5 September, 2010

Chapter 23 of 200 Years Together: “Before the Six-Day War”

Posted by Socrates in communism, jewish revolutionaries, Jewish Tyranny, Marxism, Socrates, Solzhenitsyn, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union, Stalin, Trotskyism at 11:03 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“Jews continued to dominate some areas. Solzhenitsyn mentions the special role of Jews in Soviet psychiatry (e.g., Lifshitz and “his Jewish gang” at Kaluga Hospital) at a time when “healthy people” were being locked up in mental institutions.”


  • 19 Responses to “Chapter 23 of 200 Years Together: “Before the Six-Day War””

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Kudos to CalState Long Beach for keeping Dr. MacDonald on the faculty. I imagine the Jewish and Liberal pressure to fire him must be enormous, Jews and Liberals being the two biggest enemies of free speech and free thought around. However, I wish Dr. MacDonald and other academics would just say what they have to say without all the extracts, preambles, hifalutin’ verbiage and excessive or obscure documentation, as if everything they were writing was a doctoral dissertation.

      The main point is that the Jews basically abandoned their Bolshevik Revolution after WWII in favor of Zionism and in favor of consoldating their control of the West. They got everything they could out of the Soviet Union and so they left it to rot.

      There, I said what I had to say in just one or two short paragraphs. I guess I would have made a poor academician.

    2. CW-2 Says:

      A good article, the last paragraph sums up the current situation nicely. European descent historians of a non-leftist outlook are genuinely endeavouring to uncover the truth, whereas the jewish ‘intellectual’ is always seeking interpretations to justify his position and disguise his murderous assault on our race and culture. Any attempt at discourse with the jew is a total waste of time. What do you do with an irreconcilable and implacable enemy…..

    3. Luke Says:

      “They got everything they could out of the Soviet Union and so they left it to rot.”

      This may well be partially true, but from my reading – had Vladimir Putin not engineered a classic ‘rope-a-dope’ tactic on those jewish oligarchs and conned them into thinking he was ‘their shabez goy’ guy long enough to get into power, whereupon he turned on them and either threw their thieving butts into jail or scared them so bad they fled Russia – I suspect they’d still be in control of Russia and fighting each other over the scraps. I’ve noticed that there seems to be a hyena-like aspect to jews, or perhaps even a very close similarity to vultures. None of these creatures will leave a dead or dying carcass until the last morsel of meat has been picked from its bones.

      Also, I think it is worth pointing out how fast Putin was able to pay off the Russian debt and restore his nation to a admirable state of stability once he had deloused his nation of those jewish oligarchs. Granted, he got a huge and unintended helping hand from our jewish neo-cons who lied us into wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which caused the price of oil to skyrocket – putting enormous profits into the pocket of Putin and Russia, but the main advantage that helped restore Russia was the purging of the jewish stranglehold over their nation. The neo-con jews in America saw what Putin did to their thieving buddies and that’s why they hate him, and are doing everything possible to stir up another Cold War with Russia.

      So, today – these same hyenas are picking the last few morsels of meat off the bones of the USA, and some suggest that their next target is Red China. But, notice something, friends. Are we seeing signs that these human piranhas are packing their bags and getting ready to relocate? Sure, they’re gutting our nation – and definitely moving all of our industries and manufacturing and just about every other critical piece of our infrastructure to China – and it does look like they are helping to build China up while they are tearing the USA down. But, what about the hyenas themselves? I see them pushing even harder with each passing day to recreate the USSR right here in North America. Expanding the surveillance state. Expanding the police state. Every time any jew in Congress or anywhere in our government opens their mouth – they are screaming for more and more totalitarian, Soviet-style laws and advocating for more and more tyranny to be imposed on us. With the lesbian jewess Kagan on the Supreme Court – they are gearing up to abolish our First Amendment and Second Amendment and then wipe their nasty butts on what’s left of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Does that look like they are planning to leave and go to China? It doesn’t to my way of thinking. Remember – for as long as one white American has one single dollar in his pocket that hasn’t been stolen or swindled away from him, these hyenas will not leave us alone. The USA has been the biggest and juiciest feast in world history for these human piranhas – and I believe that they are going for the marrow in our dead bones.

      Assuming, of course, that we don’t decide to put a stop to it.

