12 July, 2009

Online Book

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish history, jews, judaism, Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates at 8:58 pm | Permanent Link

“The Jewish Strategy” by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver (a .pdf file; use the zoom-in tool at the top of the book to make the text bigger):


  • 16 Responses to “Online Book”

    1. Bret Ludwig Says:

      A great book. It’s pretty concise, also the .pdf isn’t all that well done, but it is readable and the material is first rate.

      The really important RPo volume is still “Christianity and the Survival of the West” though.

    2. Adam Says:

      It’s interesting that Dr. Oliver says that he attended Pomona College in Claremont, as that is the same school that Alex Linder attended. What a remarkable coincidence that two of the most articulate anti-semites of modern times should have attended the very same school. Score two for Pomona!

      Also interesting that he says that he obtained a Guggenheim fellowship in 1946-47, which is run by the Jewish John Simon Guggenheim foundation. He implies that he was Jew-aware at that time, too, so it’s a bit surprising that he applied for one. Yet a man can’t be too scrupulous about where his money is coming from, I suppose, if he expects to survive and prosper in jewey academe.

      In the pamphlet he lists nine uses the Jew makes of his religion:

      1. A cover for racial arrogance.
      2. A cover for conspiracy.
      3. A means to ensure that they will be “persecuted” – for no reason!
      4. A means to provide a camouflage for their nefarious activities.
      5. A means to infiltrate non-Jew society by pretending to convert. Marranos.
      6. Provides a means to peddle spiritual hokum to the gullible goyim.
      7. Ability to divert native religions into war against each other, etc.
      8. As a justification for tikkun olam.
      9. A cover for attacking other races – our own race, in particular – using words as memetic weapons.

      This is a perspicacious list, but it notably omits one of the most significant insights of Dr. MacDonald: that the Jew has, through the exercise of his religion, accidentally practiced a form of eugenics for thousands of years, breeding up his general and particularly his verbal intelligence, via such games as pilpul and intense study and memorization of his nonsensical Talmud. For generations the most verbally skilled rabbis have been wed to the daughters of the richest and most successful Jewish plunderers from the business world. Doing so, they bred themselves up just like the cattle they like to accuse everyone else of being.

      Also, it was good to see Dr. Oliver conclude, finally, on p. 93:

      These facts of economic enslavement lead many acute observers to the conclusion that our race’s only chance of survival lies in the chance that the Jews, blinded by their own arrogant confidence in their absolute superiority, will permit or precipitate a total collapse of organized society into the anarchy in which the strong and resolute will again survive at the expense of the weak and foolish.

      Which is very similar to what I have pointed out in these pages: that the Jew will be powerless with the collapse of the technological system. It is therefore not something to wait passively for, but a goal that we should actively seek. There are three factors, and only three, to consider in the current predicament the white race finds itself in:

      1. The technological system, which is inherently anti-racist, and anti-human, and the development of which must be stopped if the white race is to be saved.

      2. The Jews, who have ascended to the helm of that system, and who use it, where they can, as a tool to exploit and destroy other races.

      3. The inherent death wish of the white race (which Dr. Oliver also mentions : “I do not know what, if anything, can be done to preserve a species that some judicious observers believe to be driven by a largely subconscious, bur irresistible, death-wish.”, p. 91)

      Without 3, there would be no problem with 2, since the Jews would never have been allowed to infiltrate among us and rise to power. But because of 3, and also because the Jewish attack is subtle, and requires a statistically rare combination of psychological characteristics in order to see, attempts to educate the masses and “get the word out about the Jews” are largely a waste of time, in my opinion. Those who engage in such efforts are only temporizing.

      Substantially eliminating any one of the three factors will go a long way towards solving the problem of survival for the white race. However, only crippling or destroying the technological system will allow the return of the natural systems and freedom.

    3. Stronza Says:

      But the return of natural systems will eventually produce a desire to bypass laws of nature, and we’ll have yet another go-round.

    4. Adam Says:

      Stronza Says:

      But the return of natural systems will eventually produce a desire to bypass laws of nature, and we’ll have yet another go-round.

      Not necessarily. If sufficient care is taken in choosing the method of destruction, the technological system will be impossible to rebuild. It is an exceedingly complex global system with lethal side effects for the white race and the continued existence of human races in general, but it is not particularly robust. As a general rule, the more complex a system is, the more vulnerabilities it has. As complexity continues to increase geometrically in coming years, that situation will only worsen.

