12 April, 2011

Arizona Immigration Law Appeal Rejected by Federal Court; Opposition from Mexico Cited as Major Factor in Ruling

Posted by Socrates in federal power, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexican mentality, Mexico, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 4:15 pm | Permanent Link


Dysfunctional, corrupt Mudsicko objects to SB 1070 and that objection significantly impacts a U.S. court ruling on it! Absolute insanity.


  • 32 Responses to “Arizona Immigration Law Appeal Rejected by Federal Court; Opposition from Mexico Cited as Major Factor in Ruling”

    1. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Insanity it is, surprised? Not really. Look where you’re at White man, to the North Chinaduh, north of that Mudsicko, south of that Mudsicko, West of that Mudsicko, East of that Mudsicko.
      Camp of the Saints itz.

    2. Nom de Guerre Says:

      RU gonna escape into the Televitz. Haaaa Haaa! Heh Amigo, 5 channels all the Mudsicko. Turn the dial, nothing but jews, niggers, and mulattoes.

    3. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Si, you gonna escape when Haysus comes? Mon Diablo! You gonna be singing La Cucaracha as you scratch you azz

    4. Miller Says:

      I will move to Acapulco and drink on the beach all day.

    5. mrcrouton Says:

      Arm yourselves brothers! The day of reckoning will be here soon enough.

      If our government collapses, anarchy may reign. So network with your kinsmen, and prepare for the chance to take our country back.

    6. Bigduke6 Says:

      Bring it on!

    7. Jim Says:

      The so called “government” of the JewSA is totally INSANE. The collapse will come sooner or later. How many more of our people will be murdered by the beaners and niggers who HATE us before enough Real WHITE MEN with BALLS have finally had enough and step forward to build a new ARYAN REPUBLIC in the only part of the White World that has not yet been totally jewified, mestizoized and niggerized———-EASTERN EUROPE.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’m not surprised one bit to learn that it was the infamous US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, based in fruity San Fransisco, that ruled against Arizona’s SB1070 law. They are not only the most left-wing and anti-American court in the country, they are also the ones whose rulings get overturned the most.

      Imagine if just one percent, or even just one-tenth of one percent, of America’s 200 million remaining White people got off their collective asses and physically confronted those judges in front of that Federal Courthouse, or better yet marched down to the US-Mexico border to straighten things out. No one, not the Feds, not the whiny Jews, not the tranquilized Christians, not the liberals, not the cowardly, pandering politicians, would be able to do a damn thing about it. But apparently that is not going to happen.

      I’m starting to think that flouridation of the public water supply is responsible for lowering White men’s testosterone levels, thus turning them into harmless castratti that the Jews no longer fear. Compare how bold and fearless most White men were just 100 years ago with the effeminate way most of them act now. We can’t blame it all on television and bad parenting. No, our evil Morlock rulers are deliberately turning us into a herd of docile eunuchs, with their vaccines, their flouride and their touchy-feely bullshit.

    9. Arminius Says:

      Formerly I thought USA takes all its orders only from Jews and Israel.
      Now it’s a fact, that Mexico and Muds also decide about its laws.
      Next the US will obey Haiti and Niggers and jump into the abyss.

      Quosque tandem?

    10. M. Kraus Says:

      The “United States of America” died a long time ago. What replaced it is some kind of international dumping ground for cheap labor and undesirable human flotsam from real sovereign nations. The fact that this abomination is still called “United States of America” does not make it so. The name is just a pretty facade which is kept in place so that ignorant White people will continue to labor, pay taxes and support a criminal cabal which has nothing to do with the real United States, which of course no longer exists.

    11. Miller Says:

      Fear not, White Man. An engineered plague is about to wipe out World Jewry.

    12. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The fluoridation of H2O is not the only thing they do, they are also creating and promoting franken-foods.

      Behind the screens they want to destroy all real diviersity of life both plant and animal.

    13. Walso Starr Says:

      I use to think that the reason the mestizos and muds are allowed to flood into the country was to add voters to the Democratic Party, but that is a myopic view of what is really happening. I have realized for some time that it doesn’t matter whether you vote for Juan McCain or Barry Sotoro the outcome is always the same, jews win. I believe our forefathers thought that only people who owned land should be allowed to vote because they would have a bigger stake in the country. But, with the niggers and mestizos voting for idiots who promise them no work, AA jobs, schools their niglets can destroy and food stamps to get even fatter on, this is what helps to tear down a first world country. Peggy Joseph said it best during the presidential campaign when she said, “I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage, and if I help him (get elected) (Barry Sotoro) he’s going to help me.” I think we may all get a chance to fight in the next American Revolution which may be sooner than we think. I am of the opinion that there is definitely a thinning of the herd coming.

