Edgar Steele Faces Additional Charges; Government’s Case Too Iffy?
Posted by Socrates in Edgar Steele, federal power, Socrates, White martyrs, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 9:39 pm | 
Why did they bring several more “desperate-sounding” charges against Steele? Is it because the original charges were too questionable and they want to make sure that Steele doesn’t slip through the net?
22 July, 2010 at 10:13 pm
Sounds pretty damn suspicious to me. As in the Randy Weaver case, the feds are piling on charges so that something will stick. Such is the fate of the politically correct in Obongo’s America. Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence has been supplanted with talmudic vengeance.
22 July, 2010 at 11:50 pm
Sgt., you stole my thunder. Yes, the Empire always piles on a lot of additional bullshit charges in order to try and disorient or overwhelm the victim. I’m surprised they haven’t charged Steele with violation of the Mann Act, which prohibits White Slavery. Oh well, maybe next week’s batch of bullshit Federal charges will include that.
23 July, 2010 at 7:07 am
“Such is the fate of the politically correct in Obongo’s America.”
It should read such is the fate of the politically INCORRECT. And I just love the charge of witness tampering. Telling your wife you’ve been set up is considered witness tampering. We know the Justice Dept. never, ever, in a million years would do such a thing or tamper with jury members.
23 July, 2010 at 8:23 am
Yea, but the increasingly obvious and continually rising amount of suspicion that this thing against Edgar Steele has been a fed setup job from the beginning – none of these obvious clues that reveal the desperation of the feds, could ever change or alter the mind of Jim Giles.
Nope. Ed’s picture is all the evidence that Jimmy needs to know he’s guilty for sure.
23 July, 2010 at 10:31 am
The fact that there has been and is FAKE WN radio shows, run with tax money, with severe begging for funds to get our names shows you they are pro active NKVD.
Commercial AM radio is so disgusting I am surprised any one listen’s to it, but the AM radio is to keep the TV heads brain washed IMO.
Example 810 AM KGO SF CA. that is heard from Baja, to Finland at night.
23 July, 2010 at 11:43 am
HD- example of fake WN radio shows?
23 July, 2010 at 2:23 pm
“HD- example of fake WN radio shows?”
Well, there’s the Alex Jones Show, for one. And there was Hal Turncoat, of course. Jeff Rense, another Internet radio guy, is always warning his listeners to be careful about informants and infiltrators masquerading as “patriot” radio hosts.
But I suspect a lot of those religious programs on short-wave radio were being secretly funded by ZOG as a way of tranquilizing short-wave radio listening “patriots” into not doing anything except “praising the Lord”. It would not have cost ZOG very much to fund all those brainless Bible shows, just a few million bucks a year, tops.
No one listens to SW radio much anymore, but it’s a shame that those SW frequencies could not have been put to better use. They were clogged with way too much “Jayzus is Lord” horse-shit when they should have been filled with information on White Resistance. But then again SW radio is where I first heard Dr. Pierce’s ADV broadcasts, so it wasn’t all bad. I think the station was WRNO out of New Orleans.
23 July, 2010 at 2:51 pm
Oh, sorry..you were talking about WN programming, not patriotard shows. Well the same caveat applies to them too.
23 July, 2010 at 6:59 pm
These talmudic shysters in the ZOG courts use the same techniques of piling on bullshit, specious charges regardless of what level the kosher kabbala kangeroo kourt is held at. Steele will be found “guilty” of pissing off some kikes, robbed, imprisoned, enslaved and if he still makes trouble for them, murdered. Nobody with a quark’s worth of Aryan Consciousness or more to them should expect anything different of the kikes. Our salvation must be the Way of the Bullet, a complete, violent extermination of jewry and freemasonry, first on this landmass, then Eurasia if they haven’t liberated themselves first, which I actually expect.
Appropos of any “WN showz” on the jewzmedia freak-quencies; I found that Tee Vee watchurz and Tawk-RaydeeOh lissnurz all are a yellow-gut bunch of do-nothings that get off watching and listening to some brave and lonely soul (if they are honest, as I was and am) put his life on the line by exposure, while they sit on their Buttwiper Beer-bloated, candied arses, then tune in some ZOG-vision or Jew-Oynk after you’re done with your piece for the period. Suffice to say, one should distrust ALL of these characters who manage to stay on the jewzmedia beyond so many years if they never catch any heat from the ZOG, as I did and still am. Paytriotards, phoney “WNs” bible-thumperz all are hats Haymie can wear and does.
Drang nach judea! Machen alles Sie todt!
23 July, 2010 at 8:51 pm
I am somewhat torn between two men whose opinions and analyses I admire, Harold Covington and Jim Giles.
I will try to build the best bridge I can between their perspectives.
One, Covington is right.
Steele is essentially innocent of the charges that were originally filed against him, and is the victim of a plan – a plot – that is deeper than it may seems.
Two, Giles is right.
As a matter of technical analysis – the tools and techniques needed to achieve freedom – the price of Steele’s freedom seems to start at about twenty-five thousand dollars (the cost of an expert witness on tape recording), and go up dramatically from there.
Figure, what, fifty thousand dollars for a lawyer who specializes in the First Amendment to have the gag order put aside, allowing the press to hear Edgar’s, and his family’s, side of the story.
Figure between one hundred thousand dollars and two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for a lawyer to represent him at trial who would have been trained by Gerry Spence.
As Kevin Alfred Strom noted, and often quoted, “Freedom is not free.”
I wish Edgar well, I really do.
He seems to have been stunned by the effectiveness of the government’s efforts against him; this, after he described in his “Let’s Get Small” mp3, pretty much EXACTLY what would have happened to him.
