Japan Becoming Like America
Posted by Socrates in Big Lie, history, History for newbies, Japan, jewed foreign policy, Roosevelt, Socrates, tikkun olam, World War II at 9:01 pm | 
Tell the truth, get fired, just like in the USA. Little known to Joe Sixpack is that F.D. Roosevelt gave the green light to the Flying Tigers air squadrons in late 1940. Their mission was to train in Burma to fight the Japanese, with bonuses paid to the American pilots for each Japanese plane destroyed. Also, by mid-1941 the Japanese knew that America was planning to bomb Japan with B-17 planes launched from China. In other words, America planned war against Japan first. The Japanese simply beat us to the punch at Pearl Harbor. Note that Japanese Emperor Hirohito made peace offers to America after the war began, all of which were rejected:
2 November, 2008 at 8:38 am
America offended by preemptive total war.
Read the CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, by Victor Marchetti, a remarkable book, paying particularly attention to the way the CIA (formerly, essentially the OSS,) invested/invests their fantastic private retirement fund monies, e.g., Ryder Trucks (international) http://www.ryder.com, apparently Flying Tiger Airlines http://www.flyingtigerline.org/founders.htm, and certainly Air America. They aren’t too concerned that Social Security is unfunded.
Serves Japan right however, imitating America, copying as opposed to innovation being their forte. Their only choice is to be an empire and target for banks to obtain natural resources abroad, as otherwise their independent carrying capacity would force them to scale back to almost nothing.
2 November, 2008 at 5:46 pm
When the state punishes one of its top military men for speaking positively about his country, not to mention telling the truth, you know the end is near unless something DRASTIC happens.
I love the part at the end of the article about the LDP lawmaker angering the Chinese. Since they love to flood into everywhere and quietly buy everything up, why wouldn’t they need a Holy Co$t of their own? I recall that The Great Helmsman managed to outdo the Japanese in terms of Chinese lives destroyed, yet his portrait still overlooks Tiananmen Square for some reason.
2 November, 2008 at 8:37 pm
Yes, this is all very true. FDR openly provoked war with Japan. He aided their enemies, plotted attacks on their soil, and disrupted their economy. They had no choice but to declare hostilities. The preemptive strike at PH was a throwback/tribute to their destruction of the Czar’s fleet in 1905. There was not any good reason for America to intervene against Japan. In fact, with a Japanese Empire encompassing China, the whole Global Zion system of today would be impossible. The pieces begin to fit…
There was never a more blatant whore for the ZioNWO than good old Franklin Delano Van Rosenfeld.
3 November, 2008 at 8:48 am
I remember reading somewhere that FDR ordered Japanese bank accounts and other assets in the U.S. to be frozen. His advisers warned him that this would be seen as an act of war by the Japanese, but he ordered it anyways (his intention was obviously to provoke a war).
