12 July, 2010

Thought Criminals and Their Cellphones

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' haters, communism, democracy, democrazy, DeNazification, Germany, jewed culture, jewed law, Marxism, Socrates at 12:40 am | Permanent Link

Life in a Jewmocracy is always filled with excitement! If his cellphone played a speech by a mass-murdering leftist like Stalin, that would surely be okay since Jewrmany is nearly a communist country, politically speaking:


  • 37 Responses to “Thought Criminals and Their Cellphones”

    1. torrence Says:

      What do the German lemmings fear? A few quotes from a dead man of 65 years? Are they really serious? Well, yes, they are, and they should be. The words of Adolph Hilter had power. They still do.

      For those not familiar with Mein Kampf, don’t bother reading it. I don’t.

      I STUDY it!

    2. Jim Says:

      Exactly right, torrence. The jewish controlled puppet government of Germany (Jewmany), is terrified that the German people will someday wake up and recover from their jew induced stupor and realize that the entire history of the Second World War that they have been given is a jew lie. The people of Germany have been so brainwashed to believe the absurd hoax of the “holocaust” that they are even more guilt ridden than people in the ‘Kwa who have been sold the bullshit about their responsibility for nigger slavery. We need to turn the tables on the damn kikes and make them feel guilty for a change about their REAL crimes against humanity.

    3. tbow002 Says:

      The Germans need to study history a lot more from 1910 to 1939. The holohoax was a result, not a cause. To find the cause they must look into what jewish groups were doing to Germany prior to Hitler coming to power. They were in fact displacing the German people in their own nation just like they are doing to Americans now. While Hitler and the Nazis were brutal and harsh, it was originally only in self defense of Germans.

      But, Dumbass Hitler had to go and invade Poland though for the small group of Prussian German peoples in Northern Poland. Even worse was invading Russia when he had treaties with Stalin and was receiving oil from Russia regularly. Had he not gotten greedy it would be a different world today.

      And Jim…Jews are the most selfish, self centered people on earth and only feel guilt when its a fellow Jew that they hurt. Goy Cattle like us dont matter.

    4. festerbestertester Says:

      Want to see a Kike squirm? Bring up the Gaza situation. Ask a Jew why they condemned the system of apartheid in South Africa but practice it when the Palestinians are concerned. Walls in Israel to protect their borders but Jewish Americans vote agaist walls to protect our borders. Hate speeches on the cell phone? Why no out cry against gangsta rap from the Jew media masters?

    5. Virgil Says:

      Political correctness will be obliterated!

    6. Antagonistes Says:

      I used to think a lot of Hitler before I found out that he wanted to bomb Paris into ashes. “Dumbass Hitler,” indeed!

      But to the point of this article–have you not noticed how conveniently it parallels New Testament morality?

      Jesus said that if you look at a woman “lustfully” that you have already committed adultery. Makes no difference whether you bonk her or not bonk her.

      Same with this ringtone. Makes no difference whether you sent a Jew to a concentration camp or got rid of the subversive “Frankfort School.” If you play a speech by Hitler, you are guilty of all the above.

      Sombitches! They think they can analyze a person’s whole life by a single innocuous act!


    7. torrence Says:

      Antagonistes – Please Justify

      If Hitler had wanted to bomb Paris into ashes, then why didn’t he? You lament what could have happened with Pairs, but you pass over what did happen with Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt and so on. Hitler was a defender of European culture and would have found no joy in the wanton destruction of Paris. Immediately following victory, he personally toured Paris for five hours on the morning of June 22 to take in the architctural wonders of the city. He made Paris the standard of what Berlin reconstruction needed to surpass.

    8. torrence Says:

      To tbow002

      I’m beginning to detect some Jewthought in WWII revsionism here.
      His invasion of Poland was indeed to some degree directed by his desire to reclaim displaced Germans back into a rejuvinated Fatherland. His effort of ‘calling home’ all ethnic Germans was announced as his intention years earler in MK. But it was more than this. There were geopolitical concerns involved as well due to the disadvantages brought upon Germany by the loss of traditional lands to Poland through the Versailles Treaty. Germany had lost it’s pre-WWII eastern frontier and one of her main ocean ports. In his negotiations with Poland, Hitoler demanded only a limited reconstitution of former lands, namely the return of Danzing and a soverign land corrider to it, at a minimum. He privately let it be known that he did not want to resort to force against Poland.

