser:
Thanks for the heads-up!
She appears to be a libertardian/CONservative/traditionalist – in short, whatever she needs to be, ideologically, to push her agenda forward.
DAMN, but I would love to just follow Mark from Cali’s advice, and just walk up to all of the Libertardians, kick them in the fucking nuts, and go, ‘THERE! THAT’S FROM ISRAEL!”
The problem is, that is what they do to us – intellectually – when they geld whatever masculinity Classical Conservatism had into the JUDEO-Liberal (ah, but I repeat myself!) mindset.
Seen clearly, both the goddamn demonic JEW-controlled Marxist and the goddamn demonic JEW-controlled Libertarian, are just two sides of the same JEW-controlled coin flip: “Heads, the goddamn demonic JEWS win; Tails, the goddamn demonic JEWS win.”
Why is this?
So we all may know intellectually why this is so, the Truth is simple.
Both the goddamn demonic JEW-controlled Marxist and the goddamn demonic JEW-controlled Libertarian want the State to wither away. The goddamn demonic JEWS win either away; as Marxists, they have a JEW-controlled “Communist Party” ready to fill in the gap left by the State’s absence. As Libertarians they would form a power vacuum where the strongest, best-organized Power would take over, and this in controlled by the goddamn demonic JEWS, whether it is the Corporation, or an alternative political organization. The Libertardians, safely gelded into becoming Libertines, consider their right to do drugs, and have indiscriminate, trivial sex with equally indiscriminate, trivial people as the only rights really worth exercising.
Note that there has NEVER been a successful Libertardian organization, much less a successful society, organized around Libertardian principles.
I guess that’s why the major Libertardian thinkers flee from country to country, all – ALL – ending up in America, where their Asiatic Hive Consciousness goddamn demonic JEW brethren have made a safe place for them to infest.
Thanks again for the heads-up!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
22 April, 2007 at 12:36 am
in reply to Stronza:
Stronza wrote:
Hello, N.A. Thank you very much for your further explanation and justification for development of more white homelands. I tend to attribute the mess we are in to our leaders’ lack of foresight, instead of jewish depredations (which are Standard Operating Procedure for them, and we ought to know that). How is it that our leaders knew to kick the chozen out of our lands, but then let them back in??!? How could we have let this happen?
Some British Lord (jewish) named Montagu or some such alias is quoted as saying that it is not the gentiles’ fault that they are falling behind the jews; he explained, tho not in enough detail, that jews have a “natural advantageâ€. So where might that lead us now? If he was right, it seems a bit hopeless.
Ilana Mercer is a jewish libertarian woman who, if I am not mistaken, was born in S. Africa. When SA went bad for the white people – on whose coattails she needed to hitch herself for the fulfillment of her comforts – she ran to Israel, but that didn’t suit her needs either. So, she ran away to Canada, which on becoming Absurdistan, was also too much for her. So she made her way to the US, where, as far as I know, she still lives. “Ilana Mercer Syndrome†is my application of such constant flight to our own outlook, tho the correspondence isn’t quite perfect.
in reply:
One, we let this happen to us through the allowing of goddamn demonic JEWS to take positions of power in our society over the tools of cultural transformation; their termite-like facility in infiltrating and undermining foundations allowed them to take control of the mainstream media (particularly with the FCC, formed as part of what Yockey called The American Revolution of 1933), the national financial system, the national legal system, the national educational system – ALL as part of a goddamn demonic JEWISH practice of tikkun olam – transforming the host society so it serves the parasite goddamn demonic JEW.
Two, what “Ashley Montagu” described is the “natural advantage” of the goddamn demonic JEW, the relentless organizing SOLELY along RACIAL lines, with the goal of tikkun olam – transforming the host society for the parasitic goddamn demonic JEWS.
(Have I mentioned tonight how much I hate these people?)
By treating them as our equals, they have become, in so many demographically demonstrable ways, our superiors, ALL in the name of “tolerance.”
