Linder on The South
Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Alex Linder, Charles Coughlin, Henry Ford, Klan, Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates, The South, White leaders, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce at 6:59 pm | 
(No doubt, this will piss some people off, but there’s nothing wrong with looking under the hood of White Nationalism once in a while and seeing what’s underneath. In fact, the “anti-Semitic” movement was led mostly by northerners [e.g., Henry Ford, Robert Edward Edmondson, Gerald L. K. Smith, Father Charles Coughlin, George Lincoln Rockwell, Revilo Oliver]. William Luther Pierce was a southerner, but he certainly wasn’t a typical southerner. Furthermore, the Klan – a largely southern outfit – seems to focus more attention on negroes than on Jews – I’ve seen their literature).
“…and that’s part of my point. Southerners are not interested in the slightest in anything that isn’t Southern or is intellectual. It’s an anti-intellectual culture concerned entirely with itself. It doesn’t even care enough to investigate its enemies, define them, and figure out how to defeat them. It’s completely satisfied with ritual denunciations of Yankees.” — Alex Linder
20 June, 2011 at 7:12 pm
De Suth’n White dude, he dunno dat de jooo,he be behinds de darkey problem. He too caught up in de jooo christ’anity day say dat de jooo be gawds chosen dudes. De Nor’dun White dude, he be gettin’ mo’ nigger wise since de darkey be movin’ no’th to da big nor’dun cities after de secon’ worl’ wo’. He maybee a little bit mo’ jooo wise too cuz de christ’n zionism ain’t quite so strong in de nor’t.
20 June, 2011 at 7:12 pm
De Suth’n White dude, he dunno dat de jooo,he be behinds de darkey problem. He too caught up in de jooo christ’anity day say dat de jooo be gawds chosen dudes. De Nor’dun White dude, he be gettin’ mo’ nigger wise since de darkey be movin’ no’th to da big nor’dun cities after de secon’ worl’ wo’. He maybee a little bit mo’ jooo wise too cuz de christ’n zionism ain’t quite so strong in de nor’t.
20 June, 2011 at 7:59 pm
Hostile Sections — Opposite Civilizations
The Southern nation is a natural nation. The only real nation over here. We are not a parade of strangers. And we don’t worship the great Northern idol called Union. We are occupied by an alien people. A group of people who put into place an egalitarian government in the 1860s.
The North allowed the Jews to seize near complete control of the economy in the Northeast and Midwest by the 1870s.
Revilo Oliver was pro South and he was from Texas. Dr. Pierce talked about how shameful it was for the North to build and use ultra modern Negro armies against White people in the South and to give them citizenship and the vote.
Why did the federals occupy our universities and high schools in the 1950s and 1960s — To save the Negroes..?
So far as intellect is concerned, we are out in front. By the 1850s, the South had established the only schools of honor and refinement in America. Greek letter fraternities originated in the South. The South emancipated social intercourse and continues to be a model of manners for the whole country. And we conquered the universe with music.
Ivy league colleges are not schools of honor, but they are great universities. The prissy Northern students in New England did not fight to maintain white separation in their schools.
The coarse jealously of the North has always preferred rough companionship. That is most evident on the Yankee websites. It is not our fault that the North does not have blood and soil kinfolk states.
I think it is time for the North to rise up — for the first time.
How many Jews and Negroes have been strung up in the North…?
20 June, 2011 at 8:19 pm
Hold your horses, if you got any. The original Klan save the Southern Country from carpetbagger misrule…….Lincoln’s kleptocracy. And they had plenty of help from the Red shirts, White League and Knights of the White Camilia.
“The United States hates the Southern nation and it hates white gentiles. That is its only basis.
That’s not a basis for a Union. The North needs to get a life.”
20 June, 2011 at 8:50 pm
“It’s completely satisfied with ritual denunciations of Yankees”
Right, they never condemn the Red Socks.
