The Roots of the USA PATRIOT Act
Posted by Socrates in jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, Jews in government, Socrates, USA PATRIOT Act at 11:36 pm | 
Five years before Sept. 11, 2001, the Jews were lobbying for special “anti-terrorism” legislation. (Also, note Michael Chertoff’s role in creating the PATRIOT Act):
27 September, 2008 at 12:07 am
I know the Jews were pushing for the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan years before the 9/11 attack, but that doesn’t mean the Jews or ZOG were directly responsible for the 9/11 attack. The so-called 9/11 Truthers are Rusty Shakleford, grassy knoll, foil-hat types who are more obsesssed with their con-spiracy theories than they are with getting at the truth, which is the USA is Jew-controlled and has inflicted death and misery on Muslims around the world for decades. Why can’t those idiot Truthers see the real truth of the matter?
And if those Truthers blame the US Government for the 9/11 atacks, then why don’t they have the balls to openly call for the overthrow of the US Government and the execution of those public officals responsible? The Krazee Konspiracy Kook Krowd is once again confusing the issue with their irritating nonsense.
27 September, 2008 at 4:40 am
“zarathustra”: The so-called 9/11 Truthers are Rusty Shakleford, grassy knoll, foil-hat types who are more obsesssed with their con-spiracy theories than they are with getting at the truth, which is the USA is Jew-controlled and has inflicted death and misery on Muslims around the world for decades. Why can’t those idiot Truthers see the real truth of the matter?
well…..i wouldn’t have thought that former BYU Prfssr Stephen Jones was “a tin-foil-hat-wearer”;
any-way, their primary focus is on dis-proving “the official 9/11 conspiracy theory”; as such: they are, mainly, an alternate information resource (one of many on the i/net)…’s surely up to others to then “connect the dots” re: the jews
And if those Truthers blame the US Government for the 9/11 atacks, then why don’t they have the balls to openly call for the overthrow of the US Government and the execution of those public officals responsible
as above……
almost all levels of government in the US are HEAVILY ‘jewed’……as such: it becomes increasingly difficult to find any-thing good to say abt them……i can think of only ONE single, solitary GOOD THING to say abt the Federal gub’mint…..their muted ‘support’ for the recent DC vrs Heller decision…….although: whether that was simply ‘bowing’ to its wide-spread popularity is “up for grabs”……if they were REALLY happy with that decision, then the abolition of the BATFE would be a good start, eh?!?