Jesus vs. Western Culture
Posted by Socrates in Bible, Christianity, East vs. West, religion, Socrates, Western culture at 4:10 pm | 
Who will win? Jesus, until Bob Biblethumper is completely surrounded by muds and can’t put food on the table, like in South Africa. Then he’ll have to find a new, Western belief: White nationalism:
2 November, 2009 at 11:01 pm
Adam – I asked you this above, but you did not answer: have you ever heard of the website Occidental Dissent? Based on many of your comments here, I think you’d like it –
Your views, especially ones related to technology and the Jewish problem, are very similar to the authors and commentators on that site.
2 November, 2009 at 11:22 pm
Tom, you’re obviously a follower of the Baby Jeebus, so why not just come right out and admit it…..Unless your faith in him is starting to waver? If I were the Baby Jeebus, I’d certainly be disappointed in your lack of enthusaism for defending me.
2 November, 2009 at 11:46 pm
I was looking through this thread and believe that Hitler’s true attitude toward Christianity as well as paganism (“worship of Wotan”) is found in the Table Talk, which I have read several times. I’m not sure if Blackshirt is really advocating a return to paganism as much as he is just trying to point out that the Jews and other Semitic people don’t have the market cornered when it comes to religion or “metaphysics”, a word that Hitler uses.
3 November, 2009 at 1:05 am
Eman Says:
Adam – I asked you this above, but you did not answer: have you ever heard of the website Occidental Dissent? Based on many of your comments here, I think you’d like it –
Your views, especially ones related to technology and the Jewish problem, are very similar to the authors and commentators on that site.
Thanks for the invitation, Eman. I have visited that site occasionally, but never posted anything there. Maybe I will in the future though. Which writers or commentators there are you thinking of when you say they have views similar to mine?
3 November, 2009 at 1:40 am
Justin Huber Says:
I was looking through this thread and believe that Hitler’s true attitude toward Christianity as well as paganism (”worship of Wotan”) is found in the Table Talk, which I have read several times.
If one carefully examines what Hitler says in Table Talk about Christianity carefully, it may be possible to reconcile it with his public position approving of Christianity and calling himself a Christian. If the Table Talk is a correct account of his statements on the topics of Christ and Christianity, Hitler believed Jesus was an Aryan who intended something quite different than what Christianity turned into under the evil influence of the Jew St. Paul, who transformed it into a kind of Bolshevism in order to overthrow the Romans. It was this Bolshevik character that he primarily objected to. So he could have been a believing Christian on his own terms — believing in an Aryan Warrior/Christ who wanted to destroy Judaism — without necessarily approving of what Christianity had later morphed into.
This argument is developed a bit further at the site below.
3 November, 2009 at 2:42 am
Adam is engaging in what can best be called RATIONALIZATION.
3 November, 2009 at 3:14 am
The sites below are quite a treasure trove of information. They develop well and provide a lot of supportive cites for Dr. MacDonald’s argument that Nazism was a kind of mirror-image reaction to Judaism. It makes me wonder if he has seen or utilized these references.
3 November, 2009 at 3:59 am
For some reason the embedded link in my post above isn’t clickable, at least for me, although its text is in blue. It’s supposed to take you to a transcript of Hitler’s personal notes to his volume of The Bible — Monumental History of Mankind. Anyway, here it is again:
I find the discussion on that page, along with Hitler’s notes, both intriguing and confusing. The quote from Disraeli that Hitler alludes to, but does not give, runs:
No one must lightly dismiss the question of race; it is the key to world history and it is precisely for this reason that written history so often lacks clarity — it is written by people who do not understand the race question, and what belongs to it.
Taken with his professed intent in Table Talk and his public statements, my conjecture is that Hitler envisioned a day when he could reform Christianity and purge it of its Bolshevism and Jewish spirit. That may be what he’s getting at in his notes here:
The author of the web page agrees:
As for purification of the Bible and its remaining spirit, one can only guess what Hitler means here. Perhaps he means purification of the Bible from Jewish origins.
Then comes an amazing and revealing statement: “First people’s history (based on) the race law–“.
This might mean something like: A re-interpretation of Christianity based on race law, and a re-working of it into a worship of the Aryan Warrior/Christ that Hitler apparently believed in.
The idea that the page author advances that because Hitler thought that Jesus was the Son of an Aryan God, he was excused from being Jewish (i.e., the mischling theory) seems not to accord very well with either the Nuremburg laws or Hitler’s insinuation, above, that Jesus was fathered by an Aryan Roman soldier. But on the whole, there are some interesting remarks on the page.
3 November, 2009 at 9:17 am
While this thread is very interesting can we really afford the luxury of offending and alienating potential supporters? Face facts, debates such as this are little better than rearranging deckchairs on a sinking ship, our time would be better spent instructing others how to swim.
Most of the ills that afflict the White race are presently beyond our power to remedy. Nothing we do, least of all voting, is going change big jew and globalist’s program of continued turd world mass immigration, moral degeneracy, and economic sabotage. Their policy of gradualism and incremental change has served them well and they intend to continue that program as our numbers decrease and the older Whites die off, so all that remains is a dumbed down rump of wiggers ready to be enslaved, miscegenated or murdered.
If we are lucky some unforeseen event may provoke a contest of arms. Preparing for that possibility must be our major concern.
