28 June, 2009

Taking On the Conservatives

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, faileocons, fake conservatives, fake opposition, Jesus, jewed culture, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates at 12:05 am | Permanent Link

“Conservatives” = insiders and elites who care more about money, power, book deals and “legitimacy” than about freeing the West from Jewish tyranny (and why would they want to do that anyway, since “Jesus was a Jew”?)

[VNN Forum Post].

  • 46 Responses to “Taking On the Conservatives”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      “Attacking conservatives as cowards and weaklings is precisely what we need. It is tactically even more important than attacking liberals, because the people we want already hate them, and their power is merely a function of their support for the jews’ agenda. We can’t polarize the public between Whites and jews until conservatives, the have-it-both-ways people, are roadkilled and dragged off on the shoulder. Only then does the political Chicken, begin…” – Alex Linder

      Thank you, Alex! Exactly what I have been saying all along. Excellent! We need to eliminate the pussy conservative obstacles in our way to bring about a racial radicalism.

    2. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Judeoconservatism is the more accurate term, and it’s been a miserable failure so far. The War for Israel cost the Republicans the House and Senate in ’06, and a hatred for neocons like Bush and McCain destroyed what was left of the party in 2008. If you listen to Hannity and Limbaugh you’d swear that Israel is the 51st state, and besides a few religious crazies, most Americans don’t give a shit about Israel. They just want the effing problem to go away.

      Who knows what the Jews have on Limbaugh? If memory serves one of his companions on his Viagra trip to the DR, a sex-tourism hotspot, was a jew associated with the TV show “24”, and the simple-minded Hannity has convinced himself that “Holocaust Denial” is one of the worst blasphemies a human being can commit. For God’s sake, whatever you do don’t start a drinking game, especially when Ahmadinejad is in the news, where you take a slug every time Hannity says Holocaust Denier. You’ll be dead from alcohol poisoning before the first hour is up.

      Bottom line is Judeoconservatism is pretty much a spent force. Hannity and Limbaugh can’t get a dog catcher elected. There may be a enough of a backlash to the crazed Democratic coalition of groups that make your skin crawl to give the pubbies the House back in 2010, but it won’t be because of the judeoconservative leadership, it will be because the mud party went way too far again.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      Most con-servatives are hopeless. But if only there was a way to bring those radical White lefties over to the racialist side! Unlike the con-servatives, they are not afraid to go out in the streets and raise some hell. And they’re not afraid of getting their noses bloodied if necessary, or even bloodying the opposition’s noses. They are against Global Capitalism and the exploitation of workers and the poor. They are pro-environment and anti-war. They are idealistic, organized and motivated. All of these are attributes that we should admire and emulate. The Right has nothing to teach us except that we should not have anything to do with them.

    4. ED! Says:

      Another discussion about a subject that is cut and dry.

      Go and look how vast the universe is, billions of galaxies!


      A conservative looks at it and thinks of more glory to the Jew god!

      How long ago did that light leave those areas of space to travel to the Hubble telescope? It blows the timeline of the Bible out of the water!

      Here is my point; would any god that created the Universe be stupid enough to pick the Jews as the chosen race?

      Now remember that they claim god can see the future, so god would know beforehand that Jews were no damn good! A conservative can’t see that forest because the trees block his vision.

      Everything that comes from Abraham is poison; Judaism for starters, then that disease Catholicism and its butt-baby the stinking Evangelical movement. And then there is Islam from the Islamic race whose father was the bastard son of Abraham named Ishmael.

      These religions from the past are lies and falsehoods, and warp the conservative mind. They bind our minds like chains and we are the only ones who have the keys to release ourselves from that bondage.

      That song by the Eagles “Already Gone” comes to mind-“So oftentimes it happens that we live our lives in chains, that we never even know we have the key”.

      I think that it is the promise of an afterlife that is the sticking point with people when it comes time to shed the dirty skin of religious belief. The fear of death and never going to a place where they would be with lost love ones is too much of an unsettling thought, they simply can’t deal with it. Birth and death is the law of the Universe, nothing can ever change that.

      Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition- Adam Smith.

      The Klan is a big believer in the Bible, so I assume David Duke is a Christian or at least once was, and Pat Buchanan is known to be a Catholic.

      Before we discount Pat Buchanan any further we may want to look at the link below.


      Many in the Jewish community hate Pat and the rest do not like him so he must be doing something right? Would you rather have Pat in the Whitehouse or Obama?

      We would do well to keep in mind that some 85%+ of the Jews are in the Democratic Party which is a hot bed of Marxism and we should fight it to the death!!!

      We need a Nationalist party, and we need the Republican party to STFU and get out of the way!

      The next time you are at a drive-up window of a fried chicken fast food place ask for an Obama Basket, and when they ask you what it is tell them it’s “Split-tails, dark meat, left-wings and assholes”

      A Conservative no, a White Nationalist YES!


    5. Parsifal Says:

      I find myself more in agreement with the Left than with the Right. The Left is ballsier than the Right, for one thing. And they are also pro-environment, anti-war and anti-global capitalism. They also stick up for the poor and the oppressed. At least the real lefties do, not the phony limousene liberals at Rolling Stone magazine, the NY Times or in the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport. If only there was a way to persuade the radical White lefties to come over to the pro-White side. One of them would be worth ten “conservatives”. Would free ice cream help?

    6. Mega Therion Says:

      Therein lies the grand dilemma. The Left seem to be absolutely steadfast against having (white) racial awareness. It’s inconceivable to them, they are the creeps who promulgate bullshit like “white privilege”. I’m extremely doubtful they’d ever come to our side.

      Also, many of them are reliably anti-Israel..BUT, and it’s a huge one, they are oblivious to Jew power in the corridors of power in America. They’ll rail against AIPAC,but admire The ADL and SPLC.

    7. Adam Says:

      The biggest lie in the world is that people have to be led to our cause step by step, that it’s just too difficult to “get” the jews and what they’re doing. It isn’t. People, until the Internet, and still after it to large degree, always come to WN after something else because WN is not available over the public airwaves or on the newstand. So it is never the first explanation one comes across, but usually the last – because, as you point out, the truth can’t be denied. Once you’ve read Pierce, there is no next stop.

      It’s “the biggest lie in the world”, and yet it’s how several of the posters in that thread, including Linder himself, claim to have come to racial consciousness. Indeed, David Duke in My Awakening, and even Hitler in Mein Kampf tell similar stories.

      So the new plan is:

      1. Close off those feeder sources by destroying Buchanan, Taylor, Brimelow, and the others who are insufficiently pure, from a doctrinal standpoint.

      2. Leave Alex Linder (or his equivalent (does he have one?)) standing as sole opposition. Put him on the radio/TV interview circuit and see what happens, for then …


      That about right?

    8. ED! Says:

      All White Nationalist should get together and buy a 100,000 watt am radio blowtorch in the middle of the US so we can get the truth out. There have been some programs on WWCR worldwide Christian shortwave radio out of Nashville Tennessee but not too many people listen to short wave anymore. The Jews may tolerate Pat Buchanan but they would never put up with Alex or David Duke. The bastards control too much of the media. I think more people will come around when they are flat on their asses after they have had a good butt kicking by the Jews! The kikes never know when to quit, and that is what always gets them into trouble!

      If someone is interested in airtime on WWCR here is the link below.


      Unlike am or fm shortwave has global reach.


    9. Blackshirt Says:

      Ed, that’s a great idea, but where would you get the money? Also, if you want hard- hitting, no-nonsense, non-conservative, radical racism, you already have a show ready made- Insurgent Radio Network http://www.resist.com/ .

      Don’t waste your time promoting David Duke, he is a Christian conservative and he denies he is a racist- he’s no better than any of the other fence walkers out there like Pat Buchanan.

