5 August, 2009

Shakespeare and Democracy

Posted by Socrates in democracy, democrazy, Socrates, William Pierce at 12:57 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“William Shakespeare is out. Maya Angelou, Frantz Fanon, and W.E.B. DuBois are in. I’m talking about fashion at American universities.

There’s been some discussion in the mass media recently about the fact that American universities are phasing out Shakespeare and the other creators of our European culture and replacing them with non-Whites of various stripes, such as the three Black writers I just named. The impression is left by the media discussion that this is some sort of fad, which, hopefully, will pass soon. The discussion was sparked by a decision on the part of the faculty at Georgetown University, the prestigious Jesuit school in Washington, to drop the requirement that their English majors study the works of at least two authors from among Chaucer, Milton, and Shakespeare. Now Georgetown’s English majors can graduate without ever having read anything by Shakespeare. I’m not talking about Georgetown’s basketball players or her business majors. I’m talking about the students who are seeking degrees in English literature. An acquaintance with Shakespeare is no longer necessary. Nor is an acquaintance with the writings of any other dead White European males, or ‘dwems,’ as they are referred to contemptuously by the Politically Correct elements at our universities these days.”

The rest is [Here]. (No audio version available).

  • 13 Responses to “Shakespeare and Democracy”

    1. Question everything Says:

      I like how Alex has stopped bashing Christians.

      I am not Christian but have them in my family. I am frustrated and angry at them but still love them.

      If Mel Gibson wanted to run for President, I wouldn’t care if he’s Christian if he did everything else the right way.

      Don’t listen to these stupid Jew-like gossips who want to split us, ex. – attack David Duke for sleeping around or whatever.

      Jews don’t bash their own. If someone wants you to bash Duke, point out all the positive work he’s done.

      Same way a jew would like to bash Jefferson for sleeping with a slave, ignore it, mention all his greatness instead, which of course, make him a great man.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      “Question everything”, I’m afraid you have no brain. The Jews are CONSTANTLY fighting each other like wild dogs trying to eat a rotting zebra carcass. Only fools like you believe the Jews are united and invincible. That’s what they want you to believe.

      David Duke is a man of dubious character. You don’t have to believe me, ask Tom Metzger. He worked for Duke and knows all about the broads and the blow. Stop venerating people as if they were gods! They’re all just as screwed up as you and me, if not more so.

      And the Christian-bashing MUST continue. It WILL continue. I will NEVER stop bashing Christianity. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Adam Says:

      I wonder if Socrates (our Socrates, the moderator, that is) noticed this passage in the previous article by Miss Whitcombe, and his response was to reprint this particular article by Dr. Pierce:

      The Frankfurters and the New York Intellectuals had a great respect for Western Classical Literature. (This was typical of other Jewish-dominated anti-nationalist intellectual movements described by Yuri Slezkine.) Shakespeare and the other Western classics would survive the revolution of the non-communist left, but the rest of Western culture would have to go, as would the predominant racial group — White Europeans.

      Yet, as Dr. Pierce says, Shakespeare and the other dead white European males ARE being phased out. For my part, I’m not so sure that the New York Intellectuals ever had much use for or understanding of Shakespeare or the rest of white literature, and even less sure that these things will survive the continued expansion of the technological system. For instance, see New York Intellectual Susan Sontag’s famous remark:

      “The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone – its ideologies and inventions – which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”
      -Susan Sontag, “What’s Happening in America”, in Styles of Radical Will, p. 203

      Or compare former Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev, who now runs the racetraitor.org site, dedicated to the genocide of the white race:

      “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.”

      “Make no mistake about it,” he says,

      “we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed–not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” -quoted by Paul Craig Roberts in Harvard Hates the White Race?

      No, for the demonic, hate-filled pusbags known as Jews, here personified by Sontag and Ignatiev, this struggle is racial and to the death; and Shakespeare, Plato, and all the rest of Western literature are only more things that they can make use of to help exterminate us. Disastrously for ourselves, the terrible energy of the technological system’s expansion is like an enormous flywheel providing them with the power to do it.

    4. Socrates Says:

      Adam Says: “I wonder if Socrates (our Socrates, the moderator, that is) noticed this passage in the previous article by Miss Whitcombe, and his response was to reprint this particular article by Dr. Pierce:”

      No, it just worked out that way. The Pierce essay wasn’t a response to that other essay, but, I disagree that Frankfurt Schoolers would respect Western literature – I’m sure they saw it as something “too White” that needs to be crushed ASAP.

    5. New America Says:

      This was done by Pierce in an American Dissident Voices broadcast back in 1997; I suspect Solar General might have it as mp3.

      I think Socrates has the more correct interpretation here, but I might, in some small part, validate Miss Whitcombe’s comments on how the Jews would deal with Shakespeare, and the rest of the best of the Western canon.

      They would keep him, and teach the truths he discussed, among themselves.

      For us, and our Posterity, they would offer, at most, an adulterated perversion of Shakespeare, and all of the Western Canon.

      Fourteen Forever.

