Free Talk Live Monday – 2/11/08 Let’s Help PodBlanc!
Posted by Stan in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 5:55 pm | 
Join Stan Sikorski this evening for Free Talk Live Monday. The show will focus on raising funds for the only web site dedicated to White interests thru user video, Craig Cobb and Alex Linder will be joining in the broadcast to discuss PodBlanc’s importance in White media, as well as other topics of White interest including the upcoming GoyFire 54.
Music starts at 8 PM Eastern – Live Talk at 9 PM Eastern
Click HERE to listen to the broadcast.
Click HERE to discuss on VNN Forum.

Mel knows about the jew. Do you?
11 February, 2008 at 8:49 pm
nice music…..8:44 pm edt.
11 February, 2008 at 8:52 pm
cool archive site….lots of obscure, hard-to-find things.
11 February, 2008 at 9:15 pm
white people going quietly about their business.
Cool gear.
11 February, 2008 at 9:48 pm
tennyson: Are you posting under the modicum you use as a tribute to Senator Tennyson? If so, you wouldn’t perchance have the link to his writings about visiting the ultra-creepy B’nai Bri’th in the 1940’s (AND TRYING TO FRIGGIN WARN AMERICANS BACK THEN) and how their spying mechanisms made the FBI/CIA operations look like kid’s play by comparison. By far, one of the most chilling, scary things I’ve ever read regarding the 40’s NO less.
Of course, the technology for a complete police state as so preciently foresaw and articulated by Orwell, and now employed by the Zionist-controlled Western governments is much, much more advanced and even worse than the worst totalitarian scenario anyone could have fathomed then.
11 February, 2008 at 10:20 pm
the poet tennyson…I found a book(1890circa)in the attic that belonged to Alfred Hill. Hill was a close family friend and the book was filled with little notes he entered. Great poet in my opinion.
I have never heard of the senator, but I love those historical tid-bits.
Please post the link if u have it.
11 February, 2008 at 10:27 pm
Muckraker: try lots of unexpected finds.
Rockwell vs Stokely Carmichael.
Decline of the west – Spangler…and much more….
They are hippies running that outfit, so the good stuff we like is listed under the usual hate, racism, anti-semitism ect…..
11 February, 2008 at 10:29 pm
is the broadcast fading in and out for anyone else?
12 February, 2008 at 3:29 am
WTF didn’t “Chain” & that ask for donations before just “yanking” the fckn “plug” on pod-blanc?
(WTF was wrong with starting a “donations” thread on VNNf?)
WTF ain’t “a required amount”/”target” on the pod-blanc “help” pg?
12 February, 2008 at 3:35 am
in reply to grandmaster oberführer double diamond jim!:
If it doesn’t have a number attached, it is a dream.
Give it a number, and it is a goal.
People follow dreams, but they actively pursue – and attain – goals.
Two hundred a month is the first time I have heard a number.
Again, this is an opportunity for the VNN Special Projects Unit…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
12 February, 2008 at 4:07 am
“Fucking Jews . . . Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”
So what’s so incorrect about that statement ?
“The jEWS are our misfortune” Dr William L. Pierce
12 February, 2008 at 7:30 am
To New America:
Unfortunately, the Special Projects Unit no longer has any direct affiliation with VNN.
The unit has already committed to assisting another soon-to-be-revealed project for the near future, although several SPU activist have sent additional personal donations to PodBlanc as well recently.
12 February, 2008 at 8:30 am
w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m
Last update – 08:33 09/02/2008
Grave near Kiev is reminder of 20th century’s “only” blood libel
By Anshel Pfeffer
Sometimes fresh pink flowers can invoke nothing but raw hatred. Not far from the killing ground of Babi Yar, in what is now a suburb of Kiev, there is a large, sprawling Eastern-Orthodox cemetery, serving mainly the poorer classes. The graves, even the recent ones, are simple, usually consisting of only one Slavic cross made out of metal piping, and the entire place emanates an air of dilapidation and decay.
