Canada Reconsiders Giving Asylum to White Man After Negroes Complain
Posted by Socrates in African National Congress, black culture, black leaders, black pols, black rule, jewed culture, Socrates, South Africa at 7:25 pm | 
Blacks ruined South Africa yet they bitch when a White man flees it?! By the way, not only is the African National Congress run by incompetent junglebunnies but it’s a semi-Marxist party as well. Who in his right mind would give a crap what the ANC thinks? Of course, it was Jews who really doomed South Africa:
6 September, 2009 at 8:31 pm
6 September, 2009 at 11:00 pm
If the jooish regime reverse’s this act, then IMO a chain of events could start, I would hope.
The upper ten percent of Canada must be disgusted and awake too.
6 September, 2009 at 11:37 pm
Sooner or later, Whites will have no choice but to stand up and fight back. There is no place in the world that is safe for Whites anymore, not even Mother Russia. Talk about an international criminal conspiracy!
7 September, 2009 at 6:23 am
“Mr Sokutu said President Jacob Zuma was committed to fighting crime in South Africa, which has an annual murder rate of 18,000, but not on the basis of colour.”
You couldn’t have an annual murder rate of 18,000 amongst China’s billion & call it a civilized nation. That is simple anarchy.
I do like the comments left by Canadians at the end of Stronza’s link above.
7 September, 2009 at 9:10 am
If there was any compassion in the world among Christians, who have flooded the US with turd world parasites, they would sponsor hard working White South Africans to come and prosper in America.
Of course that would go against their modern creed of “casting their pearl before the swine.”
7 September, 2009 at 11:35 am
There is no such thing as Christian compassion!
Christians have all the compassion associated with a shrapnel bomb!
Have they not allowed the Jews to rip our corporations, stock market, and banks four ways from Sunday?
Have they not allowed the Jews to ship our manufacturing overseas, and fire American workers?
Have they not allowed the Jews to turn White American workers into an impoverished slave class?
Have they not allowed our media to be turned into a high pressure pipeline of Jewish shit?
Jesus was the son of a Roman soldier and a Jewish whore! Any just, honest, and upright God would not pick the Jews as his chosen people unless he picked them for total annihilation!
All Christians worship an abomination that has left the spirit of all White nations with remorse and an impending desolation that is sure to come!
Christianity is not our strength but rather our down fall! It renders us helpless before our enemies!
Like Jews the only peace the Christians want is a piece of your ass White Working Man!
Like Jews Christians are greedy bastards, and what is worse, they sell out their own race, and that is a crime that should be punished with death!
7 September, 2009 at 1:37 pm
Semi-Marxist regime? It’s not semi by any standards. The wealthiest jews around the world put money into the ANC, supplied the negroes with weapons and told the negroes to annihilate every White person who owns farmland. The jews have even admitted to financing the ANC knowing the intentions to follow. Where’s the UN punishing the jews for massacering Boers including the torturing of babies and children? Hmmm, could it be that the UN is full of negreos and jews? Have the jews ended their murdering?
Next on the agenda: The nationalizing of health care in the U.S. which majority of senior citizens will face a choice of either dying slowly without medical care or opting to die Dr. Kavorkian style. Who are the majority of senior citizens? Whites.
7 September, 2009 at 1:53 pm
Vaultner, if you like the comments left by Canadians in that particular newspaper, these comments on the same article in a different Cdn newspaper are even better:
Look for the comment by Genrikh Yagoda on Page 2 – if it has not been removed yet, which I can assure you it will be.
7 September, 2009 at 2:29 pm
The cosmetic make-up hiding the true face of Jewry is fading fast, allowing us to see their murderous intentions against us and all our children. It is their intention to encourage Negroes to slaughter us. To resist is anti-semitic and racist.
7 September, 2009 at 2:40 pm
@Stronza, your post is still there, days later, not a single complaint. I think IJB poster has got the right attitude. I’ll bet he is very well armed and ready to rumble.
7 September, 2009 at 5:21 pm
I have nothing to say.
7 September, 2009 at 8:56 pm
Running off to distant lands with your tail between your legs DOESN’T solve the problem! Standing and fighting DOES! One wonders what would have happened had South Africa and Rhodesia unilaterally declared independence, WASTED all the niggers and joined the AXIS during the last World War. The balance would have been tipped, perhaps??
7 September, 2009 at 9:26 pm
@ Irma
I agree with you to an extent. When it comes to South Africa and other regions of the world though, it’s not worth dying over.
