20 September, 2009

Lisbon Treaty: Ireland to be Enslaved Next?

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Europe, global government, globalization, good for jews, Jew World Order, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Lisbon Treaty, New World Order, Socrates, tikkun olam at 4:26 pm | Permanent Link

Oy, veh: sovereign, White states are a “threat” to the Jews, veh. So vhat to do, veh? This, veh!

[Article], [Article] and [Article].

  • 19 Responses to “Lisbon Treaty: Ireland to be Enslaved Next?”

    1. Adam Says:

      Much in the same way that inner city niggers shooting one another is being used to pass gun control measures here in America, passing the Lisbon Treaty is necessary to keep niggers in Africa from devouring each other. The Treaty is also mentioned here, towards the end of the article:


    2. Adam Says:

      The Lisbon Treaty, like other internationalist measures of its ilk, is an expression of the irresistible tendency of technological systems to expand. We see this everywhere, from the more prominent role of the UN as a global police force in recent years to NAFTA, GATT, and the EU. Recent articles at the Occidental Observer have emphasized the discord and instability that sometimes results when technological systems try to maintain control, and look forward optimistically to the spontaneous disintegration of the United States as a national entity. Yet if history teaches anything, it teaches that such disintegrations are only a temporary stage that is passed through before the system achieves an even higher level of organization. Even if the US did break up, it likely would be so weakened that its territory could then be conquered by another nation or alliance of nations. After all, the reason for this trend towards increasing size is the technical fact that large nations usually conquer smaller ones. Thus, the trend of all world history is the formation of larger and larger governmental units; the building up of empires. The simple government of the nomadic tribe gave way to the government of the village, these gave way to cities and city-states, and out of coalitions of these were formed nations, the building blocks of empire. Now nations and empires are themselves coalescing with the apparent aim of forming a global government. We must recognize that this is no mere cabal. It flows from the nature of technique, and ultimately, from the nature of reality itself.

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      [from Article 1]

      Justice Minister Dermot Ahern has today claimed that voting ‘Yes’ to Lisbon will help tackle cross-border crime.

      Justice Minister Dermot Ahern, like most corrupt judges the West today, talks complete and unadulterated bullshit. Interpol ARE the damn criminals! Like this ape in a blue uniform who was (ex?) Interpol chief and also ex-South African head of police. Involved in money racketeering and drug-running to the tune of tens of millions – Jackie Selebi. In cohoots with white trash and of course kikes are behind the scenes pulling strings at Interpol too. Burn the damn EU!

    4. CW-2 Says:

      Dr W Pierce in one of his last broadcasts stated that savagery as described in the ‘independent.ie’ article would resurface in nig Africa as soon as food aid, courtesy of the US tax payer, was cut off. I thought he was exaggerating, clearly he was expressing a moderate observation.
      MSM articles such as this are a big change from their usual position of the saintly suffering nigger. Perhaps it is the start of an attempt to justify military intervention, not by forces of the Ejew, but by China. Peking has big plans for the Congo basin, and Washington would approve of any move to forestall the expansion of Sudanese jihadism into the Congo.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Irish voters already rejected this damn E-Jew Lisbon Treaty. I hope the current economic crisis doesn’t change the voters’ minds. Those scumbag sell-out politicians will promise anything to get it passed.

    6. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      is “pod-blanc” finished for good?

      any-one know?

      i know “Chain” has “relinquished owner-ship” of it…but….to who?!?

      looks as if, wtf-ever that is, they’ve “chucked it in”…..or, perhaps, they “couldn’t stand the heat” from ZOG any more?

      it’s a DAMN shame to let ZOG & the jewz have a victory over this…..that site was definitely “putting on steam” & was tripling its viewers every couple of months!

    7. Ein Says:

      “But now they are being asked to repeat the exercise because they came up with the “wrong” answer, and the democratic deficit in the European project has moved centre stage. “

      They already received their answer.

      Don’t they understand the meaning of the word “No!” ?

    8. Ein Says:

      “Justice Minister Dermot Ahern has today claimed that voting ‘Yes’ to Lisbon will help tackle cross-border crime.”

      Traitor! I wonder what pressures have been applied, or rewards offered, (by Brussels) to persuade him to push for this vote.

      “Taoiseach Brian Cowen has said we must pass the Lisbon Treaty on October 2 to secure future jobs and foreign investment. [Cowen] said a ‘Yes’ vote on Lisbon will send the right signal to foreign investors.”