    10. ED! Says:

      Funding is always a problem for honest people, the thieving Jews have much of it and their Evangelical enforcers who have the rest are happy with the way things are for now. David Duke is getting the word out about the Jew, and so is Pat Buchanan but they will never be aggressive enough for the true blue and dyed in the wool White Nationalist. Getting the average rapture bunny to swallow what we know as the truth is like putting a plate of barbecued ribs in front of a newborn, they can’t handle it. That is the biggest problem we face in trying to get the word out, people are so programmed from birth that their minds seem irrevocably made up. The Jew has such a monopoly on what people think and believe that it is going to take a shocking wake-up call to most before they will open up to our message.


    11. Marwinsing Says:

      @ Adam: that’s about right, nicely articulated. Little pockets/clusters of WN lights start popping on throughout The Occident (America, Europe, Britain, Russia, Australasia, South Africa) and the onus/responsibility is for awakened individuals/clusters to then start switching on the lights of those around them. America’s alright. Europe’s got a bit of damp in the circuit. Britain has serious mud clogging the main switch. Back in South Africa we’re rubbing sticks and striking stones.

    12. Adam Says:

      ED! Says:

      All White Nationalist should get together and buy a 100,000 watt am radio blowtorch in the middle of the US so we can get the truth out. There have been some programs on WWCR worldwide Christian shortwave radio out of Nashville Tennessee but not too many people listen to short wave anymore.

      I can’t see the FCC putting up with that. Besides, Dr. Pierce used to be on the radio in some areas, back in the day, and yet it did no good even then, though the times were less jewy.

      It seems to me that the problem isn’t so much lack of access to information, as it is people’s willingness and ability to understand it. On the internet, anyone can obtain as much information as he likes about the Jews. If someone isn’t curious enough, or doesn’t have enough respect for the truth to inquire about these topics, even when it takes only a little trouble to do so, how can they be force fed?

      The Jews may tolerate Pat Buchanan but they would never put up with Alex or David Duke. The bastards control too much of the media. I think more people will come around when they are flat on their asses after they have had a good butt kicking by the Jews!
      The Jews may tolerate Pat Buchanan but they would never put up with Alex or David Duke.

      You’re right, this is a problem. Because the Jews occupy so many positions of power and control throughout the technological system – and not just in media, but also in finance, education, law, and government – it would be unrealistic to expect them to put up with Alex or anyone similar. They are in a position to hand pick their opposition.

      Without these cadres at the helm of the technological system, the Jews would have no ability to hurt anyone. If the technological system is crippled or destroyed, there will no longer be a Jew problem.

      The bastards control too much of the media. I think more people will come around when they are flat on their asses after they have had a good butt kicking by the Jews!

      And yet, even in ethnically homogeneous Weimar Germany, with the economy in tatters, Hitler was not able to win an election. The people still did not listen or understand, even with a genius like Herr Goebbels in charge of propaganda. He attained power only after being appointed by Hindenburg. How shall we succeed where even Hitler failed?

      Instead of trying to make water flow uphill, success will be attained when we work with reality instead of against it. Bring white strength to bear against Jewish weakness. Destroy the technological system, and the Jew will vanish like a bad dream.

    13. Blackshirt Says:

      Adam says:

      “It seems to me that the problem isn’t so much lack of access to information, as it is people’s willingness and ability to understand it.”


      I hear the statement over and over on these forums: “If only the conservatives/patriotards/white liberals/regular people could hear our message, they would change their minds and join our cause”. Herein lies the problem with our struggle and the right wing of the racial underground- two faulty assumptions:

      assumption A- People have no access to our information.

      assumption B- People will rally to our cause once they “wake up”

      We live in the information age, you have more than enough means at your disposal as a average Joe to learn about Jews, the Holohoax, differences in races, etc. It is all right there at your fingertips on the internet. There are no more excuses. The sad fact of the matter is that most white people have heard our message and reject it or ignore it because it is uncomfortable/inconvenient to their lives. I learned this from over a decade in the National Alliance distributing literature and trying to talk sense into people I met ’till I was blue in the face. What I realize now is that we will never “win over the masses” and in effect we don’t need to.

