Turkey Ready to Join European Union
Posted by Socrates in EU, Israel, Israel - the facts, jew mentality, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Socrates, Turkey at 3:03 pm | 
Turkey isn’t a European country, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that the Jews want allies in the EU network. Turkey and Israel are good friends. Note the mention of Jewish official Lellouche:
14 November, 2008 at 3:22 pm
Turkey is only friends with the Zionist Entity b/c the USA spends billions on keeping American military bases operating in Turkey. W/out those bases (and “foreign ais”), Turkey’s economy would be in even worse shape, so they make nice with Israel out of economic necessity.
Asia Minor used to be Greek and therefore White, until the dark, semi-Oriental Seljuk and Ottoman Turks from central Asia invaded in the middle ages. Europeans must have a death wish if they want those dark, dirty people as part of their EU.
14 November, 2008 at 3:22 pm
“foreign aid”, that is.
14 November, 2008 at 3:31 pm
The logical thing would be for Turkey to set up a regional free trade zone with Syria, Iraq, lebanon, Armenia, Egypt, Jordan etc.
14 November, 2008 at 6:51 pm
I have mixed feelings about the Turks.On the one side,they are mostly brown and muslim,on the other they have some Aryan Elements in their society,and fought with the Central Powers in WWI,handing the Arrogant Allies their hat at Gallipoli.I think their main obstacle to the EU is they are a muslim(moderate)non-European country.Unlike Americans,Turks haven’t lost their national identity.They are cohesive and strong.The Aryan Elements come from all the White Slaves they used as Soldiers and administrators.See the Janissaries.The Turks had no problem letting capable slaves run their Empire-very similar to the Jews today.
However,the cultural and racial differences between them and Europe,will always mean they are worlds apart.Turkey has been an ally of Israel(BAD),but have been a staunch US ally too(GOOD).Most people don’t know that because of the Cuban Missile Crisis,we offered to take our missiles out of Turkey,in exchange for Soviet Agreement not to place theirs in CUBA.We did not force them to back down without compensation, as the jewsmedia usually portrays.The point is,how can you have a country that is non-European,join an organization called the “EUROPEAN UNION”?Simple-it suits the purpose of Big Jew,to help destroy White Christian European Civilization.
14 November, 2008 at 7:29 pm
Hans, the problem with your suggestion is that all those near-eastern countries you listed (which were all part of the Ottoman Empire) are poor and don’t have much to offer, except Iraq, which has oil but is in a hopeless mess right now. No, those swarthy savage heathen Turks know that their best bet is trying to latch on to the EU.
BTW, Turkey has a big problem with White slavery, in addition to an abyssmal human rights record and some of the worst prisons in the world, so F%ck ’em.
14 November, 2008 at 7:32 pm
Hans, the problem with your suggestion is that all those near-eastern countries you listed (which were all part of the Ottoman Empire) are poor and don’t have much to offer, except Iraq, which has oil but is in a hopeless mess right now. No, those swarthy savage heathen Turks know that their best bet is trying to latch on to the EU. Yes, they were part of the Central Powers in WWI, which is to their credit, but they have not done anything good for us since then.
BTW, Turkey has a big problem with White slavery, in addition to an abyssmal human rights record and some of the worst prisons in the world, so F%ck ’em.
14 November, 2008 at 8:14 pm
Interesting discussion. I’ve been talking recently with a Turkish guy in one of my grad school classes. Gently, yet firmly, I’ve been trying to introduce him to a more seperatist perspective than that forced down his throat by the ‘one-worlder’ global media.
He and I have talked about the problem of primarily Turkish ‘gastarbeiter’ in Germany and in Europe in general. He cries about Turks being ‘second class citizens’ in Europe but I quickly turn the tables on him.
“What”, I ask him “would Turks do if the situation were reversed, if Turkey or the Middle East was the economically viable region and Europeans wanted to immigrate their en mass purely for the benefits? Wouldn’t the native Turks have every right to not want their culture wiped out by the newcomers just as Europeans object to the influx from the Middle East and Asia Minor?”
