July 4th “Tea Parties”
Posted by Socrates in Israel, jewed culture, jewed finance, July 4th, Socrates, White campaigns, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White thought at 7:19 pm | 
Now, who would have thought that White nationalists might mingle with the crowds at these “tea parties” in order to talk to people about things like Jews, Israel, our corrupt money system, etc. Really, who would have thought?
24 June, 2009 at 8:25 pm
“They will not wear any gear with swastikas or other symbols of their actual core ideologies.”
What symbol does “Just Leave Us Alone” have?
24 June, 2009 at 11:27 pm
Leonard Zeskind is obsessed with white nationalism. He sees a bogeyman behind every tree and under every bed. He’s a paranoid. Laugh at him.
24 June, 2009 at 11:52 pm
Don’t expect many of the patriotards who attend these tea parties to be really receptive to a White racist perspective. Most of those who attend these rallies would run as fast as they could from true White racists and would vehemently deny having a racist bone in their bodies. Cowards I say, just like most of the useless right wing.
Amazing how the right wing Cuntservatives worry more about the Jewish bible, tax hikes, and defending Israel’s interests in the Middle East instead of the real crisis of White genocide.
25 June, 2009 at 1:18 am
The Council of Cowardly Citizens? Stormfart? Congressman Ron Pinhead supporters? Screw ’em all, they deserve each other, those right-wing idiots.
25 June, 2009 at 7:12 am
To any activists who are planning on attending and talking to people, I wish you good luck from the UK.
25 June, 2009 at 9:05 am
It’s very hard to talk ethnic sense or racial reason to most kosher “conservatives”, especially the country club, social status set. Money and pecuniary interest drives the thinking of many of these people, not racial consciousness. Despite this, the ‘tea parties’ are a place to start organizing, though, as some of these people are outraged and motivated enough to physically demonstrate, and there are possibilities of reaching ethnically motivated like minds there. As difficult as the obstinate white bunnies are, somebody has to eventually save them from themselves. Don’t roll over and play dead, yet.
25 June, 2009 at 9:15 am
Stop stirring up shit, Parsifal.
25 June, 2009 at 10:45 am
Quote from that article: “I distributed WN [white nationalist] literature at the last Tea Party in Phoenix. I will be doing it again in July. This is the time and place. For those on a budget, I would suggest printing business cards with the web address of your group or organization. Keep it simple.”
Except make business cards and/or flyers that contain DOZENS of website addresses for all kinds of pro-White websites; if someone has a Stormfront account they should go there to that thread and suggest this idea. Print out business cards or flyers with the following websites (plus more or less of your choosing: put them in the order of importance to the pro-White cause as you see fit) and then pass them out to MANY Whites who look or seem receptive to the pro-White movement at these type of events; for example, include in small print on the card or flyer websites such as:
– LOG ON TO: http://www.toqonline.com – http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net – http://www.amren.com – http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com – http://www.vnnforum.com – http://www.wvwnews.net – http://www.vdare.com – http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org – http://majorityrights.com – http://www.occidentaldissent.com – http://diversityischaos.blogspot.com – http://www.judenfrei.org – http://spiritwaterblood.com – http://whiteamerica.us – http://www.robchapmanonline.com – http://irishsavant.blogspot.com – http://guywhite.wordpress.com – http://newsfromthewest.blogspot.com – http://www.stormfront.org – http://vanishingamerican.blogspot.com – http://hbdbooks.com – http://www.fallenfreedom.blogspot.com – http://igoralexander.wordpress.com – etc…as many as you can fit on there.
Put at the top of the business cards or flyers very catchy slogans or headings like “WHITE SURVIVAL!,” “PRO-WHITE ACTIVISM,” “WHITE PRESERVATION,” “KEEP AMERICA WHITE!,” “SAVE WHITE WESTERN CULTURE!,” and so on. Put an email address and/or your own wesbite on the card too if you want so that they can personally reach you in order to organize local pro-White networks.