      Tom Metzger is right to point out that the masses never start revolutions. Revolutions are started by small cadres of dedicated comrades who wage a violent and non-violent guerrilla war against the system. This is why I am so vehemently against this “let’s recruit amongst conservatives” thing that I always see brought up here. I hate to see good-hearted people waste time like I did so many years ago. And that is exactly what trying to win over the masses and the conservatives is- a waste of time.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      An addendum to what I said above in relation to the availability of our information…

      If someone is too lazy or stupid to investigate the truth about our racial situation and the Jewish control of the media, finance, and world governments (the information of which is readily available online), do you really want that person beside you in a crisis?

    15. Parsifal Says:

      The Bolsheviks managed to take over the entire Russian Empire, even though they were only a small fringe group with no real public support. Even our so-called Founding Fathers had no more than a third of the American public on their side. So who needs the masses? They’re asses! Still, as I said earlier, it would be nice to get a few of those White, molotov cocktail-throwing, left-wing radicals over to our side. Them, and a lot of racially concious, battle-hardened vets of the Iraq/Afghan war. Then we would be unstoppable.

    16. JewTracer Says:

      Most conservatives with power are not Christians at all but rather are Liberals.

      They wish to preserve the Liberal sentiment that flowed through the United States since its inception, and wish to preserve the Liberal US Constitution.

      It is this preservation of a liberal system that makes them “Conservative”.

    17. JewTracer Says:

      “The Right has nothing to teach us except that we should not have anything to do with them.”

      Parsifal you don’t have a clue. All leftists need to be abandoned, including half-hearted masqueraders such as you.

      You talk about “radical White lefties” coming over to the racialist side. You do not realise this is patently impossible and makes absolutely no sense.

      Why court a bunch of sell out hippies? Why waste any time on them at all?

      Hitler shut down the unions and worker solidarity when he came to power. That’s how much he hated the left. He knew what leftist rats like you and trade organisers are made of.

    18. JewTracer Says:

      “This is why I am so vehemently against this “let’s recruit amongst conservatives” thing that I always see brought up here.”

      And in your other pseudonym Parsifal you talk about recruiting from “radical White lefties”. Please get your lines straight.

    19. JewTracer Says:

      Most conservatives with power are not Christians at all but rather are


      They wish to preserve the Liberal sentiment that flowed through the United

      States since its inception, and wish to preserve the Liberal US Constitution.

      It is this preservation of a liberal system that makes them “Conservative”.

    20. Mark Says:

      What’s the matter, Alexis, Pat Buchanan wouldn’t have anything to do with you?

      I don’t blame him. Most white nationalist leaders won’t have anything to do with you either.

    21. Blackshirt Says:

      Agreeing with most of what Parsifal says doesn’t make me him, any more than you agreeing with what your chum “Tom McReen” says makes you him, JewTracer.

    22. ED! Says:

      Want to kick Alex? I would be happy to have any of you on my side in a fight! Just remember to lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way! Let us save our hate for the Jew and their enforcers!

      We will hang together or we will hang separate! Now that you can bet on, and then if we do not hang together, you can quibble about who gets to swing first!


    23. parsifal Says:

      JewTracer, you’re way too unimaginative and reactionary to be of any use to this so-called struggle. Besides, terms like liberal and conservative are used only for the sake of convenience. You either support the System, or you don’t. Those are the only real distinctions that can be made anymore. Just go back to being tranquilized by your heroes Rush and Sean. You refuse to learn anything here.

    24. JewTracer Says:

      I don’t support the System. I support a total uproot and overthrow as the only viable solution. I don’t listen to Rush or Sean. They are scumbags who support Zionism and worship the Liberal US Constitution. They keep people on the rails and programmed into the System. Happy now?

      You’re a typical sneering assumption making leftist.