      But in the larger picture, war would have come to Poland at another time anyway. Had Hilter not invaded in 1939, Soviet Russia would have were they allowed the opportunity to launch their surprise invasion of Europe. Fortunately, Hitler pre-empted them by a mere few days or weeks.

      Your comments about ‘Dumbass Hilter’ becoming greedy are made lacking full understanding. For excellent infomation on the Soviet plans for a European invasion, consult the works of Victor Suvorov, a former Soviet military intelligence officer. His two books on this topic are ‘Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War’, and the very recent ‘Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II’, publised by Naval Military Press.
      Of this, one reviewer wrote: ” For me every para, every page ,every chapter of this book were a revelation. Military buffs you will never regret exploring it ; if not , you have missed something….Firstly,author impugns the established wisdom on World War II Soviet Union was an innocent victim of Nazi aggression. Suvorov argues Stalin hatched plans to invade Germany. Exploiting German preoccupation in the West ,he started massing troops along the border as a prelude to launching a war of liberation. Soviet dictator succeeded in entangling Nazi Germany in a war with Western democracies. Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact and carve-up of Poland was a step in this direction.”

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      As I stated on another thread, the only patriotism that Germans may show these days is when their mutli-racial soccer team wins some game against Holland’s multi-racial soccer team.

      It’s distressing to read that so many so-called “Germans” are willing to alert the police if they should hear any unauthorized Nazi speeches or music. And yet our courageous, intelligent right wing always complains of how little freedom of speech or thought there supposedly is in Iran, North Korea, Venuzuela and Cuba. But I’ll bet you can publicly question the Holohoax and fly Nazi flags in those countries if you want to.

      Sadly, there has never been much true patriotism in Germany. For most of its existence the Reich was divided up into dozens of small city-states, pricipalities and kingdoms that had little in common with each other. And I don’t think there was nearly as much patriotism in Germany during WWI as there was in England, France or the USA. Only Der Fuhrer manged to make a solid, unified and patriotic Reich out of Germany, which is to his everlasting credit. But I rather doubt that it will ever happen again.

    10. torrence Says:

      Excellent points.
      However, “But I rather doubt that it will ever happen again.”
      is defeatist. Why then and for what do we fight?

      Commandment #10 for National Sociailists:
      ‘Have faith in the future. Only thus will you win it’.

      “Tomorrow Belongs to Me!” Do you believe it?

      NATIONALIST MUSIC VIDEO – Saga – Tomorrow Belongs To Me

    11. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Jim says: “The jewish-controlled puppet government of Germany (Jewmany), is terrified that the German people will someday wake up and recover from their jew induced stupor and realize that the entire history of the Second World War that they have been given is a jew lie.”

      Correct, Jim. The German government are determined that no such thing will happen. That is why no peace treaty has ever been signed and there are still American and British bases remaining in Germany today. In other words, it is still an occupied country 65 years after the “end” of the war. That fact isnt rubbed in, and Germans are allowed to think they are a free and independent country. But they are kept on a tight leash and must obey their masters.


      tbow002 Says: “The Germans need to study history a lot more from 1910 to 1939. The holohoax was a result, not a cause. To find the cause they must look into what jewish groups were doing to Germany prior to Hitler coming to power. “

      To teach or discuss “what Jewish groups were doing to Germany” (as you put it) or the real roots of the Holohoax, would be ILLEGAL. That simply isn’t allowed to happen. The government in Germany arent going to have it. It would be a sure ticket right into a gaol cell.

      I find that modern Germans, young Germans, know very little about their history, especially their more recent history. And what little they know is skewed or false. Their education is centred mainly around technical things, while they are kept ignorant about a lot of social/historical facts that are inconvenient or un-PC.

      For example, I was on a Dutch plane, seated next to a young German who was a going to university in Gottingen, one of Germany’s topnotch institutions. He was extremely well educated in science, but abysmally ill informed about historical/social matters. When I asked him if he understood Dutch, being that the two languages are so closely related, he was startled at the question and told me that there was absolutely NO relationship between the Dutch and German languages — none at all. He insisted that the two languages AND peoples are utterly, utterly different. When I pointed out that they are essentially the same people, of the same racial stock, and they had all been Germans until 1648, he looked at me in total bafflement like I was crazy, and said, “I don’t understand you. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

      Well, obviously he didn’t. He didn’t even have the slightest clue. He never heard of such a thing as Germanic languages … or people. And this from a doctoral student studying molecular biology in a world-class university!

