5 July, 2007

Knoxville in the News Again

Posted by Socrates in crime, diversity is hate, hush crimes, Socrates at 1:15 pm | Permanent Link

Three charged in home invasion: [Article]

  • 19 Responses to “Knoxville in the News Again”

    1. John Says:

      I had a chance to move to Knoxville in the 80’s. I sure am glad I missed that chance. Los Angeles is bad enough.

    2. Wade Thalweg Says:

      “All three are in the Sheriff’s custody.”

      No doubt basking in their glory, getting slapped on the back and high fived by the other niggers.

      Oh how I wish we could be shaking the hand of the husband for sending these monkeys to hell instead.

    3. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      It never fails. Every time some leftist puke or some bootlip nigger like Leonard Pitts tries to deny the ape-on-White crime epidemic all we have to do, unfortunately, is be patient and in a few days another sadistic atrocity like this comes along to expose them for the idiots they are. OK, Lenny, let’s see if this gets the saturation media coverage that was given to the faux Duke rape case. And don’t give us some BS about the Central Park jogger rape proving that black-on-White crime gets more coverage, that was one case in millions, and the only reason it got any attention at all is because it literally happened in the Jew’s front yard. A better comparison would be the Jake Robel dragging death, compared to the James Byrd case in Jasper, Texas. Most of you reading this aren’t familiar with this case, but Jake Robel was an 8 year old White boy who was dragged to pieces by a black carjacker in Kansas City a few years back. This terrible crime quickly vanished down the memory hole, of course, while the Byrd case has been shoved down our throats for years. I’m sure Pitts’ has never heard of Jake Robel, but that doesn’t stop him from running his effing mouth.
      Mark Furman once said “First thing, anything out of a nigger’s mouth for the first five or six sentences is a fucking lie.”
      Your five sentences were up a long time ago, Pitts. When are you gonna stop lying?

      BTW, Al Sharpton, the fat caricature of a nigger chosen by the Jew media to be the spokesman for Afro-America, called the Central Park rape victim a “whore”: http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/opinion_columnists/article/0,2777,DRMN_23972_4494836,00.html

      Nothing illustrates better the hatred the kikes have for Whites than their legitimization of this fucking animal.

    4. Burrhus Says:

      Isn’t there a law that permits niggers to terrorize whites? Or is that just my imagination?

    5. slime matsoballs Says:

      If Hitler had gone straight across the channel rather than hitting Poland first, The London jewistan would have been destroyed.. A little mop up here and there, War over ! Mark Furhman has BIG BALLS and courage that should never be forgotten ! Keep up the fight, MARK…

    6. Lutjens Says:

      “They are 17-year-old Michael McMahan, 18-year-old Shavon Page, and 17-year-old Damelon Nolan.”

      Shavon and Damelon… and Michael? Of course. Hey Katie Allison Granju, those be black mother fuckers. Please do tell the race of both perp and victim next time you dizzy cunt whore. When will you finally fucking learn?

    7. Lutjens Says:


      No, Poland was first and necessary. 58,000 dead Germans at the hands of the Polish Army and Polish Bolsheviks between April 1939 and Sept 1939 in the stolen territories was enough. Look at England suffer now… they are getting what they have coming to them.

    8. will Says:

      Yes Burrhus, there is, Kosher Kode 666.001 Section C “Brotherly Love Act” clearly states that white males must submit to and surrender their wives and daughters to underpriveledged people of color. Furthermore, white males who resist or refuse are subject to the use of deadly force, physical restraint or any other means the person of color deems necessary. Additionally, whites who prevent acts of brotherly love prosecuted as hate criminals.

    9. sfg Says:

      You are absolutely right about lying blacks: they’ll lie first just to see if you’re stupid enough to buy it. Then, if you call them on it, they start to change their story, usually continuing to lie, until they finally reach some sort of version of the “truth”. I learned this a long time ago and have never forgotten it.

      Of course, many people don’t know this fact and continue to be hoodwinked by lying blacks, even thinking that this aspect of “being black” is charming when in fact it is sociopathic. Blacks are, without a doubt, the single group of people on this planet who have absolutely no sense of right and wrong, morality, ethics, integrity. They simply live by their instincts. They act on these instincts on a daily basis without compunction or remorse, especially where whites are concerned.

    10. jackumup Says:

      If that happened to my family to deal with my shame I would not have a problem going to the chimps nest and eradicating their litter

    11. Jewsmasher Says:

      How many of you maroons are nonetheless writing monthly checks to the Judeo-propaganda-entertainment complex so that they can continue agitating these monkeys (and using the money to buy off Senators)?

      Cut off the Jewish head of the serpent and the rest will wither. There are not enough hours in the day or dollars in your pocket to run around fighting every brushfire and social sickness created by the Jew. While you guys were handwringer over these forced blowjobs that the husband wasn’t man enough to prepare for:

      1) Ten of our brothers had their heads blown off in Iraq
      2) 300 Indian/Paki programmers/enginners/techies came into our country and interdicted the destiny of an equal number of our brothers
      3) Two thousand wetbacks crossed the border and stole the destiny of and equal number of our brothers.

