14 January, 2010

Africa: Don’t Feed the Negroes

Posted by Socrates in Africa, black behavior, black culture, Socrates at 6:15 pm | Permanent Link

From October:

“There is famine in Kenya and Ethiopia again. Sending food and emergency relief will make things worse in the long term.”


  • 34 Responses to “Africa: Don’t Feed the Negroes”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      Listen up, you Christaceans!

      You feed them, they reproduce. Then they need even more food (and housing, and medicine, and education, and etc.)

      If you don’t care for them, they may even call you racist, or say that they are “the least of these” and as you treat them, you are doing unto Christ, etc.

      But once you start lifting them up, you are expected to keep on holding them up, and the load continually gets heavier because blacks like to reproduce.

      That’s fine, if that is the way you want to spend your time and money, just don’t involve the rest of us.

    2. old dutch Says:

      Roman Catholic Voodoo:


      Isn’t it wonderful that the Roman Catholics are sending these little Afro-Caribbeans to places like Nebraska & Indiana.

    3. sean gruber Says:

      Christianity and egalitarianism are of the jews.

      Christianity and egalitarianism are KILLING OUR PEOPLE OFF…and turning the planet into NIGGER WORLD.

      The time has come to get rid of the jews.

    4. virgil Says:

      islam and/or china will eventually colonize and/or genocide all of africa. all whites should evacuate the continent. no foreign aid, no embassies, no flights, nothing! let them return to their normal level of stone age culture; cannibalism and slavery that is. once the west takes on islam and china, africa can then be properly liberated and colonized. paradise must be ruled by white men, not by lowly groids.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      “The time has come to get rid of the jews.”

      And their Christian useful-idiot front-men, too.

    6. virgil Says:

      dogoodism toward non-whites is race treason. christianity is also genetic treason. the hammer of thor must replace the cross!

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’re right, Virgil, the Red Chinese will probably take over most of Afrika with their business ventures and military bases. And I doubt they will be very tolerant of Blacks attacking them, unlike us Whites, who don’t do a goddamn thing when one of our own gets attacked by a chimpazoid.

    8. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Feeding them just gives them the strength to pick up the machete and start hacking at each other again. Which is not a bad thing, it’s just not that efficient. The only sensible thing to do, if this were a sane world, would be to insist on some form of sterilization before any food was provided. You do-gooders reading this have to know in your hearts that I’m right. After all, is there anything more cruel than bringing a child into a world where it’s almost guaranteed to be nothing more than flies-in-the-eyes bloated-belly buzzard-bait? C’mon, goddammit, start doing the right thing for once in your lives.

    9. Henry Says:

      “You’re right, Virgil, the Red Chinese will probably take over most of Afrika with their business ventures and military bases.”

      I see that The Chinese have sent a large team of aid workers to Haiti. This is the first time I can recall ever reading of China getting involved in something like this — especially so far from their normal orbit, on the other side of the world in the Western Hemisphere. This signals that China is asserting itself internationally and getting its foot in the door. Once in, it won’t leave. We’ll surely be hearing more of these things, as China is not run by starry-eyed religious fools who are trying to win brownie points with God. China is run by cold, hard realists and does not give anything without getting something in return. And it will get more than it gives.

    10. wbradss Says:



    11. Igor Alexander Says:

      “The only sensible thing to do, if this were a sane world, would be to insist on some form of sterilization before any food was provided.”

      I wonder if there’s a substance we could add to the food we give them that would sterilize them. What is it we give to sex offenders to chemically castrate them? Maybe orgs like UNICEF should be slipping that stuff into the food they send.

    12. Igor Alexander Says:

      “I see that The Chinese have sent a large team of aid workers to Haiti. This is the first time I can recall ever reading of China getting involved in something like this…”

      Good. The nigs can be the yellow man’s burden from now on.

    13. Igor Alexander Says:

      “For every year that has passed the scale of Africa’s problems seem to have grown.”

      Of course they have. The more you feed them, the more there are to feed. It’s not rocket science.

    14. Igor Alexander Says:

      “We are a big country and when there is famine in one part of the country, there is plenty in another. So we need better infrastructure and communications to move food around to where it is needed. Above all we need education.”

