Idaho: Edgar Steele Found Guilty
Posted by Socrates in Edgar Steele, federal courts, federal informants, federal power, nationalism, Socrates, White leaders, White martyrs, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 2:07 pm | 
Not only do we have a government that is firmly committed to Zionism, but we also have a government that is firmly committed to jailing White leaders. Another thing: why were 11 women on the jury? Is that a fair jury for a so-called “White supremacist”? Given how women are way too trusting of governmental authority, it is probable that Steele wasn’t fairly judged by an “impartial jury,” which is his Sixth Amendment right.
6 May, 2011 at 4:30 pm
The Rubicon has been crossed. When this rotten jew system can frame a man of honor and integrity who has dedicated his life to trying to obtain some kind of justice for our White brothers and sisters has himself become the victim of a system that has only one goal—THE DISEMPOWERMENT AND ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION OF THE WHITE RACE ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT AND ULTIMATELY, THE WORLD, TO BE REPLACED BY A MONGROLIZED, BROWN SLAVE RACE THAT WILL SERVE THE JEWISH MONEY POWER FOREVER. I think that Edgar Steele believed that somehow by working through the system, (He tried to run as a candidate for the Constitution Party a couple of years ago), he could help bring about the “New America” that he always said was “An idea whose time has come”. If Anyone now thinks that “voting” will ever be able to save us from the clutches of the most evil form of tyranny that has ever existed on this earth, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I will sell him. If a Blood and Soil Nation ever is to be forn on this continent, it will be born of BLOOD AND IRON. FOURTEEN WORDS.
6 May, 2011 at 4:32 pm
I personally spoke to Hal Turner before his third trial. I told him that maybe three’s a charm, but he said he was worried since they stacked the jury with women. It turned out he was right. He too was found guilty.
When I was on jury duty, I was tossed out the second the Jewish attorney had a chance, since he knew white men are logical and not prone to being carried away by “feelings”.
Being approved by a plaintiffs attorney in a malpractise suit is an insult to ones intelligence and indicative that you might have an IQ issue. I take my dismissal as a compliment, although it highlighted the farce the modern American “justice” system is.
Our founders knew better and thought women should not be politicized by allowing them to vote or serve on juries. They appreciated women and thought motherhood was a higher calling than turning women into politcal harpies and making mens lives miserable by having suffragettes in the household.
Anyway best of luck to Steele. Turns out he was right about silver prices, despite this weeks decline. The current price has more than quadrupled since he said buy!
Remember as Hitler observed, “Whenever liberty is threatened, the best men meet in prison”.
6 May, 2011 at 4:32 pm
I meant to write “born on this continent”
6 May, 2011 at 4:38 pm
I can’t make up my mind about this. Mr. Steele has always seemed like an odd man, at least when I’ve heard him speak. His writings on race are excellent, he obviously has insight and analytical skill, but listening to him talk has always left me uncomfortable. Frankly, there were times when I wondered if he was rowing with both oars in the water. I don’t get that same feeling when I hear Linder or Metzger or Miller speak.
On the other hand, I know the government must have been champing at the bit to lock him up and throw away the key. 11 women and one man? There are very few American men who have the guts to stand up to women nowadays. That guy could have deadlocked that jury, but then he might have been shouted at by women, and if he did not have an “alpha male” personality, that would have been too much to bear. Of course, he could just have been a liberal swine who hated “racists”, and thought they should all be thrown in the gulag.
6 May, 2011 at 6:02 pm
Total bullshit, but then again did anyone really think a racially conscious white man could get a fair trial in the Soviet Union of the Western Hemisphere? In the Soviet Union when enemies of the state were put on trial the outcome was preordained and the court proceedings were merely a formality. Given that the defense was prevented from calling audio experts to testify and contradict prosecution witnesses should be grounds for a mistrial.
If you recall, when Steele was arrested last year the official story changed almost on a weekly basis which was a sure sign that something was amiss. Establishment presstitutes were reporting that Steele told Fairfax he would get a large cut from the insurance proceeds. Then when Cyndi Steele revealed the life insurance policies in question were cancelled that part of the official narrative was flushed down the memory hole.
6 May, 2011 at 6:49 pm
Whatever happened to a jury of ones peers? People who know the defendant and his character. The jury system has been made a joke by the joo lawyers.
6 May, 2011 at 6:49 pm
I have to say that it always makes me laugh whenever I hear some pro-white talk show host or pro-white organization ‘leader’ say that whites can take our nation back and get the jews off our back and do it all without spilling any blood.