      So – some 2300 casualities. Every day. Add THAT to the colored crime body count while you’re at it.

      It’s the Jews, Stupid.

      Wanna do something? Make friends with some young nogs! Educate them as to Hymie’s depredations against their people – then stand back and watch the, uh, fireworks. Heh.

    12. Yep Says:

      It is what it is.

      It’s not like we made this stuff up.

    13. smelly apes Says:

      Make friends with apes, my ass…The media shows these scumbags as the great divine greek olympic athletes… Does the media also show the need for farakhan and biglips the astro turf gorilla’s longing for the DARK CONTINENT ??? Just imagine all the SAVANNA TURF gorillas safely back among their tribes watching gorilla football from acacia trees cheering loudly and waving shrunken heads !! Anyone care to estimate the COST for their EMMIGRATION vs. the cost to maintain their stupid asses in prison and in the projects ?

    14. celtic warrior Says:

      as a devout pagan, the concepy of turning the other cheek and other christian drivel has no meaning….. to often these pseudo/ christian(?) groups are the sponsors of football and other projects to elevate these tree monkeys for the $$$$ benefits to the sponsors…..Money talks and coonskins get college basket weaving degrees so the RECRUITERS merely travel to the campuses and put their USDA stamp of approval on the next Roman collisiums tournament’s participants !!! Stupid England learned the hard way about trying to CHRISTIANIZE those baboons ..

    15. pagan Says:

      No-one mentions the LAWYERS affiliations and connections that defended oj simpletom !!!! Come on fellas, name the affiliation and connection !!! Weren’t those LAWYERS JESUITS ???? Open up PANDORAS BOX….Don’t hide the truth !!! THOSE LAWYERS WERE GODDAMNED “JESUITS” !!! You stupid Roman/GREEK Catholics and other “religious” groups need to realize that Catholic means UNIVERSAL…..There’s far tooooo many nigger and asian bishops, cardinals and other hands stuck in that cocoanut for this RACIST !!!

    16. Terry Phillips Says:

      A friend of mine, a cop, once said that, “A nigger doesn’t know what its going to do until one second before he does it.”

      Nothing better demonstrates the animal nature of the nigger than its impulsive response to the opportunity to fuck someone or something up.

    17. Blakking Says:

      Naomi Ebersole, Anna Stoltzfus. Marian Fisher, Mary Miler, Lena Miller. All white girls between the ages of 7 and 13. Any of you pussies regognize those names? They were part of a story that recieved world wide coverage. How about the name Charles Roberts, IV? He was a 32 year ol white man. He went into a school in Paridise, Pa. and murdered the girls listed above after confessing to have molested several of his own female relatives while they were also little white girls. Then, like the rest of you cowards, he killed himself. PARIDISE.. the home of some of the purest white people in the nation. For the most part, not effected/affected by “Big Jew”. Far less likely than Knoxville to be contaminated by “nigs” and “muds”. Oh yeah, Roberts also ky jelly with him to the school… i’m sure most of you boys have rubbed a little of that on each other. And thus…perhaps thats why none of your are outraged by what roberts did… perhaps you can relate to white assholes like Roberts better than you can to black assholes like those in Knoxville…perhaps there is a kindred connection that normal people dont understand…..after all.. he was white ..like you(so were the girls)…he was free….like you(so were the girls) …and(unlike the girls) he was obviously genetically mutated to a point beyond control(just like you). Peace out dawgs!!!

    18. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      It is, of course, a complete waste of time to try to reason with a “blakking”. I’m sure my slave-owning ancestors here in Missouri had much more efficient ways of getting a point across to a nigger, but I’ll post this for the benefit of those who are new to the racialist movement. Again, it’s not the crime, it’s the crime rates. No sane person would prefer being stranded in East St. Louis over being stranded in 97% White “Paridise”[sic] PA. The fact that niggers can’t understand something this simple is just more evidence that they’re a different species. Sure, there are a few good blacks, the ones who are aware enough and honest enough to admit that being forced to integrate with them is a real hate crime against Whites, but that makes up what percentage of their population, one or two percent? If that. A race that hateful and evil needs to be segregated from civilized society.

    19. Avg. Black IQ = 75 Says:

      It never fails how nigs and kikens point to the statistically rare white psychos as evidence that whites are as inclined to savagery as they are.

      look, nig, jew, or jew-mind-slave, whichever one you are;

      pointing out that some white people act like animals does nothing to diminish that fact that blacks ARE animals? Can you grasp that? Can you get we can dig up savage acts of animal blacks for every week of the year? That you had to go back to Oct. 2006 to find a white guy who killed four people, and we can find a black animal who killed 4 people THIS and EVERY week of the year? Go to new nation news, they document animal crime. Nigs manage to trump Charles Roberts IV every day of the year.
      Do you get this? Of course you don’t. I’ll bet you get that infant rape cures AIDS, though.

      Also, interestingly, Charles Roberts IV got worldwide media attention. Nigs who kill on a daily basis, not so much. The public expects you to be uneducated savages, you see.