The key is THIS – as parasites, they have no power, other than that which we gave them. Think of vampires – they fear The Light, and they require Prey – preferably, Prey that worships them. Think of “the H.G Wells book, “The Time Machine.” They are the Morlocks who flourish underground, in the Dark, serve Demonic Gods, and REQUIRE the soft acquiescence of the feminine/mangina Eloi. Hell, to be truly accurate, the movie should have had the Eloi singing “Onward, Christan Soldiers” as they heeded the call that led them to their doom!
I am not the least bit concerned about our eventual victory, if we can get just THREE PERCENT of us to begin to think in terms of RACE, first, foremost, forever, JUST LIKE THE GODDAMN DEMONIC JEWS DO.
Right now there are about six million goddamn demonic JEWS in America, and about three million Muslims. Nobody on Earth is more JEW-wise than the Muslims; they just aren’t organized.
Incidentally, note that the “Neo-Con” (i.e.; “goddamn demonic JEW”) have promoted a “Clash of Civilizations,” which means, if you look at their maps, a War between the West, and the Muslims – the most JEW-wise people on the face of the Earth.
The THREE PERCENT SOLUTION is all that is needed to neutralize the goddamn demonic JEWS, and free up enough CREATIVE Energy to transform our NATION into the foundation of our own COUNTRY. Hell, the Muslims will help us play Edgar Steele’s favorite game, “Cowboys and JEWS.”
That’s what I like about Harold Covington’s Idea of our own COUNTRY, with a strict RACE BASED social order.
The problem with CONservatism is this – for more than FIFTY YEARS, they have told us that (1) one Form of goddamn demonic JEWISH-controlled organization or another is out to destroy us, and (2) we are helpless against their superior skills at organization.
ALL this led to us an awful lot of learned helplessness on our part, in the name of Patriotism…
We have taken the counsel of FEAR – blind, unreasoning FEAR – that they have offered us, because we did not identify EVERY issue in terms of what it meant for us as a RACE!
That’s why, when I see or hear of bad news, or a bad national policy, I do not waste energy in the impotence of the helpless; I ask, “How can we stop this from happening in a Northwest Republic, the COUNTRY that is the Homeland of our NATION?”
POSITIVE, CREATIVE, POWERFUL SOLUTIONS develop organically from such a Mindset.
Thanks for the heads-up concerning Mercer!
The irony is this – every country she fled from has fallen apart because of the goddamn demonic JEWISH policies the Leadership adopted.
Remember this – the goddamn demonic JEWS have been kicked out of more than ONE HUNDRED NATIONS, and not ONE wants them back!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
22 April, 2007 at 1:33 am
No, no, New America – that wasn’t Ashley Montague who said that jews have a natural (or un-natural) advantage over whites. It was a member of the British House of Lords a long time ago. He apparently was a rootin’, tootin, huntin’ & fishin’ kind of Chozen who identified more with nonjews than his own people. I read about this on – Henry Makow’s website. You might find further information on that jewish aristocrat there. I am not exactly sure if it’s “Montagu” or not. In any case, it was an interesting article, Makow notwithstanding. (I kind of like the poor fella; he is plenty smart about some things, just not EVERYTHING.)
22 April, 2007 at 3:57 am
cheers, NA.
22 April, 2007 at 2:47 pm
in reply to Hoosier:
Cheers, as well!
I’m still piecing together the alternative biography of Sam Francis.
I find him fascinating because he fell for all of the traps that our demonic JEW Enemy has set for us – false flags, numerous facades – AND he sought the approval of others, who had no reason to give him one iota of approval more than they needed to keep him hooked up to the plow.
The irony – Jung wrote of the enormous power the Shadow of the Persona had to offer, if it was accepted and properly transformed. Sam forever denied himself acceptance of the Anger that he had to have had, even complaining bitterly about not getting the pat on the head he wanted, all the while in hot pursuit of the paste-jewel of middle-class respectability.
It’s educational to read collections of his writings, and substituting the accurate terms, goddamn JEWS OR demonic JEWS, for all of the Facades the demonic JEWS operted behind – “Communism, Euorcommunism, Neo-Conservatives, Civil Rights,” you name it.
As well, identifying his core constituency not as “MARtians,” or “Reagan Democrats,” but as WHITE MEN, makes you realize how close Sam Francis WAS to realizing the all-powerful truth about RACE.
