What’s Behind the Multicultural Freak Show
Posted by Socrates in dictatorships, leftism, leftists, multiculturalism, race, racial differences, racial hierarchy, rightists, Socrates at 12:53 pm | 
by Richard Hoste.
“The good news is that human nature is on our side and ethnic collectivism can never be completely suppressed. That’s why left wing dictatorships have always been so much more repressive than right wing ones. The former swim against the current of what we are, while the latter oftentimes go with it.”
An interesting observation:
25 September, 2009 at 1:35 pm
Good article. OK we know most other races hate us, so isn’t it about time they started fearing us too. We won’t get their love with hand-outs and freebies, but we can sure get their respect when we start acting like our ancestors.
25 September, 2009 at 2:46 pm
Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt had something to say about multi-cultural regimes being repressive. Anyone got that quote?
25 September, 2009 at 3:01 pm
“Who’s behind the multicultural freak show” would have been much more informative. “What’s behind…” avoids the obvious 900 pound gorilla in the room, namely, the Jew. All racial writing must now be judged on the willingness of the author to name the Jew. If the author does not name the Jew, the author is being disingenuous and deceptive, leading the reader down a false path. Many of the Occidental group writers name the Jew, this is to be commended. This particular article might have passed muster 5-10 years ago, but now the hour grows late and nothing less than the truth is acceptable. Our very survival depends on accurate information.
25 September, 2009 at 3:01 pm
Excellent article. The line that stod out the most for me:
“As long as Whites don’t stand up for themselves, they will continue to justifiably inspire disgust in anybody else who settles in Western nations.”
Now what would you think if you were some smelly mudman from Turdistan who moved into the USA, and instead of getting hostility and anger from the once feared and mighty White man, you see a pacified, soft, niggerball watching, beer guzzling, trend ingesting coward who cares more about his lawn and his car than the future of his race?
Why, mudman will get on the phone to Turdistan, and tell all his extended family and neighbors, “come on over to USA, its great!”
25 September, 2009 at 3:05 pm
From the article:
Some of us came to believe in race realism and White advocacy through rational deliberation. But the attitudes of the masses are shaped by instinctive feelings such as disgust at those beneath them (anti-Black racism early in American history), jealousy at those more intelligent or better looking (anti-White racism today, communism), and evolutionary desire for group success.
Reason comes later and puts an intellectual gloss over what people instinctively feel. Why are White Americans the only people in the Western world who rise up against the expansion of the state? It’s doubtful that the 1.7 million who showed up in Washington to protest government spending did so because they’ve been closely reading books and articles put out by the Mises Institute.
I take this to mean that Mr. Hoste endorses the view that the 1.7 million protestors were actually expressing their “evolutionary desire for group success”, their protest against government spending being a mere “intellectual gloss” masking an implicit racism. Maybe so. But if the protests were racist, it was very well concealed from even the participants themselves, just about all of whom would probably rather die than admit that white people even have such a thing as a group interest, let alone that they were there protesting to protect it.
Also from the article:
The good news is that human nature is on our side and ethnic collectivism can never be completely suppressed.
When racism has been reduced to only the implicit, the formula to destroy it, which has always worked in the past, is integration plus time. Genetic mixing, the death of race, is always the result when human races become socially mixed. Since the global technological system has already achieved large-scale social mixing of the races, rather than trying to force the implicit of the masses to become explicit, which the author admits is probably impossible, those who would preserve the white race must themselves act before sufficient time has been allowed to elapse. The few must save the many.
25 September, 2009 at 3:11 pm
The last line should have been … rather than trying to force the implicit racism of the masses to become explicit, of course, damn my lousy proofreading.
25 September, 2009 at 8:55 pm
You make a great point Adam. As nice as it is to see the one million plus Whites out there protesting, the whole thing reeks of a Fox News engineered, right wing reactionary kwanservative type deal. Maybe if these tea-party protests did take on an explicit racial bent, then something good might be in the air. But as you mentioned the author admits it is probably impossible. Most of these protestors seem to be right wing types who make the mistake of ignoring biology and believing that the if non-whites “assimilate” they can be just like “us.” “The few must save the many,” you said. Very true.
26 September, 2009 at 5:37 pm
Yes, I agree that it is a controlled opposition for now. However, there was “implicit whiteness” at these groupings. Hard work, thrift, responsibility, are the domain of the white people. The outcry against the unprecedented increase in parasitism under President Yomama displays that whites are at least beginning to understand the nature of the forces arrayed against them. In the coming years, as the right wing’s promises are never met, these people will likely become more susceptible to our ministrations.
There will be many opportunities for the pro-white base to grow over the next few years. This economy is no longer cyclical and is shifting finally toward a non-white majority and a permanent productivity bust. Whites from this point on get literally no relief from the gov’t but yet are expected to work to pay for themselves and the parasites so they will continued to be radicalized. Fertile ground for revolution is coming.