      What Germany is producing today is a crop of very well trained young scientists and technicians, but otherwise very ignorant persons. Those in power obviously want it that way. These technicians will be sufficient to keep the economy running, but they will not be asking inconvenient questions about other matters.

      tbow002 says: “But Dumbass Hitler had to go and invade Poland though for the small group of Prussian German peoples in Northern Poland.”

      The war would have happened no matter what Hitler did. The Jews were determined to have it. It was announced in newspaper headlines of the time that World Jewry had declared war on Germany from the day after Herr H. had won the election. One way or the other, they were going to have their war.


      torrence Says: “Antagonistes – Please Justify.
      If Hitler had wanted to bomb Paris into ashes, then why didn’t he?
      You lament what could have happened with Paris, but you pass over what did happen with Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt , etc…”

      As Torrence said, Herr H. had a high regard for French culture and (like the British Empire) wanted to preserve it. AND HE DID SO, right up until the very end of the war. There is the proof! H. could have destroyed it if he wanted to — he had several years of ooportunity. But there was peace in Paris and no destruction under the Nazi occupation . All the bombing and devastation and terror came to France with the invasion of the allies, not the Germans. (Despite what we hear today from the victorious Left. Naturally, they give their version.)

      Antagonistes is referring to the very end of the war when the Germans were in retreat and, allegedly, Hitler gave orders to burn Paris, so as to not let it fall into the hands of the Allies. Whether this was a strategic military decision or spite, I dont know. (However, it didnt happen.) Maybe he was getting a little deranged at that point (after all, who wouldnt in his shoes?), and remember too that he also gave such orders when the Soviets were invading Berlin.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      There is a fine line between “defeatism” and “realism”. Unfortunately, as illustrated by the featured story of this thread, many Germans are beyond help. They have been too pacified, brainwashed and neutered to ever rise up again. Such wretches consider themselves to be World Citizens first, Europeans second and Germans a distant third. But a large minority of Germans, maybe 10-15%, are still loyal to the Fatherland and can be salvaged.

      The Jews and the Globalists have not enjoyed a complete victory over Europe. I believe they will ultimately lose, because humans are tribal and race-oriented by their very nature. Superstates and racially or ethnically diverse national populations are just not considered normal by most people.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      Neither the Allies nor all those liberal, anti-Nazi historians ever give credit to the Germans for their reluctance to destroy either Paris or Rome. And it was the Allies, not the Germans, who inflicted heavy damage on Italy during WWII. Weren’t they the same Allies who went to war against the Reich in order to “save” Western Civilization?

    14. Jim Says:

      Excellent posts by torrence, Tim, and Yahoody. tbow002, you are right that jews are the most selfish, self centered people on earth and only feel guilt if a fellow jew is hurt. I was wrong on that one, but you were wrong to say that Hitler was a “Dumbass”. He was one of the selfless and courageous White men to ever have walked the earth. Far from being greedy, he sacrificed everything for his Folk. Hitler did not want war. It was forced on him by the Judeo bolshevik forces of J.V. Stalin and the Judeo capitalist thugs under FDR and Churchill.

    15. Yahoody Doody Says:

      You are right about that, Jim. We agree on that one.

    16. CW-2 Says:

      The jew compulsion to destroy anything they don’t appreciate or understand is amply demonstrated by the totally unnecessary bombing of Dresden, Caen, Monte Casino and hundreds of other cultural centers.
      Of greater loss of course was the genetic treasure of the Aryan men fighting on both sides. Try explaining that to the average WWjew vet.

    17. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Ah, but that was “The Good War”. The “Big One”. The war to make the world safe for Jews. The war to put the Jews in the drivers seat around the world, with the USA and USSR protecting them and looking after their interests.

      You didn’t mention the ferocious bombing of Kassel. (Of course, there were so many others too.) In Wikipaedia there was a very interesting and detailed article about this until about last year. Articles on most of the German cities mention little or nothing at all about their bombing in the war.