Be sure to clean yourself up and also dress nicely (that includes ditching the hat and sunglasses at the event unless it’s very sunny that day) when you go to these type of mainstream events and try to pass out pro-White cards or flyers…people will be much more apt to follow up on the info you gave them if they notice that you look/act/speak intelligently, respectfully, and courteously, and that you are groomed properly and clean cut (i.e., White).
25 June, 2009 at 11:12 am
Quote from that article: “I distributed WN [white nationalist] literature at the last Tea Party in Phoenix. I will be doing it again in July. This is the time and place. For those on a budget, I would suggest printing business cards with the web address of your group or organization. Keep it simple.”
Except make business cards and/or flyers that contain DOZENS of website addresses for all kinds of pro-White websites; if someone has a Stormfront account they should go there to that thread and suggest this idea. Print out business cards or flyers with the following websites (plus more or less of your choosing: put them in the order of importance to the pro-White cause as you see fit) and then pass them out to as many Whites as possible who look or seem receptive to the pro-White movement at these type of mainstream events; for example, include on the card and/or flyer websites such as:
+ FOR MORE INFO LOG ON TO: http://www.toqonline.com – http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net – http://www.amren.com – http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com – http://www.vnnforum.com – http://www.wvwnews.net – http://www.vdare.com – http://www.numbersusa.com – http://buchanan.org/blog – http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org – http://majorityrights.com – http://www.occidentaldissent.com – http://diversityischaos.blogspot.com – http://www.judenfrei.org – http://spiritwaterblood.com – http://whiteamerica.us – http://www.robchapmanonline.com – http://irishsavant.blogspot.com – http://racehist.blogspot.com – http://signalsfromthebrink.blogspot.com – http://www.davidduke.com – http://guywhite.wordpress.com – http://newsfromthewest.blogspot.com – http://www.stormfront.org – http://vanishingamerican.blogspot.com – http://hbdbooks.com – http://www.fallenfreedom.blogspot.com – http://igoralexander.wordpress.com – etc…put as many good pro-White websites as you can fit on the card or flyer (a standard half or even quarter page flyer for instance could display a whole lot of pro-White websites – or even a double sided standard business card).
Put at the top of the business cards or flyers very catchy slogans or headings like “WHITE SURVIVAL!,” “PRO-WHITE ACTIVISM,” “WHITE PRESERVATION,” “KEEP AMERICA WHITE!,” “SAVE WHITE WESTERN CULTURE!,” “STOP WHITE EXTINCTION!,” “END THE SLOW MOTION GENOCIDE OF WHITES!,” “HALT MASS-IMMIGRATION!,” “STOP THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT INVASION!,” and so on. Put an email address and/or your own website on the card too if you want so that they can personally reach you in order to eventually organize local pro-White face-to-face networks.
Be sure to clean yourself up real good and also dress nicely too (that includes ditching the hat and sunglasses at the event unless it’s very sunny that day) when you go to these type of mainstream events and try to pass out pro-White cards or flyers. People will be much more apt to keep the card or flyer and then follow up on the info you gave them if they notice that you look/act/speak intelligently, respectfully, and courteously (i.e., White), and that you are groomed properly and look healthy/clean cut (i.e., White).
Don’t be too radical, loudmouthed, uncouth, arrogant, or pushy (i.e., Jewish acting) when you cold-approach a White individual or group of Whites to give them this critical information…be calm and polite and sincere, speak in a clear and pleasantly deep (non-nasal) voice, stand up straight and tall (good posture means a lot), make a good amount of eye contact, firmly shake their hands before and after talking to them, etc.
And oh yeah…and try to talk in to their right ear if possible when you are telling them about pro-White activism: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090623090705.htm
25 June, 2009 at 12:24 pm
Now if Big Brother reacts like the Revolutionary Guard in Iran, all bets are off. Lots of right-wingers would have their eyes opened wide and be more receptive to a more ‘radical’ line of thinking.
25 June, 2009 at 2:57 pm
No revolution has ever come from the conservative/right wing angle. Even the Nazi and Fascist parties coming to power in the 1930s was the result of nationalistic socialists taking the fight to the streets and taking power from weak centrist governments. In the case of Germany, the right wing was composed of Monarchists and conservatives, most of whom detested Hitler and his brown shirt army the SA, which was most made up of anti-capitalist street fighters who were racists.
