The Racial Features of the New Health-Care Law
Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, anti-White themes, Congress, dispossession & destruction, General Decline, race, racial preferences, Socrates at 3:43 pm | 
Surprise! It’s a racial law after all, in a couple of different ways. Not only does the law tax middle-class Whites in order to fund health care for non-Whites, but it contains racial quotas for grants and contracts:
23 March, 2010 at 4:07 pm
Well, this is what you get for ignoring the escalating health-care crisis in this country for so long. And yes, it IS a crisis. For 100 years, the right-wing fought the establishment of a decent, single-payer national health care system. First, they claimed it was a plot by the Kaiser to destroy Amerika. Then it was a “Bolshevik” plot. Then it was a “socialist” plot. Then they said we can’t afford it, while at the same time spending trillions on the Cold War and the so-called War on Terror. Thanks to all of you free marketeers, we’re now stuck with ObongoCare, which is the worst possible outcome of all.
There’s no doubt about it, Barry Sotero really hates Whitey. Even the dopiest White liberal should realize that by now.
23 March, 2010 at 5:00 pm
this story is 5 days old. if Whites are to survive, the stories must be posted as fast as they happen.
23 March, 2010 at 5:06 pm
Moot point. The bill has become law. But point taken anyway.
23 March, 2010 at 5:37 pm
Lets go back to square one, why do jews seem to be working in opposition to the health care bill? Then square 2 , why do some jews promote it? Then square 3, what do jews expect to be the outcome of Square one+square two?? My one assumption, is the cost will syphon off money that would otherwise go to the lil shitty nation, I imagine also that this newfangled health care, will curtail some of jewboys and girls penchant for filing frivolous mal-practice suits.
Read the protocols, jews primary focus is to kill off the best of the goyim, and enslave the rest.
23 March, 2010 at 8:34 pm
I’m really not getting too worked up over this whole health care thing. I don’t own a business and in my situation I don’t have to worry about paying for health care. My federal taxes may go up, but I resent any tax I’m paying to this system. My taxes are already going to support a multitude of muds and the bandit state of Israel, so why should I get more worked up over some more muds riding the gravy train?
Then of course we have the whole concept of “worse is better for now”. More niggers, spics, gooks, and various riff-raff on the dole? Where’s the problem? When your aim is to see the US evil empire of ZOG collapse from within, how is this not a GOOD thing? How is forcing more and more White working men and women into financial trouble not a good thing when you want to stir up discontent? Isn’t that what we want? I want to see non-racially aware White people in this country hurt so bad that they BECOME racially aware, or are FORCED to out of necessity. Revolution is what I want, and I certainly hope that is what you guys want as well, and we aren’t going to get there by ensuring the comfort and wealth of our fellow White people.
23 March, 2010 at 10:09 pm
Not only does the law tax middle-class Whites in order to fund health care for non-Whites,
OH DEAR, the dahlings of the middle class, the suburbanite grazers, most of them working for government of one entity or another.
Yes our most precious “commode”ity is our middle class, just can’t live with them or without them, gotsa keep up with the jones’s, keeps up the appearance, nose in the air, boy do I want to puke!
Just another jew ploy to divide Whites into socio-economic drones zones. “Pile the gravy high on the taters, give Rastus an Jose a double portion of strychnine laced koolaid to wash it all down. I is dah rebberend Jim Jones! Pile dem taxes hi on dem White fair to middln Honkies, make um holler till deh pay up or shut up! I is de almighty Obongo health care Czar!
23 March, 2010 at 11:04 pm
Hey, nothing wrong at all with nationalized healthcare – IN AN ALL-WHITE REPUBLIC. But what we’ve got now is neather national health or an Aryan state, so of course this thing will be an epic clusterfuck FAIL, just like everything ZOG does!
24 March, 2010 at 12:26 am
Irma Grese Says:
23 March, 2010 at 11:04 pm
Hey, nothing wrong at all with nationalized healthcare – IN AN ALL-WHITE REPUBLIC. But what we’ve got now is neather national health or an Aryan state, so of course this thing will be an epic clusterfuck FAIL, just like everything ZOG does!
Un Quote
Exactly right!
For decades now, don’t get injured near any city and need help, on say a Friday night etc.
24 March, 2010 at 12:27 am
Kiss any privacy of your life good bye.
Then NKVD has watching all Whites who post.
24 March, 2010 at 7:25 am
ObongoCare is mainly a giveaway to the health insurance industry. They stand to get tens of millions of new customers and hundreds of billions in govt subsidies. Any liberal who still supports Barry Sotero is truly a fool. Sotero is no friend of the poor, the working class or anyone else except Big Business and Big Jew.
24 March, 2010 at 8:01 am
Sotero is no friend of the poor, the working class or anyone else except Big Business and Big Jew.
So true, since jews form quite a large proportion of lawyers and doctors and thieves. oh vey!
