Hush Crime: The 2000 Wichita Massacre
Posted by Socrates in black crime, Diversity, diversity is hate, hush crimes, jewed culture, jewed media, Socrates, Wichita Massacre at 1:20 pm | 
As you read this shocking account of the brutal murders of 4 innocent White people by negroes (they even killed the dog!), remember that, outside of Wichita, Kansas, the media barely reported on this crime. Yet, when one negro was dragged-to-death by Whites in Jasper, Texas, that far-less-severe crime was front-page news from Seattle to Miami for weeks:
20 February, 2011 at 4:20 pm
I’d give anything to have 20 minutes alone with those subhuman niggers and some power tools.
20 February, 2011 at 5:44 pm
You mean the media jews would have you believe that the muds are all law abiding boy scouts? And the nasty whiteys are all rabid baboons? Say it ain’t so.
20 February, 2011 at 6:04 pm
Living with negroes is one big coverup, not just the Witchita massacre.
The Jews media covers up the whole list of their chronic social pathologies from rate of VD, to illegitimate births, let alone their high murder rate. It’s just one big coverup for a failed race with a bad evolutionary background.
And they take a “good one” (a morbidly obese one at that) called Orcah, I mean Oprah; and put her up in front of millions of dingbat white women, and she’s the richest mammy eva!
This is America 2011. The state of which is something I never asked for. And it’s coming to a head.
Arm yourselves brothers and prepare for the coming collapse!
We might be coming up to our The Oath of the Horatii moment soon enough.
20 February, 2011 at 7:27 pm
That transcript on the VNN Forum was so disgusting I couldn’t read more than a line or two before clicking it off. And I am someone who does not get easily offended. At one time in the not too distant past those filthy nigger animals would have faced White mob justice. But now America is an emasculated, Judaized nation of cowardly White faggots being preyed upon by niggers and Jews.
Strangely, almost inexplicably, NBC’s Dateline did a story on the Wichita Massacre about 5 years ago. I was so shocked that I remember I told Tom Metzger about it and he mentioned it on one of his Aryan Update messages.
When the Revolution finally comes, I think the first group of assholes that I will deal with will not be the niggers, spics, Wall Street capitalists, politicians or even the Jews. No, the first group to experience my “Chainsaw Justice” will be the Press.
20 February, 2011 at 11:56 pm
The hardest pill to swallow re: this case…these young folks were obviously “Programmed for Death” as a National Alliance article of that same name detailed about another case from years ago. Who else but completely brainwashed Crips-tians would have opened their door to such ugly-ass, nappyhead niggers in the first place? Someone who’s natural impulses have been supressed by a lifetime of church-directed race guilt inculcation, that’s who. As you study the case, it becomes apparent that these two idiot Congos left all sorts of escape hatches in their “abduction” of these kids…at any time, someone could have put a stop to some of the carnage, if not all of it. If I recall the facts correctly, at some point two of the victims were alone with one of the coons, and he was unarmed! I suppose that they believed that if they behaved themselves, the porch apes would let them all go…after looting their ATM accounts, that is.
Too bad they didn’t do as a friend of mine did back in the days when school bussing was being shoved down our white throats by that other thankfully-dead politico Richard Nixon as a way to atone for years of racial segregation. This pack of bussed-in niggers went after a friend of mine. He pegged the leader, and as the big jig grabbed him..he slammed his belt-bound(no sissy backpacks then) school books right up under the nigs nose. He damned near tore it off. The rest of the chimps scattered like frightened mice as the now prone coon screamed like a tasered bitch.
What is clear in all these cases is that if a nigger confronts you, even if he’s armed, you may as well do battle as quickly as you can, in as dirty and as effective a way that you can. Reasoning with these monsters is the short trip to the morgue.
I feel for these kids, in spite of my contempt for their passivity..why didn’t they try something, anything?
21 February, 2011 at 12:38 am
Gentlemen, I know A.H.’s in their late fortie’s who would do just as like the college edumacataed physically fit victim’s that night.
I don’t like posting personal shit on here, but here goes.
After I graduated from boot camp, and every one is getting ready to move out on leave or new training assignments, two reservist recruit’s who who were in my platoon were walking to the P.X. so I went with them.
It was dark about 9 PM and coming up were six Congoids.