But one little grave is well tended, despite being 97 years old. It is continuously well cared for. A little wooden roof has been built over it and the tombstone is regularly touched up with paint. It is the resting place of ANDREI YUSTSCHINSKY, a 13-year-old Russian boy, whose violent and “mysterious” death would never have been recorded by history if it hadn’t sparked off the “only” blood libel of the 20th century, the trial of Menahem Mendel Beilis, a “poor” Jewish man accused of Andrei’s death for “political and anti-Semitic” reasons.
The articles and books on the Beilis case, the reasons for the accusations against him, the international campaign on his behalf, his trial and acquittal are all worthwhile reading. In three years, the case’s centenary will surely yield more interesting research.
But the Beilis case is very much alive not only for historians. Someone has spread a bunch of pink roses over YUSTSCHINSKY’s tombstone, there is no snow around the grave and it is regularly swept. In a glass box there are candles and icons. The inscription is especially chilling. When the “anti-Semitic” prosecutors realized that the “trumped-up” charges and false evidence would never yield a conviction, even from the highly biased jury, they split the charges in two. The first question was, did Beilis commit the murder? He was acquitted of that. The second question was whether Yushchinsky was stabbed 13 times, was his body ritually murdered and was it found near the Jewish-owned Zaytsev brick factory?
In other words, did the Jews kill the boy? YES! The jury gave a “positive” answer to this, and their verdict is quoted in full on the tombstone. The fact that the inscription is a direct quote from the court proceedings has hampered legal efforts by Jewish groups to have it changed. The little sign that used to be fixed to the cross had a different fate – the one that said “Torture the Zhid” and was removed four years ago by the bought and paid for Ukrainian “security” service.
We might think that in the “enlightened” TALMUDvision generation 21st century, few people are prepared to admit openly they believe the “myth” of Jews ritually murdering Christian children and using their blood for religious purposes, especially not in a rapidly Westernizing country that just this week joined the World Trade Organization and is eagerly trying to become part of the European Union and NATO. But next month on the anniversary of Yushchinsky’s death, hundreds of people will travel from around Ukraine and neighboring Russia to gather at the grave and once again accuse the Jews of his death. The largest university in the country, MAUP, has published books and articles over the last few years that ostensibly bring new evidence for Beilis’ guilt and suggest that the Jews may be complicit in more recent deaths.
There is no shortage of studies being published on anti-“Semitism” in Europe. A whole industry has sprung up of task forces and expert groups dedicated to monitoring any incident and compiling annual reports. But “none” of them has come up with a convincing answer on what anti-“Semitism” really is in this day and age. Is every act of “mindless violence and reckless vandalism” directed at Jews or Jewish property really ideological anti-“Semitism?” How different is the ancient hatred today to modern “xenophobia?” And when does severe criticism of Israeli policy veer into anti-Jewish bias?
Many of the various monitoring bodies have different yardsticks, and two weeks ago the official annual anti-“Semitism” report presented to the Israeli government only mentioned trends, without giving actual figures. There were embarrassing discrepancies between the numbers in the Israeli reports and those compiled by Jewish communities in Europe. Anti-“Semitism” research also sometimes becomes hostage to rivalries between various Jewish organizations, as is the case in Russia where some leaders have been accused of playing down the continuing violence against Jews to “curry favor” with President Vladimir Putin. If you ask any leader of a major Jewish organization what his or her main aims are, the fight against anti-“Semitism” will feature very high on the list.
But you sometimes get the feeling that this a convenient target, one that’s much easier focusing on than the thornier problems of assimilation, lack of identity, declining communities and bickering between the various religious streams and organizations. At least we can all unite against the common enemy, the Gentile. We should never marginalize the threat of anti-“Semitism”, but it does sometimes seem that a lot of misplaced energy is dedicated in this direction and that resources could be better deployed elsewhere.
While it’s clear that some of the biggest threats to Jewish continuity derive from inner weakness, “anti-Semitism” shouldn’t be used as an excuse to avoid addressing them. The pink roses on a grave in Kiev, glistening in the rain, serve as a reminder to the unvarnished, “blind” hatred of the Jewish people that still exists out there.
