Intellectual Radioactivity: How Science Documentaries are Used to Pervert the Course of Science and Advance Political Aims, Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4
Posted by Socrates in intelligence, IQ, propaganda, race, Race Denial, race science, racial differences, science, Socrates at 10:57 am | 
11 November, 2009 at 12:50 pm
Whenever a Negro is confronted with an exceptionally challenging intellectual problem or situation, a look of blank incomprehension suddenly comes accross his face. I’ve seen it happen on numerous occaisions.
11 November, 2009 at 10:06 pm
Of all the liberals Omaar interviewed, in the 4th part Steven Rose stood out as the most liberal, and it turns out he’s jewish. Typical.
12 November, 2009 at 6:55 am
An excellent analysis by Alex Kurtagic. The jewtube has become so arrogant the jew and nig programmers don’t even bother making a pretense at scientific objectivity. The commie venom and vitriol was poured out onto the White viewer within the first minute. In many ways that is better for us as an outright lie is easier to combat than a dangerous half-truth.
The program was in stark contrast to an ‘Horizon’ documentary of a decade ago entitled ‘Out of Asia’, which took a balanced look at the evidence for human evolution moving out from Java much as the late 19th century anthropologist Eugene Dubois envisaged.
Yet even here the politically correct programmers couldn’t resist providing leftist and fanatical out-of-africa protagonist Chris Stringer with a platform. However, the most laughable incident occured near the end of the documentary when a jewess from Chatham House, (a sort of CFR think tank), gravely proclaimed that the out-of-africa hypothesis must be right!
12 November, 2009 at 10:04 am
Excellent article, Alex Kurtagic, thanks, but unfortunately similar analyses will result for nearly ANY documentary shown on the Jewish toilet called television.
Two mistakes, the first one… in part 2 Kurtagic claims that the 85 IQ for Blacks was due to increased nutrition of the IQ test takers AND education. Wrong. Education does not and can not increase IQ. Education increases knowledge, not intelligence. What he meant by nutrition is that although it can maximize IQ to the fullest potential of the individual, that is ALL it can do, and it’s usually only a point or two. And he should not have said education was a contributing factor, but genes. Meaning that those negros who scored 85 were probably part White thanks to the miscegenation that nearly always results when two or more races occupy the same geographical location.
The second mistake is to claim Dr Pierce was “right” of the political spectrum. This is also wrong and generally means the person who says it has no understanding of National Socialism, which is what Pierce was putting forth even if veiled or made more palatable for the average stupid AmeriKwan. National Socialism is neither left nor right. And to even suggest the old left-right spectrum fits Marxists such as Rose is also a mistake. Marxist motherfuckers are the most “fascist” assholes you will ever meet when it comes to their agenda, and we all know (wink wink) that “fascist = right”. These terms need to be understood and defined whenever one uses them, but overall Kurtagic did an outstanding job and I thank him for it.
12 November, 2009 at 10:56 am
Of many months of watching propaganda after propaganda with non-whites giving the news or documentaries showing non-whites working in technical fields, I got tired of the bull crap the jews are pushing with their multi-million dollars providing brainwashing programs. I finally cancelled my service with these money scheme operations that continuously beefs up of the non-whites while they degrade the Whites.
There were only a few documentaries in the last year worth watching that didn’t have all this bull crap propaganda. Only a few out of many. Enough of watching my race degraded by a bunch of jewish CEO/owners of these channel programs and making them rich with my money. To hell with them. They can all go to hell.
Shut down your cable/satellite service and stop throwing your money away at the rich, bastard jews. They deserve nothing! They all deserve to be poor, homeless, and living like a bunch of rats they are on the streets. The jews have done nothing but make a big mess out of every nation they infest; economically, socially, and financially. They have swindled every White person (middle class/wealthy) from their wealth by being lawyers and executors of estates and they have(and still are) swindled many through their monopoly scheme – the stock market. They have denied many the right to have a life by controlling corporations, its money, stocks, and stole the life savings from people who didn’t have much to begin with.
With this said, the Federal Reserve, all the jews, and the private bankers need to be investigated, arrested, and eliminated. These people are the backbone of all the problems a nation is having. They have all the wealth and with that wealth can control every living aspect of a person’s life and fill it will propaganda.
