26 August, 2008

Third-World People Reluctant to Use Toilets…

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, race, Socrates, Turd-World people at 8:11 pm | Permanent Link

…but the Jews and the liberals still say that all humans are “equal”:


  • 11 Responses to “Third-World People Reluctant to Use Toilets…”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      You can’t use logic with those subhumans. And you won’t be able to “shame ” them into doing the right thing, either. Trying to get those coffee-colored idiots to understand the correlation between taking a dump in the middle of the street and spreading disease would require them to posess an intellectual ability for abstract reasoning they simply don’t have.

    2. Vaultner Says:

      I think Patton or Eisenhower the Swedish jew was amazed & disgusted after WWII at the jews inability, lack of want to use toilets.
      Perhaps the kikes feel a certain affinity to such creatures.

    3. Olde_Dutch Says:

      An unlikely source of information on the jews health habits is American journalist John Reed who was a war correspondent in Europe during WWI. The filthiest people in Europe…LOL.

    4. Zarathustra Says:

      Have you ever been in a Jew’s house? YUCKKK! They really are a dirty, uncivilized bunch. You’d think squatters or junkies lived in those messy, dirty houses, instead of wealthy, professionally-educated people. The old stereotype is true…..Jewesses do NO housework. No wonder there was so much filth and disease in those German-run civillian relocation camps during the War. Jews still have a nomadic gypsy mentality. They are rootless vagabonds and unwelcome strangers wherever they go.

    5. Chris Says:

      It’s unsurprising these cultural ‘enrichers’ are reluctnt to use toilets: they’re not called Turd-Worlders for nothing! Having graced us with their (unwanted) presence, all they want to do now is dump on us from a height!

    6. Susan Says:

      When I lived down in Chamblee Georgia, right next to downtown Atlanta, in an area now overrun by asians and spics, I had some male Pakistani neighbors. I frequently looked out my side window to observe one of them urinating on the side of their house up against the wall.

      No excuse for this sort of behavior except that they can’t help it–it’s in their fucking DNA. They had a bathroom with a working toilet just like I did. And they still felt compelled to go outside to urinate in broad daylight. Right next door to a single White female who could be looking out the window. Makes you wonder……..I trust those people as far as I can throw them.

    7. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      How about pay toilets?

      They would get paid for using them.

    8. Tina Says:

      Man in a video is not from 3rd world, but rather Canada. He is a native american. This video was recorded in Canada, you can also see the TD Bank sign on it. TD bank is a Canadian bank.

    9. Zarathustra Says:

      “Native American”…………………………How politically-correct you are!Wouldn’t want to draw any attention from the Canadian Ministry of Thought and Speech Control, now would we?

      The proper term is “praire nigger”, lady.

    10. ein Says:

      Tina Says: “Man in a video is not from 3rd world, but rather Canada. He is a native american. This video was recorded in Canada.”

      So what? What if it was shot in Canada? How do you know he’s a “native” there? How do you know WHERE he was born, WHERE he’s from? Just because the Toronto Dominion Bank is Canadian doesn’t mean that he is.

      Canada is chock full of Third Worlders. And I would say — just from his behavior itself (not even considering his give-away looks) — that he’s most definitely NOT any sort of Canadian! (And I don’t care what his ID papers say. His behavior alone says everything.)

    11. ein Says:

      The first time I tried to vew this video, it was labeled ” Sorry, this video is no longer available.”

      I just had another try, and this time it worked!

      Yes, it is obvious now that the subject is indeed a native American Indian — not a black, as I initially believed. him to be. My apologies to Tina. He is no doubt FROM Canada, but from a part of the non-white Third World living WITHIN Canada, not a white Canadian.