3 November, 2008 at 6:14 pm
Commander Tolly Kemp’s book “Cruise of the Lani Kai – Incitement to war”* clearly points to yet another attempt by Roosevelt to goad a war with Japan. Then Lt. Kemp was dispatched aboard an aging 76 foot schooner armed with a few machine guns and a small deck gun. The schooner Lani Kai was purchased by Leo B. Mayer for MGM studios where it was featured in the movie 1937 movie “Hurricane.” Mayer donated the vessel to the Navy who then armed her as a vessel of war. Lt. Kemp was commissioned by Roosevelt to take the Lani Kai to “scout” for the Japanese Navy in the South Pacific. A contingent of Philippine nationals was sent aboard the Lani Kai for the specific assurance of a Philippine alliance with America. The idea was should the Lani Kai encounter the Japanese Navy, their secrecy would be compromised. For this reason the Japanese fleet would have no choice but to engage the American vessel which of course would either be sunk or captured. The full intent of this action was not lost on Lt. Kemp as an attempt to provide the spark that would explode America’s indignation much as the Jenkins ear incident did in the war of 1812. When one studies the overall situation a year before Pearl Harbor, one finds multiple American efforts to foment a war with Japan. Of further note is the reference to Henry Morgenthau, viz: “Although technically the Secretary of the Treasury, he acted in spheres outside his portfolio. In effect, he also acted as Secretary of War and Secretary of State.” This was the same jew, who presented a plan to murder all the Germans after WWII. Of further note is the fact that Chennault was denied his request for sufficient aircraft to attack the Japanese prior to Pearl Harbor. Once again we find the plan was not to prevent a global war, but to foment one. The Jew bankers desperately wanted war with Germany before her astounding economic success sans the influence of Jewish central banks became noticed. But as the “Phony War” with Britain amply demonstrated, the jews were hard pressed to goad the axis or allied powers into such a war. America’s overwhelming predisposition towards neutrality prevented the Jews from having America openly declare war on the axis powers. This showed a weakness of the Jews overall control over the various powers. While the Jews exerted tremendous influence over the allied powers, they had to step very carefully lest the true intent of their actions became noticed by the masses of goyim they invisibly lorded over from behind the scenes. Thus they had to employ Old Testament deception to goad the goyim powers into their war. Today that problem of total dominance and control over America has been resolved, as can be seen by the fact grinning jews now overtly pull the strings and the stupid goyim dance. Today the stupid goyim seemingly have but one question on their mind, “is it good for jews?” And when the jews grin and nod to the affirmative, the bovina march complacently off to their slaughter without ever the slightest thought as to why they die.
*The book can be read online here – http://books.google.com/books?id=OamLr-D0T34C&dq=Cruise+of+the+Lani+kai&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=zFgIilUiqG&sig=p8hZnQ0G0T2YoZ4D_zF6LNIPY0g&hl=en#PPA21,M1
4 November, 2008 at 2:27 am
Actually, the USA created the Japanese Golem back in 1853, when Admiral Perry forced the Japs to re-open their country to outside influence after 250 years. This led to 15 years of civil war in Japan, followed by the Meiji Restoration in 1868. From that point onward, Japan was determined to become a world-class industrial and military power. I think we should have let the Japs remain in Medieval isolation……..China too. Now the Chinks have all our jobs and factories, as well as holding several trillion dollars of US debt.
Why can’t we leave other races alone and just stick to our own kind?????
4 November, 2008 at 9:52 am
“Why can’t we leave other races alone and just stick to our own kind?????”
Americans have been under the influence of Old Testament and New Testament mentality which I consider to be the initial Protocols of Zion followed by updated versions over the centuries. This would explain the comment of “history keeps repeating itself” which in reality, history is history. How can it repeat. It’s the formula that keeps repeating. This book is still in motel rooms in every desk drawer. Reading Bolshevism, from Moses to Lenin to me has been the best simply written analyses on the why without a fictional story like Owell’s 1984. Orwell’s book inside a book, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism is easily understood by those who have read the updated Protocols of Zion of 1906. These Protocols are correctly called plagiarized because they really are updated from the originals. The formula has to fit the times. Continued totalitarianism. I think Controversy of Zion also is a good explanation of this concept.
4 November, 2008 at 1:52 pm
Good point about Xianity’s lingering influence over Western thought. I just don’t see how anyone can get around the fact that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. The Jews wanted revenge on Rome for the occupation and destruction of Jerusalem, so the subversive religion of Xianity was introduced to the Roman people by some nefarious Jews who set out to undermine the authority of Rome………….
4 November, 2008 at 7:09 pm
Karen basically slam dunks this. Thomas Paine was jailed for writing that the basic religions were nothing more than shams for money. He rightly pointed out that the bible and the koran seem to have the same idiotic contradictions, and reach the same illogical conclusions.
When you remember that the protocols boldly proclaim, “we affect the direction of human events in ways that you cannot imagine”. or something similar, I believe that these religions were cooked up and set in motion for a diabolical reason.
Perry thought he was going to bring christianity to Japan. The Japanese had other ideas.