      Just for a start, consider that for most vital mineral resources of a technological society, the easily available ones have already been used up. “Primitive”, pre-technological man was able to find lumps of easily smeltable copper, zinc, iron, gold, silver, and other minerals with relatively little effort. Those easy sources are gone now – all used up – and the further exploitation of current sources depends on the existence of an already-existing, highly technical global physical plant, that is also very transportation and energy dependent. A sufficiently powerful disruption to the supply chain anywhere along its length might be enough to permanently cripple the technological system. There are even ways such a thing might be done with only a few people. Anyone intelligent enough to understand the argument here is capable of puzzling out what some of those ways might be on his own.

      It’s probably only a question of time until the right people notice this and take action. In fact, I’m a little surprised no one has yet tried.

    5. Stronza Says:

      The mineral I’d be worrying about is Phosphorus, absolutely necessary to grow food plants. Apparently, it is poorly distributed over the earth, there’s only a few major sources. Chemical-based, industrial-style agriculture uses the instantly-avilable, drug-like processed stuff from a bag that ends up in rivers & lakes, where it does much damagae. I recently heard a programme on the radio about the shortage of phosphate; also, there was a big article in the Sci. American, I think.

      But if you use rock phosphate on farms & gardens, it does not have an immediate effect. It breaks down slowly over the years (a good thing). Organic gardeners & farmers, some of them, are so pleased with themselves when they use animal manure, perhaps forgetting that the animals are fed grains grown on land dosed with the phosphorus from a bag rather than the real stuff.

      Yes, other people over the years have mentioned the delicacy & vulnerability of our exceedingly complex technological system. Is this what you meant, Adam.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      Adam, I appreciate the points you are making, however, the cure appears to be as bad as the disease. A serious and prolonged disruption of the technological system is likely to do the White race more harm than good, in so far as we are more acustomed to and supported by the technical infrastructure than are other races.
      The finer aspects of technology is our creation so I would hate to see the labor of centuries which has given us some mastery over Nature’s caprices go down the drain.

      Also, have the jews really “ascended to the helm of the (technical )system”. Admittedly they have risen to great political power and control the levers of finance and media, but despite their intelligence, their imaginative skills are mediocre and their technical ability is pretty abysmal. With those skills the White race is well endowed.

      The activities of the jew will probably cause to system to collapse anyway. Our task must be to keep Western culture alive in its period of intensive care.

      PS nitrate fertilizers are just as important as phosphorus for agricultural production. Unfortunately, industrial nitrogen fixation proceeds by way of synthetic ammonia which is hugely dependent on natural gas.

    7. Stronza Says:

      Hi, CW-2: but nitrate fertilizers aren’t threatened in the way that phosphorus is. There is only so much phosphorus. However, it has occurred to me that maybe there’s a way to recover all that phosphorus that made its way into the rivers & lakes.

    8. Adam Says:

      CW-2 Says:

      Adam, I appreciate the points you are making, however, the cure appears to be as bad as the disease. A serious and prolonged disruption of the technological system is likely to do the White race more harm than good, in so far as we are more acustomed to and supported by the technical infrastructure than are other races.

      I don’t believe so. The collapse of the technological system in transportation, agriculture, and medicine would cause vast mortality in the non-white world. Africa, for example, isn’t feeding itself, but is being fed from the outside world. Deaths worldwide would number in the billions, and most of them would be non-white.

      Certainly there would be a lot of white people, too, who would die if the technological system went down. But the alternative to crippling or destroying the technological system is the death of the white race as we know it today.

      The finer aspects of technology is our creation so I would hate to see the labor of centuries which has given us some mastery over Nature’s caprices go down the drain.

      It seems that most of the people on here are technophiles of a romantic sort who are either entirely ignorant of or have real trouble understanding the significance of recent accomplishments in genetic science. For instance, it’s plain to see that the mapping of the human genome will lead inexorably to manipulation of humans at the genetic level. And do you honestly think that the current regime or any regime likely to take power soon will be making DNA changes that favor the survival of the white race as a distinct entity? In all probability, once it is understood how to do so, they will want to modify people (perhaps especially, or even only white people) to better adapt them to a multi-racial society, re-designing them to make them more like other races, and increasing their tendencies to miscegenate. The excuse will be that such modifications are going to increase “tolerance” and eliminate “racism”. Do you think they’ll hesitate, even for a second?