He bristled of course but ended up admitting to me that my logic was unimpeachable. Of course, he is your typical deluded leftist foreign Obama-phile. I’ve been trying to show him through my erudition and manner that not all people who oppose the gradual Bolshevization of the West are as the media portrays them. By doing so hopefully he’ll see that the media and the Zionist elite they serve are the unprincipled bigots, not us.
Funny enough, he has brought up Turkey’s close relationship with Isreal several times. In asking me what I thought about Comrade Obama’s appointment of Rahm Emmanuel he stated that he couldn’t beleive how Americans ‘let’ Jews have such inordinate influence. Even though he’s a Turk then, he’s fully aware of the Jewish question.
Nonetheless, I explanied to him the facts of life as to why we, in the West, ‘let’ this go on. The discussion shifted to a comparison of the world-view of the Aryan vesus the Semite – honesty and willingness to take things at face value vs. calculated deception to serve an agenda at all times.
I concluded to him that too many Aryans fall into the category of ‘sheeple.’ If a few of the ‘sheeple’ wake up there is always an array of Jewish power brokers and enforcers…..I mean….special interests group to bribe or intimidate the few who become enlightened.
I do agree with him, however, that the peoples of Europe should have all jobs done by their own people. Naturally though, this optimal state of affairs is prevented by the Zionist one-worlder multi-national corporatist power structure that seeks to import cheap labor and, at the same time, eliminate the Indo-European geno-type.
15 November, 2008 at 7:45 am
Several points to be made here.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Hence, that explains the rather odd friendship (or better said, alliance) of Turkey and Israel. They are both, for different historical reasons, hated and resented by the Arabs, whom they once did – or now do – oppress.
Turks are most definitely NOT brown! They are whiter than Arabs, but a slight shade darker than most Europeans. Their coloring is very much like Mediterraneans, often even lighter in fact, but their features are a tiny bit different, closer to the East. However, they absorbed so many conquered peoples (especially from the Balkans) and brought in so many concubines and slaves from everywhere that the original Turkic features of their ancestors were surely long ago submerged. While they brought in slaves of every race, one group they did not interbreed with was blacks. Black males in Turkey were eunuchs, and any mulatto babies were strangled at birth. Hence, no black problem in Turkey today. And no Obamas. Down though the centuries, the Ottomans brought great numbers of blacks down the Nile; not a trace of them is to be seen today.
You’ll see Negroes by the millions in France, England, Germany — not in Turkey. None. So who was smarter?
I don’t know if Turks and Khazars are closely related, but they come from the same general place (Central Asia) and share the same general type of music, traditions, customs. Even some foods. They seem to be comfortable with one another. I have noticed that Jews seem to feel an affinity with Turkish culture, more so than with the West. Just listen to Ashkenazic music, if you ever get a chance– it is much closer to Turkey than to Western Europe. Jews and Turks understand each other.
15 November, 2008 at 10:12 am
I agree with GW 100% on the racial characteristics of the Turks. When i see Turks, i see Ashkenazi-Khazar Jews & maybe even Christian Armenians such as the Las Vegas billionaire mogul Kirk Kirkorian. As far as physical appearences go, has anybody ever seen a photo of Kirk Kirkorian? As far as cunts go who are not Jewish but Armenian, anybody remember Arlene Francis (aka Arline Francis Kazanjian), the panelist from the old “WHAT”S MY LINE” TV quiz show many years ago? They should make it legal for men to strangle dead females like Arlene Francis or living females like Judge Judy or Madeleine Albright..
15 November, 2008 at 1:07 pm
As far as physical appearences go, has anybody ever seen a photo of Kirk Kirkorian?
He’s half way down, where it says “Armenian Fund” and the US flag.
And get a look at the schnozz on that last guy!
15 November, 2008 at 1:38 pm
All of these controlled nominally Muslim countries – Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt – need a revolution to erase Jewish control. Right now they are on a sure path to Western-styled Talmudic destruction.
15 November, 2008 at 1:44 pm
I disagree with GW in their explanation for the close Israel-Turkey relationship. The reason they are close is because Turkey is a (quite literally) militant secularist country, founded by a Jew.