    6. Parsifal Says:

      One Shakespeare play the Jews never allow to be performed is The Merchant of Venice, unless the character of Shylock is portrayed sympathetically. But Maya Angelou and Anne Frank are quickly replacing the Western Canon in the most elite schools. That means the lesser schools will inevitably follow suit.

    7. Irma Grese Says:

      As one who will be entering university this Fall, this information is very good to know. Though not mentioned in the article I would imagine that the field of biology has also been heavily compromised by the jew for political reasons. However, it must still be possible to learn the basic facts of human biology and genetics in some fashion, otherwise we wouldn’t have doctors, no? Meh no matter, as the good doctor stated one can learn many things on one’s own just by studying the books in the university library – especially some of the older, less politically correct tomes which may be hidden in the the back vaults somewhere, gathering dust…..

    8. Tom McReen Says:

      There’s a moderator?

      “Question everything”, I’m afraid you have no brain.”

      “David Duke is a man of dubious character.”

      “And the Christian-bashing MUST continue. It WILL continue. I will NEVER stop bashing Christianity. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    9. Adam Says:

      Irma Grese Says:

      As one who will be entering university this Fall, this information is very good to know. Though not mentioned in the article I would imagine that the field of biology has also been heavily compromised by the jew for political reasons. However, it must still be possible to learn the basic facts of human biology and genetics in some fashion, otherwise we wouldn’t have doctors, no? Meh no matter, as the good doctor stated one can learn many things on one’s own just by studying the books in the university library – especially some of the older, less politically correct tomes which may be hidden in the the back vaults somewhere, gathering dust…..

      The field of biology is subject to the dictates of political correctness just as much as any other field. For example, the study of human racial differences as such is a completely forbidden area, since the official lie is that, beyond skin color, they don’t exist. But the underlying facts haven’t been doctored. If you announce you want to study the HIV virus, for instance, you will encounter the fact that it disproportionately infects niggers. They don’t conceal this from you, but will try to suggest it is due to lifestyle factors or poverty. You will know otherwise, of course. It’s clear that the effect derives from a genetic difference between the races. And who knows, maybe you will be the one to discover what it is about the nigger genetic code that makes them more susceptible. But if you find that out, you almost certainly will at the same time discover how to make the virus deadlier to them. One bit of knowledge leads to and implies another. It’s all of a piece, and this sort of knowledge dissemination will be very difficult for the system to control.

      One reason I think that the prospects for the overthrow of the technological system are good, long term, is that research into such areas will proceed – must proceed – in order for the system to continue to expand. Yet a lot of the knowledge gained will be dangerous to its continued existence. It’s only a matter of time until a critical threshold is reached, and someone with both the intelligence and the fanaticism to use a discovery like that is produced by the system.

    10. Irma Grese Says:

      Adam Says: And who knows, maybe you will be the one to discover what it is about the nigger genetic code that makes them more susceptible. But if you find that out, you almost certainly will at the same time discover how to make the virus deadlier to them.

      Yes. ;-)

      Have you ever seen the TV movie of Stephen King’s The Stand? Specifically the first part of it, where genetically engineered superflu gets out and slaughters 99% of the human race? Imagine if that disease had been gene tailored to kill only non-Whites: jews, niggers, spics, chinks; the whole entire disgusting stew. Fascinating idea, yes? Of course, this discussion is only the merest entirely fictional thought – experiment and I most certainly have no intention whatsoever of eventually becoming a medical scientist just so I can use my knowledge in such a dastardly way. Honest Aryan.

      And in any case, were such an unfortunate and tragic event occur, we’d still have to deal with the fucking white race-traitors: liberals and leftists foremost among them but also the flag-waving patriotards on the right! They’d both surely come after us so racially aware Whites – Aryans – would need to be prepared for this eventuality. Organizing communities, stockpiling needed provisions; I don’t know how it would be done but it needs to be done soon. The coming white civil war could be worse than an all-out race war with niggers and kikes.

    11. Blackshirt Says:

      Yes, Tom McWeenie, there is a moderator and he obviously is very gracious in letting a shit stirrer like you return to this forum. I was hoping you were gone for good, but like a bad case of herpes you have returned for a breakout. No one has forgotten you and what you did before, or your other monikers “Curt O’brien” “Jack O’Toole” etc.. I guess they must have kicked you off of the Hannity or Limbaugh forum, eh?

    12. Tom McReen Says:

      Return? I never left. Hey, there’s a forum on VNN too where you and your socks have been exposed several times over.

      I hope that even the too-liberal mod here is getting bored of your repeated shit-stirring lies. I wasn’t the one warned for using multiple usernames.

    13. Parsifal Says:

      Unlike you, “McReen”, Blackshirt, myself and most others here try to make their posts interesting, informative and stay more or less on-topic. Blackshirt, Mega T and I all live in the same geographical region, but that’s the extent of it. Your “Jewish sock puppet” theory is baseless and you know it. So why do you keep trying to disrupt these threads with a lot of irrelevant nonsense? The only possible answer is that you are a troublemaker who doesn ‘t want anyone here to discuss anything of substance. We’re supposed to just get bogged down arguing with you all the time, is that it?