12 February, 2008 at 3:08 pm
in reply to SPU:
Thanks for the heads-up!
One idea – Podblanc could have downloadable torrent links, and start distributing their content around various sites.
While we can…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
13 February, 2008 at 7:18 am
Thank You, everyone, for understanding that expansion will require some fairly massive bandwidth. Video pulls far more than text or even radio—and we knew the “PBS/Stormfront/Ron Pau”l-type day would come when we’d have to go public and solicit.
We could have incorporated, but that would have quickly made our entity the target of lawsuits. A 501C3 disallows intense racial invective etc.–we’d have lost the tax status almost instantly.
With kike-ess US representative Jane Harman’s HR 1955 and S1959, it may not be long before we are all “Homegrown Terrorists” for what is today the 1st Amendment. In that case, we’ll go to Asia or Africa if need be, and plug in the server. (We may buy one before long too, though it might be subject to seizure, as repression increases). Even when you buy one, you must [most usually] house it in an industrial park type server shack where it can be serviced, re-booted, protected with backup electrical generators etc.
grandmaster oberführer double diamond jim!, I didn’t arbitrarily “unplug” the server. We were entitled to a terabyte a month and were to be billed accordingly gfor overages. The Zogster-stripped woman in Canton, Ohio got us 25,000 fast hits from Rense, sometimes with 200 people online at once. That overloaded our server’s capacity. The Russian decapitation vid gleaned us 169,000 hits, though we had two servers then (one kicked us off, likely from jew pressure), and those hits were over the course of several months–usually with 120 online at once being tops. Fact is, video service is intense and multiples of times more costly than text or internet radio. Yet there is likely no better way to influence the mind. Once they are “in” podblanc, we have used the Stumbleupon model of generally well pre-viewed-for-quality edited content…but with the added White separation on this planet motif. Once someone is snared, the information is pretty much non-stop. After viewing vids all day, I am surprised at how much I learn– and if I go back and view a vid which had been uploaded months earlier, I am often amazed at how good some particular info is and how much of it I’d forgotten. Still useful and “teaching”, in other words. And I stare at them for most all day, every day. The “big picture” of society’s denigration and the necessity for a takedown and re-building is ever expanded upon, thematically. Users are able and more than willing to self-feed or self-inject themselves with short, 5 minutes or less videos. It’s addictive. This is known fact.
We’ll get the message out. Podblanc is by far the largest WN video aggregator. We’re not going to stop. With significant help from awakened WN and traditional rightists around the world, there is no stopping us. We have additional servers engaged now, but we still must pay them every month. Our lead tech is putting the finishing touches on Web 2.0 and text/video vlogs for PB users. Imagine 5,000 or 20,000 of those all over the net, boosting our messages and general presence!. The teaching possibilities are Malthusian. We toss antis– so we’ll allow no contarian bandwidth suckers to manipulate their personalized podblanc vlogs.
On a differnet subject, here is podblanc’s new live video link. We are unsure if we will embed this into our new Web 2.0 fronnt page, though we will at least have it off podblanc’s vbulletin forum. I’d like to see 24/7 NNN-VNN-like crime and politics 24/7. Sites like VNN, Stormfrontand podblanc are a natural for this, because we have the eyes already and true believers too. “Mogul” “Us”–get it? Facebook allws impantation of mogulus stations and we hope to have same capability on podblanc personalized vlogs.
Podblanc’s live mogulus station is on a simple auto-pilot loop now, but I was live last evening. Will go on tonight as well.
Here is a vid of the founder, Max Haot, I think German, but maybe Nordic.
Microsoft just bid $50 million to buy the server company that supplies mogulus, US Streams.
Thank You all for your help for podblanc. We’ll drill brains.