15 November, 2008 at 2:05 pm
The Ottomans always allowed the jew safe haven. when spain expelled them, the Ottomans took them in. The Sultans always had jew advisers.
Take Disney’s Aladdin. The Sultan was being wormtounged by the evil Jafar. Jafar even looks like a hook nose jew.
You can find all kinds of info about the jew counselors and doctors of all of the sultans. Find one of those sites where jews brag about how important they are.
The Young turks who engineered the Armenian massacre were mostly jews not Turks. French Pres. Sarkozy’s grandfather was one of them.
Ottomans took a tribute of 1000 baby boys from the Balkans every year. These were the janissaries. They made good soldiers to be used to fight there kinsman when they grew up. These ottomans are where the Albanians come from. Tens of thousands of Serbian Knights died on the plains of Kosovo fending them off.
Why do you think it was so important to take Kosovo. It would be like us giving up Yorktown or Valley Forge.
No doubt when the battles were done, those ottoman jews would move right in to set up shop.
F.U.C.K. Turks
15 November, 2008 at 6:56 pm
15 November, 2008 at 7:41 pm
Funny how no one likes either the Turks or the Jews. Maybe that’s why they get along pretty well with each other, ie, because no one else will play with them?
I know the Jews had a long and stable relationship with the Sultan and the Ottomans. But the Jew still got the British to drive the Turks out of Palestine in 1917, didn’t he? And the Kaiser was friendly with the Jews also. His finace minister was Walter Rothnau, for example. Jews prospered in Imperial Germany like they did no where else. But the Jews stabbed him in the back, too.
Trying to be friendly to a Jew is like the old story of the toad who gave the scorpion a ride on his back across the river.
17 November, 2008 at 3:26 pm
JewTracer Says: “The reason they are close is because Turkey is a (quite literally) militant secularist country, founded by a Jew.”
Are you implying that Attaturk was Jewish? Then say so! Certainly the Turks wouldn’t agree. Who then? Don’t just make a vague allegation and leave it unexplained! State your case. Give us facts, not hints and rumors!
Turkey is most definitely a 99% Moslem country. Only the governmentis secular, or strives to be — just like the US government is secular. But Turkey is much less secular than the US. And there is constant pressure to return it to being more Islamic.
Would you call the US a “militant secularist country” just because be don’t have an official state religion? Are you disappointed that we don’t?
17 November, 2008 at 4:29 pm
“The Sultans always had jew advisers.
Take Disney’s Aladdin. The Sultan was being wormtounged by the evil Jafar. Jafar even looks like a hook nose jew.”
Doubtless all true, but I wouldn’t take my history from Disney!
In the West it was the same with physicians and advisors. Even Queen Elizabeth of England had a Marrano doctor, Rodrigo Lopez, at a time when Jews were forbidden in England.
Here’s another thing. Following the Ottoman Turk’s occupation of Hungary, the Jews were expelled (1526) after being accused of having aided the Turks in their conquest. Many Jews left Hungary with the departing Turks, expecting to have a better life in Turkey. Jews were not allowed to return for almost another 200 years.
29 August, 2009 at 3:49 am
gw, I wasn’t taking my history from Disney, they took their Sultan and advisor from history. I think you knew that’s what I meant?
No, all the info about the Sultans doctors and counselors can be found on jewish/mainstream websites. Or history books. Look up some sites on Donmeh jews. Like Sarkozy’s grandfather. Maybe Attaturk too.
Jews converted to islam when one sultan ordered jews to convert. They were called Donmehs. Also, Salonika (Thessaloniki also Thessalonians in the New Testament was written to the church there.) has had a thriving jew community for at least 2000 years. They never left, just blended in better.
They’ve been jewed for a long time, and these jewish consultants were responsible for the destruction of the Balkans. As your example showed, they would go through and work the people and nobility from that end to allow muslims in and to appease the Ottomans, and feed disinformation and sow confusion, then when the Serbs etc would kick them out, they would cruise on back to Salonika. They had a fine life in Turkey.
Turkey is our ally only to screw us.