26 September, 2009 at 8:24 pm
The Kwanservatives will get one thing done.
They will get rid of affirmative action, which seems like a good conservative rool bak the time to the good old days, but it will be just in time for whites to become a minority.
Then we can be mocked in the media for not being able to get jobs and they’ll say, what’s the matter, can’t you compete?
26 September, 2009 at 9:49 pm
I swear if it weren’t true it’d read like a script for a bad comedy of errors.
The picture of the White English girl with her hair all a screwed up verses the Ethiopian mud woman playing model.
The cause is first & foremost the jew. Their paranoia / dementia with the knowledge that they are different than us causes them to feel better about themselves in a world of diversity.
Further the Illuminati idea that each society produces an elite & the drive to prove this theory is what causes this. Whereas if each society were White it would not be too far from the truth.
They manipulate people as bad or worse than their supposed demons of dictators & totalitarian rulers, except that our supposedly free rulers tend to lie better, with fictitious versions of freedom & unity.
Divide & conquer is a phrases that harkens back to ancient antiquity, & that is what they do to us.
26 September, 2009 at 10:05 pm
An excellent article, that says about all the author can say, but leaves it open for us to fill in the blanks, intelligently.
Eventually, everyone who is serious about solving the Race Problem is led to play “Connect The Dots,” and they all look like Jewish names either on the dots themselves, or closely behind them, hidden in the shadows.
It’s always educational to do a simple search and replace, replacing the name of the front man/front organization with the word “Jew.”
It certainly brings a crystal clarity to the issues, doesn’t it?
Along those lines, the issue of the 1.7 million tea party people – part of the “9/12 Movement” – can be seen in two ways:
One, they are Palin people, and the only thing Palin has going for her – outside of great looks, charm and poise – is that she was the White, None-Of-The-Above Candidate from Whitelandia.
When she was chosen, the polls showed new-found support for the Republican Presidential candidates, and none of it was for the top of the ticket, Senator Senile.
As to the co-opting of the 9-12 Movement Tea Parties, note that – and the Regime’s Mediacorps did not cover it – the meeting ended with a speech from Dick Armey, and some other Republican politician, declaring – as he pointed to the Congressional buildings – “We are going to turn this around in ‘010.”
So, the End Game was already chosen for these proto-revolutionaries, who will go back to sleep, having almost taken the Red Pill.
Notice something about how all of these “rallies” have been structured – great for blowing off steam, and great for building mailing lists, with many calls for action, and NO CALL TO ONE SPECIFIC ACTION WHATSOEVER.
Not one call for a Civil Rights Act of 2010, that would end Affirmative Action.
Not one call for a Immigration Act of 2010, which would force the government to send them back.
Not one call to actually Do Something that might be effective, for them, personally, much less for the race.
Might we see Race Traitor Hal Turner leading one of these rallies locally, one of these days?
Might that rally be as effective in actually Doing Something as Turner’s was in Kingston?
Might want to ask Robbie Hendricks’s mother.
Or Yankee Jim Leskovitch.
That takes us to Harold Covington, and the Northwest Republic.
Once again, the White Guys are about to be Charlie Browned, as Lucy pulls the football back one more time.
Charlie still plays be THEIR Rules.
(Note that Charlie Brown is White, bald, fat stupid, and easily manipulated. Think there’s a reason for that?)
Harold Covington.
Northwest Republic – a White Racial Homeland.
The Northwest Quarter series of books.
OUR Country, on OUR Terms.
Anything less., is, at best second best.
27 September, 2009 at 4:26 am
” We won’t get their love with hand-outs and freebies, but we can sure get their respect when we start acting like our ancestors. ”
This is very true. What return did America get from all the love given to niggers? Perpetual aggression. In the time when some niggers were lynched each year, they were at least more respectful.
27 September, 2009 at 9:57 pm
New America says:
“Harold Covington.
Northwest Republic – a White Racial Homeland.
The Northwest Quarter series of books.
OUR Country, on OUR Terms.
Anything less., is, at best second best.”
Still at it I see, “New America”? Geez, will you get Covington’s dick out of your ass?
27 September, 2009 at 10:41 pm
in reply to Blackshirt:
you wrote:
New America says:
“Harold Covington.
Northwest Republic – a White Racial Homeland.
The Northwest Quarter series of books.
OUR Country, on OUR Terms.
Anything less., is, at best second best.”
Still at it I see, “New America”? Geez, will you get Covington’s dick out of your ass?
in reply:
And people wonder why White Nationalists – and those who claim to be and/or support White Nationalism – have such a poor reputation?
Here’s what has been missing in all WNist thought since before Pierce – save for his White Zion speech – and most all of it since.
Typical WN “commentary”:
“blah blah blah the Jews did this to us blah blah blah the crackhead niggers did this to us blajh blah blah send you money to…”
Note the air of defeatism there?
