BBC’s Question Time: A Shameful Spectacle
Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, BNP, Britain, dispossession & destruction, England, media, media control, media criticism, propaganda, Socrates at 10:58 am | 
by Alex Kurtagic.
“After much controversy, discussion, soul-searching, explanation, and legal posturing, BNP Chairman and Member of European Parliament Nick Griffin was allowed to participate in the BBC’s premier political television program, Question Time. The format of this show consists of a panel of politicians and public figures, sitting at a table, chaired by a moderator (David Dimbleby), and facing an audience inside a television studio. The purpose of the show is to perpetuate the illusion of a democratic society, whereby members of the public are given the opportunity to question politicians and public figures on current affairs issues in front of the nation. The show broadcasts from different cities every week, and average audience figures tend to be under the 3 million mark.”
25 October, 2009 at 1:11 pm
Good article.
25 October, 2009 at 1:35 pm
Excellent article, any commentary would be superfluous, except to say this is a war to the finish and any reasonableness we mistakenly display is worse than a luxury it is tantamount to craven weakness.
25 October, 2009 at 2:52 pm
The BNP is an obvious Jewish false front, and Nick Griffin is a complete Jew tool.
That is all.
25 October, 2009 at 5:18 pm
“The BNP is an obvious Jewish false front, and Nick Griffin is a complete Jew tool.”
It sure looks that way. Griffin certainly didn’t do his side any favors appearing on that show and letting his opponents shout him down. He might as well be working for the other side, if he isn’t already.
25 October, 2009 at 7:13 pm
Nick Griffin is a good pal of Jared Taylor, and James Edwards on the Political Cesspool showers Griffin with all sorts of praise that I sense is undeserved.
It’s funny how these false front men keep exposing themselves, isn’t it?
Linder is 100 percent right – No Jews, Just Right. We can never trust them to be part of our white nationalist movement, they are just too dishonest and too devious.
25 October, 2009 at 7:43 pm
I thought Griffin did well, considering the hostility from panel, studio audience and anchorman, The way the show was played was more like Jerry Springer than normal BBC Question Time.
25 October, 2009 at 7:45 pm
Hey Nick, you’re not going to sneak by the jewish golem at the gate by being conciliatory and humble. Is it that tough to say that the BNP stands for the rights and interests of the indigenous White population of Great Britain? So many of our folk you could have helped and inspired. Instead, you act like a coward and grovel at the feet of kikedom.
David Duke may have a boat-load of foibles, but at least he’ll passionately defend the White children of your country against these blood thirsty vampires, hell bent on their genocide.
25 October, 2009 at 7:46 pm
The only way for nationalist parties to deal with the media is to say; WE AREN’T LISTENING ANYMORE. With the internet at our disposal, we don’t have to.
If you play the media game you will be screwed, isn’t that obvious? I suppose Griffin did this to appease the democrats within his party, those who believe in the “democratic process” and hope that if they just show how they are not evil racists people will listen to them. This kind of reactionary dunce dominates any nationalist party that gets off the ground in Europe, which is why they are all a sorry sight. The only smart nationalists are those who ignore party politics 100 percent and start nationalist organizations instead, going for the nationalist-infrastructure-waiting-for-the-future strategy.
Still, parties like the BNP serve a purpose and do some good. They show ordinary people that there are people out there like them, who worry about immigration.
25 October, 2009 at 8:06 pm
Fuck the BBC. It stands for British Broadcasting Cunts. Just like the JewSA, the kikes run the show. Wankers!!!
25 October, 2009 at 8:47 pm
Nick Griffin had a once in a life time opportunity to come out in front of 9 million viewers and name the jew yet he chose to openly support the Zionist criminals and their genocides in the Middle East. It should now be obvious to everyone who this man works for.
25 October, 2009 at 9:47 pm
You know what is ridiculous about the BNP? They get accused of being jew haters and Nazis 24/7 by the media and society figureheads in the JewK, but the BNP insist they aren’t racists! What do they have to gain by playing by the system’s rules? If the BNP just came out and said, “Yes, we are racists and we don’t care what you red scumbags think!” I would have some respect for them, and I’m sure they’d look less emasculated than they do now.