      I’m sure you do. Just don’t count on me to pay for it.

      “With education Africans can and will rid themselves of the incompetent and corrupt leaders that we have kept in power through foreign aid for decades. Educated Africans will bring an end to a dangerous cycle of humbug.”

      I wouldn’t count on it.

    15. Tom McReen Says:

      Listen up you liberal left-wingers!

      Your egalitarianism and government aid is a drain on White people! If you want to help Haiti fine but do it yourself with your own money!

    16. Tyr Says:

      Which means we start educating our OWN PEOPLE. No money, period, to potential invaders or enemies. Those of our “own kind” who do this are shunned and classified as collaborators.

    17. ED! Says:

      old dutch Says:

      “Isn’t it wonderful that the Roman Catholics are sending these little Afro-Caribbeans to places like Nebraska & Indiana’.

      Is it not wonderful that Protestant Christianity is the butt-baby of the Catholic Church?

      Is it not wonderful that the Protestant faith is a MAJOR OBSTACLE in the path of WHITE NATIONAL SOCIALISM which is the ONLY HOPE for the survival of the WHITE RACE!

      Is it not wonderful that the Protestant Faith is a MAJOR OBSTACLE in our effort to DEAL WITH THE JEW!

      Is it not wonderful that many Protestant Faiths are pushing for the importation of MUD-RACE-SHIT into WHITE NATIONS!


      Is it not wonderful that the Catholic faith came from the Jews, that infection that Jews injected into Rome some 2,000 years ago?

      Is it not wonderful that the Catholic Church put a strangle hold on the White Race for 1,500+ Years?

      Is it NOT Wonderful that the combined evil forces of Judaism, Catholicism, and Protestant Christianity have brought WAR, misery, pain, suffering, disease, destruction, starvation, grinding poverty, false hope, superstition, financial rape, mental rape, physical rape, social degradation, spiritual desolation, moral stagnation, and eventual extinction to the WHITE RACE!

      Christianity is a JEWISH PRODUCT!

      What is a JEW? Answer: It is a creature much like a spider that injects its digestive juice into a living thing, then after that juice eats out and dissolves the insides of that once living thing it proceeds to suck out what is left!

      What is a Jew? Another answer: It is a creature with no moral consideration toward anyone outside his or her race, a people who loot, and destroy White Nations from within!

      With that out of the way the article seemed to me to indicate that there is a lack of intellectualism in Africa so I think I have the solution, lets ship our black president and all who voted for him to Africa and you watch, it will be transformed in to a paradise overnight!


    18. Tim McGreen Says:

      Listen up you Christian conservative right-wingers!

      Your egalitarianism and Christian aid is a drain on White people! If you want to help Haiti that’s not fine so do it with your own money!

    19. George Washington Says:

      In national parks, the well educated and experienced park officials post signs that instruct the public to NOT feed the animals. There is a cogent rationale: IT IS BAD FOR THEM! It has been bad for EVERYONE for the United States to FEED THE WELFARE RECIPIENTS. They learned ALL the wrong lessons such as self-reliance is not necessary and don’t get a job; any job available. Now days the “animals” get free unemployment and welfare from the taxpayer and REFUSE to take whatever job is out there believing that they are worth more money and don’t have to stoop to the level of the available job. DON’T FEED THE ANIMALS. They can take care of themselves. I could use a good housecleaner or someone to wash my car. People can and should take care of themselves by accepting any job they can get and NOT getting FREE STUFF from the taxpayer/government.

    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      {People can and should take care of themselves by accepting any job they can get and NOT getting FREE STUFF from the taxpayer/government.}


      Whoa there, General…….Don’t be so right-wing! Most unemployed people do want to work, especially White people. But welfare and unemployment benefits are available and SHOULD be available for those who deserve them. And the unemployed should not have to take just any job that might come along. Low pay, a long commute, shitty hours, a dangerous working environment….Sometimes it’s better to be unemployed for a while than to take some godawful shit-job that you’re going to really hate.

    21. Maynard Says:

      The scariest part of this Haitian situation is that MILLIONS of these savages will be coming to white neighborhoods as REFUGEES!

