4 April, 2009

The Aryan Alternative Newspaper

Posted by Socrates in Aryan Alternative newspaper, Socrates, White media at 10:37 pm | Permanent Link

The Spring-Summer 2009 edition of TAA is almost ready to be distributed. Here it is in .pdf format (if it won’t open, try using another browser, or maybe click “refresh” a few times):


VNN Forum thread about TAA: [VNN Forum].

  • 6 Responses to “The Aryan Alternative Newspaper”

    1. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Don’t vote for Pedro! His kids gave TB to all the White kids in 3rd grade. Now, they have to take medicine for a whole year. Hopefully, the medication doesn’t destroy their liver.

    2. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      The new issue looks great on first glance and I am glad to see it back. I will send a few bucks to help on distribution.

    3. nonapologeticwhite Says:

      Nice job showing what the media would not show. I have seen evidence of this beginning in my own town. They don’t parade about because there are not enough of them, but they start slowly, with a mexican restaurant, a kike run gas station, indian run gas station, something like that. Since they came here I have been fucked over twice at the cash register by a kike. I stopped going there. Since the mexican restaurant has opened, there has already been a sexual assault on a white girl by one of their employees. The indians really are guilty of nothing more than sending their earnings back to india and having anchor babies. Still, I don’t shop there either. See, it’s poison to let them in. Why would I want to spend my money on people who hate me? I’ve eaten at mexican restaurants before. I gave them a tip and they went in the kitchen and started talking and laughing about it. They didn’t know that I can understand most of what they say. It’s so hideous and sinister to have someone return you evil for your good. That’s why they will not get another penny from me. They can’t even get sympathy from me. I know they wouldn’t piss on me if I were on fire. That’s what I tell liberal types who spout bullshit propaganda about equality. I tell them that they need to realize that those people hate them and that the mongoloid and negroid can never and will never help them back. I gave them an honest chance in my community, they returned me evil for my goodness. I am a white, I am good, but to try to help them is to feed a rabies infected dog. It can only hurt you. It will NEVER HELP. They are incapable of even taking care of themselves, they breed themselves into starvation, and more closely resemble packs of wild dog than humans. Their children run in packs, like animals, and in the end wind up in a cage like an animal. You pay for the cage and the dog food in taxes. You pay for the anchor babies. You never see one cent of your money come back to you. You are a fool. That’s what I tell the college educated dumb asses with the liberal mouth. There is one word for them all: parasite.

      They claim to be “indigenous”. The fact is that they are “disindigenous” to a first world society. They can not build their own, so they invade ours. That is the truth.

    4. Old_Dutch Says:

      A worthy effort.

      Tom Watson, the great White Nationalist from Georgia, had a newspaper with a nationwide circulation that he called “Tom Watson’s Jeffersonian”. As in Alex Linder’s “American Alternative”.

      Watson’s newspaper, and other publications got him elected U.S. Senator from Georgia.

      If you want to read “how” the original American White nationalists founded our White Constitutional Republic, borrow Eric Burn’s “Infamous Scribblers” from your local public library.

      I hope all of you big money art critics, and gold & silver tycoons get behind Linder’s newspaper—you hear!

    5. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      by Ian Mosley (from Aryan Alternative)
      “Ever since the creation of the Federal Reserve system in 1913, EVERY
      SINGLE CHAIRMAN of the Fed, without exception, has been Jewish.”

      Chairmen of the Board of Governors

      1. Charles S. Hamlin (August 10, 1914 – August 10, 1916) – Goy
      2. William P. G. Harding (August 10, 1916 – August 9, 1922) – JEW (“G” stands for Gould)
      3. Daniel R. Crissinger (May 1, 1923 – September 15, 1927) – JEW
      4. Roy A. Young (October 4, 1927 – August 31, 1930) – Goy
      5. Eugene Meyer (September 16, 1930 – May 10, 1933) – JEW
      6. Eugene R. Black (May 19, 1933 – August 15, 1934) – Goy
      7. Marriner S. Eccles¹ (November 15, 1934 – February 3, 1948) – Mormon Goy
      8. Thomas B. McCabe (April 15, 1948 – April 2, 1951) – Goy
      9. William McChesney Martin, Jr. (April 2, 1951 – February 1, 1970) – Goy
      10. Arthur F. Burns (February 1, 1970 – January 31, 1978) – JEW
      11. G. William Miller (March 8, 1978 – August 6, 1979) – Apparent Goy
      12. Paul A. Volcker (August 6, 1979 – August 11, 1987) – JEW
      13. Alan Greenspan² (August 11, 1987 – January 31, 2006) – JEW
      14. Ben Bernanke (February 1, 2006 – ) – JEW

    6. O*R*I*O*N Says:

      Looks sharp. Congratulations!
      The first editions were good, but it’s obvious that layout has
      improved considerably with this latest edition.
      I have a message from Chain:
      We looked over the pdf, and we have decided to go with another
      ad for PODBLANC. Washington crossing the Potomac is kliché and gives wrong paleocon impression. Hope this last moment decision
      will not conflict with printing. If it is at all possible to replace the Washington ad with our replacement, we would appreciate it very much.
      Pls let me or Chain know who to send the new file…

      PS.: Excellent job on TAA