8 September, 2009

Global Money for Global Man, Again

Posted by Socrates in Bretton Woods, global government, globalization, Jew World Order, jewed finance, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, New World Order, Socrates, tikkun olam, UN at 1:25 pm | Permanent Link

Brown Man

Sounds great for the benefit of Joe Citizen, but let’s get to the root of the matter: who will control the new global currency (either directly or indirectly)? The usual snagglesnoots, that’s who. Note the mention of Bretton Woods, which was created by a snagglesnoot who spied for the Soviet Union:


  • 33 Responses to “Global Money for Global Man, Again”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      The reason why we’re suffering through this protracted worldwide economic slump is because of TOO MUCH globalization! Maybe Pat Buchanan is a Paleocon and a career girl, but he’s right about the need for a return to economic nationalization. I wouldn’t trust the UN to run a lemonade stand properly, let alone the global economy.

    2. Rikert Says:

      Global Jew money and the Global Brown Everyman – goes together like TOILET PAPER AND SHIT!

    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      Global Jew money and the Global Brown Everyman


      This was heard on College’s all over the U.S. in the 1970’s, minus the joo.

      Note, any can spell jew as they wish, but this is my spelling.

    4. Z.O.G. Says:

      So I see that “Parsifal” has again returned under another name, this time “Tim McGreen”.

      The dead giveaway is that he always has to post first on every blog entry. ;-)

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      I see ZOG still has nothing worthwhile to say except to run down other posters. BTW, how’s your heroic 9/11 Truth Crusade going?

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      ZOG, maybe if you had something intelligent, informed or imaginative to say, you could be the first to post a comment on a new thread.

    7. Tom McReen Says:

      “ZOG, maybe if you had something intelligent, informed or imaginative to say, you could be the first to post a comment on a new thread.”

      In fairness to Z.O.G. you are a blatant troll.

      I’ve been trying to find an anti-White Eleanor Roosevelt quote (I once read it on VNNF) which relates to the ‘brown man’ idea. No luck.

      In the meantime, have a look (not too close) at one of the early UN fanatics. Dyke feminist Roosevelt was at the forefront of anything UN or ‘human rights’.


    8. 2050 Says:

      Tim didn’t say anything ‘trollish’ and was just jumped by zog. No need for this guys.

    9. Z.O.G. Says:

      # Tim McGreen Says:
      9 September, 2009 at 1:22 pm

      ZOG, maybe if you had something intelligent, informed or imaginative to say, you could be the first to post a comment on a new thread.

      And what do you “say,” except to rephrase the obvious and parrot the main point of the blog entry? lol

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      Thank you for the support 2050, but ZOG and McCreen are just pathetic troublemakers with nothing of substance to say……Ever.

    11. Z.O.G. Says:

      And this is the part of the movie where “Parsifal” starts to have his mental breakdown. lol

    12. Tom McReen Says:

      “Tim didn’t say anything ‘trollish’ and was just jumped by zog. No need for this guys.”

      To be fair, by using the name ‘Tim McGreen’ every post he makes is technically a troll post.

      More UN-related nonsense, sex ‘education’ for young children:


      Commie Chinese call for global currency from March (the Jew World Order never stops pushing their agenda):


    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      “And this is the part of the movie where “Parsifal” starts to have his mental breakdown. lol”

      No, first you have to start acting like a ‘tard, ZOG. Then I’ll lose my patience.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:


    15. Z.O.G. Says:

      To be fair, by using the name ‘Tim McGreen’ every post he makes is technically a troll post.


    16. Z.O.G. Says:

      Oh, cool. I was finally able to find a picture of Parsifal on the internet:


    17. Cranky Frank Says:

      Nice to see yet another one of Zarathustra’s incarnations. I wonder how this will end?

      I say let the assholes centralize and interconnect everything to the point that the whole system goes apeshit when one moderately influential part fails to function properly. By then, Whites will probably be about as numerous and powerful as the Tibetans, so Big Jew can pretty much forget about any kind of recovery after that. Then, if we’ve somehow become a viable species of mammalian life once more, we just might be able to secure a continent for ourselves, though I’m not optimistic.