    14. William E. Logsdon Says:

      During the ice age there was also an ice bridge from Europe to North America. We White people came here at the same time that the shit-skins did. There is mounting archaeological evidence to confirm this although the Jewish controlled media is doing everything to suppress this information. The reason that we did not survive is that the shit-skins did what they do best, and multiplied like rats and flies. We were killed off by their superior numbers, and they are going to do it again if we do nothing to stop them. Needles to say that organized Jewry is at the root of this problem. The Jews are at the heart of every activity that vexes us White People no matter where we go, or what do. I will always believe that Christianity is the acid eating at the White Man’s Brain. It is the link between us and the Jews, and until we break the link we are doomed to a life of mind control utilizing the feelings of guilt, love and peace. The Southern Baptist Convention has always been known as one of the most conservative Christian organizations. The SBC has now signed on to the amnesty Band Wagon. The white baptist has always been known to wrap his or her quest for cheap labor in the candy wrapper of Christian benevolence. For those who cannot pull away from Christianity may I suggest Christian Identity as practiced by the Klan.

      The next time you hear a spic state that that “you white people stole this land from the Indians and Mexico” shoot back with the argument that we were hear at the same time. Accuse them of being murdering cowards that can only muster courage when they are in superior numbers, and you know that is right!

      Be armed or be harmed!

      By the way I am seeing more and more gang-banging spics on the gun ranges with AK-47s. This weapon system is all over the place at 100 yards. My AR-15 will saw the bull’s eye out at that distance using my holographic laser sight. AK-47s use the 7.62×39 round which is not known for it’s accuracy. This weapon is only good at close range and when it is full auto. DO NOT let anyone convince you to convert a weapon of any kind to full auto, it is the kiss of death from the ATF! At close range a shotgun with 000 buckshot is a much better weapon anyway, and it is legal. The ATF and the FBI are looking for people buying weapons and then selling them to drug cartel spics for a profit, and of course it is our duty as good citizens to report this to the proper authorities…

      From the multicultural shit-hole Houston, Texas, by for now!


    15. Bigduke6 Says:

      Tim McGreen, once again you are an inspiration.

    16. Joe Neunzig Says:

      Q: Where does Mexcrement belong?
      A: In the latrino!

    17. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      Sri Gyanamata , one of the wisest of the bejeweled sages of Vedic India, said that when the young men are not made to adhere to the courtship rituals, it is then that masculinity is lost.

      In other words, if men get sex too easily, before marriage, then they do not have to form masculine yang forms of behavior to attract and hold the feminine yin. Chivalry is lost, and is replaced by either an irresponsible hyper-masculinity or an unnatural femininization of the masculine.

      It is the “sexual revolution” that has robbed men of their precious and precarious yang. By eradicating the traditional strictures on kundalini energy, Hugh Hefner and others have weakened the power and beauty of the masculine, with an accompanying degradation of the feminine.

    18. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The United State grew too rapidly, hardly out of diapers it was wrenched into the modern world, instead of having a childhood ,its masses were forced into a 24/7 labour camp of unbridled materialism. Many warned of the cancerous growth, such as Zebulon Pike, that the Great Plains quite aptly termed the Great American Desert should be left to the Red savages and their herds of buffalo, instead of being turned to the plow, and with modern techniques of Agriculture turned into the bread basket for the turd whrlld.
      You can’t turned the clock back? yes you can, first off the thing is not about territory, its about fighting for blood.” One thing is thought,another thing is the deed,and another thing is the idea of the deed. The wheel of causality doth not roll between them.”
      ” An idea made the White man sick. Adequate was he to conquer the world, but the idea of it , he could not endure when it was done”.

    19. Nom de Guerre Says:

      As once was said of Napoleon ” Able was he , ere he saw Elba.”

    20. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Men fighting for territory, that is worship of a map.. Look at the founders most of whom were large landholders, most surveyors, the new gods became maps in the place of Caesars bust. This is the microzog Kansas etc. with a mausoleum in Topeka know as a crapitol, like the Confederates said about Joe Hooker, ” he had is head quarters where is hindquarters should have been.”