      Also, have the jews really “ascended to the helm of the (technical )system”. Admittedly they have risen to great political power and control the levers of finance and media, but despite their intelligence, their imaginative skills are mediocre and their technical ability is pretty abysmal. With those skills the White race is well endowed.

      The long list of Nobelist Jews would argue otherwise. At this phase of development of the technological system, what is required is an ability to work in a team. This plays into a Jewish strength, since as you admit, they control vast amounts of capital and dominate academe. The days of the great white genius like a Tesla or an Edison, who could do it all himself and could determine the direction of his own research, seem to be over. Science nowadays requires vast amounts of money, and for that purpose the backing (and sanction) of a government or large multi-national corporation is almost impossible to dispense with.

      The activities of the jew will probably cause to system to collapse anyway. Our task must be to keep Western culture alive in its period of intensive care.

      Even if white people are the only ones remaining on the planet after such a collapse – which is a best case scenario and completely unlikely – re-expansion of the technological system will still cause our descendants, in as little as a thousand years (and perhaps much less), to have changed into something that we would not even regard as human. The handwriting is on the wall for those would open their eyes and read it.

    9. Bret Ludwig Says:

      There’s no going back, and that’s a good thing. We-white people-are the pointy end of the real Spear of Destiny, the highest creation for self-actualization-through technology-of the Universe. (At least, we’re the pointiest end we know of, and if there are others they are almost certainly many light-decades or centuries away from us.) A White race stuck in an eternal past will die out, through downbreeding.

      We are not the best suited for life on this planet on those terms. That’s why it’s likely we were on the North American continent-the Solutreans-and we were wiped out by the ancestors of the indios and mestizos. Probably considerable race mixing was involved, but they won and our kind was absent from this continent for perhaps five millennia. It was only after our kind came back from Europe with technology-wooden sailing ships, bronze cannon and mail-clad warriors-we were able to smash the Aztecs and other southern indios in the South and establish an East Coast beachhead in Massachusetts.

      A atechnological future is no future for us. Our place is to go to the stars or die trying.

    10. Adam Says:

      Bret Ludwig Says:

      There’s no going back, and that’s a good thing.

      It depends on what you mean by going back. Some races/cultures never developed technological civilization at all, perhaps because they had other priorities, for whatever reasons (or lack thereof). But during the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan the Japanese turned away from Western technology, closed themselves off from the outside world, and turned inward. This was only temporary for them because the technological system again forced itself upon them, some two and a half centuries later, when Admiral Perry demanded entry. This isn’t without parallel, either. In the ancient white world, they made discoveries which could have led to a much greater, explosive growth of the technological system at an earlier time, but they, too, turned away. For example, Hero of Alexandria invented a steam piston almost two millennia before the Industrial Revolution, but it was never used to power anything. We can only speculate as to the reason for this, but in the opinion of at least one historian the device was never exploited because to have done so struck the people of that time as impious. In short, our ancestors may have had things they considered more important that material success.

      A society or even the whole world can indeed collectively turn away from the technological system, for no better reason than it wants to – that it recognizes other values than material ones; and if it did so, the white race as currently constituted would be saved, and the power of the Jew eliminated. But since convincing the great mass of people to give up their technological toys seems unlikely to work, because in order to be effective it would have to be done on a global scale and would cause literally billions of deaths, it will have to happen, if it happens at all, only as the result of the action of a few.

      We-white people-are the pointy end of the real Spear of Destiny, the highest creation for self-actualization-through technology-of the Universe. (At least, we’re the pointiest end we know of, and if there are others they are almost certainly many light-decades or centuries away from us.) A White race stuck in an eternal past will die out, through downbreeding.

      I think it’s obvious that the pressure to “downbreed” the white race is nowhere greater than under the technological system as it stands now, particularly under the control of the Jew. Unless the technological system is crippled or destroyed, the white race is unlikely to continue to exist at all.

      A atechnological future is no future for us. Our place is to go to the stars or die trying.

      This seems to me rather ill thought out. Here’s something to think about: In spite of lots of effort, we have yet to encounter any evidence of any other civilizations. Could it be that there are no other technological civilizations “out there” to discover because they, too, realized that following the technological path leads only to their own oblivion, and turned back?

