15 May, 2009

The Great Deceiver

Posted by Socrates in Brutus, Jewish lies, Socrates at 9:52 pm | Permanent Link


  • 11 Responses to “The Great Deceiver”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      The Jews’ penchant for lying and fast-talking must come from the days when they were peddling their cheap trinkets and shoddy merchandise at roadside stands and in the middle-eastern bazzars to wary customers. They probably got in lots of trouble for things like selling one-humped camels for the price of a two-humped camel or the old cat-in-the-bag trick and would have to think fast so as to avoid a beating from irate customers. Then the Jews would shreik at each other for driving away a customer or offering a lower price for the same crap.

    2. GD Says:

      The jews are a people constantly fleeing from the last lie they told.

    3. mattio Says:

      I think most people are saps. So it’s not that Jews are great decievers, it’s just that the general populace they have to lie to are fucking idiots. Most people appear to think the opposite of George Bush is Barack Obama. People bitch about the economy, but don’t talk about the Federal Reserve scam. This is sheer fucking lunacy in my opinion. The general populace needs to quit being goyim and / or traitorous Jew-enablers.

      Talk of Jewish criminality online should be 100 times greater than it is right now. People are not waking up. They either walk in lockstep with the Jews, are outrageously misled ( and have been since grade school) or they don’t give a fuck. Aggravating to say the least.

    4. old_dutch Says:

      It would be fun if Brutus were to take digital photos of his original sketches & paintings and post them. He does develop his computer art from pen & pencil sketches—doesn’t he?

      Have Brutus and Wyatt Mann ever met?

    5. Coup d'Etat Says:

      The jews continually do their negative deeds because they are not continually pounded down with an iron hand.

      Jews are like little spoiled children running around wild. If we had more disciplinarians, the jews would have left the U.S. a long time ago. There are too many with feeble spines or too many lazy idiots to defy and fight the jews. The ones in power don’t know how to fight or stand up to them, but instead cower in fear to the sound of death threats or intimidation.

      Jews are very good at threatening people’s careers if they fight them or are good at threaten them and/or their families with injury or death. Expose the bastards for what they are. Give them no mercy.

      To hell with the fucking jews! It’s time to stand up and fight the fucking bastards like warriors. Cut them to the quick. Jews have no respect for us. Why should we show any respect for them?

      See a jew in person or online, kick the god-damned Kike.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      We were warriors once, but our balls have been cut off in primary school. Given enough anger we can sew them back on.

    7. Parsifal Says:

      I feel sorry for a lot of young White boys these days. Many of them have no stable father or male authority figure around, they’re just surrounded by females all day long….sisters, classmates, babysitters, teachers, mothers, aunts, grandmothers. At school, they get in lots of trouble for just acting like little boys are supposed to act. Even drawing a picture of a cowboy or a soldier with a gun is enough to warrant a trip to the principal’s office. And they’re constantly being vilified for being White males, too, ableit in a subtle, low-intensity way. Is it any wonder so many young White men have become neurotic and sissified?

    8. Ein Says:

      I personally believe that the male psyche is more delicate, perhaps more complex, and thus more easily screwed up.

      Example: What is the percentage of male homosexuals to female? Surely just a fraction.

      The female reproductive drive is more generalized and basic. Thus you don’t have so many perverts and nuts among females. Yes, you certainly do have female nuts, no denying that, but I’m just saying not so many.

      It’s assumed that boys are tough and you don’t have to worry about them. Wrong! We need to take better care of our boys. The females, most of them, will come out all right.

    9. Parsifal Says:

      You’re right, Herr Ein. If, for example, a female gets sexually assaulted, it is a terrible but usually bearable experience. But if such a thing should happen to a male, it could be permanently traumatizing, maybe even leading to suicide. Females also have a larger social network of sympathetic friends and family they can turn to in times of need, whereas males are supposed to “tough it out” alone and in silence. Women are usually not exposed to the stresses, social demands and potential for violence that men are, either. Yet the left-wing Jewsmedia would have everyone believe that women are in a perpetual state of victimization from White males.

    10. A WN Says:

      Not quite high art, eh?

    11. brutus Says:

      RE: old_dutch

      I use only the paint program found in accessories to produce my drawings.

      Thanks for asking.