12 November, 2009 at 2:09 pm
FeralWhiteMale Says: “The second mistake is to claim Dr Pierce was “right” of the political spectrum. This is also wrong and generally means the person who says it has no understanding of National Socialism, which is what Pierce was putting forth even if veiled or made more palatable for the average stupid AmeriKwan. National Socialism is neither left nor right. And to even suggest the old left-right spectrum fits Marxists such as Rose is also a mistake. Marxist motherfuckers are the most “fascist” assholes you will ever meet when it comes to their agenda, and we all know (wink wink) that “fascist = right”. These terms need to be understood and defined whenever one uses them, but overall Kurtagic did an outstanding job and I thank him for it.”
I would kind of disagree, but only “kind of.” Fascists are generally anti-international, anti-Bolshevik and anti-intellectual. So, to me, Marxists can’t be fascists, and, Pierce would end up on the Right side of the political spectrum, whether he wanted to or not. Granted, politics and nationalism are two different things: one is political, one is racial, but they often overlap. My 2 cents…
12 November, 2009 at 9:45 pm
Television is a medium that is splendid for getting people to buy things they can be led to believe are fashionable, but terrible for promoting critical thought. Critical thought requires a certain personality type that is very rare in the general population and becoming rarer all the time. This is a large part of the reason why arguments about race fail to persuade most people. They are herd animals more interested in getting their thinking in sync with their peers than they are in the merits of the various arguments. This personality characteristic unsuits them for independent thought, and makes them incapable of thinking critically. Also, to think critically about a topic, people would have to know all sides of it and thoroughly master it, and this can’t be done just by listening casually to a few sound bites in a television program for an hour or so. It could literally take years to acquire enough understanding to make an informed choice among the various points of view on a complex topic.
15 November, 2009 at 9:42 am
I must confess, I just couldn’t endure a show presented by a nigger with half-white children. It’s a form of masochism.
15 November, 2009 at 9:23 pm
Maybe this has been covered before, but My God, race mixing seems so much more widespread in Britain than in the USA. I know the UK is much further down the road in terms of political correctness, even Rockwell mentioned this in the 60s.
However, what is it with Britain? It seems like most nigger male “celebrities” have White whore partners. Especially the footballers/soccer players. Is there a single nigger footballer in the UK (or even Europe for that matter) that doesnt have a White wife or girlfriend?
I also remember reading a while back that the city of Birmingham has so much race mixing between Whites and Carribean niggers that the Afro-Carribeans are worried about their culture being lost? I also read that Birmingham is on track to be the first major city in the UK to be majority non-White. Madness.
I have nothing against the real British people as they are under the same ZOG oppressors as us Yanks. I am not a Brit-basher, but if people think America is fucked I think they should go visit the UK.
16 November, 2009 at 4:43 pm
Spaceman, indeed the race and demographic situation in Britain is bad but in France it is far worse, that of course is no comfort to any White person anywhere.
Brainwashing DOES work. The jewtube has perfected the technique and is cranking out its subliminal race-mixing poison 24/7. To suggest we can in some way wrest back control of the media into White hands is in my opinion a delusional daydream. The best we can do is discredit the MSM so it becomes a total irrelevancy in the White culture. There are signs this is starting to happen.
16 November, 2009 at 7:54 pm
Spaceman’s words on the UK are sadly accurate. The jew tabloids love showing off the black footballers and their blonde trophies.
16 November, 2009 at 11:44 pm
“Brainwashing DOES work. The jewtube has perfected the technique and is cranking out its subliminal race-mixing poison 24/7. “
We are constantly told that racism is unnatural, that it is learned. Meanwhile, the happy mixing of the races is presented to us as something healthy and normal.
If so, then why do they have to WORK SO HARD at promoting it? If racial mixing is truly natural, normal, and healthy…. then wouldn’t people just do it, without having to be bombarded with incessant propaganda about how good it is for us?
If you knew instinctively that something is good for you then you wouldn’t have to be sold on it.
Some uneasy suspicion tells me that when they have to persuade you how GOOD something is for you, then maybe it’s really not so good for you as they say! It’s kind of like the lady protesting too much. It’s overkill.
17 November, 2009 at 2:00 pm
Ein’s post is spot on. It’s like Alex said, they control the media because they have to!
17 November, 2009 at 7:11 pm
“It’s like Alex said, they control the media because they have to!”
Right! If they didn’t HAVE to, they wouldn’t bother.