    4. Jim Says:

      Another great article by Dr. McDonald. Russia is the most likely candidate to be a future White Homeland. The Russian people have probably had more experience dealing with jews than any other Aryan folk. The terrible suffering the people of Russia experienced through the horrible years of jewish bolshevism to the jew gangster mafia capitaliist phase under Yeltsin have made the Russian masses jew wise to the max. Putin is not the Leader that Russia is looking for however; that Man of Destiny awaits to be revealed at a future time. He will tear down the veil and expose the enemy AND FREE ARYAN MAN FROM THE CLUTCHES OF THE JEWISH MONEY POWER FOREVER.

    5. old dutch Says:

      The reason Dr. MacDonald can’t be touched is that his scholarship is solid, and he is not writing for uneducated louts & clowns. His audience is those who read on a college level.

      One doesn’t have to be a high school graduate to read on a college level either. By the same token national literacy studies have found that there are college graduates, and even those holding advance degrees who are illiterate.

      In this VNN article, MacDonald is reviewing Chapter 23 of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s, “200 Years Together”,

      Solzhenitsyn is not an easy read. If you have ever read any of his earlier works you are aware that Solzhenitsyn wanders, and, often introduces names or facts that a Russian would know that an American wouldn’t know.

      Dr. MacDonald is an Irish Roman Catholic, and one of the very few in the public arena that I have any respect for, and, admiration of remaining. Contrast MacDonald with Irish Roman Catholic clowns like Buchanan, O’Reilly, Hannity, Matthews, or any Irish Roman Catholic politicians, even our own Roman Catholic clowns here on VNN.

    6. Ian Says:

      Interesting and well written article. The former Russian elite was massively repressed after the Bolshevik revolution. The former elites of the USA have been massively repressed also, resulting in a US Supreme Court with no Protestant judge.

    7. Ein Says:

      True, Ian. But not “massively repressed” in the same ways or to the same extent.

      The Russian “elite” and aristocrats were simply exterminated, slaughtered, or driven abroad. The American Anglo-elite (any who resisted) have been merely nudged aside, but those were few, while the rest were co-opted and made collaborators with the Jews, or infiltrated by marriage (just as were so many British aristocrats).

      Really, the American and British elites have had it much easier — just so long as they went along and played the game. They haven’t suffered much, if at all. How many have dared stand up to the Jews? Any? They have passed the suffering (social problems, crime, national debt, dysfunctional schools, etc) … down to the lower classes, by collaborating with the Jews, hoping to save their own skins and fortunes.

      In Britain and America, it’s been the working classes who have born the brunt of it, not the elite. The elite, recognizing no racial kinship or anything but the brotherhood of money, have betrayed their own kind.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Also, I think it is worth pointing out how fast Putin was able to pay off the Russian debt and restore his nation to a admirable state of stability once he had deloused his nation of those jewish oligarchs. Granted, he got a huge and unintended helping hand from our jewish neo-cons who lied us into wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which caused the price of oil to skyrocket – putting enormous profits into the pocket of Putin and Russia, but the main advantage that helped restore Russia was the purging of the jewish stranglehold over their nation. The neo-con jews in America saw what Putin did to their thieving buddies and that’s why they hate him, and are doing everything possible to stir up another Cold War with Russia.


    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      I like Putin……..He is always real cool and reserved, but quietly ruthless with his enemies. He kicks ass with style and class. I think he’s like a Russian James Bond.

    10. Ian Says:

      Ein, thats true in that the Russian Czarist elite was physically removed. The exceptions were upper class Russian women who married the new power holders, and also a few strange figures such as Prince Felix Dzherzinski who were hardline power-operatives of the new regime. I don’t understand the behaviour of the Anglo-protestant elite over the last decades, unless maybe they were not really believers in the culture they had been proclaiming, or were invalidated to themselves by sudden loss of European empires.

    11. Luke Says:

      Ian’s comment gave me a thought worth sharing. One of the most heavily used tactics of our enemy – throughout history – has been to try to attach one of their tribe’s women to any white leader of a Western nation, and use the sex wrinkle to control the white guy and then, they’ve got an enemy agent inside the white camp.

      This tactic has to be neutralized. Our side has to find a way to circumvent this chess maneuver, even it if means doing DNA and genetic testing on these chicks.

      If not for gene hijacking and nose surgery, these chameleons would be far easier to identify, right?

    12. Ein Says:

      Right you are, Luke!
      I suspect that Jewish history must be full of “Queen Esthers”. More than we’ll ever know.

      There were “also a few strange figures such as Prince Felix Dzherzinski who were hardline power-operatives of the new regime.”… [Ian]

      There will always be a few self-seeking traitors, motivated by personal reasons or grudges. In the French Revolution there was the Duke of Orleans, cousin of the king, who was very pro-revolution and who even voted for the king’s execution. He was always envious because Louis got the throne and he didn’t. But he got his just deserts in the long run. In the end, the revolution turned on him and he was guillotined too.

    13. danny Says:

      so far as i know, putin is married to a jew. i wouldn’t get to hot on russia. catherine the great ruled russia for about 20 years, and she documented that russia was far to asiatic. that has not changed. their symbol is a double headed eagle that points east and west.

    14. Ein Says:

      Danny, Catherine the Great ruled Russia for 34 years — a simple fact you could very easily have checked. That casts some doubt on your other “facts” as well.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’m always a little leery of that “he’s married to a Jew” routine. But in the case of Howard Dean, Mike Dukakis and Alex Jones it happens to be true.

    16. CW-2 Says:

      I believe it was Metternich who said something like, Russia has its head in Europe but its feet lie in Asia. That fact of history made the jew take over of Russia relatively easy, once the Western looking elite had been murdered. Also when the revolutionary fires had subsided Russia under Stalin returned to its old nationalist and semi-Byzantine modes of government, with a bit of communist window dressing.
      So Russia now has come full circle and is absorbing all the appearances of jew ‘free market’, but will Russia return to its ‘true’ path and reject what is alien to its unique historical experience? That is a big imponderable, if it does return to its roots it will turn its back to Europe and and come face to face with China and recognise China for what it is, Russia’s mortal enemy.
      It is unwise for us the expect any direct help from Russia, the Russian people will be fully occupied dealing with the jew created colossus of China, but an awakened Russia can potentially derail the jew world order.

    17. Blackshirt Says:

      This is for Danny- I want to weigh in on some of your comments regarding Russia. As far as Catherine the Great goes, I don’t think I ever read a quote where she said Russia was “far too asiatic”. It is probable that she may have said something like that since she was a German princess after all, but I think it was unlikely since she loved Russia. She became a devout Orthodox Christian and immersed herself in Russian culture, which endeared herself to the Russian people while her Russian husband was a Prussian-o-phile.

      It is true the double headed eagle may have the meaning of a country looking east and west, but in reality the double headed eagle was adopted from Byzantium by the early Russian rulers because they considered themselves the heirs to Byzantium.

      I have found no evidence that Putin’s wife is a Jew. I’d love to see some evidence if it exists. On a similar note, Medvedev has been accused of being a Jew and I’ve heard some say his wife is a Jew, but there is no evidence of any of that either. All people in question are known as devout Orthodox Christians. I’m sure if they were Jews the Russian people would be talking about it. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think I’m right.

      I always get suspicious when I hear unsubstantiated rumors about world leaders, especially Russians. There are still a lot of conservatives who harbor hatred and suspicions of Russia and Russians- if you don’t believe me just read some of the stuff written about Russia by conservative writers.

    18. Ein Says:

      “Maybe I’m wrong, but I think I’m right.” — BS

      I think you are right.

      “The Russian people will be fully occupied dealing with the jew-created colossus of China, but an awakened Russia can potentially derail the jew world order.” — CW

      That is a very interesting perspective that had never occurred to me. The Jew’s build-up of China could be another way of getting back at Russia, which they still hate so much and have not forgiven. (They have long memories and they cherish their wounds; they are not given to forgiveness.) Indeed, they hate all Slavic people. I met an elderly Jew some years ago who absolutely HATED all Poles. He insisted that they were born enemies of Jews, something like cats vs. dogs.

      I remember that Mayor Koch of New York was famous for his conspicuous devotion to Chinese food and Chinese restaurants, where he made a point to eat lunch every day. (Never an American resturant.) That’s just a small example. But with Jews (as with Marxists), everything is political.

    19. Howdy Doody Says:

      The Jew’s build-up of China could be another way of getting back at Russia, which they still hate so much and have not forgiven. (They have long memories and they cherish their wounds; they are not given to forgiveness.) Indeed, they hate all Slavic people. I met an elderly Jew some years ago who absolutely HATED all Poles. He insisted that they were born enemies of Jews, something like cats vs. dogs.

      I remember that Mayor Koch of New York was famous for his conspicuous devotion to Chinese food and Chinese restaurants, where he made a point to eat lunch every day. (Never an American resturant.) That’s just a small example. But with Jews (as with Marxists), everything is political.