It is as if the victories of our Racial Enemies are all but won, in deed, if not in all but name.
The great missing piece of the puzzle is, well, the rest of the puzzle, in one place, where, suddenly, the missing piece is obvious.
The Founding Fathers looked at the status of their relationships with Great Britain, and France, and realized the answer was not a new arrangement with the Crown, with a little tweaking of the Articles of Confederation.
The answer was a new damn COUNTRY, that they and their Posterity would control.
America as we knew it is over; negative economic growth for the foreseeable future, and I’m talking decades, the collapse of the Mexican economy, the list goes on and on of “Blue Pill Specials.”
The Blue Bill Special is something that calls for more prescription tranquilizers, more ESPN, more goddamn niggerball, more alcohol, more WoW/HALO 3, more Wrestlemania, all to keep the Blue Pill in control of their rapidly fading lives, and their declining quality of life.
The Red Pill says the fundamental issue is a failure, at the fundamental level, of the social contract, and the social order.
What is to replace it?
What is to replace the Detroit that looks like Beirut?
What is to replace the Los Angeles that has become the de facto capital of Alta California, matched by Nueva Orleans as a beachhead for the Reconquista?
Shy God Rockwell, Sky God Pierce, Sky God Uncle Adolf, all are looking down on us and reminding themselves of the words of Terrible Tommy Metzger:
The parasites and carrion eaters are only doing what they do, and they only thrive in the absence of life, in the presence of decay. Who is responsible for this? Who let this happen to us? WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US, and it us up to US to goddamn FIX IT!”
I am preparing my Posterity to become the Living Foundation of the Northwest Republic.
If I was younger, I would be doing that myself.
I can think of no better way to serve my Posterity than to prepare them for a Brave New World, which will require them to do what the Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation, and all generations since, have failed to do.
A New Nation, build explicitly on the foundation of One Idea, “What is best for the Race.”
A New Nation, where things just work, because we just work, and we – and only we, the White Race – have made Civilization, and made Civilization just damn BETTER!
Linder said it best:
“Take any State in the Union, no matter how barren, desolate, uninhabitable and God-forsaken it may appear. Make it ‘WHITES ONLY,’ and stand back, or you will be run over by the greatest land rush in American history.”
Until that Glorious Day, I do what I can, starting where I am, to insure that my Posterity will succeed where I, and my generation, have failed.
They deserve to walk Among The Stars.
In the time I have left, I’ll do my part – DAILY, to the best of my abilities – to make that happen.
30 September, 2009 at 9:15 pm
No thanks, NewAmerica, I prefer sunny, mild Southern Cali to the damp, rainy Pacific NW, with all its suicidally-prone grunge rockers and fruity New Age tree-huggers. Once the gooks, spooks and spics are driven out of SoCal, it’ll be a White paradise again, like it was in the 1950s-70s. No more congested freeways, no more violent crime, no more gangbangers or East LA barrios, no more Compton/South Central and no more Jew enclaves like Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Paradise, I tell you.
1 October, 2009 at 8:28 pm
in reply to Tim McGreen:
you wrote:
in reply:
The Northwest Republic covers an area much greater, with much more climate variety, than “the deep, rainy, Pacific Northwest.”
You see, I am not focused merely on the Pacific Northwest.
No, I am focused on the ENTIRE Northwest, including Montana – certainly, climatically, all four seasons can be found in the Northwest Republic.
Sandpoint, Idaho, home to Covington’s proposed military academy for the Northwest Republic, seems to have a very attractive climate. especially compared to Alta California.
you wrote:
in reply:
Tell you what.
The White Exodus from Southern California is so obvious, even TIME magazine is mentioning it.
However, you be the first to stand in the center of, say, South Central at two in the morning on a Saturday.
Tell one and all that YOU are there to take back this great land for the White Race, and this will start where you are. You will not move, and will control one more square block a day against the Reconquista.
Just make damn sure your Blue Cross is paid up…
These people are not like us, nut, in one vital respect, they are like our Ancestors:
They’ll stand up and fight for what THEY believe in.
Who knows, perhaps a 4G warfare trained military genius will come from the Sandpoint Military Academy, and revive the strength, the power, and the glory, OUR Ancestors brought to what American was.
Sandpoint Military Academy.
What do you think the logo of such an institution might look like, and would it look stunning on a t-shirt?
Perhaps my Nephews might have kids of their own, and I might drop by the hospitial with an infant-sized t-shirt:
Sandpoint Military Academy, Class of 2040
Just to get things off to a good start!
2 October, 2009 at 1:55 am
“The Blue Bill Special is something that calls for more prescription tranquilizers, more ESPN, more goddamn niggerball, more alcohol, more WoW/HALO 3, more Wrestlemania, all to keep the Blue Pill in control of their rapidly fading lives, and their declining quality of life.”
“Sandpoint Military Academy” does have a nice ring to it.