      The Wiki article (last year) said that the terrible heat generated by the firestorm generated winds so high (over 100 mph) that they sucked into the center those people who were trying to escape the city.
      Now, upon looking, I find just two sentences:
      “The most severe bombing of Kassel in World War II destroyed 90% of the downtown area, some 10,000 people were killed, and 150,000 were made homeless. Most of the casualties were civilians or wounded soldiers recuperating in local hospitals .”

      There were also several dam bombings (whose names I would have to look up). These had no military value at all, but were meant to create terror and suffering. They released enormous walls of water that inundated valleys and cities, killing tens of thousands.

    18. torrence Says:

      Doody – Good that you’re able to resurrect the truth here on this topic. If you have the original article, can you post it or link it somehow? Although noble in intent, Wiki appears to have gotten Jewed along the way.

      Is there anyway this site can maintain a section serving as a repository for such lost information.? Thanks. The bombing of Kassel is something I don’t recall ever reading anything about.

    19. Jim Says:

      How about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustlof in January of 1945. It was carrying ten thousand refugees, mainly women and children fleeing the advancing Red Army. The Soviets sunk it to the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Each torpedo was painted with an inscription such as “For the Motherland, “For Stalin”, “For the Soviet People” , “For Leningrad”, etc. You don’t hear to much in the jew inspired history books about that one, nor do you hear much about the REAL holocaust of Ukraniian Kulaks in 1932, where as many as ten million Gentiles starved to death. Its always the holocaust, the holocaust, the holocaust. The jews always write the history books, therefore they are full of lies, just like the kikes themselves.

    20. torrence Says:

      Jim – and wasn’t that followed shortly therafter by the sinking of another German refugee ship, the von Stueben?

      If the public only knew of the Allied war crimes! Nurnberg would not have had enough rope.

    21. Antagonistes Says:

      Yahoody writes about what I was talking about, Torrence.

      The man Hitler put in charge of Paris, von Choltitz, did not, would not, carry out Hitler’s orders. The French gave von Choltitz high honors at his funeral.


      It is very sad that there was not an American or British general with some character and backbone that refused to bomb the German cultural city, Dresden.

      Hitler did not want Pairs to fall into the enemy’s hands.

      But to burn down such a repository of European culture and heritage–that would be a very hard call and I don’t mean to give the impression that I am sitting here, smoking a pipe, and correcting the mistakes of a great man.

      And Hitler was a great man, but I think he was primarily an artistic right-brain thinker (which goes far and deep) but he, like all great men, needed a trusted compatriot, of a different orientation, who needed to, it seems, at times, bring him back down to earth.


    22. Bob Says:

      John de Nugent was spot on awhile back when comparing Northern and Southern Europeans regarding the Rosarno Nigger ejections.

      He pointed out that, from his observation, the more contemplative Northerners often hesitate when they should act; whereas, in the South, immediate action is more likely. Whether racial or cultural, or a combination of both, all of these traits add to the variety and strength of our White Race.

      The Germans are a highly contemplative people. When they awaken, the reality of the destruction of their ancesters, the greatest massing of creative human talent to date, will cause a backlash unlike the worst imagined horror of any KikeJew.

      Count on it!

    23. Jim Says:

      I hope you are right, Bob. The Germans had better start awakening pretty damn soon because if the kikes have their way, there won’t be any of them left in a few years. Their suicidally low birth rate combined with a sky high mud infestation will create a situation whereby a REAL genocide of the German people by the kikes will occur, rather than the phony genocide of jews by Hitler.

    24. Jon Says:

      Tim McGreen said:

      “But a large minority of Germans, maybe 10-15%, are still loyal to the Fatherland and can be salvaged.”

      Similar to numbers here in America.


    25. Jon Says:

      Tim McGreen also said:

      “Superstates and racially or ethnically diverse national populations are just not considered normal by most people.”

      Nor have they ever existed for any length of time at any place throughout world history. Like oil and water, when left alone, they invariably separate. So too the various races and ethnic groups BY NATURE do separate.

      This Judeo-Marxist-based multiculturism (except, of course, in the ill-gotten Zionist state!) is wholly unnatural and artificial.


    26. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Thanks, Torrence. Im glad you found that information useful.
      I will try to see what else I can find for you.

    27. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “The French gave von Choltitz high honors at his funeral.”

      That’z because his name ends with ITZ.