Tip for my fellow white nationalists: Use this outrage as a motivation to go buy that AK-47 you’ve been putting off, and make sure you stock up on lots of food for it.
CW-2 is coming.
6 May, 2011 at 10:08 pm
You all miss the greater point.
The Niggers, Slopes, Spic MS-13s, etc. are our masters when it comes down to simple ‘unity is strength’ fascim.
They stick with their own when in the clutch… while we haggle about needles in the haystack.
The System apparatchik bull-dyke Wendy Olson performed MALICIOUS PROSECUTION upon Edgar Steele, whether he was guilty or not.
All we did was throw money at the challenge… and look away!
6 May, 2011 at 11:16 pm
Was there ever any doubt about the outcome of this so-called trial? The excessive number of women on the jury guaranteed a “guilty” verdict. I have to give credit to the Iron Heel, they know how to manipulate things to get what they want.
You just know how the female jurors must have reacted to the charges against Steele: “Oh my god, what a horrible man. Imagine trying to kill his own wife and the mother of his children! Well, I’m a wife and mother too and I’m not going to let him get away with that!”
Nice work, you dumb broads. You acted just like the System expected you to act.
After the Revolution, women will stay at home, look good for their husbands and make healthy White babies. Period.
6 May, 2011 at 11:48 pm
Some good posts and comments. I’m pleased that most within our community ‘get it’ in regards to elections and the narrowing path of choices available on what line of actions will be pursued ahead.
I was told shortly after his arrest, from a friend, that he was clamped down on for planning a book on the Isreali White Slave trade. This explains why he was researching those mail-order type bride/dating services.
7 May, 2011 at 12:41 am
Sickning. Just sickning.
7 May, 2011 at 12:47 am
With White’s phyically attacked and brutalized every day in the USSA, this case is showing US how the regime is taking care of business.
Open borders and a police state for White Amerikwa.
7 May, 2011 at 12:55 am
Oh, I forgot add that the lovely CARR brutter’s are getting their case appealed paid by TAX payers.
The governor communted their death sentences, which shows you the POS office holders we have now IMO.
7 May, 2011 at 2:09 am
This trial once again shows that Lone Wolf action is the only way.
Steele was set up by an FBI agent. White Nationalists should always work alone when killing Jews and niggers by the score. That, and always make it look like a robbery. The Charles Bronson DEATH WISH films are a good
example of how to operate.
7 May, 2011 at 9:06 am
Insead of “killing Jews and niggers by the score”, White Nationalists must focus on exposing the deception and lies inherent in the current anti-White system. Any premature “Lone Wolf action” would have the effect of turning the brainwashed White masses against our cause even more than they are now and give the kikes a carte blanche excuse to destroy what little is left of the White Resistance. Taking up arms against the “system” will ONLY work AFTER the system destroys itself and its credibility, from its own inherent internal contradictions, and becomes nothing but an empty shell. We must strike a balance between the illusion of working within the system and Rambo fantasies. REALISM is the key word.
7 May, 2011 at 2:04 pm
One, clarification is required.
Did the Court ALLOW Edgar’s expert witness to testify?
If so, why wasn’t he subpoenaed? Why wasn’t his testimony admitted at all? Jim Giles, who has a ruthlessly brilliant intellectual honesty, called a perfect expert witness, and my impression was the total package for his services would be around twenty thousand dollars.
Two, clarification is needed.
One and all should go to Steele’s conspiracy penpal site, and download the mp3 of “Let’s Get Small.”
Memorize it, so that is tattooed on the inside of your skull.
Three, clarification is necessary.
“Only a change of Mind, can save our Kind.”
The Jews took over America without firing a shot, through controlling the words we heard, and the pictures we saw, and insuring our response to them was the response THEY wanted.
THEY implanted (and continue to implant) THEIR Cultural Trance.
We must counter, and develop ours, starting with Bob Whitaker’s Mantra, as a foundation for the Fourteen Words.
Asking ourselves what a new homeland would look like, and what a day in the life there, would be useful, as well.
However, having asked that last issue repeatedly, with no responses whatsoever, is it any wonder Edgar is where he is, and will be, for the rest of his life?”
Remember what Ed said, that people would go to him at all manner of WN meetings (Aryanfests, and the like), and TELL him that he should start something like a legal defense fund for Whites, AND they would be glad to contribute?