20 June, 2011 at 9:53 pm
Let’s stop fighting the civil war, guys. It’s not about whether the south or the north is more or less jew or nigger aware. The White race will only be saved by the intelligence and heroism of strong White men regardless of the location in the country or the world that they are from. We are under attack from all fronts by the jews and their lackeys. We need to stop attacking our fellow White men who may have differing regional belief systems and focus our energy on the REAL ENEMY.
20 June, 2011 at 10:40 pm
Linder plowed up a snake LOL ! The North and South have soooo many bad points that it becomes a winless argument at some point. I do wish the North would quit harassing the South.
My fifth grade teacher was a Southern lady. She taught us that a sore winner was worse than a sore loser. She was talking about the North.
20 June, 2011 at 10:59 pm
Pan-Aryanism is the ONLY solution. In our future White Aryan Republic, all White men and women from ANY country in the world will be welcome as long as they are loyal to the White Race, will fight for the White Race and live by the FOURTEEN WORDS. The American Civil War, World War I and II, and all the other jew wars that cost the White Race its best men and its best blood must become a thing of the past. WHITE SOLIDARITY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!
20 June, 2011 at 11:41 pm
“The American Civil War, World War I and II, and all the other jew (sic) wars that cost the White Race its best men and its best blood must become a thing of the past. WHITE SOLIDARITY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!”
It seems to me you boys don’t need any Jews around to hate, you’re doing a great job hating each other!
And please don’t perpetuate that canard about “the Jews” starting World War I or any other war. I had relatives in Austria-Hungary who fought for that old Anti-Semite Franz Josef I.
Unlike many of you Christians we Jews do not enjoy fighting all the time. Life is too short and precious for such bickering. However, if we are confronted with Anti-Semitism then of course we’ll fight all we can to stop it. But our welcome mat is always out for anyone who wants peace.
21 June, 2011 at 2:12 am
Unlike many of you Christians we Jews do not enjoy fighting all the time. Life is too short and precious for such bickering. However, if we are confronted with Anti-Semitism then of course we’ll fight all we can to stop it. But our welcome mat is always out for anyone who wants peace.
Which is to say, peace on your terms. Maybe Palestinians want nothing but peace–but they also want their land returned to them.
You’ve got a valid point, though. White people really do love to fight each other, which is why I’m in the “pan-Aryan” camp. Northern American, Southern American, English, Irish, Scandinavian, Teutonic, Mediterranean, Slavic…all of us. No more fratricide, no more bickering. Globalists are our enemies. Not all of them are Jews, either. Instead of dividing ourselves up along ridiculous and irrelevant lines–like Northern vs. Southern in America–we should be ridding ourselves of the psychopaths amongst us and amongst Others, who would destroy our nation-states.
I don’t know why Linder has targeted Southerners in this way. He seems to imply that there are no intellectual Whites in the South; that Southern culture is entirely dedicated to hatred of the North and negroes. I’m a Yankee myself, and I find that hard to believe. It’s not as if there is a great awareness and movement among the people of the North–the majority of White people in America, regardless of region, are clueless, Christ-insane, nigger-loving, “racism”-fearing retards.
21 June, 2011 at 3:22 am
Like Germany the South suffered greatly and was like a dog with out mercy after they surrendered.
Their Gene POOL and Spirit’s were DAMAGED, threw jooo media, and there you go.
The joos’ today have never been arrogant and self lieing IMO for the last two thousand years.
21 June, 2011 at 3:23 am
Never been so arrogant
21 June, 2011 at 5:38 am
If you jews were really rounded up in an isolated area and left to subsist among yourselves you would destroy eachother. This would be a blessing to the rest of the world.
21 June, 2011 at 7:50 am
The old gimmicks the jews used to incite fratricidal war among Whites, a
such as Religious wars, and economic wars are not going to save their ass when the colored races take over.
The Kwa is becoming just what the jews have made of the middle-East, one big mudwhrrld, an arid desert , truly a fitting kingdom for jeboo and yahveh.