3 November, 2009 at 3:12 pm
Christianity was, for the Nazis, like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Being pro-Aryan and anti-Jewish, yet at the same time being Catholics and Lutherans in a very Christian country, the Nazis could never wholly embrace nor wholly reject Xianity. They tried to advocate something called “Positive Christianity”, ie, a Xianity purged of its Jewish elements, but to no avail.
And there were doubtless millions of German Christians who disliked the NSDAP’s interest in pre-Christian paganism and its hostility towards God’s Chosen Ones/The People of the Book. So, as long as there was Christianity in the Reich, there would be trouble. But if the Nazis tried to get rid of Xianity, then they would’ve been condemned as Bolsheviks and that also would have caused a great deal of trouble for them.
Talk about a no-win situation!
3 November, 2009 at 4:19 pm
Good point Tim.
3 November, 2009 at 4:21 pm
CW-2 Says:
While this thread is very interesting can we really afford the luxury of offending and alienating potential supporters?
Face facts, debates such as this are little better than rearranging deckchairs on a sinking ship, our time would be better spent instructing others how to swim.
The thread title is Jesus vs. Western Culture. Uncovering the facts in this volatile area is difficult; the pursuit of truth necessarily fractious. Nevertheless, I would suggest that, if our race is to have any hope of prevailing, we need to understand the reasons for the current state of Western culture, and analyzing the decay of the Christian religion is a part of that.
While it’s my view that a mass racist movement among whites is not possible in the current context, it’s necessary to deal with the question since it’s an idea that still seems to fascinate so many. Yet, it is hard to visualize how such a thing could be managed without the skillful use of religion. The sort of fanatic idealism that apparently characterized Hitler’s view of the Aryan Warrior/Christ is something that could be valuable to us, if a way could be found to rekindle it and spread it among white people generally.
There has not been much work done in this area. We have Dr. Pierce’s tantalizing vision of how such a thing might be done, which he gave us in his book Hunter, and yet that was in a novel, a fictionalized account that left us with no clear idea of how to proceed in the real world. Indeed, the pace of technological change is such that already that book seems dated. We also have the example of something like the COTC, which, as far as I understand it, is a kind of racial religion of the type that Hitler might have been thinking about in his Bible notes that I mention above. Yet its success has been less than breathtaking.
I think the conclusion is forced upon us that the age of religion is past. As Hitler implies in Table Talk, and as I have in previous threads stated, it is science that is the real opponent of Christianity, and indeed, all religions. The triumph of science as man’s means of controlling and interacting with the world is what has killed God. Although some form of religion will probably be indispensible to the state for managing the mass of people for the foreseeable future, so long as science continues its ascendancy and its material manifestation, the global technological system, continues to expand, its future is grim.
3 November, 2009 at 6:38 pm
One – a reply to Red Skull – still caught in the spam filter.
3 November, 2009 at 6:52 pm
“Tom, you’re obviously a follower of the Baby Jeebus, so why not just come right out and admit it…..Unless your faith in him is starting to waver? If I were the Baby Jeebus, I’d certainly be disappointed in your lack of enthusaism for defending me.”
You’re a satanist and an admirer of Charles Manson and jew-loving faggot Aleister Crowley. Nobody here needs to justify themselves to you, Mike Jahn (still campaigning for Obama and supporting the Democrats?).
“Isn’t any cultural move away from Christianity one of the Jew’s big goals? Should we worship Thor & Loki? How about the too pretentious for God Atheistic dead end?”
That’s an accurate insight into this whole topic from a WN viewpoint, IMO. Certainly beats the crude, monotone braying of ‘jewsus’ and ‘Christard’ from 1488 types and the resident anti trolls.
“Oh, so you have decided to come out and try to play with the big boys, huh McWeenie?”
“Now you are attacking Tom Metzger again. Well, it doesn’t surprise me since the right wing conservative hate him, so why shouldn’t you?
And I don’t know if Metzger believes in aliens building the pyramids, although I have known him for over 20 years and I’ve heard him say nothing of the sort.”
Seriously, what are you? His wife or something? You attack New America for promoting Covington but you shill for Metzger like crazy. Give it a rest, I have nothing against the man I’m just bored of your patter.
3 November, 2009 at 10:21 pm
Tom, you may be surprised to know that in the early versions of the Gospels, Jesus had sexual intercourse with his male and female followers. But that part of the story was eventually omitted on orders from later, more conservative Church officials.
Imagine that, Tom, a bisexual Jesus, a charismatic death cult-leader who gets it on with the boys and girls! What do you think of that, Tom? I guess Aleister Crowley would’ve fit right in with that crowd, eh, Tom?
HahAHa ha HAHA hahaHA !!!!!
(evil, maniacal laughter)
4 November, 2009 at 11:01 pm
I thought Diane Feinstein looked old. So she and Boxer were scamming the Gospels back then huh? Does “more conservative” mean “less jewish”? Remember this religious teacher went into the Jew temple and turned over their money tables. If jews were anything back then like they are now they NEVER forgive or forget. Saying he was a homo right after the dude died is well within their style and they probably did their fighting with their writing then as they do now.
21 November, 2009 at 9:17 am
25,000+ children will die of starvation today, and you think a “god” will answer your prayers? Arrogant putz.
Praying is begging.