    21. The Red Skull Says:

      This Cartoon is now not “sick” joke but an increasing reality i personally live with and experience every fucking day.

      I am watching a Beautiful Once nearly all-white city(Denver) turn into a brown-skinned ,cockroach burrito,turd world Shithole.Denver is now a “minority majority city” like many other towns around it.Mexicans(or other unidentifiable brown-skinned turds) are EVERYWHERE.Crime is up all over the city and some beaners just ripped about 50-60 feet of wood slat fence out this ladys backyard.In brighter news,that day pedro the Taco killed his Ho in a fit of rage and his 2 tamales are in state Care.

      The High school i went to …….once 97% White,is NOW 80% Hispanic with the rest some poor Whites and Asians and a few surly porch monkees.This in only 20 years!!!

      We are being Dispossessed in our own land!Many jobs around here now require you speak Spanish or want to.I heard that damn Gibberish at the friking Bank the other day.Its no joke people.If your living in a lily-white area your a lucky son o ‘a gun,Because the reality in Peasantville, USA here is one of ever more brown,alien faces.The Mexicans breed faster than whites and have more kids and are swarming all over, and i’m living it right now motherfuckers.Entire Cities and Suburbs are now brown tide shitholes.

      Its a simple case of racial survival and our “space” is being taken over by a hostile ,foreign people who want to TAKE—-Not assimilate.They look at you like YOUR the one who “doesn’t belong”—They are waiting for old,balless Whitey to Die Out….Then it will be all theirs…Stupid Gringos.

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      Excellent commentary, Red. Those dirty beaners give the Spanish language a bad name. Real Spanish, the kind spoken in Europe, is a refined Romance language, like Italian and French. What the greasers speak is a vulgar, gutter version.

      At first I thought the beaners and other SUBHUMAN SCUM who are invading our once great country would remain in the urban areas, because they are nothing but freeloading moochers who are incapable of farming or being responsible, productive citizens of any sort. But then I realized that Tyson and other giant food corporations hire beaners to work as chicken pluckers in those huge rural food processing facilities. Many contractors also use beaners because they work cheap and are paid “under the table”. So now we have those little brown ticks infesting all areas of the country, like a pestilence, except for remote areas like West Virginia or upscale neighborhoods like Greenwich Village.

    23. ED! Says:

      Think not mister moderator, come to Houston and I will show you around! It is much worse than you think! It will open your eyes!


    24. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Can’t recall the mans name, but he used to broadcast over the shortwave, back in tyhe 90’s. One of his broadcasts was about the “Browning of America” in which he forecast that the Messicans would invade all 50 states.
      I wouldn’t give all the big corporations credit for the shits moving in, but also a lot of your middle class business types assist the invaders. My opinion is the latter are the worst bunch of race traitors.

    25. Thom McQueen Says:

      His name was gardener ted.

    26. Howdy Doody Says:

      FAT ass old phucking hippies with their Nature Con-servatory or visualize World peace or Free Tibet bumper stickers that are mostly pot heads too should be the first to starve or be savaged by our Messytizo invaders who are ever so loving of YT.

      Really we should hate the White leftist enabler’s as they are victim’s of the enemy alien controlled college nests of b.s. and Media hog wash.

    27. Howdy Doody Says:

      Too many of our young physically fit White males are in Combat units are working for merc outfits, so they are not in any community helping US, but are defacto helping to do the bidding of aliens IMO.

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      You know what I can’t stand, Howdy? When I see those 60 year old hippie guys with their bald heads and scraggly white ponytails and sandals clapping and singing along at an Animals, Monkees or Lovin’ Spoonful reunion show. Those bands were very good in their time, but that was 45 years ago, for crying out loud. Try listening to something new for a change. And no more tie-dye t-shirts either, man.

      Can you dig it?

    29. Howdy Doody Says:

      Straight White males in their 60’s and 70’s are disgusted by latter day hippy race trading dope smoked brain washed arrogant NPR pile holes making noise.

    30. Bigduke6 Says:

      William Logsdon, liked your post. I would never buy a commie AK. Good idea on the shot gun for clise in stuff.

    31. Howdy Doody Says:

      Triple odd buck, has never disappointed.

      Also the whiners can shriek about 5.56 till the cows come home, but 98% of shots are not going to be more than 500 feet, and that means right on the target.

      Don’t like that okay then carry bigger and heavier.

      6.5 Grendel is straight arrow akin a 7 MM which is usually a straight line to what you can see.

    32. wayne emerson Says: