Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black culture, dispossession & destruction, double standards, nig-truthin', niggers, political correctness, race, racism accusations, Socrates at 6:30 pm | 
Let’s review: you can talk about a word, but you can’t say the word that you’re talking about. Funny! Anyway, Blacks use the words “nigger” and “nigga” amongst themselves all the time:
9 January, 2011 at 6:52 pm
That is quite niggardly.
9 January, 2011 at 8:29 pm
I believe in calling a spade a spade.
9 January, 2011 at 8:39 pm
The niggers are always trying to change the name of their primitive sub-human race. First they were negroes, then blacks, then African Americans. A rose is a rose is a rose no matter what you call it. shit is shit is shit no matter what you call it. a nigger is a nigger is a nigger whatever you call it. Only a jew has the chutzpah to claim that the primitive nigger savage is equal to the Aryan. WAKE UP WHITE MAN. DON’T LET THE JEWS PULL THE WOOL OVER YOUR EYES. EXPEL THE JEWS. CALL NIGGERS NIGGERS AND SEND THEIR BLACK ASSES BACK TO AFRICA.
9 January, 2011 at 9:06 pm
The Jews certainly don’t believe that the schvartzes are their equal. I’ll bet not even ol’ Bill Kunstler really believed in the Jewish myth of “equality”.
Yes, by all means let’s send the groids back to the Dark Continent where they belong. But let’s also make sure that the Christians and other mental defectives don’t send them any more CARE packages or any other kind of assistance. After all, the Blacks are equal to everybody else, right? OK, so start acting equal and take of yourselves for a change, you lazy coons.
9 January, 2011 at 11:28 pm
This is the non plus ultra of language rape.
Is there nothing else to do for the legal profession?
That courts of law are employed to rule what word leaving our lips is permissable or not, is absolutely unprecedented in all history.
In a decadent society and its arbitrary police state the outcome of such a case will be predictable.
10 January, 2011 at 1:37 am
The niggers are always trying to change the name of their primitive sub-human race. First they were negroes, then blacks, then African Americans.
There was also a short-lived period, in early 80s, when the “correct” term was Afro-Americans. I guess that was deemed unacceptable because it reminded people of a hairstyle. (Note to younger readers: In the 1960s and 1970s, Negroes who let their wool grow out wild and unaltered were said to be wearing an “afro”. It was considered cool at the time.)
Really though, these niggers are not the ones who instigate this nonsensical practice of language policing. That is done by jews and their white shabbas goys. American business, contrary to popular belief, is not at all conservative. Businesses love speech codes, because such codes help to ensure a docile workforce. White employees are forced to go along with this crap, because to do otherwise would result in their dismissal.
10 January, 2011 at 4:57 am
I can just imagine some big fat mannish-looking Jew lesbian who is a professor of sociology or law at Harvard coming up with all those politically-correct phrases and neologisms (e.g., happy holidays, equality, same-sex marriage, gay, homophobia, gender, trans-gender, gender-neutral, GLBT, sexual orientation, African-American, Asian-American, Native American, undocumented immigrant, sex worker, spokesperson, Congressperson, gay rights, abortion rights, animal rights, Israel’s Right to Exist, inner city, the n-word, progressive, hate-crime, diversity, biodiversity, rainforest, climate change, sensitivity training, asylum-seekers, letter carriers, flight attendant, food-server, animal companion, womyn, discrimination, handi-capable, differently-abled, mentally challenged, little people, traditionally disadvantaged groups) that us unlettered goy peasants are expected to use in our everyday language…..Or else we will be charged with the unspeakable crime of practicing an “ism”…Sexism, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Age-ism, Isolationism, Fascism, Intolerance-ism and so forth. And nothing is worse than being accused of an “ism”, don’t you know.
We should be grateful we have such wise and learned Jews who are willing to instruct us in how to talk and think, yes?
10 January, 2011 at 8:08 am
LOL Tim, so well said.
10 January, 2011 at 9:11 am
the joos are a rebellious and seditious people and so are niggers. Birds of a feather flock together. Niggers are the biggest suck asses i have ever seen and joos use this to their advantage with the nigroids
10 January, 2011 at 9:19 am
and with neegroids, jews, spicks and homos they want special rights and priveledges without earning them or even having a basis for them all pushed by joo media
10 January, 2011 at 10:47 am
I heard people say, oh those blacks from Afrika are so polite and educated and so different from American blacks. Bullshit. A nigger is a nigger is a nigger. Looking at the large mass of immigration to Chicago and observing the neegroids personnaly in several countries in Europe there is no difference.
10 January, 2011 at 1:29 pm
Sorry – can’t help but interject this one:
Why are spooks so damn scared of chainsaws?
– Cause whenever someone pulls the cord to start one, all they
ever hear is “RRRRRUNNNNN Nigr, Nigr, Nigr, Niggerrrrrr………
10 January, 2011 at 3:37 pm
The reason that they hate the word so much is because it reminds them of how foul they actually are! Euphemisms were invented by liberal bed wetters to cover up the realities of life so they didn’t need to face them. So mentally retarded became challenged, Slaughterhouse became Abbatoir, Chinaman became Asian-American, American Indian became Native-American and of course, Nigger became Negro, Colored, Afro-American, African-American, Person of Color etc. I personally like Jigaboo.
10 January, 2011 at 5:16 pm
They’re niggers.
It was the German philosopher Schopenhauer who said (though just try to Google it; can’t find it anywhere now) (quoting from rough memory):
“Fashionable changes in terms include ‘tailor’ for ‘dressmaker’ and ‘Israelite’ for ‘Jew.’ The motive behind such changes is said to be the offensiveness of the original term. But no term can contain offense in itself; in these and in many other cases, the offensiveness is not in the name of the thing, but in the thing named.”
You can call shit “ice cream,” but it will still be shit.
10 January, 2011 at 5:24 pm
thunder cloud rolling in
black Ph.d
jungle bunny
my nigga
water buffalo
There plenty of alternatives to NIGGER.
10 January, 2011 at 5:26 pm
I think I left out bluegum and high yaller.
Niggers have one redeeming quality. They aren’t jews.
10 January, 2011 at 9:35 pm
Question:Whats black and white and black and white and black and white and rolling furiously down the beach????
Answer:A NIGGER and a seagull fighting over a carp!!
Now see,that joke just aint as funny if you can’t say NIGGER.
@ Tim McG
Great job on the leftist list of euphemisms Tim!You out-did yourself with that one!LOL!
@ Sean G.–Ha!—Great stuff!life is much funner when you can make fun of people for how they are!The left would like to prevent all that and have us live in “Koonbaya” with all the subhumans.
Heres a couple more for the alternate nigger-name list:
Koonta Kintay
Porch Monkey
Black P.O.S.
Brillo Head
and my favorite:
11 January, 2011 at 8:36 am
Here be sum mo’ alpernatibs fo’ dat offemsive n-woyd:
burr head
yard ape
moon cricket
Jim Crow
tar baby
Uncle Tom
Aunt Jemima
Little Black Sambo
cotton pickin’
junk man
shoeshine boy
Elevator operator
Table cleaner at Horn & Hardart
Slave voodoo
Ubangi lipped
Flat nose
Tap dancin’
Resident of Harlem
And president of
The United States of Love
I said President of
The United States of Love
Hominy grits
An’ shortnin’ bread
Alligator ribs
Some pig tails
Some black eyed peas
Some chili
Some collard greens
And if you don’t watch out
This boogie man will get you
So you say.
11 January, 2011 at 9:54 am
Political correctness is the method the jews have used for the last forty years to feminize Aryan societies. Traditional Aryan culture has always been virile and masculine. Idiotic terms like “mentally challenged”, differently abled”, trans-gendered”, “African American” and other such horse shit are like the “proper” ladies in Victorian times who tried to perfume their farts so they didn’t stink so bad. Reality is hard and masculine, not soft and feminine. You can try to be “nice” to niggers and mad dogs but they will turn around and bite you in the ass every time.
11 January, 2011 at 2:35 pm
Are you talking about darkies?
11 January, 2011 at 8:21 pm
of course jews look way down on them. most of them look down on everyone, btw.
true story. wanted to get another cat to replace one that died. the wife asked a friend of hers. we had to follow the friend out to southfield (mi). for those that dont know… that’s a jewish enclave. my jewdar was on high. walls all down the freeway and everything. scared someone will drive a tanker trailer up the embankment and splode their little hood or something… also, no fences…
anyway, we went out, my daughter was going to help me pick one out. the lady was nice to us and wanted no money to cover ths shots she had already gotten for the kitten we picked out. reading the situation, i didnt offer twice. as usual, i picked the black male cat (dont worry, he is now fixed).
on the way out the door, the brother she lived with showed up. now, she didnt look or act particularly yahoodi. he sure did. and what did he say?
“you picked the little schwartzer!”
it was all i could do to not explode in laughter.
13 January, 2011 at 10:27 am
@Van Helsing
Kudos to you sir,for adopting a cat,and having it spayed.May the “little Schwartzer” bring you years of happiness and comfort.
To everyone,please consider volunteering in some way at your local animal shelter.To show kindness and charity to animals is a White trait.
Also please send Alex and Socrates some of your hard-earned Jew -funny-money,to support this site if you are able!Niggers get money from the State to support their causes–the only people supporting our Cause is us.
13 January, 2011 at 2:54 pm
All those caring and compassionate Christians should re-direct their charity away from the worthless niggers in Haiti and adopt a nice kitty from their neighborhood shelter instead. And those Jap whaling ships should be blown out of the water. Anyone who shoots a zebra, giraffe, tiger, etc. for sport or money should be skinned, stuffed and put on display, like that Black astronaut in Planet of the Apes.
14 January, 2011 at 10:43 am
Anyone who shoots a zebra, giraffe, tiger, etc. for sport or money should be skinned, stuffed and put on display, like that Black astronaut in Planet of the Apes.
Niggers should be hunted for sport.
14 January, 2011 at 5:11 pm
Goodness, I seem to have stumbled on a bunch of unrepentent racists and unreconstructed nazis. What a relief!
22 January, 2011 at 12:13 am
The Jews certainly don’t believe that the schvartzes are their equal. I’ll bet not even ol’ Bill Kunstler really believed in the Jewish myth of “equality”.
Any one who grew up in a joo infested city heard the “Schvartzes” with eyes rolling as they looked around etc. Yet they have sicced this violent beast on US with their regime, and regime media, thank you.
Social Justice is Not Funny
22 January, 2011 at 9:02 pm
To: Sean Gruber
You forgot “hoopie*”, “coon” and “burrhead”.
But its a big list, I’ll cut you some slack.
(*weez gonna go shoot some hoops) Its a Philly thing, most folks wouldn’t understand.
22 January, 2011 at 10:59 pm
With so few sour cherrie’s clicked I take it that even teh N.K.V.D. monitor’s agree with US !
3 February, 2011 at 6:30 am
anyone who doesn’t know the meaning and origin of the word “niggardly”..and then showing it in public…………..well, nuff said:
Niggardly: miserly, stingy. From Old Norse nigla, “to fuss about small matters.”
Like, apparently, Miller’s brain.
In the words of the Great Grey One: what a maroon!
OTOH, this is a joke site, right? RIGHT?!?! (please……………..)