14 February, 2008 at 7:48 am
New America, we’d intended to set up podblanc to be “torrentable” from the very start of our plan. Unfortunately, we found out that–on the technical level– it takes a fair bit of technical work to institute a torrent system. Actually, a lot of work. In that getting podblanc up and running, and then bringing in Web 2.0 and personalized vlogs was even more important to us in sequential order, we opted for that unfolding of events. Torrents should come next. Once we are torrentable, we can’t ever be “taken down”, as I understand the way it works. Firstly, we branded and got some significant name recognition. Had we just been lying out there with no branded name recognition, who’d ever know or desire to torrent podblanc?
14 February, 2008 at 8:32 am
Regarding your remark that we National Socialists need to understand how governments suck… with all due respect, you don’t know enough about the history of the Third Reich government and are stuck in the meme (which most of us are) that all any government can do is screw things up because that’s what we’ve lived under here in the US (a corrupt system) since we’ve been alive.
The nugget of the German character is individualism according to Emil Ludwig in his biography about Bismarck. This individualism can cause such fierce independence that any laws are considered tyrannical. That’s why the great organizational structure of the Third Reich was so successful and organic. It was organized like a suprafamily system. Even the individualistic German honored his father and mother being a son or daughter of his family. This natural homage was just extended from one’s family to one’s people.
Another way to say it is this… instead of the false platitudes and claims of our elected government “leaders” — who are actually lying politicians and not honorable statesmen — the goal of the Third Reich government was for the health and well-being of its own people as one man cares for his own family. The state existed only for the sake of the people. The damage the state could do was thereby automatically limited to policy choices that were pro-German and not detrimental. Consequently, even a flawed attempt with the proper intentions was harmless because the result could only be one of two options: 1) it was as beneficial for the people, or 2) it was not, but either way it could NEVER be harmful.
Make sense? Read Mein Kampf and Goebbels for a better explanation.
Good luck with your efforts! Keep in mind that subscriptions (or dues) are usually only contributed to organizations or individuals that are providing periodic fresh content. With many organizations such as American Free Press it’s a magazine, with Republic Broadcasting and The Political Cesspool it’s radio, with Dr Pierce it was radio lectures/broadcasts, with the IHR it used to be a Journal, etc. And what’s most important about it is that it is regular and periodic. People like when stuff arrives in regular intervals. Look at the crappy sitcoms for chrissakes.
Anyway, keep up the good work, comrades. Hitler, zu befehl.
14 February, 2008 at 8:47 am
Is this getting posted? Trying again. Sorry if it gets double posted.
Regarding your remark that we National Socialists need to understand how governments suck… with all due respect, you don’t know enough about the history of the Third Reich government and are stuck in the meme (which most of us are) that all any government can do is screw things up because that’s what we’ve lived under here in the US (a corrupt system) since we’ve been alive.
The nugget of the German character is individualism according to Emil Ludwig in his biography about Bismarck. This individualism can cause such fierce independence that any laws are considered tyrannical. That’s why the great organizational structure of the Third Reich was so successful and organic. It was organized like a suprafamily system. Even the individualistic German honored his father and mother being a son or daughter of his family. This natural homage was just extended from one’s family to one’s people.
Another way to say it is this… instead of the false platitudes and claims of our elected government “leaders” — who are actually lying politicians and not honorable statesmen — the goal of the Third Reich government was for the health and well-being of its own people as one man cares for his own family. The state existed only for the sake of the people. The damage the state could do was thereby automatically limited to policy choices that were pro-German and not detrimental. Consequently, even a flawed attempt with the proper intentions was harmless because the result could only be one of two options: 1) it was as beneficial for the people, or 2) it was not, but either way it could NEVER be harmful.
Make sense? Read Mein Kampf and Goebbels for a better explanation.
Good luck with your efforts! Keep in mind that subscriptions (or dues) are usually only contributed to organizations or individuals that are providing periodic fresh content. With many organizations such as American Free Press it’s a magazine, with Republic Broadcasting and The Political Cesspool it’s radio, with Dr Pierce it was radio lectures/broadcasts, with the IHR it used to be a Journal, etc. And what’s most important about it is that it is regular and periodic. People like when stuff arrives in regular intervals. Look at the crappy sitcoms for chrissakes.
Anyway, keep up the good work, comrades. Hitler, zu befehl.