He mentioned how much he had received; it was less than we spent for a month’s worth of coffee, in the office where I used to work.
Well, we paid for entertainment, and now, Edgar will be paying the price for that.
Rememeber, we wanted entertainment, and not effectiveness.
Our prayers are about to be answered.
LOOK CLOSELY at the price Edgar Steel has, and will, pay.
LOOK CLOSELY at the price paid by Robert Mathews, and David Eden Lane.
LOOK CLOSELY at how many of us despaired in wisely addressing the issues before us.
Now, go to VNN/F, and look at “Hugh’s” thread, “A Better World.”
Get to work, preferably in the framework of a Northwest Republic as a temporal bridge to the fulfillment of a metapolitical purpose.
What’s in YOUR Future?
Focus Northwest
7 May, 2011 at 7:03 pm
You missed my point. Making it look like a robbery disconnects it from
any racial motive. Doing it alone romoves the chance of being infiltrated by the FBI or of any plea bargain sell out.
Killing niggers by the score and making it seem like the work of a rival nigger gang is just what we need. We need to rob and snuff out rich Jewish pimps in their homes and make it seem like the niggers did it.
In so doing, we kill two birds with one stone. The goal is to terrorize the enemy, but also to remove the enemy from existence. Our warriors should practice being serial killer vigilantes with one goal: extermination of non-whites.
In other words, turn the crime wave against the criminals.
7 May, 2011 at 8:25 pm
There is one reason the Edgar Steele was found guilty.
Because he is, in all probability.
Just a casual glance at his photographs tells anyone with psychic training that his crown chakra is loose and wobbling dangerously.
And, on the practical plane, do you think a jury of women would vote to deprive another woman of her husband, unless they were dead certain of his guilt?
7 May, 2011 at 9:20 pm
You think that is something; we have that kind of shit going down every day in Harris County. Harris county is where they train some of the most crooked prosecutors in the nation. They wrote the book down here on exactly how to stack a jury that would believe that anyone on trial must be guilty. Edgar Steele did not get a jury of his piers. I would say what should be done about this but I do not want my comment removed. There is a dark cloud hanging over America and I think we know what we need to do. I truly feel sorry for poor Edgar Steele and his family. It is a sad commentary on what this nation has become. All hail America’s first nigger president…
7 May, 2011 at 10:19 pm
Some time back, I wrote that many of those commenting on the Steele case had never read the Rules of Procedure, Rules of Evidence, or had any idea whatsoever what vast discretion is given to the prosecutor, and the judiciary.
Once again, we are Charlie Brown playing “Lucy’s Rules Football,” and, once again, we will be proven to be everything but effective, even remotely effective.
We have a clear, clean, open and honest path to social and political effectiveness, going through the Norhtwest Republic, To The Stars, IF ONLY as an Analytical Model, following the excellent advice of VNN/F’s “Hugh,” in his wonderful thread, “A Better World.”
For some reason, something so easy, so straightforward, and so effective is mocked and scorned, while the most ineffective choices of all, from morbidly obese clowns wearing Brownshirts with Red Swastika Armbands (ununiform uniforms, at that!), to people advocating the use of force against the greatest military and intelligence power in the history of the world.
This has bothered me for the longest time, as it essentially divides self-identified White Nationalists into Rockwell, Covignton, deNugent and a few others, and everyone else.
It hit me, thinking about Edgar Steele, and how things had changed.
Over here are the people who are (were) trying to be effective, and, on the other side, is entertainment.
Effectiveness verus Entertainment.
If anything I have said on VNN matters, this matters most of all, by far.
Every single post – every single poster – can be cleanly divided into one of two groups – Effectiveness or Entertainment.
It’s THAT simple.
Clean, straight line defining where we want to be, and how to get there?
George Lincoln Rockwell, Revilo Oliver, Harold Covington?
Elaborate theories that support your choices of impotence, and ineffectiveness?
The advocacy of the use of force against the most powerful military and intelligence network in the history of the world?
Write those words on the front of your monitor, so every time you read a WN site, you can quickly see how easily it breaks down into one or the other categories, and how often it does so.
“A Better World,” by VNN/F’s “Hugh?” “Northwest Front,” by Harold Covington?
Effectiveness – cleanly, openly, and honestly.
For everything else, there’s most everything else.
What’s In YOUR Future?
