Radio Istina: THURSDAY (1 pm CST)
Posted by alex in audio, Linder Radio, Radio Istina, VNNB, VNNB-Thursday at 4:14 pm | 
Radio Istina: THURSDAY (11/13/08) 1pm CST
Had to move time this week, back to Tuesday next week.
Topics include:
– media control and moral crusading
– the election of a black president
– the evolution of the public school (as traced in Culture Wars Oct. 2008 review of Brooklyn Existentialism) as a way to dumb down and semitically correct white students (as traced in Culture Wars Oct. 2008 review of Brooklyn Existentialism, and also late Michael Crichton’s thoughts on environmentalism as religion)
– courtier satire (SNL, South Park, Family Guy, P.J. O’Rourke)
– how the above (media control, PS, and Authorized Jesters) combine to create a functioning system of White oppression and jew-mud privilege, and what is the only way to upend same
13 November, 2008 at 2:23 pm
Mussolini made the trains run on time…LOL.
13 November, 2008 at 3:12 pm
Happen to be home just turned this on and I hear POS rap. No thank you.
14 November, 2008 at 12:36 am
Good show. One bit of advice. Maori is pronounced “mow-ree”. “Mow” as in “Mao-tse-tung”, not May-orr-ee.
14 November, 2008 at 1:20 am
After hearing it tonight, it is other home run lecture.
15 November, 2008 at 10:42 am
I wanted to mention the recent convenient find of the “plans for outchwitz’ that “prove beyond a doubt” blahblahblah. Even “Das Bild” says that the so called Gaskammer was to be used for delousing. Those eastern Jews were so nasty. About the Maoris…”WHO CARES” how you pronouce it? Theyre scumbags.
15 November, 2008 at 5:03 pm
About the Maoris…”WHO CARES” how you pronouce it? Theyre scumbags.
Right you are ! Canibal, violent drunks and druggies who the govt. employee as police too !
The only reason they don’t make a fuss on airplane flights is because they want to get there!
There so called native gatherings with Hawaiann savages is about White bashing and what more Western toys and money they will demand/howl or threaten to get.
These money bag that Canada AU NZ and US have been giving out as our elderly get shit and have lost private pensions due to collabarator and jooo theft begs for justice !
15 November, 2008 at 6:32 pm
People who are broadcasting an important political message make a better impression if they pronounce words correctly. I agree with your & Alex L’s opinion, I am just trying to be helpful.
16 November, 2008 at 11:46 am
Stronza, though a poster did not care how the word was pronouced for the canibal savages that are protected and supported by the N.Z. enemy alien ruled regime at the expense of Working Whites, I am sure he meant nothing towards you.
Thank you for the notation.
24 November, 2008 at 10:29 am
I don;t know what this guy has got against sodomy. My wife and I enjoy it very much.
25 December, 2008 at 3:34 pm
If the Maori want their name to be pronounced Mowree they should spell it that way. Same goes for Mao. Until then I’ll say Maori and Mao.