Take Mississippi as an example, it’s always been a majority-black state in the U.S. If the blacks made a power grab and declared sovereignty, I think it would make sense for the small minority of White Mississippians to find a more homogeneous home. Then they might do the same, if there’s a will there’s a way.
Where Whites make up a majority though, yes, there is no excuse for running from violence or oppression. Someone needs to say this to the 100,000 White Brits who flee their homeland every year.
Whites just need to realize that people want to take advantage of their industriousness and literally sponge off of them. Any White who thinks that immigrants want to become like them are truly nuts. No sane person ever wants to give up their ethnic identity and traditions, except for White globalists and leftists maybe.
7 September, 2009 at 9:51 pm
Thank you, Stronza. I read those Winnipeg comments and they are good. But still, it disturbs me that NO ONE made the obvious connection to Ms. Jacob’s Jewishness. (At least none that got printed.) Her name is Jewish, as is her profession, and her whole response to this matter is predictibly Jewish. Very!
One of the posters even wondered if it is a South African name! No, sorry, Ms. Jacobs is not South African. Try again. You’re not even close.
Well, Manitoba isn’t too sophisticated a place, I guess. What would they know about Jews? The people who own them and control them prefer to live elsewhere.
7 September, 2009 at 11:06 pm
Enemy Aliens are in EVERY Western Town. Chamber of Commerce, clerks office, school board, planning boards, city councils.
The few who I.D. them selves are vicious.
All act super patriotic Ala’ Mikey Winnie Savage, and so long as your kids do it for them too.
Not to mention they love more invaders and open boarders.
7 September, 2009 at 11:26 pm
“Enemy Aliens are in EVERY Western Town. Chamber of Commerce, clerks office, school board, planning boards, city councils.”
Is that why there is so much anti-White, left-wing political correctness in Western cities like Denver and Portland?
8 September, 2009 at 12:35 am
Unfortunately, the US’s murder total was around 16,000 last year. The rate has gone up considerably after the 1965 immigration act. One could look at those figures and assume correctly that the muds are on the rise in the US. Boy, are White people in a world of shit-literally.
8 September, 2009 at 10:46 am
I have something to say.
Having been through a similar experience to our refugee-friend Mr Huntley, that is, making an exodus from the land of my birth South Africa for similar reasons, after the Turd Word-infected South African Courts of Justice failed me miserably (non-white prosecutors and senior magistrates were bribed by white advocates and lawyers defending non-white defendants – how’s that for racial loyalty huh?) …then hopping around half the Occident trying to find a place to call home, dodging white British and European Nanny State bureaucrats, having visas rejected by white male American Immigration officials (reason: potential immigrant) then finally returning back to South Africa somewhat humiliated and also for concern of being terminally seperated from my loved ones back home, all I can say is that white people (or your average white person) just never learns. Professor MacDonald is incorrect in saying that WASP collapse is murder. I’m not an easy victim, are you? His jewish intellectual sparring partner (I can’t recall his name offhand) was right in saying it’s a form of collective lemming suicide because most whites are so way dumbed down and have no sense of loyalty to their own kind or ilk – as we here at VNN all know – else why else would VNN exist? Becoming jew-wise merely inoculates oneself from the treachery of the forces of organised jewry, it doesn’t turned one into a jew-hater or jew-baiter, but rather a jew-guffawer, I just look at them and thank my lucky stars I wasn’t born a jew. But watching what white people do to one another is a whole different story. Want to get into a good business? Start De-programming Centre Franchises to disinfect the brains of brainwashed white people, to make them feel proud of what they are again, Members of a Great Race. If Alex, Socrates and Co. were to take VNN and brand it in the marketplace as a business I’m sure they’d become instant billionaires because most whites are so desperately in need of a good solid brain-rinse and dry. The White Way. And if you do initiate such a venture guys, count us in, I want free shares, because there’s a huge gap in the marketplace for such an entity. Ol’ Dale Carnegie didn’t do too badly.
Anyway, when me and a few other Vanguarders are the only white people left alive standing on this planet we’ll be saying to ourselves what the hell went wrong? Why the hell didn’t our average whitey WASP just open his eyes and ears and brain to catch on the lowdown?
I salute Mr Huntley for persevering on his Refugee Application and that nasty Mindelle-whoever Canadian journalist only receives venom and scorn from this ranter. Typical Liberal White-trashed Bitch. Clearly she has more time for useless emaciated brown skeletons, useless eater-type Turd Worlders, than for her own kind and for that she must be classed as a traitor just like all the countless other bleeding heart mainstream media journalist-types and talking heads who infect our world. Good riddance to them all! Send them all off to Ethiopia where they can be with their Mud Hut Turd Worlder pets that they so fawn over, where they can feed them handfuls of United Nations grain, watch them scramble for the pickings, pet them and stroke them to their frail, delicate and ‘oh-so-sensitive’ little liberal heart’s content.