The two with me were from WI., and were Blone heavy set about 21 or 22 and about 6-2 or 3 both told they were college grads, yes.
The felt it coming, I told them to get ready.. THE savages WERE in uniform.
My White Bretheren that night told to be cool, and the first thing the African yelled was don’t move M.F. er’s!
The big one said to the savage’s what’s the problem, he was then slapped right across the face.
I yelled and kicked Afreakin in the knee directly as he came up on me, and I ran as fast as I could, and like Cornel Wilde in THE NAKED PREY, the pos chased me, but this White boy was fast and grew up with these Bastards and could FIGHT!
I ran to a light I viewed in a barracks building and there wa an armed M.P. Captain two Sargents.
I yelling a mile a minute about a savage mugging and we all got in to a JEEP.
When we got there, my two White Bretheren’s were sitting on the dirt road with the faces and clothing messed up.
We went ahead to the P.X. with the loud juke boxes blarring, and with Flash Lights I I.D.ed two of the bastards looking them RIGHT IN THE FACE, face to face..
At the time, being ignorant and impressed that were from a White State Back and college grad’s I was dumb founded as to why they behaved as they did.
Sorry, I am giving the year.
When I left the regime legions I head right away for the Whitest part of the Regime I could find.
21 February, 2011 at 12:38 am
Gentlemen, I know A.H.’s in their late fortie’s who would do just as like the college edumacataed physically fit victim’s that night.
I don’t like posting personal shit on here, but here goes.
After I graduated from boot camp, and every one is getting ready to move out on leave or new training assignments, two reservist recruit’s who who were in my platoon were walking to the P.X. so I went with them.
It was dark about 9 PM and coming up were six Congoids.
The two with me were from WI., and were Blone heavy set about 21 or 22 and about 6-2 or 3 both told they were college grads, yes.
The felt it coming, I told them to get ready.. THE savages WERE in uniform.
My White Bretheren that night told to be cool, and the first thing the African yelled was don’t move M.F. er’s!
The big one said to the savage’s what’s the problem, he was then slapped right across the face.
I yelled and kicked Afreakin in the knee directly as he came up on me, and I ran as fast as I could, and like Cornel Wilde in THE NAKED PREY, the pos chased me, but this White boy was fast and grew up with these Bastards and could FIGHT!
I ran to a light I viewed in a barracks building and there wa an armed M.P. Captain two Sargents.
I yelling a mile a minute about a savage mugging and we all got in to a JEEP.
When we got there, my two White Bretheren’s were sitting on the dirt road with the faces and clothing messed up.
We went ahead to the P.X. with the loud juke boxes blarring, and with Flash Lights I I.D.ed two of the bastards looking them RIGHT IN THE FACE, face to face..
At the time, being ignorant and impressed that were from a White State Back and college grad’s I was dumb founded as to why they behaved as they did.
Sorry, I am not giving the year.
When I left the regime legions I head right away for the Whitest part of the Regime I could find.
21 February, 2011 at 12:46 am
The victims of the Witchita Massacre would hate US at any White Web site and on a Jury would have phucked US over, believe it.
The survior’s MARRIED, he was the CARR’s FIRST victim a STATE FOOTBALL player who ALLOWED HIM SELF TO be RAPED!
He married the lone Survior!
They and all their relative’s have NEVER SAID phucking WORD!
NOT a word.
21 February, 2011 at 2:32 am
Burn all the niggers at the stake with grease rendered from Jewish fat as an accelerant.
21 February, 2011 at 3:26 am
Mel Brooks (Sorry, but I think your “comedies” suck), I agree with your advice on how to deal with chimp-on-human confrontations. You see, the jig is so used to White boys backing down from him that if one should actually steel himself for battle, the burr-head will not know how to respond.
The niggra’s anatomy is such that it has two vulnerable spots. If the White can hit those spots exactly and with tremendous force, the spook WILL collapse and probably die, so don’t hang around waiting for the cops to show up.
Those two spots are these: The side of the neck and the center of the chest. In many cases when the coon is inevitably under arrest, the police will put a choke-hold on the unruly spade, or will strike him in the chest with their night-sticks. That’s why there are so many cases of splibs dying in po-lice custody. It’s not that the cops were being rough with Fliver-Lips, it’s just that they “accidentally” found his vulnerable spots and used force on them.
See for yourself, it really works!