    25. JewTracer Says:

      Parsifal/Blackshirt: Go back to revleft where you belong and where you are more ideologically in tune.

    26. JewTracer Says:

      Both Establishment Conservatives and Liberals* need to be attacked and delegitimised relentlessly. The deeper conservative instinct however (not the “Save The Constitution” or Goldwater bullshit) should be recognised as the useful compatriot it can be.

      Fascism is the melding of the reactionary and the revolutionary after all. Without either it is not fascism but something else. In many ways I pride myself in being a reactionary.

      The terms has been made unfashionable by leftists like Parsifal/Blackshirt, but think about what it actually means. It’s not unsensible at all.

      * yes i know these terms are somewhat problematic but liberal/conservative and leftist/rightist divides still exist to a greater or lesser degree.

    27. Blackshirt Says:

      Yes JewTracer, I am a “leftist” if being one means I am anti-capitalist, anti-exploitation of the workers to maximize profits at the expense of National/Racial self-determination. Guilty as charged!

      I’m as “Socialist” as the original Brownshirts and Blackshirts were. If that is an inconvenient and bothersome truth for you, perhaps you have the problem, not I? I don’t see what is so valuable about the capitalist system you apparently think is a good thing- usury, deceit, and greed are all components, and I don’t see how those are “White” values. Jews are right at home in a Capitalist system…

    28. Blackshirt Says:

      Yes JewTracer, I am a “leftist” if being one means I am anti-capitalist, anti-exploitation of the workers to maximize profits at the expense of National/Racial self-determination. Guilty as charged!

      I’m as “Socialist” as the original Brownshirts and Blackshirts were. If that is an inconvenient and bothersome truth for you, perhaps you have the problem, not I? I don’t see what is so valuable about the capitalist system you apparently think is a good thing- usury, deceit, and greed are all components, and I don’t see how those are “White” values. Jews are right at home in a Capitalist system…

    29. ED! Says:

      Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, ism-ism, anything that has Jews in it is corrupt. Take a wind up watch for instance, it slows down and will not keep accurate time. Open the watch and clean it out and it is as new. Clean the Jews out of our government, stock market, banks, corporations, media and they will be good as new!


    30. ED! Says:

      Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, ism-ism, anything that has Jews in it is corrupt. Take a wind up watch for instance, it slows down and will not keep accurate time. Open the watch and clean it out and it is as new. Clean the Jews out of our government, stock market, banks, corporations, media and they will be good as new!


    31. Parsifal Says:

      Herr Ed, the biggest problem is that many Goyim are infected with JewThink. Like Tom Metzger says, even if we could ship all the Jews off to Mars this weekend, we would still have a lot of White politicians, bosses, bankers and businessmen around who would simply take up where the Jews left off. One of the reasons the Third Reich collapsed was because even under Hitler, there were a lot of Germans who were more interested in Christian “compassion” for God’s Chosen, or in making lots of money by doing business with the Jews than in saving the German Nation and Race. Eliminating the Jew is only half the battle. Eliminating JewThink will be even harder.

    32. JewTracer Says:

      Another thing Parsifal/Blackshirt – I reject the Capitalism too as it is a system which is destructive to our culture and race.

      But I still do not call myself a leftist because a crucial part of being a leftist is being a social liberal. That is one thing I am not.

      I argue that social liberalism is the one thing that truly defines a leftist.

      You assume I listen to Limbaugh, you assume I support the System, you assume I support Capitalism. You’re yet another know it all, assumption making, sneering leftist.

    33. JewTracer Says:

      Social liberalism – Liberalism fullstop – is perhaps the ultimate poison which leads to multiracialism, mass immigration, feminism, democracy and other destroyers of the White race.