    11. Jim Says:

      The problem is not with technology itself, but to what purpose it is applied. The jew will always pervert technological discoveries to serve his destructive ends. In the brief time that National Socialism was in power in Germany, great strides were made in all areas of technology, and these advances served the Aryan Folk. If National Socialism would have survived, the White world would have made incredible progress, and science and technology would be harnessed to the spiritual and material well being of our Race.

    12. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Could it be that there are no other technological civilizations “out there” to discover because they, too, realized that following the technological path leads only to their own oblivion, and turned back?

      Well, we don’t know.

      Technology is not only or even primarily about wealth. That’s one of the failings of Rand’s Objectivism, and of econocentric thinking in general. Wealth is a byproduct. The great discoverers and inventors do what they do because they are impelled to do it mostly for itsown sake, though the realistic prospect of wealth makes their getting the tools-capital, official unction-a lot easier.

      Anyone who reads Atlas Shrugged usually has a moment where after finishing the book and hearing of the perfidy (sic0 of the modern world, they ask themselves, “Why does Atlas not shrug?” And in fact he doesn’t. Sweden was a hugely socialist state after WWII but it was never like an African country economically. Sweden kept on making high quality goods and Swedes still lived like Swedes. Sweden is less socialist today than in the 70s, but its quality of life has gone down, its signature businesses-the car end of Saab, Ericsson, Hasselblad, etc-are in tatters. What has changed? We all know: non Swedish, non-White immigration, which is wrecking Sweden as five decades of near-Soviet socialism never did.

      What drives Whites uniquely is that we know we’ll never know what’s out there until and unless we go out there, and that it bothers the best of us. The Asians know that as well as we do, but it doesn’t bother them in the least.

    13. Stronza Says:

      It is not too complicated as to why we’ve gone to the dogs: eventually, everything turns into its opposite.

      The more nifty technology we invent with our big brains, the lazier & unhealthier we eventually get (because we don’t have to grow our own food or walk 5 miles to the store for the basics; because we don’t want to recycle natural wastes and instead fertilize our crops with shit from a plastic bag that makes the soil, plants and our own bodies large but sickly, unable to resist “germs”, parasites and enemies.)

      What it boils down to is: all that lazymaking technology that some of you admire so much makes us only want more of the same. So, after a couple of generations we are useless – so dissolute, in fact, that 90% of us look with glazed eyes at the foreigners streaming in by the millions and go back to our porn & Ni****ball.

      Only if a few of us tougher ones can survive the almighty spanking we are getting can we prove that we and not the cockroaches are indeed the pointy end of the spear of destiny.

    14. Adam Says:

      Jim Says:

      The problem is not with technology itself, but to what purpose it is applied. The jew will always pervert technological discoveries to serve his destructive ends. In the brief time that National Socialism was in power in Germany, great strides were made in all areas of technology, and these advances served the Aryan Folk. If National Socialism would have survived, the White world would have made incredible progress, and science and technology would be harnessed to the spiritual and material well being of our Race.

      God or Mammon – you must choose which one to serve. You can only have ONE highest value; survival of the race OR survival and expansion (for it must expand) of the technological system. As I have shown, the development of the technological system inevitably will at first modify and then destroy race. This is especially true in the current multi-racial and multi-cultural global milieu, but it would still be true even if white people were the only ones on the planet. Human races are the product of natural selection, a system for which the technological system has no use; it has superseded it. Devotees of “progress” (see the “Democracy and Propaganda” thread for more) are actually choosing an anti-racist alternative, even if they have trouble facing that fact. They are placing their desire for “progress” above their desire for preservation of the race.

      That pursuing the path of “progress” leads nowhere is plain to see even now. Owing to the expansion of the technological system (i.e., “progress”), there is more race-mixing than ever; less freedom than ever; more degenerate trends – such as feminism, which would not even exist without the technological system – than ever. Owing to this elaboration of the technological system, the white race stands closer to annihilation than ever before in its history.

      This is progress??

    15. Adam Says:

      Tried several times to post a response to all this, but it’s not showing up. Perhaps I can still post in the “Democracy and Propaganda” thread. If so, I’ll post it there.

    16. Jon Says:

      Adam said:

      “What a remarkable coincidence that two of the most articulate anti-semites of modern times should have attended the very same school.”

      Yes, remarkable. But please, don’t use that term to describe Jew-wise, White men. Okay? That overused term implies Whites are bad and Jews, the innnocent victims. Reality and history proves NOTHING could be farther from the truth!