21 February, 2011 at 2:30 pm
I was surprized to see that the fast food joint the niggers worked at in Wichita as a store here in Ugglahoma city.
21 February, 2011 at 2:31 pm
The name of that sandwich shop chain was Mr. Good Cents.
21 February, 2011 at 2:41 pm
Every time I see a nigger,I ask myself, what would you do if ya saw the niggers attack a white female in your presence? The truth is most won’t do a damn thing, they’ll freeze. Read the Turner diaries, there a good mental preparation, even with the guns in their hands, they have been programmed, that these apes are humans.
21 February, 2011 at 3:46 pm
Paris Lapriest Powell
A former death row inmate was arrested Friday, accused of involvement in a gang rape at an Oklahoma City apartment in October. Paris Lapriest Powell, 37, of Oklahoma City, was identified by DNA evidence as a suspect in the assault of two women, police reported. The victims said three “males pushed their way into their apartment” sometime after 2 a.m. Oct. 6 “and raped … and assaulted both of them throughout the night,” police reported. One woman described being tied to her bed and blindfolded during the attack. Three young children were in the apartment at the time.
21 February, 2011 at 3:57 pm
I never heard of a “former”death-row inmate. What happened? “Rastus, as you know we were going to send you to the gas chamber, but we’ve changed our minds. So you’re free to go and, hey, don’t rape any White women…wink, wink!”
21 February, 2011 at 4:08 pm
NdG, I am conflicted about how I would react to seeing a White female being accosted by a Black. It burns my tookas when I see an attractive White girl being nice to a coon. Most likely she wouldn’t be as nice if a White male stranger approached her. So if White women want to be “equal” and hate “White supremacy”, then let them deal with the inevitable consequences. If you tried to stop the nigger, the White girl would probably testify against you in court, because you uttered the N word and that’s the most horrible thing anyone can say or do. So save the heroics for somebody who’s worth it.
21 February, 2011 at 4:25 pm
former death row inmate was arrested Friday, accused of involvement in a gang rape
Good thing his name was not Steel.
VNNForum is off line and so is NNNF, has the big sister day arrived ?
21 February, 2011 at 6:05 pm
Niggers in the Midwest are alot more uppity than any place else I’ve been. I was in Wichita once took my young nephews to an amusement park, that was about 1989, and it was all white girls with nigger apes. And the lil apes were jumpin in line just like my days in the army they all jumped ahead in the chow line. Well I protested and the guy taking the tickets told the niggers to go back to the end of theline. You should have seen the hostile glare I got, and one muttered ” yeah, you, you duh man”. Hell even in Minnesota you’ll hear the word nigger more than you would in Kansas.
21 February, 2011 at 6:35 pm
The Law is the problem, as long as the law makes niggers the equals of Whites it will tolerate every damn thing they do, and they know it. It’s not the race card, it’s something more laughable and Oxmoronic “Carte Blanche.” Its not government thats the problem its laws.
21 February, 2011 at 6:39 pm
I’d like to have safari type amusement parks where niggers were turned loose to be hunted down. You’ll bag a buck, or else.
21 February, 2011 at 8:27 pm
Off topic, to Alex Linder.
Because I can’t seem to log into the Forum, I’m posting it here.
Someone asked you for proof (as if any were needed) of your line that the stupider the person, the more he feels the mysterious suction of religiosity.
Well, here is some good proof of your agnostical assertion:
The chart shows that the higher the average IQ, the lower the interest in voodoo, Jeboo, hoo-doo, et al. These are worldwide stats combining Lynn & Vanhanen with Pew research.
21 February, 2011 at 10:36 pm
any of you tough asses in ma, or nh neighbourhood?. I am in northern ma. Let.s meet. Let.s talk. I am your family. I am your tribe.
22 February, 2011 at 12:17 am
My comedies don’t suck, TG..they blow..
