Free Talk Live Monday 12/31/07 – New Years Eve with Jim & Stan
Posted by Stan in Alex Linder, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 11:39 pm | 
Please join Yankee JIm & Stan Sikorski on Monday evening as they bring you a special, New Years Eve edition of “Free Talk Live.”
8:00 PM EST: Music
9:00 PM EST: Talk
They’ll be going over the top events of 2007, but other than that, there’s NO TELLING what will happen…or who will stop by to join us!
They WILL be taking Skype call ins! Also…Kievsky has agreed to join the conversation for a while.
Expected are quite a few of the other VNN broadcasters to stop in as well (hopefully some of the old timers…the guys who helped put the ball in motion!) to help us bring in the new year, so make it a point to join us!
Why go out and PAY MONEY to be with, and listen to a bunch of drunken idiots, when you can listen to us for free?!!!
Click here for show thread on VNN Forum
31 December, 2007 at 8:43 am
How’s Linder’s health? Too bad we haven’t gotten any on the ground reports from Iowa.
31 December, 2007 at 9:13 am
Romney never saw father on King march
Defends figurative words; evidence contradicts story
By Michael Levenson, Globe Staff | December 21, 2007
Mitt Romney acknowledged yesterday that he never saw his father march with Martin Luther King Jr. as he asserted in a nationally televised speech this month, and historical evidence shows that Michigan’s Governor George Romney and the civil rights leader never did march together.
Romney said his father had told him he had marched with King and that he had been using the word “saw” in a “figurative sense.”
“If you look at the literature, if you look at the dictionary, the term ‘saw’ includes being aware of in the sense I’ve described,” Romney told reporters in Iowa. “It’s a figure of speech and very familiar, and it’s very common. And I saw my dad march with Martin Luther King. I did not see it with my own eyes, but I saw him in the sense of being aware of his participation in that great effort.”
But historical evidence, including news accounts at the time, shows that George Romney never marched with King, though he supported King’s agenda.
Susan Englander, assistant edi tor of the Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project at Stanford University, who is editing the King papers from that era, told the Globe yesterday: “I researched this question, and indeed it is untrue that George Romney marched with Martin Luther King.”
She said that when he was governor of Michigan, George Romney issued a proclamation in June 1963 in support of King’s march in Detroit, but declined to attend, saying he did not participate in political events on Sundays. A New York Times story from the time confirms Englander’s account.
A few days after that march, George Romney joined a civil rights march through the Detroit suburb of Grosse Pointe, but King did not attend, Englander said. A report in the New York Times confirms Englander’s account of that second march, mentioning George Romney’s attendance but making no mention of King.
Romney has repeated the story of his father marching with King in some of his most prominent presidential campaign appearances, including the “Tonight” show with Jay Leno in May, his address on faith and politics Dec. 6 in Texas, and on NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday, when he was questioned about the Mormon Church’s ban on full participation by black members. He said that he had cried in his car in 1978 when he heard the ban had ended, and added, “My father marched with Martin Luther King.”
Mitt Romney went a step further in a 1978 interview with the Boston Herald. Talking about the Mormon Church and racial discrimination, he said: “My father and I marched with Martin Luther King Jr. through the streets of Detroit.”
31 December, 2007 at 12:36 pm
drunken idiots? i represent that. hal turner
31 December, 2007 at 9:41 pm
More boys from Ohio & Michigan going to die for Chuckie Schooomer’s jew homeland:
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The U.S. military is giving the Ohio National Guard its biggest call-up since World War II this week, sending about 1,600 troops to Kuwait, with some of them going on to Iraq.
With their departure, the guard is doing more to help members’ families.
The 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team is spread throughout Ohio and includes another 1,100 soldiers from Michigan.
31 December, 2007 at 9:42 pm
thow me in da skype
1 January, 2008 at 4:16 pm
Wasn’t on; got wasted at a friend’s house. Can’t wait for the podcast :D
2 January, 2008 at 1:12 pm