    34. JewTracer Says:

      The reactionary and the conservative – vital instincts of the Fascist mind:


      “European Fascism and Nazism were normal, necessary responses to a historical process in the early 20th century. When the revolutionary ideology of Communists got into power in 1917 threatening the entire Western world, necessary reactions were unleashed. Extremists had to meet extremists in order to work out a balance. Sound, cultivated Europeans of conservative lineage joined the Fascist and Nazi parties all over Europe. I hope I would have joined them if I had lived in that period.

      You will now say that I have learned nothing. Happily, thanks to meetings with Nazi children, I have been able to rethink Democratic, Humanistic history writings meant for dominating Europe. I have de-learned Democratic Truth. Europe cries today for an alternative to the technocratic-, business-minded victors who are bragging of possessing pure moral, of practicing global righteousness. After sixty years with governance less and less people believe in their unfair, tasteless Materialism.

      But the Nazis and Fascists lost the war, lost the grip over history, you will argue. The answer is that they lost militarily but certainly not ideologically. There we are today. European Nazis and Fascists sacrificed themselves to give a signal to coming generations. The battle over our families, tribes and peoples is not won once and forever. American-English materialists and liberalists together with revolutionary Marxists are today losing control over the minds. Their governance is over. Europe will find back to old principles, to the best for its inhabitants and its neighbors.

      Since European traditionalist ideology, modernized as National Socialism in order to fit to the 20th century, has been repressed and even satanized during six decades, this ideology will logically return with force. It is not necessary to be smart to foresee coming mental earthquakes in Europe. Some call it “paradigm shift”, but it is in fact the counter-revolution following, with historic necessity, the 1945 revolution. Neither are revolutions nor counter-revolutions fun, specifically when no attempt toward true reconciliation are sought after battles among brethren.”

    35. Parsifal Says:

      I’ve had classes and attended lectures where the speaker was a real sneering, condescending leftie. No opposing points of view were tolerated, just the usual Whitey is bad/Darkie is good boilerplate. I really dislike the Left for their whining and condescension, but hate the Right because they are the ones causing most of the damage.

      Good to know you’re not some close-minded Ollie North/G. Gordon Liddy type. Whatever it is you believe (and you’re quite mysterious and reticent on that point), you just keep right on believing it.

    36. JewTracer Says:

      Your post above only reinforces your credentials as a typical sneering liberal-leftist.

    37. JewTracer Says:

      And the Right is causing most of the damage? Don’t be insane.

      The left has done much more detrimental things than “whining and condescension”. The whole mindset, tenets and principles of the left are wrong.

      Where the so-called “Right” goes wrong you will see it is actually Liberal dogmas (co-opted by the Right) that are causing the problems:

      E.g. the US Constitution, the Free Market, Capitalism, Libertarianism, etc.

    38. Blackshirt Says:

      JewTracer, you make no sense, and beyond that you are obviously trying to pick a fight with myself and Parsifal. If I am a Racial Socialist, how can I be a “sneering liberal-leftist”?

      “liberal” as defined by our modern American culture is someone who supports an egalitarian and democratic socialist agenda. I have made it clear in the past that I believe in natural law and Eugenics, so how can I be a liberal? I’ve defined for you my feelings on capitalism, and if those are Marxist in your eyes, then you are delusional. Yes, I am a Socialist, but a National/Racial Socialist, not a Marxist/Leninist Socialist, which is a different animal. That is the last time I’m going to explain it to you.

      As far as that quote you posted, I don’t see how it has much relevance to your argument. Did some conservative types join National Socialist and Fascist parties? Sure they did. But on the whole the old guard Monarchists and rich elite conservatives in the countries of Germany and Italy detested Hitler and Mussolini, and they turned coat at the first opportunities. That quote you posted from some Norwegian nationalist does little to build your argument that National Socialism and Fascism were outgrowths of conservative reactionary feeling. That is what you WANT to believe, but it isn’t fact.

    39. Parsifal Says:

      JewTracer, you’ve obviously never read Mein Kampf, where the Fuhrer disparages your revered right-wing parties and movements. Listen to the speeches of Dr. Goebbels, where he lambasts the bourgeoisie and the reactionaries. He must have been a Red! And this will come as a shock to you, but the old Prussian military class did not get along with the NS government. Hitler never trusted those conservative, old-school generals and field marshalls. The attempted assasination of July 20th, 1944 proved his suspicions correct.