All kidding aside, I would be torn as to what to do if I saw a cricket molesting a white woman. I cannot help but feel that in some way or another she didn’t discourage the ape..they’ll move on to another target if they think some gal’s gonna give them trouble. I learned to stay out of these situations in my night in 1978 in my old neighborhood in San Francisco a pal and I were looking to score beer, just tooling around in his old baby-barf colored Pontiac Bonneville when we spotted this nigger throwing a bottle at a white woman and yelling at her. We thought she was a random victim..we yelled at him to stop..he ran up to the Pontiac waving a knife and headed right for my door. As soon as he grabbed the handle my friend punched it..that nig’ did a real nice pirouette and crashed to the asphault. We called the cops and when we got back to the scene….the cunt was bad-mouthing US for intefering with her and her “boyfriend”. We made our displeasure VERY clear to the cunt and the cops and got the fuck outta there. To this day, neither one of us has gotten over this episode…
I am sory to say this, White Women of America..but thanks to your lessers, no white man wants to risk getting chucked into San Quentin for going to the rescue of white woman who may turn out to be a self-hating mud shark. Get a permit, get some the present climate no one wants to risk a hate crime conviction and losing their all to some race traitor and an ambitious DA.
22 February, 2011 at 12:44 am
When the Carr brother’s escapade’s were first reported, I actually had a hard time believing not only what the Congoids bastard demon’s did, but what stunned me at that time was the WHITE CONDUCT.
I fully understand our brain washing has been full bore for 50 years now, but I would have thought the SURVIVAL instinct would kick in on ONE Of those physically fit White.
I have read here at VNNF and else where that the SOB POS’s had a 38, no they had ONE 380
After that very polite sick trial, the Governor Communted their death sentence’s.
22 February, 2011 at 12:57 am
Magtech® Sport Shooting Ammunition
Manufacturer Number: 380B
Caliber: 380 Auto
Casing: Factory Brass
Type: Small Pistol Primer 1½
Style: Boxer
Bullet Style: Jacketed Hollow Point
Weight (Grains): 95
Weight (Grams): 6.16
Diameter (inches): 0.355
Sectional Density: 0.108
Ballistic Coefficient: 0.116
Velocity (Muzzle): 951 Feet Per Second
Velocity (50 Yards/Meters): 861 Feet Per Second
Velocity (100 Yards/Meters): 781 Feet Per Second
22 February, 2011 at 2:15 am
I once had a very racially conscious girlfriend who wasn’t afraid of niggers. I suppose looking back I should have held on to her, but she was kind of fat. Cute, but fat.
1978, San Fransisco…..That was the year that City Supervisor Dan White got his revenge on the Dynamic Homos Mayor George Moscone and Jewboy Harvey Milk. Too bad White (an appropriate name) didn’t have an extra round in his gun for that wretched White whore you mentioned, Herr Mel.
22 February, 2011 at 9:41 am
Who really created these monster apes? Well, how about the restaruant chain that gave them jobs, make them into contributing members of society that kwanservatives luv so well, how about the welfare system that supported their black mammies, instead of sending them to an abortion clinic, to discharge the buddin niglets, and then sewing up the pussies like the somalis niggers would do, How about the Christards preachers that preach the sanctity of rainbow mudlets lives? Yeah the business class, the retail outlets that give nigs the idea that their fashionable, the sportcasters with their drooling pompom girls to tittilate the niggers testosterone.
22 February, 2011 at 1:18 pm
“Christians” WORSHIP a Jew and his God every Sunday on every corner in America. Christians = Jews. 90% of the world’s religions believe that Christianity and Judaism are blasphemous, false, artificial and adversarial. Why does America conduct the foreign and defense policies of Israel? It does so because there is a church on every corner promoting, every Sunday, Jesus Christ who was Jewish. 2000 years and he hasn’t returned yet. How will Ameirca wake up and throw off the yoke of “Jesus Christ?”
22 February, 2011 at 3:32 pm
Thanks George Wallace. When will they awake? Probably never.
The jews are prepared to bring us into war with Iran as we speak, for simply excercising the rights of any sovereign nation to sail the high seas. The jews don’t like it, and they proved their point when they attacked the USS Liberty in 68, ask any retarded Chrisling about that, and their response , is either it was an accident or it happened a long time ago. The jews have more than an economical lock they have masterminded the stockholm syndrome.
22 February, 2011 at 3:38 pm
Interesting observations George, but I think a lot of the world’s heathens (non-Christian believers) actually have respect for the Xian religion and for Mr. Christ. That’s more than can be said for many practicing Christians, who regard other religions like Hinduism or Buddhism as “blasphemous” and “anti-Christ”. Our pagan ancestors were always tolerant of other peoples’ religions because that is how Aryans are by nature. Christianity is an alien imposition on our minds and our culture.
Religion is one of the unfortunate by-products of the human imagination. The idea that some invisible man who lives in the sky is watching everything you do and wants to punish you for all eternity because of something you were thinking about is a sign of incipient insanity.
23 February, 2011 at 12:28 am
Religion is population control through mind control through books of fiction and enforcers – the “Bible” and the “clergy.” America is controlled by Jerusalem through “Christian” churches that pound the propaganda of “God,” guilt and “everlasting life,” on every corner on every Sunday, relentlessly. When there is truly Separation of Church and State, America will be, at last, able to separate itself from the historical and living fiction which is Israel. When America no longer derives false religious beliefs from Israel, it will derive NOTHING from Israel and Israel will have NO value to America. With only 30% of Americans believing the fiction that is the Bible, we are, now, 70% of the way there.
23 February, 2011 at 7:27 am
Another Great post GW. We once had a country that margianilized the tyranny of the minority, i.e. the jews and their duped Xians, now we have a semite legalistic incorporated bandito/narco republic, which tramples on the rights with their forces of black marias and swat teams.. It is frightening what has happened right under our noses, with out the slightest sniffle,snort or growl from our so called representatives. The bible is nothing but an inflexible tool of jew mind control and if anything should be banned, burned and castigated its that Shitmite text, better yet it needs to be ridiculed for the inconsistinicies and outright murderous demeneor of its proponents. JAIL A BUNCH OF THESE ISRAELI-FIRSTERS
23 February, 2011 at 7:44 am
All jew derived cults are alien intruders in White Countries, no matter how far they’ve drifted from the well of Abe,Zack, and Jacub it’s still one drop of poison too much. So the topic was the Wichita Massacre, how else could those niggers still be breathing, or would ever have been allowed to live if it weren’t for Jaysus and his disciples? Lets eliminate cruel and inhuman punishment by apes
23 February, 2011 at 12:33 pm
gh123 Says:
20 February, 2011 at 5:44 pm
You mean the media jews would have you believe that the muds are all law abiding boy scouts? And the nasty whiteys are all rabid baboons? Say it ain’t so.
5 0
Half our White Folks Belive that We Commit The Majority Of Race Hatred Crimes, because of Hollywood/Media jooo’s who are haters Supreme.
Evanjellycult’s are flat out insane. IMO/guess they are are the majority of White’s that left in central regime government NKVD outfits.
NKVD Evanjellycultist have converted and think they are then a real supreme being, but do not even understand who and what the supreme hate cult is.
One thing for sure insane is ingrained in enemy aliens.
23 February, 2011 at 6:37 pm
The day of the rope is fast approaching!,_drawn_and_quartered
23 February, 2011 at 11:42 pm
Ho, ho, hoo.
24 February, 2011 at 2:16 pm
Tim McGreen: Shame on you!!! You HAD a good White woman who was racially conscious but you let her go because she was FAT???
Jesus. Tim, people can LOSE weight quite easily, especially if you care enough to help them exercise and eat right.
Thin women are everywhere, well, not as prevalent as they used to be, but try turning one of them into a racially conscious White woman.
The racial aspects of the Wichita Massacre, like the Knoxville Horror, are all there for Whites who care to read between the lines. Niggers are savages. Niggers kill anything and everything just for kicks. Niggers gang rape when they get a victim. Gang rape is to niggers as playing Monopoly is to Whites. It’s just a game, just some fun to pass the time.
One of the more disgusting factoids to come out of the Wichita Massacre trial was how one of the Carr brothers started playing “kneesies” with his court appointed White female lawyer under the table during the trial.
Only niggers could and would do something so brazen as this during a trial where they are accused of kidnapping, gang raping, savaging, and killing people.
Niggers need to have their skin peeled back all over their bodies with a sharp knife while they are still alive. Then, if they are still alive at the end, shove a rod up their ass, beat them in the head with another metal rod, and finally set them on fire. Then, string them up for all to see.
Southern wind chimes–it’s time to bring them back.
I have come to the conclusion that I am not a very nice woman anymore.
24 February, 2011 at 3:53 pm
You’re absolutely right, Susan, I was a dummie to behave like that. But I was a 19 year-old nit-wit at the time, a nit-wit who still had lots to learn about people and about race. Hopefully I’ve matured a little since then.
24 February, 2011 at 4:43 pm
Susan, Tim, good post’s.