      Cowen/Cohen ?

      “if the Government gets its way, this will transfer €90 billion (£81 billion) of bad debts from Irish banks to the taxpayer.
      But this will happen only if Brian Cowen, gets Lisbon past the angry people of Ireland on October 2. If it is rejected again, then Mr Cowan knows it will be all over. It would be the end both for him and his party, Fianna Fáil, which has been in power for more years than any other in postwar Europe. This, in part, explains why the “yes” campaign is talking up the apocalyptic consequences of saying “no”.

    9. CW-2 Says:

      I’m fairly sure Brian Cowen is not one of the self-chosen, BUT he is a reprehensible race traitor. I was reading that even in the relatively isolated parts of western Ireland diversity has been enforced in the form of Brazilian migrants!

    10. Adam Says:

      CW-2 Says:

      Dr W Pierce in one of his last broadcasts stated that savagery as described in the ‘independent.ie’ article would resurface in nig Africa as soon as food aid, courtesy of the US tax payer, was cut off. I thought he was exaggerating, clearly he was expressing a moderate observation.

      Because they are only half ape and half men (at best!), savagery never really leaves the nigger. It’s part of his DNA. You can try to tame him by dressing him up in man pants, and even send him off to Cambridge or Oxford and give him a PhD, and he will still go home and barbecue a baby. Even the gene maps of a politically correct researcher like Cavalli-Sforza show that African DNA is vastly different from that of all other races. Cannibalism as a battle tactic, and as a cultural institution, has never left them.

      MSM articles such as this are a big change from their usual position of the saintly suffering nigger. Perhaps it is the start of an attempt to justify military intervention, not by forces of the Ejew, but by China. Peking has big plans for the Congo basin, and Washington would approve of any move to forestall the expansion of Sudanese jihadism into the Congo.

      I don’t know about that. I have a sneaking suspicion that probably a good part of the reason that a Kenyan nigger was installed in the White House is that America wants the resources of Africa for itself, and is trying to curry favor. That’s a trick that China will be unable to match.

      Good old-fashioned Darwinian competition for control of resources is what provides the most important motive force for the expansion of the technological system.

    11. Nord Says:

      Could someone tell Jew Adam here that noone buys his lies about “resistance is futile” and that the EU’s growing power is inevitable because it “flows from the nature of reality itself”?

      The socialists and Jews have been using the Resistance is Futile line since day 1 for the EU. It is their one overriding propaganda line. Adam here is doing his part. Funny – the exact same mantra was once used to argue for how the Soviet Union would conquer the world. The Jews never change.

    12. Adam Says:

      Nord Says:

      Could someone tell Jew Adam here that noone buys his lies about “resistance is futile” and that the EU’s growing power is inevitable because it “flows from the nature of reality itself”?

      The socialists and Jews have been using the Resistance is Futile line since day 1 for the EU. It is their one overriding propaganda line. Adam here is doing his part. Funny – the exact same mantra was once used to argue for how the Soviet Union would conquer the world. The Jews never change.

      Nor do Covingtards or idiots, not that there’s a big difference between the two.

      Far from saying resistance is futile, I’ve been saying all along that the only feasible way to preserve the white race is to destroy the global technological system. I’ve even suggested some probable lines of attack that are eminently practical. Yet no matter how it’s accomplished, such an action will destroy the Jew’s power over whites. Accomplished by certain methods, it would even leave the whole planet to the sole possession of the white race. This is apparently too much for people to handle. Because it would unquestionably work and doesn’t depend on organizing a mass movement, it sends Jews, in particular, into a panic. Isn’t that right, Nordowitz?

    13. Ein Says:

      “Could someone tell Jew Adam here that noone buys his lies about “resistance is futile” and that the EU’s growing power is inevitable.”

      I think you just told him.

      In defense of Adam, I am impressed by many of his posts and I like a lot of his ideas. But frankly, I was puzzled by that last sentence of his One thing I can not agree with is his antipathy to technology. (Sorry, Adam.) But, yes, it has to be controlled and humanized, or it can become a Frankenstein monster, a genie let out of the bottle.

      And, yes, I might as well go ahead and say this too: technological progress is inevitable, at least among intelligent and inventive people. (I’m not talking about Hottentots or Australian aborigines here!) Are we to go back, as someone else recently asked, and return to scrounging for roots and berries? I don’t think so. If someone knows a better way to spin thread or gather berries (ie. technology) they’ll cheat and use it. That’s inevitable.