Now, listen to that mp3 again, and review in your mind what the physical evidence was that put Matt Hale in jail forever.
Let’s all hope Steele’s friends and family have put together AT LEAST the twenty-five grand it would take for an expert witness on tape recordings to testify for him.
And, if they don’t, don’t you wonder why?
I do.
So, let’s be proactive, and begin to develop some Lesson Learned concerning the issues around Mr. Steele:
One, learn from the accumulated wisdom of Rockwell, Metzger and Dr. Duke. (If they all agree, you KNOW it’s right!)
When ANYONE approaches you with the proposal to engage in conduct that might seem to be illegal, look at them, walk away, and say, loudly enough got their microphone to pick up:
Then, WALK AWAY, and, if he follows you, GO TO THE POLICE.
If Steele had done that, and then had nothing whatsoever to do with that person, he would be a free man today.
Two, an important issue needs to be addressed.
It used to be that simply not going along with an act was good enough to prove your innocence.
I think a shift in the law is developing where you will have a positive duty to inform on people who, even jokingly, propose breaking the law.
So, thanks to the efforts of Jim Giles, there are the keys to Edgar’s possible, and hoped for, freedom, and the price tag attached to each.
Let’s hope his friends and family will come up with the first twenty-five thousand, for the expert witness.
Incidentally, perhaps someone on VNN can keep track of the PACER updates on this case.
We can’t expect Jim Giles to do everything around here, can we?
24 July, 2010 at 12:44 am
I am somewhat torn between two men whose opinions and analyses I admire, Harold Covington and Jim Giles.
Enuff said.
24 July, 2010 at 10:40 pm
o Oh come on!!!!!
Steele made a monitored phone call from the jail saying things that could be construed as coaxing a witness/victim to lie?
Unless this trained and seasoned lawyer is going simple minded I find this too obvious action unbelievable. Also, wasn’t it a coincidence that the car with the pipe bomb still attached would be taken in to a garage where it would be put up on a rack and thus the bomb be discovered? This actually happened to someone in my area who wanted to convince the authorities that unspecified people were trying to kill him. He secured a fake bomb to the underside of his car and took it in to the garage for some work that required it to be put up on the rack and thus the fake bomb would be discovered. Sounds like a very lame trick to me. Steele is being framed for something that never happened.
24 July, 2010 at 11:06 pm
in reply to Luek:
I am not asking you to believe anything.
The Prosecution will ask the Courts to believe them, and the jury will believe what they will.
Tape recordings are very useful in helping them to make their points.
you wrote:
Steele made a monitored phone call from the jail saying things that could be construed as coaxing a witness/victim to lie?
Unless this trained and seasoned lawyer is going simple minded I find this too obvious action unbelievable.
in somber reply:
Tape recordings that may have been fabricated are one thing, and Jim Giles has found THE expert who can prove whether or not they were fabricated.
The cost of that part of the key that will allow Steele to be a free man again?
I figure, about twenty-five thousand.
Heard of anyone making that happen yet?
I didn’t think so, and THAT should focus your mind.
As to the recording made of – allegedly – Steele talking to his wife, the authenticity of that will be all too obvious, all too soon.
Giles makes the strong, intellectually honest point, that dealing strictly with facts, few and far though they may be, is what will help us to understand what is going on.
As I have said, as I understand it, anyone here can get the latest PACER updates on the case, and place them on this blog.
This is an excellent example of why the Five Words are so important for us.
None of this is getting better, anytime soon.
Twenty-five grand begins to open the door to freedom for Ed.
Hopefully, his friends and family will put that much together for him.
And, as I have noted before, the wisdom of such different men as Rockwell, Metzger, and Dr. Duke can all be seen in one simple action:
Above in this thread, I wrote:
Now, reread that last line above.
Say “NO,” and walk away.
And what is the value of freedom?
Ask Ed about that, in an “apple pie, strictly legal way.”
When you see him….
25 July, 2010 at 2:32 am
Mel Gibson, being set up ! It appears that any White with more than one person who will listen to are being targeted.
Edgar and Mel, are the warning shots to all Whites, is that their message ?
25 July, 2010 at 3:51 am
The Jews have had it in for Mel Gibson for a long time, so they got his slutty ex-girlfriend to provoke the guy over the phone and then record it. OK, so he got drunk and lost his temper during a phone call with Svetloana the Goldigging Slavic Slut. Big freakin’ deal. She deserves a punch in the face.
That remids me….What ever happened to Michael Richards, the odd-looking Jew comedian who played Kramer on Seinfeld? He was recorded yelling at some obnoxious niggers in the audience during one of his stand-up routines a few years back and then he just disappeared. It should be pointed out that Jews don’t like the Schvatzes any more than normal people do. It’s just that Jews know how to use Sambo as an exceptionally effective weapon against the goyim.
25 July, 2010 at 5:43 pm
The FBI will be obliterated!
26 July, 2010 at 12:57 pm
Tom Metzger does not voluntarily enlist the services of the System’s control operatives; but — YES — shed those who attempt to talk turkey from your presence. ~~ 14 Bob
30 July, 2010 at 4:41 pm
The Jews are still working on getting even with Gibson. They never forgive or forget. And now theyre working on Oliver Stone too.
Depite the fact that both of these celebs have dutifully groveled and apoligized, that doesnt matter one whit. There is no forgiveness for criticising Jewry.
I just saw in the news today that theyve arrested another 90-year old man for alleged crimes against Jews during the Holycause.
They NEVER forgive! Christians forgive, Jews get even.