And here is why: there is a relatively little known document, produced toward the end of Meiji, that the Japanese used as their blueprint for their future. Kokutai no Hongi. It reads very similar to the protocols. Could even have been written by an “elder.”
Point is, in my opinion, there are yid fingerprints all over the war with Japan. We could have a spirited discussion on this favorite topic, for months.
Karen, I once got into it with a self appointed rabbi and so-called “expert” on the protocols. He ranted for quite some time about how these were “nothing but forgeries.”
I let him rant. Then I picked up a copy of an Oxford dictionary, and pulled up the word “forgery.”
He threw an astray at me and left.
4 November, 2008 at 7:26 pm
“Good point about Xianity’s lingering influence over Western thought. I just don’t see how anyone can get around the fact that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. ”
I don’t either. But we do see plenty of them, don’t we?
It certainly illustrates the power of conditioning. Get ’em young and train ’em well!
4 November, 2008 at 8:08 pm
Al Gator says he sees Yid fingerprints all over the war against Japan (presumably referring to WWII). The thing is, the Jews financed Japan’s war against Czarist Russia in 1904-05. The Japs defeated the Jews’ biggest enemy of the time, thanks to Jew financing. If the Jews financed the Russo-Japanese War, they must have also financed other Japanese imperialist campaigns, like conquering Corea in 1910 and Manchuria in 1931.
All that being the case, I don’t think the Jews were too enthusiastic about the USA going to war against Japan in 1941. The Jews probably saw it as a necessary evil in order to kill White Germans and regain control of Europe. I know the Jews were very reluctant to drop their atomic bombs on Japanese cities. They were hoping their Jew WMDs could have been dropped on Germany instead.
The Jews continue to profit handsomely from their business dealings with Japan. Just look at Sony’s Occidental operations, which are run by the Jew Howard Stringer. The Japs probably think Stringer and his “co-religionists” are White men, so when the Jews get caught doing bad, sneaky things, the Japs just assume that’s how all “White” people must act. Thanks, Jews!
5 November, 2008 at 5:01 am
Hey Al, good for you with the so-called rabbi. It really is amazing sometimes to confront people with reality. One simple word can achieve this.
6 November, 2008 at 7:05 pm
Zara said: “The thing is, the Jews financed Japan’s war against Czarist Russia in 1904-05. The Japs defeated the Jews’ biggest enemy of the time, thanks to Jew financing. If the Jews financed the Russo-Japanese War, they must have also financed other Japanese imperialist campaigns, like conquering Corea in 1910 and Manchuria in 1931. All that being the case, I don’t think the Jews were too enthusiastic about the USA going to war against Japan in 1941.”
As I recall (and I could be wrong), Russia was thwarted (by Jacob Schiff) from raising funds in the West, which it desperately needed to finance the war, thus was starved for money. I don’t know that the Jews actually financed the other side. (But in that case, they didn’t have to.) The goal was to hurt Czarist Russia, not to help Japan. Thus, they were not necessarily pro-Japanese, just anti-Russian.
Typical. They were against the government of the country they lived in — up until they got control of it. As for their attitude to Japan, the Jews would have favored anything that was non-white, non-western. The same as with China today.
6 November, 2008 at 11:31 pm
“the Jews would have favored anything that was non-white, non-western. The same as with China today. ”
In re-reading this, in retrospect it occurs to me that I left out “non-Christian”, which I should have added.
But then, on still further thought, I realize that even if American whites were all to become atheists – or anything else, in fact – the Jews would STILL be opposed us, wouldn’t they? So then, it’s racial antipathy that they feel to us, not religious hostility after all. All the talk about religious discrimination is just a sham.
23 March, 2011 at 12:07 pm
Fear of radiation poisoning in Japan can start a mass emigration to nations with a safer environment. International high tech companies are already recruiting frightened Japanese scientists for bargain prices. But they have to pass a radiation level test before they are hired, nobody wants a nuclear contaminated employee.