      As for the EU, I don’t think Adam is promoting it by pointing out the natural trend to expansion; and I don’t think it’s inevitable either. But he was saying that governments, unless checked, tend to move naturally in the direction of larger and larger units, owing to greater efficiency, etc. That doesn’t make the trend inevitable.

      I don’t agree with defeatism either. That always bothers me. Even so, you don’t have to be a Jew to feel a sense of futility. Many people today look around and feel a sense of futility — they do not have to be Jews. But I don’t think a sense of despair is healthy or to be encouraged, and certainly it’s not to be promoted. Still, I don’t think Adam is promoting it. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be bothering to write here. Anyone who is writing something here obviously feels there is hope.

    14. Adam Says:

      Ein Says:

      In defense of Adam, I am impressed by many of his posts and I like a lot of his ideas. But frankly, I was puzzled by that last sentence of his

      You mean this last sentence?

      We must recognize that this is no mere cabal. It flows from the nature of technique, and ultimately, from the nature of reality itself.

      What I mean is that it is the nature of reality that large nations usually defeat small ones; and likewise with large empires. Therefore, the coalescing of nations into blocs and alliances, such as is represented by the Lisbon Treaty, is no mere result of a cabal or conspiracy. The fact that the strong defeat the weak proceeds from reality itself. It’s survival of the fittest. Alliances will be formed one way or the other, by agreement or by conquest.

      You don’t seriously believe that the clear historical trend toward larger and larger units of government is a function only of Jews conspiring together, do you Ein? If so, that’s crazy. It takes place everywhere in the world, even in places that don’t have any Jews at all.

    15. Ein Says:

      “You don’t seriously believe that the clear historical trend toward larger and larger units of government is a function only of Jews conspiring together, do you Ein? ”

      Certainly not. And I never said anything remotely of the kind.
      But I found “the nature of technique” to be puzzling. Now I see your meaning — that the strong defeat the weak. That’s as clear as night follows day. No argument there.

    16. Tim McGreen Says:

      Thanks, Nord. I didn’t realize Adam was a Jew until you pointed it out. But Adam IS a Jewish name, isn’t it? So no more specious, cleverly-disguised, defeatist Jew-arguments from you, Adam.

    17. Adam Says:

      Tim McGreen Says:

      Thanks, Nord. I didn’t realize Adam was a Jew until you pointed it out. But Adam IS a Jewish name, isn’t it? So no more specious, cleverly-disguised, defeatist Jew-arguments from you, Adam.

      Yep, talk of destroying their system of enslavement really makes the Jews panic. This one’s just gone into full smear mode.

    18. Edward Randolph Says:

      If there is no technocracy, there is no rapid third world immigration, no TV admitting of rapid propaganda dissemination, few labor-saving devices freeing up time for women to practice feminism… What a bargain! White Racialism does not HAVE to be technocratic… It just has to be White Racialism. Ideological deftness, people! Ideological deftness. Racialism is compatible with many adjuncts… Just because a subset of White Racialism proclaims a rigid morality reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition does not mean other possibilities do not exist.

      I for one hope that we really are passing Hubbert’s Peak for rare elements necessary to the technocracy’s continuation. White Racialism as a whole may not even have to become a huge movement, being trumped by an end of Western technology as predicted by Oswald Spengler in Man and Technics.

      On another note, there is a European Union-related thread of interest at


      Many of the comments reference Enoch Powell’s speech approvingly.

      A question occurred to me while responding to it in consideration to the ‘snapping point’ when Europeans have enough: has any research been done to determine whether the scents emitted by people of other races can, in the absence of the obvious presence of the alien — causes discomfort & noticeably different responses to controlled stimuli?

    19. Adam Says:

      Edward Randolph Says:

      If there is no technocracy, there is no rapid third world immigration, no TV admitting of rapid propaganda dissemination, few labor-saving devices freeing up time for women to practice feminism… What a bargain! White Racialism does not HAVE to be technocratic… It just has to be White Racialism.

      Yes, precisely. It’s good to see someone around here besides me understands this point. The levels of technology found in ancient Athens or Rome were quite good enough to produce societies from which came some of the greatest white men ever to walk the earth. A return to those levels, as might be expected under some scenarios, would not be an unmitigated disaster. Supporters of the technological system need to realize too, that without the white race, there will be no civilization worthy of the name anyway. Shutting down the global technological system may be our only hope. Time to hit the reset button.