Canada will be a better place with Mr Huntley because types like him are a solid asset to The White Race. He fought a hard, thankless and lonely battle in a foreign land to find a place he can call home and for that he deserves a pat on the back, success, and more. And now the Canadian Wanker Authorities are reconsidering his Asylum Application? Friggin’ tossers! And lil’ Missie Mindelle-whatever should walk her talk, be a hero, leave Canada and go wallow in the piss-soaked and faeces-ridden mud of Ethiopia with her baby Afropets that she oh-so adores.
8 September, 2009 at 1:27 pm
Professor MacDonald is incorrect in saying that WASP collapse is murder. I’m not an easy victim, are you? His jewish intellectual sparring partner … was right in saying it’s a form of collective lemming suicide because most whites are so way dumbed down and have no sense of loyalty to their own kind .
South African Courts of Justice failed me miserably (non-white prosecutors and senior magistrates were bribed by white advocates and lawyers defending non-white defendants – how’s that for racial loyalty huh?)
that nasty Mindelle-whoever Canadian journalist only receives venom and scorn from this ranter. Typical Liberal White-trashed Bitch. Clearly she has more time for useless emaciated brown skeletons, useless eater-type Turd Worlders, than for her own kind.”
Speaking just for myself, would never presume to call Prof. MacD. wrong, as I agree with virtually everything he says. Yes, true, white behavior is decidedly suicidal. But perhaps “assisted suicide” is closer to what you mean? At any rate, isn’t assisted suicide pretty nearly the same as murder? Who’s encouraging you to swallow that pill that they’re handing you?
And also — you may not be an easy victim, but many whites are. Most don’t even realize that they’re victims. They haven’t a clue. Most are so brainwashed that they actually believe they and their kind are the culprits in everything that is wrong with the world. Their indoctrinated worldview presents them as anything but “victims”.
Incidentally, one thing that I did not care for (and as I said, I’m reluctant to criticize Dr. MacD) was the courtesy and time that he wasted on that Jewish sparring partner. Frankly, that annoyed me. This is a life-or-death struggle we’re in, not a parlour game. It’s not pretty. Why be so damned polite to the opponent who’s out to destroy you? Maybe he isn’t trying to destroy us personally, but his tribe is…. and he’s covering for them. Why make it easy for him? Our sense of chivalry is one of our handicaps. It works only with our own kind; it puts us at a disadvantage with others who have no scruples.
Another thing, I have to wonder just how “white” those back-stabbing white advocates and lawyers really were. (Things are not always as they seem. Hint, hint.) Like those naive Manitobans, you obviously failed to pick up the message about Ms. Jacobs’ identity (even after I spelled it out!) in accusing her of not defending “her own kind”. You’re wrong. Whose kind do you mean? I haven’t a doubt that she would instantly spring to the defense of “her own kind” if they were the ones under the gun! She’s not concerned about you. If you imagine that she’s your own kind and would be worried about you, then you’re being an easy victim, just like all those others who don’t realize it.
My sympathies for your predicament, btw. I’ve been following it. Last I recall you were in Finland, trying to get into Britain. Then you did. So now, you’re back ‘home” again, where you don’t want to be. Sad.
8 September, 2009 at 1:44 pm
From the BBC News online:
“Mr Huntley’s lawyer Russell Kaplan said the asylum was granted because of discrimination – not only over crime – but also because as a white man he would find it difficult to get a job.”
8 September, 2009 at 3:40 pm
“Enemy Aliens are in EVERY Western Town. Chamber of Commerce, clerks office, school board, planning boards, city councils.”
Howdy Doody
You’re right, Howdy. Indeed they are everywhere. Generally well disguised too. Scattered across the hinterland … but not in large numbers in those places — just enough to control the local population. That’s really all that’s necessary. (After all, who wants to live in Manitoba when they could live in Beverly Hills or Miami Beach?)
They exist in LARGE numbers only in three places: Southern California, South Florida, and New York (City).
Plus significant colonies in Las Vegas and Arizona, a few other major cities, and DC.
Otherwise, every town has a Jew — even Winnipeg! — but the locals wouldn’t have an idea. There may be only one Jew in town, but he’ll be the mayor, or the newspaper editor, or the judge.