25 October, 2009 at 10:25 pm
J.J, I actually don’t think Griffin should have done that. If the BNP name the Jew there are laws in place to destroy them. They would be reduced to a small mini group, and such already exist. The BNP has its role, the watered-down message has its place, as a stepping stone for those who would never, ever listen to Jew-wise arguments. These people won’t be the revolutionaries of the future, no. But they might fill their kids with a nationalist feeling, they might look the other way when the revolutionary organizes, they might protest government actions. So nationalist parties that don’t name the Jew have a role to play.
However, the major fault the BNP does is to worship Churchill and claim to be Churchills political descendants. “Churchill defended Britain from a madman’s invasion,” they say in their campaign material. “We also defend Britain.”
To only go part of the way is one thing. But to block the way and open up a false side path is anti-White. There is a huge difference between those nationalist parties who simply keep quiet on race, and those who actively try to hunt down “racists.”
It seems to me the BNP has been taken over by a Zionist faction. Such factions appear in every nationalist party when they reach 800 members or so, and they immediately try to take key positions and kick out founding members. Their weapon is to threaten to expose “racist” comments in the press, where they know they have eager allies. Lo and behold, that is exactly what Griffin and his gang have been doing in the BNP – throwing out many long-time members who built the party from scratch.
26 October, 2009 at 1:59 am
Robert, you’re spot-on about the BBC. Myself, I call it the Bolshevik or Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation. They are virulently anti-White and anti-British, yet they don’t mind helping themselves to millions of pounds from White British taxpayers every year.
26 October, 2009 at 2:05 am
{“If the BNP just came out and said, Yes, we are racists and we don’t care what you red scumbags think!” }
If only they would say that! Then everyone, even their biggest foes, would have to give the BNP some grudging respect. But as it stands now, they deserve nothing but scorn from all sides.
26 October, 2009 at 8:16 am
For years the BBC was run by an Iraqi Jew named Alan Yentob. I’m not sure who runs it now, probably another Jew though.
26 October, 2009 at 8:19 am
26 October, 2009 at 8:50 am
That’s an amazing revelation. Imagine – the BBC under control of an Iraqi Jew!!! I had thought that B stood for “British”.
Thank you for that, ZOG.
26 October, 2009 at 8:56 am
Tim, the Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation isn’t financed by taxpayers’ money, not officially anyway, most of its propaganda production cost are met by the so called licence fee. The ‘law’ states that anyone owning a television must pay a yearly ‘licence fee’ of about 135 pound, equivalent to $215! Not an inconsiderable sum.
The answer of course is to hit big jew in the pocket and don’t pay this extortion. I tell anyone who will listen, DON’T PAY. Unfortunately the average Brit is gelded as well as deaf.
Big jew has a token White guy, Mark Thomson, fronting for them in the BBC, but most of the production and programming people have names straight out of the Tel Aviv phone book.
26 October, 2009 at 11:05 am
Yeah, I noticed the Mark Thomson’s name on Alan Yentob’s Wikipedia page. Thomson is the White front man, I guess. Although just because his name is “Thomson” doesn’t mean that he can’t be Jewish also.
26 October, 2009 at 11:06 am
The “license fee” IS a tax. How else would you describe it? It’s a mandatory government fee.
26 October, 2009 at 11:11 am
Alan Yentob is the guy controlling program content at the BBC. His title is “BBC Creative Director”, which means that he is responsible for overseeing BBC creative output across television, radio and interactive services.
26 October, 2009 at 12:16 pm
Z.O.G., Yentob used to head up childrens programming too. No doubt he used that position to spead race-mixing poison at impressionable White kids.
BTW, the licence fee is ‘mandatory’ as you say, but the only way the tax can be collected is through the compliance of the viewer. I stopped paying over 10 years ago, and received all sorts of official looking letters enquiring who was living at the address and was a tv in use etc., all the usual bullshit. I filed these letters in the bin, the secret is not to reply and don’t tell these petty burocrats anything.
26 October, 2009 at 9:57 pm
CW-2, I understand the evil Murdoch Media Empire is setting its sights on buying the BBC. Is there no stopping that ruthless, covetous old Zionist Jew bastard? As bad as the BBC is now, at least it still has a semblence of prestige and class. But one can only imagine how much worse it would be under Murdoch’s iron control.