Of course other race’s have attacked Whites, and killed them.
But not even the N.V.A. at the Honoi Hilton did this type of stuff.
I viewed a bumber sticker on a pick up yesterday that stated “I Love Water Boarding”
What our brain Washed Bretheren do not understand is this, WHITE’s are being used and if the Arabs were wiped out they would use the Asian’s, Messytizo’s and Ape’s to genocide US right away.
Torture is not the White Way.
The evidence and proof that Congoids have no business living among Whites is abundant, and jooos did this to US!
See: Preface Culture Of Critique” on Google for Lurkers.
By the way the most depressing item I have read is that jooo’s have purchased the most books for decades.
Congoid’s in the of hanging’s in U.S. that were mutilated had committed Horror murders/rape etc.
Have read that from 1865 through 1960 the about 3,300 plus White’s were lynched, and that 4,300 plus Congoids were.
Considering Congoid’s Proclivitie’s that sounds even handed.
Congoids in One year murder more congoids that in the entire history of Lynching I think.
See website for some detail
24 February, 2011 at 4:44 pm
4 March, 2011 at 11:54 am
Okay Tim, I’ll cut you some slack since you were so young. lol
Why don’t you see if you can find her now? Maybe she’s single. You never know what people are doing in their lives at any given time. If you’re in your forties, there’s a good chance she’s single, even if she got married after you knew her. Sad but true.
4 March, 2011 at 9:10 pm
Howdy Doody Says:
21 February, 2011 at 12:46 am
The victims of the Witchita Massacre would hate US at any White Web site and on a Jury would have phucked US over, believe it.
The survior’s MARRIED, he was the CARR’s FIRST victim a STATE FOOTBALL player who ALLOWED HIM SELF TO be RAPED!
He married the lone Survior!
They and all their relative’s have NEVER SAID phucking WORD!
NOT a word.
Hot debate. What do you think? 6 2
The two cherries on this one were NKVD trolls or phucking idiots IMO.
9 March, 2011 at 7:20 pm
Hammond 15-year-old 6’11” negro boy accused of raping three White women, one woman 4’11”
By Andrei Yustschunsky Hoosier Times Correspondent Posted: Monday, March 7, 2011 6:00
HAMMOND | A North Hammond 6’11” negro boy arrested over the weekend has confessed to a recent series of rapes near the downtown area and is linked to the crimes through DNA evidence, police said Monday.
The 15-year-old former Clark High School negro “student”, now in the Lake County Juvenile Center, is accused of raping three petite White women in January and February, as well as beating or robbing two other petite White women last year.
Police said the teen lived with his 98 year old grandma in the 400 block of Hoffman Street, just steps from the railroad tracks where the petite White women were attacked in a similar manner on Jan. 20, Feb. 14 and Feb. 24.
Hammond Officer Thomas Dillner reported talking to the negro criminal after observing him walking at 11:30 p.m. — past weekday-night curfew for a 15-year-olds, even negroes — on Feb. 28 in an alley near where the assaults occurred.
Dillner considered the charcoal boy’s answers evasive and suspicious, and he notified the department’s Special Victims Unit, which was handling the investigation of the predatory sexual assaults.
Detectives visited the negroes’ home Wednesday, and, with approval from his old grandma who walked with a crooked stick, took a DNA sample that, by Friday, had been matched with evidence left at the scene of one of the vicious rapes, police said.
Also on Friday, the young colored was picked out of a photo lineup by a 34-year-old blonde White woman as the person who battered her outside a North Hohman Avenue church early Christmas Day, police said.
He also likely was involved in the Nov. 8 robbery of a 22-year-old 4’11” White woman in the 4900 block of Calumet Avenue, police said.
“He confessed to “most” of the crimes,” said Sgt. Christopher Matonovich, a detective with the Special Victims Unit who spoke with the negro for several hours after his arrest.
Matonovich said the over-sexed 6’11” colored boy likely planned on raping the two White women attacked in 2010, but, “one talked him out of it, and the other one fought.”
Police Chief Brian Miller described Dillner’s hunch and the ensuing investigation as an example of “good old-fashioned police work at its finest.”
No decision on whether the cases would be waived to adult court was available from the Lake County prosecutor’s office late Monday.
Andrei Yustschunsky reporting for the Hoosier Times
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