    28. Antagonistes Says:

      Ha, shabbos! It’s because his name has something to do with tits (CholTITZ)–titz–and the French love feminine beauty. . . and tits!

      So, what is a chol tit? What are chol titz?

      I don’t know, but these Moulin Rouge gals must have them!


      J’espère voir ces femmes dans quelques années, quand je reviens en France!

    29. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Jim Says: 13 July, 2010 at 8:32 am
      “How about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustlof in January of 1945. It was carrying ten thousand refugees, mainly women and children fleeing the advancing Red Army. The Soviets sunk it to the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Each torpedo was painted with an inscription such as “For the Motherland, “For Stalin”, “For the Soviet People” , “For Leningrad”, etc. You don’t hear to much in the jew inspired history books about that one, nor do you hear much about the REAL holocaust of Ukraniian Kulaks in 1932, where as many as ten million Gentiles starved to death. Its always the holocaust, the holocaust, the holocaust. The jews always write the history books, therefore they are full of lies, just like the kikes themselves.”
      torrence Says: 13 July, 2010 at 8:39 am
      “Jim – and wasn’t that followed shortly therafter by the sinking of another German refugee ship, the von Stueben?
      If the public only knew of the Allied war crimes! Nurnberg would not have had enough rope.”


      Thank you very much for that information, Jim and Torrence. That is extremely interesting. I did not know about those things at all. Amazing! There is so much we dont know.
      Have you also heard about the Cap Arcona?


      CAP ARCONA and THIELBECK (May 3, 1945)

      On May 3rd, 1945, four days after Hitler’s suicide [on April 30th] and just four days before Germany’s surrender, the German pre-war luxury liner Cap Arcona, 27,561 tons, anchored in Lubeck Bay along with two other ships the Thielbeck and Athen, were bombed by RAF planes. On board the three ships were around 7,000 prisoners from Nazi concentration camps near Hamburg and Danzig, half of whom were Russian and Polish POWs who were being evacuated.

      In the last weeks of the war, the Swedish diplomat Count Folke Bernadotte, vice-president of the Red Cross, was organising the removal of Danish and Norwegian prisoners to neutral Sweden — a scheme known as the White Buses. In practice, the scheme also included other nationalities.

      Arriving at the port of Lubeck the prisoners were ferried out to the Cap Arcona whose captain, Kapitän Heinrich Bertram, refused to take them on board, protesting that his ship could only accommodate 700. Threatened with arrest and execution, he relented and watched as thousands of prisoners were herded into the holds of his ship.

      A short distance away, the liner Deutschland was anchored and being converted to a hospital ship.

      On May 3rd, the RAF attacked, Firing their rockets, the Typhoons of 184 Squadron attacked first, hitting all three ships. The second attack was by 198 Squadron led by Group Captain Johnny Baldwin. The third attack by 263 Squadron attacked the Deutschland, as did the fourth attack by 197 Squadron. The Deutschland, burning furiously, keeled over and sank four hours later.

      The 27,561 ton Cap Arcona, with nearly 4,500 prisoners trapped below and suffocating in the smoke and flames, turned over on her side and lay partly submerged and burning. Some managed to break out and cling to the hull of the ship. Others jumped into the freezing Baltic Sea. In all, 314 prisoners and 2 crewmembers were rescued. The Thielbeck was left a smouldering wreck and sank forty-five minutes later. Of the Thielbeck’s 2,800 prisoners, only around 50 were saved. Altogether, over 6,500 people died in this tragedy.

      The RAF pilots knew nothing about the prisoners on board. It was not until many years later, in fact 1975, that they learned that they had slaughtered their own allies!
      For weeks after the sinking, bodies of the victims were washed ashore, to be collected and buried in a single mass grave at Neustadt. For nearly three decades, parts of skeletons were being washed ashore, the last find, by a twelve year old boy, was in 1971. The history of this tragedy is depicted in the ‘Cap Arcona’ Museum in Neustadt, opened in 1990.

      As a light rain began to fall on the afternoon of May 3, 1945, British soldiers searched the beaches of Neustadt, on the Baltic,for survivors. The bodies of men, women, and even small children lay by the hundreds on the sands. Offshore, under a gray, smoke filled sky, the soldiers could see the the still-smoldering hulk of the former luxury liner, the Cap Arcona, and scores of other damaged ships. A highly effective RAF bombing and rocket raid had destroyed the fleet and killed over 7,000 concentration camp inmates who had been imprisoned on the ships.