Focus Northwest
8 May, 2011 at 12:09 am
Miller, I love your suggestion. The idea of killing a bunch of niggers and and making it look like it was the work of some rival nigger gang is hilarious. Imagine all the hand-holding ceremonies in Black churches across ghetto America, in places like Harlem and Watts. Imagine all the Rudy Guilianis, Charlie Wrangels, Rahm Emanuels and Jesse Jacksons getting together in front of the network TV cameras to “stop the hate”.
But then, the FBI would probably start asking questions.
From the Sunday edition of The New York Times:
“These hits look too professional, hardly what one would expect from a nigger, I mean a Black, street gang”, said newly-appointed Jewish FBI Director and former New York Senator Charles Schumer. “I suspect this is the work of some really well-organized pro-White resistance organization, the kind that someone like Miller would be in charge of. I can assure the public that only the most Talmudic measures will be taken to combat this chutzpah..”
8 May, 2011 at 3:17 pm
Well, yes. To give it the right feel it might have to be carried out with
cheap handguns while in blackface make-up, watermelon rinds and pork craklin’ crumbs left at the scene.
9 May, 2011 at 3:17 am
You saw, in one way, what Jim Giles saw, in another, more Western manner.
That takes me to the seminal importance of Jim Giles to this issue.
Giles learned a lot from his grandfather, who had no illusions whatsoever as to how things were going. He also saw how people didn’t want to face the implications of this in his own campaigns.
While Giles was looking at what White Nationalism/Western Nationalism (WN/2) had been, and was becoming, he saw, intuitively, that a lot of words weren’t manifesting in actions. Additionally, those actions were usually bearing bitter fruit, at best, and at worst, no fruit at all.
The lack of fruit – the lack of anything remotely resembling “effectiveness,” and I am using THAT term very generously, comes from the fact that we have always allowed Lucy to trick and trap Charlie Brown into playing HER Game of football, on HER Rules.
No strategy for Charlie Brown, no grand strategy for Charlie Brown, and tactics supplied to Charlie Brown by his Enemy.
The resulting impotence of action would lead to two outcomes:
One, demoralization leading to defeat, quietly, softly leaving the field of battle.
Two, defeat leading to inappropriate action, the injudicious and ill-considered use of force, which, as we all know, must only be used for legitimate self-defense, and then only the amount and type allowed within the law.
Giles hit upon the formulation we would all do well to tattoo on the INSIDE of our skulls:
“Everything we want to do, we can, and must do, in an apple-pie, strictly legal, sort of way.”
Giles even gave himself the nickname, “Strict Legality Jim Giles.”
It’s the concept of what “strict legality” might come to mean that we must address ourselves, and give full marks to the remarkably astute Insight of Mr. Giles.
Legal theorists noted the shift in the law from the doctrine of liability, to the doctrine of “strict liability” – a much higher standard of liability, and how this developed in the legal system.
You as, say, a manufacturer, might well be within your state’s definition and practice of legal liability. The evolving doctrine of “strict liability” called for a much more proactive stance on your part, indeed, a new set of duties arose OUTSIDE the legislatively defined so-called “black letter law.”
I believe Giles has hit on the most important Insight, in that we must be as Caesar’s Wife – not just legal, but seeming to be legal, and morally proactive, in our dealings. That seems to be, at first glance, the equivalent of strict liability for us.
Thus, act AS IF your every word and deed would be displayed in the worst possible light before a jury.
That’s being proactive, “in an apple-pie, strictly legal, sort of way.”
There is a stronger legal case for this than you might think.
The old definition of “illegal” was breaking the black letter law.
The new definition is moving towards not supporting the SPIRIT of the law to the extent you can mitigate “reasonably foreseeable risk or damage.”
An example – it used to be illegal to discriminate EXPLICITLY against someone on the basis of their race.
Under Affirmative Action, as in the evolution of strict liability, it is now illegal to “discriminate” IMPLICITLY against someone on the basis of their race, based on reasonably foreseeable outcomes.
As Edgar Steele said in his famous mp3, “Let’s Get Small” :
“You have just brushed up against the legal system, and you want it to go away.”
Good advice.
Does the name Matt Hale come to mind?
VERY good advice.
Ergo, adopt the Giles Model:
“Do everything you do in an apple-pie, strictly legal, sort of way, and I mean it!”
The proactive defense, is the best defense.
What’s In YOUR Future?
Focus Northwest
9 May, 2011 at 10:55 am
Mr. Edgar Steel was 100% correct on Silver.