24 March, 2010 at 11:08 am
nom de guerre Says:
24 March, 2010 at 8:01 am
Sotero is no friend of the poor, the working class or anyone else except Big Business and Big Jew.
So true, since jews form quite a large proportion of lawyers and doctors and thieves. oh vey!
Case closed
24 March, 2010 at 12:20 pm
All great comments. I can agree that the worse shit gets the better and the sooner this pile of shit will fall. Every trip into town is enough to make an aryan man puke, with sites of soccer moms, sport jersey wearing fuck heads and the masses of cars with Obama bumper stickers it’s truly insane. Niggers are united, mexcrements are united, hebs are united, but there remains that division among whites. The only possible way to get whites to unite is to make them suffer and hopefully Obama wii make this happen. Sally soccer mom and Joe six pack, seem to beleive that their situation will not change much no matter what transpires. As long as Sally has her Ford Expedition and her fuck head husband has season tickets, they don’t care. The government has a plan and none of it includes whitey, but whitey will finance it and that’s a given. So until Sally is forced to downsize to a sedan and Joe can’t afford season tickets and it’s ”oh shit time” for them, maybe then might they unite. Until then sit back and watch the red white and blue toilet continue it’s spiral downward.
25 March, 2010 at 11:59 am
Revolution is what I want, and I certainly hope that is what you guys want as well, and we aren’t going to get there by ensuring the comfort and wealth of our fellow White people. – Blackshirt
I agree to some extent. However, I’m beginning to wonder whether Whites living under this Judeo-tyranny will ever do anything other than squeal like stuck pigs. It’s just that people are so out of touch with reality, they don’t even understand the correlation between Jews/”minorities” and our decline (most of them haven’t even any inkling of decline, or if they do they certainly don’t see the huge extent of it). What can be done to jolt Whites from their sleep, I wonder?
25 March, 2010 at 2:37 pm
Having Barry Sotero as President is proving to be one of the best ways to wake White people up from their stupor. At the rate things are going, Barry will be physically removed from office by an angry White mob before he gets a chance to take off in his helicopter for The Domincan Republic.
25 March, 2010 at 10:50 pm
ObamaCare is an enormous tax increase on whites to fund additional freebies for non-whites, including all the foreigners that can get across the border. Meanwhile, Medicare benefits available to retired whites will be reduced to fund additional Medicaid (ie, Mexicare) benefits.
The federal mandate for individuals to buy overpriced, low deductible health insurance from government-designated insurance companies is undoubtedly unconstitutional. Proponents have not even advanced a credible argument for its constitutionality. But segregated public schools were clearly constitutional before the Frankfurter Supreme Court summarily amended the Constitution in Brown v. Board of Education, and there was no credible argument in constitutional law for the Court to rule for Brown.
If the Court of Appeals upholds the insurance mandate and confiscatory penalties for non-compliance, which is not unlikely, and if one of the five conservative Supreme Court Justices either takes a bribe or is assassinated by the left, the decision and mandate will be upheld. (A majority vote is required to overturn a Court of Appeals decision.) If that happens, additional federal mandates of all sorts are likely to follow, further depleting whites’ individual rights.
Whites will be separated from their rights and savings gradually, like the frog in the heating pot, unless there is hyperinflation. If that happens, and millions of comfortable whites are suddenly forced into poverty, watch out Jews! Organizations that make the tea parties look like, well, tea parties, will spring up out of nowhere, led by white men with no prior involvement in politics or public policy and little inclination to be polite to their enemies. The military may take control of the government, with unpredictable results. About all that WNs can do is to watch and wait, and try to educate the new grass roots leadership when it arises in the event of economic catastrophe.
26 March, 2010 at 8:09 pm
“What can be done to jolt Whites from their sleep, I wonder?”
Krystian, that is something I think about constantly, and I’m sure many others do to. After many years of being awake and aware, I keep asking myself, “What the hell is it gonna take?”
I believe that the great Commander George Lincoln Rockwell asked back in the mid-60s, “White man, what will it take to get you to fight?” That was over forty years ago, and yet today the White masses are as dumb, clueless and uncaring as ever. Yes, things are going to keep getting worse, much worse, but how bad do they have to get before the White masses wake up?
26 March, 2010 at 10:48 pm
nom de guerre Says:
23 March, 2010 at 10:09 pm
Not only does the law tax middle-class Whites in order to fund health care for non-Whites,
OH DEAR, the dahlings of the middle class, the suburbanite grazers, most of them working for government of one entity or another.
Yes our most precious “commode”ity is our middle class, just can’t live with them or without them, gotsa keep up with the jones’s, keeps up the appearance, nose in the air, boy do I want to puke!
Just another jew ploy to divide Whites into socio-economic drones zones. “Pile the gravy high on the taters, give Rastus an Jose a double portion of strychnine laced koolaid to wash it all down. I is dah rebberend Jim Jones! Pile dem taxes hi on dem White fair to middln Honkies, make um holler till deh pay up or shut up! I is de almighty Obongo health care Czar!