      It’s a story no one would tell. The British government ordered the records sealed for 100 years. The sinking of one of the most glamorous ocean liners of the early twentieth century appears in no history books. The governments of Germany and Great Britain continue to to refuse to discuss it or release pertinent records. So another war atrocity remains mostly a secret, like several other sinkings during the period.

      [from Wiki]
      The Cap Arcona was a large luxury liner of the Hamburg-South America Line, serving the South American trade. She was considered one of the most beautiful ships of the time, and was the largest German ship on the South American run, She carried upper-class travelers and steerage-class emigrants, mostly to South America.

      In early 1945, the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) used her to transport 25,795 German soldiers and civilians from East Prussia to western Germany.

      Towards the end of April 1945, the Germans assembled a small fleet of ships in the Bay of Lübeck, comprising the liners Cap Arcona and SS Deutschland, and the smaller vessels Thielbek and Athen. By the end of the month, these ships held more than 10,000 prisoners

      It was claimed during a War Crimes Tribunal that the prisoners were destined for Sweden. However, the head of the Hamburg Gestapo,testifying at the trial, said that the prisoners were slated to be killed in compliance with Himmler’s orders, and it has been ‘suggested’ that the plan called for scuttling the ships with the live prisoners still aboard.

      On April 30, 1945, two Swedish ships, Magdalena and Lillie Matthiessen, sailed from Lübeck, the first with 223 western European prisoners, for the most part French-speaking, who were transferred from the Thielbek to the Magdalena, and the second with 225 women from Ravensbrück , for transportation to hospitals in Sweden

      After Hitler had committed suicide on 30 April 1945 Admiral of the Fleet Karl Dönitz succeeded him as supreme commander. It was falsely reported that the Nazi leadership planned to move to Norway and to fight on from there having assembled around 500 ships in Lübeck Bay and Kiel Bay for this purpose. This falsehood remains uncorrected in English publications until today
      The prisoners learnt that Hitler had committed suicide on 1st May 1945, that most of Berlin was occupied by Russian troops and that the war was practically over.

      On May 2, 1945, the British Second Army reached Lübeck. No. 6 Commando, 1st Special Service Brigade commanded by Brigadier Derek Mills-Roberts, and 11th Armoured Division, commanded by Major-General George P. B. Roberts, entered Lübeck without resistance. The International Red Cross informed Major-General Roberts that 7,000-8,000 prisoners were aboard ships in the Bay of Lübeck.

      On May 3, 1945, four days after Hitler’s suicide, and just four days before the unconditional surrender of Germany, the Cap Arcona, the Thielbek, and the liner Deutschland , were attacked by the RAF in Lubeck Bay. Pilots of the attacking force stated they were unaware that the ships were laden with prisoners. However, some sources suggest that elements of the British command knew of the occupants, but failed to pass the information on. The RAF commanders ordering the strike reportedly thought that the ships carried escaping SS officers, possibly fleeing to German-controlled Norway.

      RAF Pilot Allan Wyse of No. 193 Squadron later recalled, “We used our cannon fire at the chaps in the water . . . we shot them up with 20mm cannons in the water. Horrible thing, but we were told to do it and we did it. That’s war.”

      Severely damaged and on fire, the Cap Arcona eventually capsized. The death toll was estimated at 5,000 people.

      Photos of the burning ships, listed as Deutschland, Thielbek, and Cap Arcona, and of the emaciated survivors swimming in the very cold Baltic Sea (seven degrees Celsius), were taken on a reconnaissance mission over the Bay of Lübeck by F-6 aircraft of the USAAF’s 161st Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron around 5:00 pm, shortly after the attack. On May 4, 1945, a British reconnaissance plane shot photos of the two laid wrecks : Thielbek, Cap Arcona.

      The capsized hulk of the Cap Arcona later drifted ashore, and the beached wreck was broken up in 1949. It was the second worst seafaring incident in history.



      The Cap Arcona was ablaze. The safety equipment for flooding and fire was of the highest standard but controlled from the bridge. Nearly all prisoners below deck were killed. Many of the life boats were holed and the prisoners did not know how to lower them anyway. Only one life boat was lowered. Prisoners were shot in the water.