21 June, 2011 at 7:56 am
The Kwa is looking more and more like the the middle East every day, the same degradation of the environment, the depleting water resources, fires everywhere, the same shitty looking streets and residences, the same bazaar (bizarre?) looking atmosphere of shop till you drop. The same mongrelized inhabitatants.
21 June, 2011 at 9:31 am
Marc Rappaport Says: But our welcome mat is always out for anyone who wants peace.
What a wonderful sentiment too bad reality gets in the way of sentiment. If you want peace why do you keep stealing other people’s property, shoot small children who throw stones, shoot farmers in their fields, drop white phosphorous on civilian populations, assassinate foreign dignitaries and scientists and cause wars to be started. Yep,you jews are sure a blessing to the world. Maybe one day the pendulum swings in the opposite direction.
21 June, 2011 at 9:47 am
JEW RAPPAPORT says”unlike you Christians we jews do not enjoy fighting all the time”. Thanks right Marc, you cowardly jew bastards let the White Christians do all the fighting for you. You jew bastards are good at only two things–lying and getting the rest of the world to believe your damn lies.
21 June, 2011 at 9:48 am
Southerners And New Englanders: Two very different peoples.
Yankee orators invented the fourth-of-July-school of rhetoric. They invented the Lincoln school of rhetoric too. The hyper-aggressive giddiness of the North promotes the Union and the Constitution with hostile energy. In contrast, the sobriety of the South estimates all things at its real value. Its net-worth. The allegiance to Statehood comes first.
“The South bowed before neither an idol of gain, nor the shadow of a name.”
Carolina guerilla fighters had a lot to do with Cornwallis surrendering in a Southern state. But the folk don’t sensationalize that. Had Cornwallis surrenedered in Connecticut or Massachusetts, we would never hear the end of it. You know, with all the giddiness, fits and manias.
The phony invasions into Europe in the 20th century were Northern invasions. The Southern people left to themselves would have never attacked Europe to kill Europeans. That is not in us.
21 June, 2011 at 10:23 am
Will you jews ever be able to live without being parasites to the rest of humanity, Marc? After you are finished destroying the White Race, who are you going to suck the blood out of next? The Chinese Maybe? Ultimately you jews are in a “no win” situation. Only those races that create, struggle, and advance the cause of civilization and knowledge deserve to live. The destroyers ALWAYS destroy themselves in the long run.
21 June, 2011 at 12:27 pm
Instead of badmouthing the Jews, it would be wise to marry one of them. There is nothing that makes a Goy move faster then a Jewish partner. My Jewish wife was the foundation of my financial success, she inspired me to reach further and go higher.
21 June, 2011 at 12:30 pm
Howdy Doody, you forgot about the following:
The South proved its unconquerable spirit by defeating Reconstruction. When the federal troops pulled out in 1877, the the Black Republicans fled to the Potomac much like the Jews fled Germany in 1933.
But Germany suffers from the DIXIE curse. The Germans came over as fast as the ships could bring them to fight against the South. So the Federals thanked them by destroying Germany twice in the 20th century.
21 June, 2011 at 1:06 pm
morris wise Says: Instead of badmouthing the Jews, it would be wise to marry one of them.
Do you mean some Jewish beauty like, Golda Meir, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kegan of possibly Madeleine Albright. Hey Morris, that might be your idea of a perfect mate but for me I’ll stick to my Aryan beauty and make a life without the whining and bitching that your jewish women are so noted for. Enjoy your jewish wife’s money, you will earn every dime she gives you.
21 June, 2011 at 1:57 pm
Come now, not all White Southerners are holy rollers, cornpones, hayseeds, scary hillbillies from Deliverance or cast members of Hee-Haw. Have you never heard of William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Thomas Wolfe or Mark Twain? Southerners have a lot more class than those rude, pushy Northerners, I’ll tell you what.