    18. Blackshirt Says:

      McWeenie, you have alot of nerve calling Parsifal out for using a corruption of your fake moniker “Tom McReen”. Especially when you have posted under several names such as “Curt O’brian” and “banjo billy”.

      McReen is the uber-troll.

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      ZOG, if that ugly Jewess asked you, I’m sure you’d have sex with it on your filthy, pee-stained mattress. But until then I guess it’ll be more “dates” with the vaseline jar and Black Inches magazine for you, eh?

    20. Z.O.G. Says:

      Uh, no, that’s not a Jewess in the picture. It’s homosexual male Jew, i.e. you. Come on now, stop trying to pretend that’s not your picture.


    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      Oops, sorry ZOG! I’ll close the door.


    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      All dressed up and ready for your first real date, eh, ZOG?


    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      While being treated for the clap which he got from some fat $2 Puerto Rican hooker, ZOG calls his doctor…… wearing his Charlie Brown shirt and mandatory foil hat for good luck, of course….


    24. Z.O.G. Says:

      Now, now, Parsifal, don’t get all pissy just because I found your picture. I mean, according to you Jews, there’s nothing wrong with being gay anyway, right? :-)

    25. Tom McReen Says:

      “McWeenie, you have alot of nerve calling Parsifal out for using a corruption of your fake moniker “Tom McReen”.”


      “Especially when you have posted under several names such as “Curt O’brian” and “banjo billy”.”

      Not true.

      The Parsifal/Blackshirt/Mega Therion trio have regrouped as Tim McGreen/Blackshirt/Irma Grese.

      “Now, now, Parsifal, don’t get all pissy just because I found your picture. I mean, according to you Jews, there’s nothing wrong with being gay anyway, right?”

      Closer to the truth than some readers here may realise – Parsifal jumped on me and a front page article OP (Arch Stanton) for criticising the 60s counter-culture queers. No flame, it’s true. Parsitroll has left-wing, counter-moral instincts when it comes to sex, drugs, rock n roll and homos. Add that to the rants about capitalism and rich White people and a clear ideological picture emerges.

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      McWeenie, you know damn well I’m not Parsifal or Mega Therion, and Socrates knows it too.

      But I do find it humorous how your paranoia continues to grow.

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      Wow, ZOG accused me of being gay AND a Jew. With your sparkling, sophisticated, urbane wit, who would guess that you’re a boring, immature, simpleminded shit for brains? Or that you have a vocabulary of approximately 30 words? Certainly not me.

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      And what’s the matter, Tom? Don’t you like my authentic, genuine Irish name? It’s as least as authentic and genuine as yours.

    29. Z.O.G. Says:

      Parsifal, you’ll feel a lot better if you’ll just come out of the closet. It’ll be a huge load off your back(no pun intended). Have you talked to your shrink about this? He might be able to give you some advice. Ask him about it the next time you get your prescriptions renewed. ;-)

    30. Tim McGreen Says:

      ZOG, you’d feel a lot better if you’d just kill yourself. I know I would feel a lot better if you did. (:>)

    31. Tim McGreen Says:

      Hey, dumbass (that’s you, ZOG), could you at least try to stay on topic once in a while? Why do you lurk around sites like this if you refuse to add anything of value to the conversation? I guess you really are as stupid as I thought you are.

    32. Z.O.G. Says:

      And Parsifal’s mental breakdown starts in 3…2…1…now. :-)

    33. Tim McGreen Says:

      ZOG, I guess this is your favorite day of the year? It’s 9/11! Who needs Christmas any more? Are you going to be in NYC with fatboy Alex Jones and all the other “truthers” making an ass out of yourself? BTW, how’s your intrepid “9/11was an inside job” crusade coming along, dickweed? Try not to climax all over yourself when you see those TV clips of the Twin Towers collapsing again today. I know watching those clips is like porn for you.