      The attack on the Thielbek occurred roughly an hour after the attack on the Cap Arcona. She was flying a white flag. Only a few prisoners were able to escape the holds. The safety-boats were holed. The crew gave help to the prisoners. The ship had a 50 percent list and was near to sinking when captain Jacobsen ordered the crew to abandon ship. Of the 2,800 prisoners aboard only 50 survived. Practically all the SS guards and marines were killed. Captain Jacobsen, first officer Andresen and first engineer Lau were killed. Second officer Walter Felgner and third officer Schotmann and three merchant seamen were rescued. The British planes shot at the rescue boats and the people in the water.

      A total of 7,500 people were killed in the air-raid. The British who were seen as potential rescuers by the concentration camp prisoners turned out to be their murderers.

      No acceptance of responsibility or honouring of the dead:
      No British government has ever made reference to the deaths of the 7,500 people in Lübeck Bay. There has never been a wreath laid nor a speech given in their memory. Mass graves were dug along the beach between Neustadt and Pelzerhaken.
      Some survivors built a cenotaph from stones and wrote upon it in large black letters:
      “In eternal memory of the prisoners of Neuengamme concentration camp. They perished with the sinking of the Cap Arcona on the 3rd May 1945.”
      Today there is a memorial for those killed on the Cap Arcona in the cemetery in Grömitz.


      I only recently learned, several months ago, of this incredible and little-known disaster. Just last summer, on the train from Stockholm to Hamburg, I passed this very spot along the shore of Lubeck Bay, without having any idea of the horrible scene that once took place there. The entire incident has been largely covered up and forgotten by the western allies. The second worst maritime disaster in history, caused by our own guns, and when the war was ending, but hardly known outside of Germany! Its not even well known in Germany, outside of the immediate locale. In a fair and rational world, would this be considered a “War Crime”?

      Incidentally — one further point — all Jews who perished in the war, from whatever cause — even one such as this where they were murdered by allied bombing — are considered Victims of the Holocaust. Other nationalities are not.

      Arcona poster:

      pictures of the Cap Arcona:

      The Goya:

    30. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Sorry for the mistake there. Here is the poster for the Cap Arcona.


    31. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Incidentally, for those who may be interested, I was very curious about the name, Arcona, and where it came from. I never heard of any Cape Arcona before, thinking it might be in Brazil (since that was the route served). After some googling, it turns out that Cape Arcona is the northernmost tip of Germany in the Baltic Sea, facing Sweden.

      An appropriate name, after all, as the Baltic was where the ship began and saw its end.


    32. Karen Says:

      Great comments, except the name calling. Hitler was certainly no “dumbass”. He was the best in the West as my father always said.

    33. Justin Huber Says:

      I think of all the leaders in World War II, Hitler had the most foresight. 65 years after his death, even some mainstream authors are slowly starting to realize this.

    34. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jim deserves a gold star for mentioning the attack on the Wilhelm Gustloff, a German refugee ship that was sunk by a Red submarine in January 1945 and took about 9000 civilian refugees to the bottom of the Baltic Sea. We always hear about the Lusitania and the Titanic, but the Gustlaf’s loss of life was over 4 times as high as the loss of life on the Titanic and Lusitania COMBINED.

      God damn the Jews and their gentile stooges for their lies of omission.

    35. Howdy Doody Says:

      Wilhelm Gustloff

      Terror was the enemy alien’s goal and has been for centuries, and really got going full speed ahead in 1917 with the arrest of Czar Nicky.

    36. torrence Says:

      I need someone’s help in understanding the thinking of some readers of this board.

      The following posting was made by Yahoody Doody more or less as a personal message to me. My self, if I read that, I wouldn’t have rated it because it is inconsequential and not materially substantive in content, yet it received 7 ratings, 5 of which are negative. What, may I ask is the objection to what was posted? What was noted therein to even give it a rating to begin with? I don’t see or get it. It must be me, so help me out.
      Yahoody Doody Says: 13 July, 2010 at 3:03 pm

      Thanks, Torrence. Im glad you found that information useful.
      I will try to see what else I can find for you.

      2 5

    37. Jim Says:

      It’s not you torrence; it’s Yahoody. I think the guy has problems.