      The SA and original NSDAP membership, the Alte Kampfen, were not “conservatives”. They were blue-collar, working class street-fighters. The same with the Blackshirts in Italy. Il Duce was not some bourgeois conservative do-nothing like you, JT. He was a man of action.

      “Where the so-called “Right” goes wrong you will see it is actually Liberal dogmas (co-opted by the Right) that are causing the problems:

      E.g. the US Constitution, the Free Market, Capitalism, Libertarianism, etc.”

      Yeah, right, whatever……………………….

    40. JewTracer Says:

      So you’re denying that the US Constitution, Free Market, Capitalism and Libertarianism are at their root Liberal, not conservative?

    41. Parsifal Says:

      “So you’re denying that the US Constitution, Free Market, Capitalism and Libertarianism are at their root Liberal, not conservative?”

      But they are not all the same thing! And I never thought of the US Constitution as being liberal or conservative, although there is a classical kind of Liberalism and then there is its current definition. Maybe Locke, Hobbes, Hume, Bentham and Mill were considered “liberals” in their day, but liberalism means something very different to most people now.

      And then you have what the third world countries call “neo-liberalism”, which we might call “neo-conservatism” or “globalism”. So as you see, terms such as conservative and liberal are quite relative, are they not?

    42. JewTracer Says:

      “And I never thought of the US Constitution as being liberal or conservative”

      Then you are an idiot.

      “Maybe Locke, Hobbes, Hume, Bentham and Mill were considered “liberals” in their day, but liberalism means something very different to most people now.”

      They were at their essence liberals. In their day, and to-day also.

      Who cares how the average Fox News watching idiot defines liberal, and whether he sees Locke etc. as “liberals”.

      These men were, regardless of what the uniformed Jew media watching idiot thinks, liberals.

      “And then you have what the third world countries call “neo-liberalism”, which we might call “neo-conservatism” or “globalism”. So as you see, terms such as conservative and liberal are quite relative, are they not?”

      Obviously you could go on all day about Establishment and media treatment of the terms conservative and liberal. However I am talking about the conservative and liberal as instincts. Not as “brands” – which is how you seem to be discussing them.

    43. JewTracer Says:

      Kike Wilheim Reich (a liberal whom Blackshirt/Parsifal probably admires) assesses the “revolutionary” character of Fascism:

      “Since fascism, always and everywhere, appears as a movement which is supported by the masses of people, it also displays all the traits and contradictions present in the average character structure: Fascism is not, as is generally believed, a purely reactionary movement; rather, it is a mixture of rebellious emotions and reactionary social ideas.

      If, by being revolutionary, one means rational rebellion against intolerable social conditions, if, by being radical, one means “going to the root of things,” the rational will to improve them, then fascism is never revolutionary. True, it may have the aspect of revolutionary emotions. But one would not call that physician revolutionary who proceeds against a disease with violent cursing but the other who quietly, courageously and conscientiously studies and fights the causes of the disease. Fascist rebelliousness always occurs where fear of the truth turns a revolutionary emotion into illusions.”

    44. JewTracer Says:

      Classical liberalism and modern liberalism are pretty well the same thing.

      Yes, liberalism has evolved some; but “classical” and “modern” are still very much related and similar.

    45. JewTracer Says:

      You bleat “reactionary” like your compatriots say “racist”. You rely on emotionalised discussion rather than looking at things logically and frankly. You leftists are so predictable.

    46. Parsifal Says:

      The fact that you have to use such trite insults like “idiot” to denigrate your opponents shows how weak your argument really is. As we all know, only idiots read stuff like “Leviathan” and “The Social Contract”, don’t they (And I don’t mean the Cliff Notes versions, which are what you doubtless rely on)?