Anyway, in my alternative biography, I have him working as the Superintendent of Public Instruction on Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic.
I think he would have been very happy with that.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
22 April, 2007 at 2:49 pm
in reply to Stronza:
I think you are referring to Maurice Samuels, author of the wonderfully enlightening book, “YOU GENTILES.”
This might be available on Solar General, it really speaks the clear truth about the demonic goddamn JEWS as our eternal, and eternally implacable, RACIAL Enemy.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
22 April, 2007 at 7:06 pm
(Appeared on the paleo-libertarian board of Yahoo 4/22/2007)
“I thought it was a stupid article by a person by Mr. Alston. Why did
he talk about black libertarians if he doesn’t care about groups. And
groups do not just only exist in the abstract. This is utter nonsense.
Do species only exist in the abstract? Those are groups. Individual
humans could be said to exist in the abstract as humans are a
collection of atoms. As to having universal morality that coincides
with equal interaction, more or less, that makes you equally happy in
all places, that is just simply wrong. People, by their nature, being
different(even if they are libertarians) are going not to feel the
same way as one would in Japan Nebraska or Africa. Race is an
approximation a person uses for other factors such as intelligence,
cultural habits, and other things. It is perfectly rational for me to
judge groups and be a libertarian. You can judge groups and
individuals at the same time. For some particular reason though, we
aren’t allow to judge race. Sex/gender is a group we can certainly
judge and nobody huffs and puffs about that except for some ardent
feminists. Saying that we need to judge each other as human first is
an inane as saying we need to judge each other as mammals first. We,as
humans are 6 billion on the planet. We are going to look for things
that make us different and try to interact with people who have
certain things in common with us after sorting people out. Mr. Alston
had another article talking about how bad the Bell Curve was and he
praised PBS’s race documentary and the Brookings Institution finding
that the IQ gap had been decreasing. PBS’s race documentary was easily
countered by a detailed book titled Race:the Reality of Human
Differences and Phil Rushton found that the Brookings Institution
finding was wrong. So while, I do appreciate some of Mr. Altson’s
writing he has no clue about race. From what he implied, I doubt he
even read The Bell Curve; a book with mainstream findings that is
easily accessible. One can be a race-realist, a libertarian, and an
individualist for that matter. I have met a good amount of
libertarians who fit all of the above. I am not sure why Mr. Rockwell
even posted that article. The only reason I can think of is that he
wants to stop getting insulted from places like the SPLC and/or he has
Mr. Alston as a regular writer and he doesn’t bother looking at his
articles anymore.”
24 April, 2007 at 2:43 pm
One thought on the role of VNN in discussions of Sam Francis:
One, only VNN looks at the issue of Sam’s life as the constructive equivalent of failure; intellectually correct (as far as he went), but tragically flawed because he ignored the ONE factor that accounted for all of the conflicts he described, and that is the RACE WAR between the demonic JEWS, and everyone else.
Two, and this is of the greatest importance, VNN acts like the eyetweezers in “A Clockwork Orange,” opening their eyes, and holding them open, all the while going: “HERE! THIS is what the goddamn JEWS have done, and this is how they are doing it! DON’T LOOK AWAY! HERE! See THIS? THIS is what the goddamn JEWS have done, and THIS is how they did it. DON’T LOOK AWAY! SEE? Look at THIS! SEE how the goddamn JEWS took control of this organization, and use it in the fulfillment of JEWISH RACIAL PURPOSES? SEE!? Look over HERE!”
Linder quoted Chuck Pearson with the best analysis of the role of JEWS in organizations, and it is well worth bearing in mind:
“JEWS don’t take just one side of an issue. JEWS take ALL sides of an issue, and do so to insure that whatever decisions are made represent JEWISH interests, above all.”
Now, look at the life of Sam Francis, and ask yourself, suppose he was aware of the RACE WAR that we are engaged in, and had framed all analytical issues in terms of the goddamn JEWS versus everyone else?
Sam’s mistake is that he was (reportedly) “bitter” that he did not receive the acclaim he thought he deserved.
