16 July, 2007

O’FARRELL: When Puss Comes to Dove

Posted by alex in Britain, Luke O'Farrell at 6:20 pm | Permanent Link

When Puss Comes to Dove
Enforced Silence on Sects and Violence

By Luke O’Farrell

    I can’t understand it. I just cannot understand it. I put a cat in with some pigeons last night and when I checked the cage this morning, have you any idea what I found? You do? You’re telling me that I found feathers everywhere, all the pigeons dead and the cat looking very pleased with itself? That’s spookily accurate. How on earth did you know? Though come to think of it, some guy did criticize what I was going to do. I refused to listen. I thought the cat and the pigeons would recognize that far more united them than divided them: countless features of biology and behavior are the same in the two species. Have not cats and pigeons eyes, organs, senses? Are they not hurt with the same weapons, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer? If you prick them, do they not bleed?


  • One Response to “O’FARRELL: When Puss Comes to Dove”

    1. Mati The Estonian Says:

      For You information – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk8ADxQzjWY