10 May, 2011 at 10:18 pm
Tim McGreen is a phony groveling jew. How can you call jews viruses then allow them to infect the body of your board?
White purity?! What do you stupid idiots stand for?
12 May, 2011 at 12:51 pm
Yes, sadly, you all are right about women. They have been completely jew fucked and are almost totally worthless, right now, to the White race and its future. I can’t stand most White women I meet and usually quickly come to despise them for the illogical thinkers they are and the nigger/spic/jew lovers they are. They are loud, insincere, shallow, and hate their race more than anything else.
I have no real female friends anymore, because I have met none worth having in real life. Once they find out I have racist tendencies, they shun me. Fine. Who the fuck cares. I prefer my own company over that of anyone else anyway. lol
But you are right fellas: The one goal of the New World Order is the elimination of White males. You all are the only thing standing in the way of being completely jew and nigger fucked. Not that you all are perfect, far from it. But you are the only thing that prevents the jew from completely monopolizing White females for their own evil intentions or giving them to the niggers for their own evil intentions.
But, posting on the Internet is not going to change anything. Just remember that: only when you get off the Internet and meet in real life and actually do something will we have a chance to defeat the jew.
12 May, 2011 at 9:05 pm
But if the Internet is so unimportant, then why are the various ZOGs and Jew pressure groups around the world pushing for ‘Net censorship? Why are the bastards so obsessed with eliminating “hate speech” online?
13 May, 2011 at 11:04 am
Susan, you are sadly right about 99% of white women. My husband and I are both white racists but we’re a small minority.
Most of my former white female friends that I left behind in the West Coast still suck the Jew dick by supporting Israel.
Or another one, I don’t mind immigration if they’re illegal.
Fuck that. I want all non-whites out of my country and no immigration for non-whites, period. Boy when I say that, it thins the herd and these people want nothing to do with me.
Funny, they still live in white neighborhoods.
13 May, 2011 at 11:33 am
Fuck that. I want all non-whites out of my country and no immigration for non-whites, period. Boy when I say that, it thins the herd and these people want nothing to do with me.
Funny, they still live in white neighborhoods.
Bringing 40 million messytizo’s in since 1986 and lieing about it and then spying on US when we bitch and say NO.
As for the Spying, no its not paranoia what so ever, its joo enemy aliens who are paranoid and violating our Bill Of Rights especially the Fourth Amendment in that Name of their criminal cabal control of the Ruling Regime full bore since that BASTARD FDR was foisted on US, and he was a murdering crimnal.
One more thing the evanjellycull’s are are a enemey alien support cult of arrogant 98% fat phucked up brain washed Whites who support jooos all the way to the slaughter house
These White idiot race traitor actually think they are superior for protecting and supporting an enemy alien state and hate filled murdering gang of lieing bastards from the depths of depravity.
13 May, 2011 at 11:37 am
Shit heads and the govt. cointelpro radio show infomat’s can go eat dog shit, and get the phuck off of VNN.
Thank you trolls bastards who recieve checks in the mail.
15 May, 2011 at 11:32 pm
Annie, really not funny how White NPR sandled hippy leftist support jooos shit like evanjellyculls do.
As I say there is not difference between brainwashed leftist and patritardsd fools.
16 May, 2011 at 2:12 am
ED! Says:
7 May, 2011 at 9:20 pm
You think that is something; we have that kind of shit going down every day in Harris County. Harris county is where they train some of the most crooked prosecutors in the nation. They wrote the book down here on exactly how to stack a jury that would believe that anyone on trial must be guilty. Edgar Steele did not get a jury of his piers. I would say what should be done about this but I do not want my comment removed. There is a dark cloud hanging over America and I think we know what we need to do. I truly feel sorry for poor Edgar Steele and his family. It is a sad commentary on what this nation has become. All hail America’s first nigger president…
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 7 0
16 May, 2011 at 2:12 am
ED! Says:
7 May, 2011 at 9:20 pm
You think that is something; we have that kind of shit going down every day in Harris County. Harris county is where they train some of the most crooked prosecutors in the nation. They wrote the book down here on exactly how to stack a jury that would believe that anyone on trial must be guilty. Edgar Steele did not get a jury of his piers. I would say what should be done about this but I do not want my comment removed. There is a dark cloud hanging over America and I think we know what we need to do. I truly feel sorry for poor Edgar Steele and his family. It is a sad commentary on what this nation has become. All hail America’s first nigger president…
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 7 0