8 September, 2009 at 4:12 pm
Oh, little Chain Newspapers are enemy alien owned in the West too
8 September, 2009 at 7:01 pm
ED!, Evangelical Christians are also accomplices to murder, in my book.
It is they who are supporting the murderous state of Israel, with literally millions of dollars (much of it from US welfare and social security) given to “Christian” organizations, run by Jews. Who knows what they really do with all that money!
I have seen them on TV, making their pitch for “God’s People”.
(Of course, I am FORCED to support Israel with my taxes, which is a continuing problem, but I do not send them my money VOLUNTARILY.)
Also, as Dr. Pierce made clear, it was the CHURCH of S. Africa that urged its parishoners to capitulate to majority-black rule. After all,
isn’t the very “least of these my brethren” a brother, and as you do unto him so ye do unto Christ? Hell, yes! Unleash the hating hordes of blacks, in the name of Christ!
So . . . what a change in the CHURCH . . . or is it? In America, the church supported Whites . . . or did it? The more I examine the issue, I really don’t know if it supported Whites or not. I think the Whites in the Church used the Church to support Whites, but whether or not the clergy felt that way–I really don’t know.
But I do know this–much of the Quaker clergy in this country supported the Indians who were killing and torturing Whites. And the “Trancendentalist” clergy (burnt-out remnants of Puritanism) supported the “least of these thy brethren”–the slaves, and used the pretext of slavery to encourage Whites to kill each other.
Serious stuff, which demands an accounting.
Church history your church doesn’t want you to know!
8 September, 2009 at 9:56 pm
All churches and “non profit” organizations should be taxed heavily. They’re all a bunch of anti-White scams and rackets.
9 September, 2009 at 1:02 pm
Yeah, Ein, I went on a roundabout. Were it not for that last-minute one way ticket back home I’d quite likely be wallowing in one of Jacqui Smith’s Detention Centres today. Britain and Europe have become shockingly communized, reams and reams of red tape. Some aspects of South Africa even seem advanced compared to degenerate Britain and Europe. And I’m going to drop one now – white self-hatred and brainwashing is rampant on the mother continent too. It’s like a race-reversed form of Cargo Cult where the cargo is the Turd World scum that arrive on Europe’s shores, that many Europeans today so fawn over and worship. Beautiful young Helsinki girls drooling over Ethopian black men, I saw it all man. Sick.
9 September, 2009 at 1:22 pm
And the worst thing is that the average European doesn’t care about losing his women to Turd World scum either, that’s how bad it is, that’s how brainwashed they are and that’s why ZOG had to give our good comrade and friend young Henrik Holappa such a hard time in America, threatening him, locking him up in solitary for 87 days and all that. Because Henrik had the balls to speak up and tell the truth about what happened in his home country Finland. Ugh, your average European is pathetic, sorry, I have to say this, because I saw it with my own two eyes. Nah, I’m actually quite happy to be back in Africa now, life goes on. Europe wants to die. So it’s still suicide IMHO. But I’ll respect yours, and the Prof’s.
9 September, 2009 at 1:35 pm
Nobody can force brainwashing upon you because if that is so, then that is murder. But many white people would rather die than miss their next Oprah show or Hollywood blockbuster or Bold and the Beautiful soapie and I call that suicide. Which is why anyone here on VNN who owns a telly or who sneaks in the odd flick is a bigot and traitor to Our Cause IMHO. The least a WN can do is walk their talk.
9 September, 2009 at 2:02 pm
@ Stronza: Huntley’s lawyer’s right, it is virtually impossible to get a job here. You work for yourself if you’re a white man in South Africa.
13 November, 2013 at 2:17 am
Ein, great posts all the rest, the best in the West post here, sad there is only a few, but they Mt Everest little posts for sure !
Listening for a only few minutes driving the other day I heard a AM radio commercial about send emergency food baskets to itz a LIE! HOLY FUCK!
The have the highest per capita income in the WORLD!
The annoyance stated something about being the voice of the joodayoo Christomighty community I almost puked.
Talk radio more than once a week is too much.
13 November, 2013 at 2:17 am
Ein, great posts all the rest, the best in the West post here, sad there is only a few, but they Mt Everest little posts for sure !
Listening for a only few minutes driving the other day I heard a AM radio commercial about send emergency food baskets to itz a LIE! HOLY FUCK!
The have the highest per capita income in the WORLD!
The annoyance stated something about being the voice of the joodayoo Christomighty community I almost puked.
Talk radio more than once a week is too much.