    22. Socrates Says:

      Filles du Roi’s Boi Says: “Feeding them just gives them the strength to pick up the machete and start hacking at each other again. “

      Good to hear from you, Filles. May I ask: how are you doing?

    23. Mel Brooks Says:

      Yeah ..right.. ..

      Thanks for nuthin’, Father of our Cuntry. Well, that commentary fits-after all, the “Funding Fathers” were basically middle-class land owners. They enjoyed cheap labor and got it off lording it over the serfs as much as anyone in “Bad, Olde’ Europe” ever did. Perhaps we should bring back indentured servitude?

      Here’s a tid-bit for ya’, Georgie Boy…clean your own fucking house..give your Gavin Newsom see-through rat paws a proper work out, for a change. And wash your own damned rolling phallus. Or maybe don some crummy clothes and go out and find a job that pays even close to what some of us live on through our unemployment insurance. What’s the fucking point of working a hideously depressing and dangerous job, when you’ve lost all your pay increases and earned benefits and have to start all over? And can’t pay your bills anyway?

      What a Neo-cornhole fuckwit! Or just a troll. At any rate, please, please..kiss my ENTIRE ass..twice on Saturdays & Sundays.

      Squat on a hot plate, Lil’ Miss JobsAmericansWon’tDo.

      In other news…Olde Dutch reiterates his myopia where the universal idiocy of JewOnAStick religions is concerned. Over to you, Chet…

    24. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Thanks for asking, Socrates. I was supposed to be gone by last August but I’m still here, five months past my expiration date. Still haven’t had my “come to Jesus” moment, or my kumbaya epiphany. My beliefs about race and religion don’t change just because I’m full of cancer, but that’s not uncommon amongst committed White Nationalists. It’s only the weak ones that we hear about.

    25. Socrates Says:

      Filles: have you ever tried a macrobiotic diet, mentioned here:


    26. DMS Says:

      Igor Alexander: “I wonder if there’s a substance we could add to the food we give them that would sterilize them. What is it we give to sex offenders to chemically castrate them? Maybe orgs like UNICEF should be slipping that stuff into the food they send.”

      Feed them soy product:

    27. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      No, Socrates, I’m just doing chemo. Lots and lots of chemo.

    28. Arminius Says:

      Filles du Roi’s Boi,
      don’t do as the medics say, they want only your money, health is an obstacle to their undeserved income.
      Cancer is a DEFICIENCY disease- lack of vitamins of the B group.
      Reform your diet radically- eschew meat, eat huge quantities of raw vegetables and fresh fruit whole- with kernels- only that can help you- chemo never.
      Socrates gave you a hint- he probably knows more about it.

    29. Tim McGreen Says:

      And keep away from that “come to Jesus” crap! Good luck, sir. May the Aryan Gods grant you a full and speedy recovery.

    30. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Most unemployed people do want to work, especially White people. But welfare and unemployment benefits are available and SHOULD be available for those who deserve them.”

      A white worker wouldn’t need welfare if he didn’t have to support 2 or 3 shitskins with his tax dollars and if he was working under an honest monetary system.

    31. Igor Alexander Says:

      Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the Israeli bombs the American people are taxed to pay for!

    32. Henry Says:

      “Do Not Feed the Negroes!”

      That makes an excellent motto. It may seem harsh, but it’s absolutely true.

      Until we learn to abide by it, the sappy ones among us will continue to feed and breed their own replacements. Our replacements, that is.

      We must not allow these dewy-eyed fools to undermine us this way. They are a danger to us all. Like people who put out food for the bears, encouraging them to come around and endangering the whole neighborhood.

    33. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’re right, Igor, the Amerikwan worker is getting paid less and less for working more and more…assuming he is still employed at all. And I believe the Zionist Entity demands about $10 billion a year from the ‘Kwan taxpayer…Not to mention the billions that are extorted from German taxpayers every year, too, as well as all the billions that Jews in the “Diaspora” donate to the Zionist Entity every year.

    34. Tim McGreen Says:

      And then there are the billion$ that Christian tourists pay for the pleasure of visiting Da Holee Lan’ every year….What a racket the Jews have going with their shitty little Zionist state in Occupied Palestine!