VNNB Free Talk Live – January 7th 2008
Posted by Stan in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 3:17 pm | 
Pre-Show entertainment starts at 8 pm E.T. – Talk starts at 9 pm E.T.
Pre-Show entertainment starts at 8 pm E.T. – Talk starts at 9 pm E.T.
7 January, 2008 at 5:31 pm
Did the “Pastor” Faber learn to pose from Kevin Strom?
When, I finish my book, “Aryan Dress For Success”, I will be sure and send “Pastor Faber” a copy.
—Pope Olde Dutch. (As the Protestant Reformation said, every man his own pope.)
7 January, 2008 at 6:58 pm
Is that blond hunk Pastor Faber? Where did you say his church is located?
7 January, 2008 at 8:23 pm
Well, to each his own.
8 January, 2008 at 12:29 am
Any grown man who wears a t-shirt is a cunt.
8 January, 2008 at 4:55 pm
Some quick thoughts following a quick listen:
As a supporter of Christian Separatists, I was heartened to hear an articulate, knowledgeable defender of The Faith on VNN.
All too often, posters on VNN’s Forum attack the Form of Christianity (as do I!), without dealing substantively with the substance of Christianity, particularly as a matter of RACE.
Pastor Visser reminds us of what Christianity MUST become, at the Institutional level, if it – and we – are to fulfill our unique RACIAL Destiny.
Great show – from what I have heard so far – and an excellent reminder of the genius of Harold Covington’s Insight for religions in the WHITE Nation of the Northwest Republic:
If a religion acts in opposition to the RACE, there is simply no room for it.
In the Northwest Republic, Odinists, Asartu, Christian Separatists, all are welcome to preach, and practice what they preach, providing what they preach does not undermine the White RACE.
Incidentally, Stan might want to mention the songs after he plays them.
Excellent show, and my sincerest, heartfelt thanks to all.
Think it’s time for Yankee Jim to learn how to keep the VNN Feed up and running?
After all, if you have no life, for them, you have all kinds of life, for those who truly matter, your RACE.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
8 January, 2008 at 9:30 pm
The last hour of the show is missing.
9 January, 2008 at 3:27 am
I may not agree with everything, but I do not criticize a fellow WN. Let everyone find their best way. And good luck!
9 January, 2008 at 4:32 am
i’m increasingly coming the view that most of the Bible is NOT jewish!
my reasons are three-fold:
i/most of it is either missing or has been grossly mis-translated;
ii/it is beyond the capabilities of the jews to produce any-thing of profound signifigance or worth! this is a hall-mark of Aryans; ergo: apart from some obvious yooish “interpolations”, most of “Scripture” is prblby derived from ancient Aryan sources such as: the Hindu Vedas, the Bhagavad-Gita & the various Buddhist writings!
iii/the hostility shown by yooz to xtians even to this present day indicates that, @ some basic level, they are diametrically opposed; clearly: the jooz recognise this and, by extrapolation, this must imply that Christ Himself was not and could not have been yooish!….perhaps they see Christ as the first “white nationalist” and, hence, His being placed along-side Adolf Hitler as “enemies of the jewz”!
10 January, 2008 at 10:54 am
This boy is not a pastor, is not a Christian, and is barely literate.
Let me elucidate.
Historic Christianity says a man cannot be made a presbyter until he is at least 30 years old. The haircut and ‘suntan’ persona of this young man bespeak less a Cleric, than a surfer dude.
The Nazi flag is redolent of both a revived paganism, and an overt hatred of the historic Christian faith. As such, it has no place in a Christian’s professional portraiture, no matter how ‘white racially aware’ he is.
Third, ANY true pastor will have knowledge of the Scriptural languages, Greek, and ….Greek! What I mean by that is, that the Apostles and our Lord clearly spoke verses from the LXX, which is the GREEK translation of the older Hebraic OT, which antedates the heretical and suspect “Massoretic” text. The NT is also written in Greek, and thus, knowledge of that language (with a passing familiarity with Hebrew, but NOT to establish any point, or to see it as somehow ‘superior’ to the version the Apostles used!) is a sine qua non of ANY legitimate ‘pastor.’
To see this child with a “Good News Bible” in his hand, (a paraphrase!!!!) is to confirm my first observation; He is not even canonically old enough to BE a ‘priest/presbyter,’ let alone a ‘White Theologian’ for a revived Christendom. He cannot even read a literal (or roughly synonymous) translation such as Young’s or the KJV, but has to rely on a per-‘version that is at an EIGHTH grade reading level!
Paper pope, indeed. YHWH God help us, if that is the best you fools have to offer.
11 January, 2008 at 12:55 am
“Fr John”:
The Nazi flag is redolent of both a revived paganism, and an overt hatred of the historic Christian faith. As such, it has no place in a Christian’s professional portraiture, no matter how ‘white racially aware’ he is
with respect, thatz TOTAL NONSENSE!
the Nazis SAVED christianity from being obliterated by the atheistical jewish bolsheviks; the jews certainly seem to be Christendom’s deadly enemies (please enlighten me if this is not so!)….how has ‘paganism’ ever afflicted christians?
the European pagans were, generally, a peaceful and gentle folk un-less provoked! weren’t most of the early persecutions of the church “down to” the jewz any-way?……many of the early church fathers were what would be called to-day “haters” & “anti-semites”!
To see this child with a “Good News Bible” in his hand, (a paraphrase!!!!) is to confirm my first observation; He is not even canonically old enough to BE a ‘priest/presbyter,’ let alone a ‘White Theologian’ for a revived Christendom. He cannot even read a literal (or roughly synonymous) translation such as Young’s or the KJV, but has to rely on a per-’version that is at an EIGHTH grade reading level!
Paper pope, indeed. YHWH God help us, if that is the best you fools have to offer
leave the bloke alone, will ya?
he means well!
if yr YHWH God is ‘merciful’, then perhaps he will enlighten him!
the whole reason that ‘Christian Identity’ exists to start with is because people can’t get their heads around the cognitive dissonance between the true nature of the jews’ character and the designation of “chosen people”!
13 January, 2008 at 12:17 pm
It is historically without doubt that the Jews appropriated the beliefs of other people and made them their own, even claiming that God gave these beliefs directly to the Jews.
The Flood story, Adam and Eve, the ten commandments–Babylonian (modern-day Iraq).
Resurrection, rewards and punishments in an afterlife, the coming of a Messiah, angels–Persian (modern-day Iran).
In addition, the Jews made up a lot of stuff in the Bible–A LOT. Such as the grand procession out of Egypt and the “conquest” of the “Promised Land.” At best, at the very best, we can say that these accounts were “embellished,” and that is being charitable to a fault.
So if Aryan Nations appropriate beliefs that the Jews appropriated, well, no problem.
As for me, since the Bible was supposedly based on historical happenings, and those historical happenings never happened–doesn’t the whole thing collapse? Or become a pale, vapid shadow of what it once was?
Far from making me immoral, this highlights my morality and my truth-seeking.
14 January, 2008 at 10:57 am
This fellow Fabio is indeed a cunt.