By their very nature, conservatives and patriotards are anti-revolutionary. Their goal is to hold onto whatever vestiges of the system that give them that warm, “patriotic” feeling, no matter what. Raising an angry fist at the government would be as raising a hand to their own mother, they won’t do it. Most of these people worship authority- “authority worshipers” as Dr. Pierce used to say. Sure, they don’t like having a nigger in the White House, but if the Republicunts got back into power tomorrow, these patriotards would happily wave the flag and go about their business- they truly are useless.
Don’t delude yourself into thinking you can “wake up” these people at the tea parties, you would be wasting your time. But alas, some of you are going to try anyway- good luck. But I predict you will get nowhere with these people- mark my words.
25 June, 2009 at 5:04 pm
I tend to agree with Parsifal and Blackshirt on this issue. A few years ago, I may have even attended an event like this. Now, that I’m more racially conscious, this seems to me to be more of a tax protest than anything else. I do, however, consider myself to be “right wing” although many of the people who attend these types of events would probably say I wasn’t.
25 June, 2009 at 7:37 pm
” A few years ago, I may have even….”
And that is the problem, a few years ago… What you think the Jewish influence happened over night. You think they are that good we should roll over. Bullshit. We should all be out in the streets at every gathering that is anti-mainstream. Take a look at any movement out there that is for change and you will see the hook noses of the Jew. Not that he gives a shit about all and every issue but he does give a shit if the issues will impede on any of his activities. Any ground lost, and the white movement has lost a truck load, is twice as hard to claw back. We tend to sit back because coloureds may be at the meeting or it is being chaired by a spic, or some jap has a gripe, or it is not pro-white. Get in there and use their resources for your own means. The old saying your enemy’s enemy is your friend. Play the Jew at his game. You would be quite surprised at how many outsde the white movement hate the Jew and that in my opinion is an asset that should be exploited.
25 June, 2009 at 9:21 pm
Don’t give up on the kosher conservatives just yet.
Some were conservatives, but then finally saw the light and headed over to Racialism when they got hit up-side the head with too much Racial Reality (reverse racism from coloreds, tired of hearing about the holo-hoax every 15 minutes, tired of seeing mestizos swarm into their areas…). I know because I am one of those types!!
The fact of the matter is these Tea Party events are almost all 99% White and these are the ones that need to be reached with a Racialist message.
26 June, 2009 at 10:25 am
It’s very hard to talk ethnic sense or racial reason to most kosher “conservatives”, especially the country club, social status set. Money and pecuniary interest drives the thinking of many of these people, not racial consciousness.
Dear sir, the bourgeois are by nature aracial. Money and status of course allowing one to feel “superior” to racial kin. They are hopeless slaves of the system. Spineless, hermaphroditic creatures like the faileos are the result of suckering for this mentality.
Conservatives are the most pathetic form of liberal.
27 June, 2009 at 1:30 pm
A good antidote for such communist propaganda is Congressman Ron Paul, M.D. (R-Texas) explanation the communist roots of neoconservatism on YouTube here:
Then, after viewing Ron Paul’s explanation that neoconservatives are essentially communists, have a look at the following “progressive” web site and download some of their “Important Documents,” from http://www.wsws.org/lectures.shtml. Their homepage: World Socialist Web Site “Information about and news and views from the International Committee of the Fourth International led by David “North…” http://www.wsws.org.
Forward this to all the Tea Party folk that you are concerned are being warned-away from you. Since many attending Southwest Tea Parties are racial minorities, it would be good to provide at least the review of A Conversation About Race from the Occidental Quarterly at http://www.toqonline.com/2009/04/the-first-word, if not a copy of the actual DVD.
27 June, 2009 at 10:56 pm
More and more of them are getting up in the morning with a bad hang-over. Nothing gets a rapture bunny’s attention like having his world turned upside down and that is happening to more of them every day! They find that their Jew god has abandoned them to us! Let the bastards learn the hard way, and then we will be there in their hour of need to show them the truth/reality.
I will be out there on July 4 with fresh batteries and a bull-horn permit.