“Bitter” is the choice of the impotent; be as “bitter” as you want, and it will not matter.
ANGER is the more useful emotion; instead of watching “Gone With The Wind,” he should have had a DVD of “Fight Club,” and watched it each day for a month – to see all that it really is saying, and see how it applies to him.
He should have got rid of that damn combover, lost 100 pounds, and got a basic masculine hair-cut.
A “bitter” man can not do any of these things; he just stews in the impotence that is his choice, and the result of his other choices.
An ANGRY man learns to accept the Shadow of his persona, accept the hidden anger, and work with it to make something of himself, and that something is much more of a Man, today, and, with time and painfully gained Wisdom, a Patriarch.
He would have moved to the Northwest, and BUILT Covington’s Northwest Republic.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
26 April, 2007 at 1:31 am
Hi, New America. Not that this is of major importance, but I have found information on Edwin Montagu (1879-1924), who, as I was saying, was not entirely enamoured of his own people. To wit:
Montagu, who was the Secretary of State for India, told Prime Minister Lloyd George. “All my life I have been trying to get out of the ghetto. You want to force me back there.” An assimilated Jew, Montagu regarded Judaism as a religion , and viewed Zionism as a “mischievous political creed, untenable by any patriotic citizen of the United Kingdom.”
“I have always recognised the unpopularity…of my community. We have obtained a far greater share of this country’s goods and opportunities than we are numerically entitled to. [Can you imagine anyone, jew or not, uttering these words today?] We reach on the whole maturity earlier, and therefore with people of our own age we compete unfairly. Many of us have been exclusive in our friendships and intolerant in our attitude, and I can easily understand that many a non-Jew in England wants to get rid of us.”
26 April, 2007 at 3:48 pm
Thanks, Stronza.
One quote by Montagu makes particularly compelling reading so far as teh life of Sam Francis is concerned:
We reach on the whole maturity earlier, and therefore with people of our own age we compete unfairly.
in reply:
I have seem Judaism as two things; spiritually, it is the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christianity, and, materially, it is a philosophy where all members of the demonic Jewish RACE are honed and trained with a RACIAL focus in all they say and do, with the goal of “converting” the host to be a good carrier for the parasite that are demonic JEWS.
They created JUDEO-Christianity to neutralize their one RACIAL opponent, and they always promulgate THEIR side of the story, regardless of the Truth.
Their very conception of Mankind is that of dark, evil, subhuman animals, and they are taught to deal with the Shadow in all of us, while people like Sam Francis were taught that people are basically good. They then felt that they had the moral obligation to treat people AS IF they were really good; you know, the whole “Forgive them, they know not what they do” thing.
This places us at about the effectiveness of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm dealing with Charles Manson.
This, in part, is why Sam Francis was “bitter” – anger, turned inward, seeking the pat on the head that never came – and not “angry.”
Anger is an extreme emotion, and very useful in resolving issues that require the light of moral clarity to resolve conflicts. Remember, behind anger AND “bitterness” is a sense of helplessness in the face of Evil; “bitterness,” is a short step from the depression formed when the anger and the (learned) sense of helplessness turn inward.
The demons-who-walk-the-Earth known as JEWS simply hate us, all of the time. Yet, they realize the best way to deal with this hate is to softly lead us down the false path that leads to subservience.
Incidentally, in the demonic JEWISH community, the men are groomed for, and are rewarded solely for, achievement; the highest achievement is the destruction of your RACIAL enemies in the soft war of Culture, and Business. This requires skilled training in deception, to the point that it is at the Core of the Culture, and their “Religion.”
Yet, the defense is simple – in the words of Edgar Steele, “Never trust a Jew. Rarely will you be wrong.”
It’s a shame Sam Francis could never accept being Aware of his anger.
Of course, then he would have to do something about it, and would forever forgo the pat on the head he sought all of his life.
That’s the price you pay to be a Man, psychologically and spiritually.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
17 May, 2007 at 2:29 pm
Alex Linder seems to think Jesus and Mary were Jews by his diatribes on Jesus and Mary. How could he believe THIS Jewish LIE and NOT believe all the other Jewish lies??? Jesus was NO Jew.