26 October, 2009 at 10:40 pm
A beautiful piece of writing, absolutely right on every point. NEVER TRY TO INGRATIATE YOURSELF. NEVER RETREAT. ALWAYS ATTACK THE jEWSCUM AND THEIR WHORES.
27 October, 2009 at 2:00 am
Watching Nick Griffin remain rather calm during the time he was relentlessly attacked was painful to watch. As much as I disapprove of the BNP’s tactics and their Jew ass kissing, I kept wishing Griffin would lay some intellectual whoop ass on the other panelists and the obnoxious audience members. Perhaps it was part of his strategy to remain slightly aloof and passive in the face of the snarling scum about him, but it could be interpreted as weakness.
NB Forrest is right. Trying to curry favor with the chosen ones will get you nowhere. I thought it especially pathetic that Griffin tries to pander to the Zionist element in Britain by claiming the BNP supported Israeli actions in Gaza. I about vomited when I heard him say that. I never much cared for Griffin before, but he became even smaller in my eyes after that malarkey.
27 October, 2009 at 2:42 am
Nick Griffin is no better than Jared Taylor or Don Black. They are all “White Racialist” cowards.
27 October, 2009 at 7:02 pm
“Robert, you’re spot-on about the BBC. Myself, I call it the Bolshevik or Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation. They are virulently anti-White and anti-British, yet they don’t mind helping themselves to millions of pounds from White British taxpayers every year.”
“I understand the evil Murdoch Media Empire is setting its sights on buying the BBC. Is there no stopping that ruthless, covetous old Zionist Jew bastard? As bad as the BBC is now, at least it still has a semblence of prestige and class. But one can only imagine how much worse it would be under Murdoch’s iron control.”
Make up your mind, thought du jour. FYI, the first post was more accurate even if it seemed copied and pasted from the forum somewhere.
27 October, 2009 at 8:19 pm
Always attack the Jews’ Cum and their whores.
27 October, 2009 at 8:23 pm
McWeenie, do you EVER have anything to add to the conversation?
Attack, insinuate, accuse and add NOTHING. That is your mission here, isn’t it?
28 October, 2009 at 12:03 pm
Thanks for noticing that, Tom. I’ve caught this guy engaging in double speak multiple times.
28 October, 2009 at 8:21 pm
Z.O.G. Says:
28 October, 2009 at 12:03 pm:
{Thanks for noticing that, Tom. I’ve caught this guy engaging in double speak multiple times.}
What you’ve caught me doing, jerk, is not engaging in doublespeak, but rather trying to look at issues from different perspectives. That’s something neither Tom nor you are mentally equipped to do, you simple-minded twerp.
BTW, I’ve noticed your posts are a little more articulate these days. Maybe you got your mom’s boyfriend to help you out with your writing?
28 October, 2009 at 8:29 pm
Hmm, isn’t that what the rabbis do? In fact, isn’t that their specialty?
29 October, 2009 at 9:44 pm
What you’ve caught me doing, jerk, is not engaging in doublespeak, but rather trying to look at issues from different perspectives. That’s something neither Tom nor you are mentally equipped to do, you simple-minded twerp.
BTW, I’ve noticed your posts are a little more articulate these days. Maybe you got your mom’s boyfriend to help you out with your writing?
Ha! Great comedy. And so true. Not much else, though.
29 October, 2009 at 10:46 pm
Ein, I don’t recall asking for your lame opinion. So be quiet.
30 October, 2009 at 5:21 pm
I despise the BBC and I despise the Murdoch Media Empire. So where’s the so-callled “doublespeak”? Perhaps it is to be found in your lice-infested hair?
30 October, 2009 at 7:07 pm
LOL What? Now your insults don’t even make sense.
31 October, 2009 at 3:05 am
No, my insults (more like observations, actually) wouldn’t make sense to someone like you, who is obviously clueless about his lack of personal hygeine.
31 October, 2009 at 3:49 pm
So let me get this straight. A cum-guzzling homosexual(you) is making jokes about someone’s personal hygiene?
(Oh, and you misspelled “hygiene”, genius.)
31 October, 2009 at 5:08 pm
That’s right, keep projecting your queer fantasies on to me, asshole. You act like you’re in the 7th grade. Wow, accusing someone of being a fag, that’s real imaginative, retard.
And now that you know how to spell hygiene, maybe you can practice doing it once a while.
(Oh, and you’re still a stupid piece of shit.)