Ol’ Kwame will now be in his natural habitat, ie, inside a cage running around on his knuckes, trying to figure out how to grab that banana hanging just out of reach.
More good news……Jew political wheeler and dealer Jack Abramoff got sentenced to 4 years in federal prison yesterday. That’s in addition to the two years the scheming, lying, deceitful Jew has already served. So, I guess once in a great while, justice is served.
Normally, Bush never, ever pardons ANYBODY. But he did pardon that other Jew criminal Scooter Libby and he will in all likelihood pardon Abramoff. And if you’ll recall, Slick Willie pardoned the fugitive Jew financier Marc Rich……………..while sleeping with Rich’s bleached-blonde, bejewelled and boob-implanted Jew Princess wife Denise, no less.
So, I guess Presidential pardons are now reserved only for wealthy, powerful Jewish criminals. If the Goy cattle can’t figure out what’s going on by now, they deserve to be sent to the slaughterhouse.
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5 September, 2008 at 12:16 am
Ol’ Kwame will now be in his natural habitat, ie, inside a cage running around on his knuckes, trying to figure out how to grab that banana hanging just out of reach.
5 September, 2008 at 3:10 am
Jive-Talking Kwame Sent to Slammer:
5 September, 2008 at 5:11 am
More good news……Jew political wheeler and dealer Jack Abramoff got sentenced to 4 years in federal prison yesterday. That’s in addition to the two years the scheming, lying, deceitful Jew has already served. So, I guess once in a great while, justice is served.
5 September, 2008 at 3:16 pm
does Detroit have a zoo ???
5 September, 2008 at 3:48 pm
Zarathustra, real justice will be served when those two assclowns are reduced to inanimate decaying sacks of fertilizer. But I admit, this is a start.
5 September, 2008 at 9:13 pm
Excellent news even though it’s just a start. Only a few million more Negros and Kikes to go. 14/88!
5 September, 2008 at 10:42 pm
I suspect that Bush will pardon the kike before he leaves office.
7 September, 2008 at 2:00 pm
Zarathustra: I suspect that Bush will pardon the kike before he leaves office.
Now THAT’S a very interesting point! Let’s be looking for this.
(Not that we could do anything about it anyway.)
7 September, 2008 at 6:43 pm
Normally, Bush never, ever pardons ANYBODY. But he did pardon that other Jew criminal Scooter Libby and he will in all likelihood pardon Abramoff. And if you’ll recall, Slick Willie pardoned the fugitive Jew financier Marc Rich……………..while sleeping with Rich’s bleached-blonde, bejewelled and boob-implanted Jew Princess wife Denise, no less.
So, I guess Presidential pardons are now reserved only for wealthy, powerful Jewish criminals. If the Goy cattle can’t figure out what’s going on by now, they deserve to be sent to the slaughterhouse.