21 June, 2011 at 2:05 pm
Seems to me its always been a fuckin’ kike trying to rob from Aryans, a worm their way into Gentile society by pedalin their sluts like Esther and Monica , theres is always something at the end of noose jew, even diamond studded dog leashes like Madoff swung from.
21 June, 2011 at 3:32 pm
Jew control has always been covert, first pawn off their sluts to Gentile rulers, or place a kike in a gentiles household ala Moses, Esther, Monica Lewinsky. The South was stabbed in the back by a kike Judah Benjamin, who married into a Louisiana Creole family, just like the jew boy assasin of Huey Long, Weiss did.
The way to get rid of jews has to be to get rid of Xianity. Think about it how much of the jews control is mind control?
21 June, 2011 at 3:55 pm
ALL of the jews control is mind control, Nom. Getting rid of jew controlled Xianity would solve much of the problem, but the only get rid of the jews is to expose their lies to the light of day. What is the primary lie of the jew? EGALITARIANISM. Nearly every White person one hundred years ago knew perfectly well that the nigger was in no way the equal of the White man. Through the jew’s growing power in media and government, the Big Lie was gradually implanted in the minds of the average White American that all races have equal potential and that to oppose this idea was to be a “racist” or a “bigot”. This was done by covering up the undeniable evidence of nigger crime and degeneracy. Jewish mind poisoning can only be counteracted with the antitode of Aryan Mind Enlightenment. Thank the gods for the Internet.
21 June, 2011 at 4:59 pm
I think Alex Linder is becoming jaded, and some of the recent articles are reflecting a concealled bias against Whties. Some of the latest articles like this one attacking an easily recognizable good White culture( the White Southern Culture) saying its “anti-intellectual, Southerners are not interested in the slightest in anything that isn’t Southern or is intellectual. It’s an anti-intellectual culture concerned entirely with itself.” This article and the one about the Intellectuals of today being mostly Jews and liberals. That has to be a joke there is nothing intellectual in the Jews slandering, name calling, and easily refuted hate ‘Theories’ directed against Whites. Alex needs to start posting some positive and Hardline White Racial Anti-Jew and Anti-non white writings like this site should have.
21 June, 2011 at 7:04 pm
Linder sounds much like a woman scorned. As did the war-mongers in the northeast a century and a half ago. To the point of jealous rage. Neither seem(ed) at all familiar with the feeling of nationality themselves, hence their insistence on the amalgamation, by force in the case of the latter, of White nations into their own idea of empire, be it racial(Linder) or religious(the warmongers). Trying to explain what such a thing as nationality is, to a person who doesn’t have it, is useless. They will inevitably end up trying to take it away from you, one way or another, simply because they can’t identify it and so wish to erase it.
Those men that he lists as great heroes of his… how were they received by their fellow northerners? As heroes? Did they lead armies in opposition to the regimes they denounced, or did they write papers about them?
Not that it would’ve imbued him with a national spirit, but I wonder how much time Linder has spent in the South, as opposed, let’s say, to watching television or movies.
For those who, like Linder, must be bedazzled at my use of the word ‘national’, it’s what makes Englishmen English, Germans German, French French, Southerners Southern, etc. In the average man it’s one of the things that opposes the amalgamation – and therefore the elimination – of European nations. It ain’t about about conquerin’ everybody in sight. Unfortunately, it ain’t usually successful either.
21 June, 2011 at 7:10 pm
Primary lie of jew is that they are a religion, not a race.
21 June, 2011 at 7:32 pm
Wise, the highest calling is and always will be to propagate your own kind. There is no other success that compares. This time the World against these creatins called jews. If you have a real religion or really the secret of the politcal is race. jews have none of these two. jew means lie to nature.
21 June, 2011 at 8:46 pm
I disagree with Alex concerning the South. As a Northerner with ancestry that fought for the north, I consider the whole thing a shame. Too bad we just couldn’t get along and send the blacks back to Africa where they belong.
Southern people have culturally declined, as with everywhere the media is, so to single them out while there are legions of tattoed pierced dummies following the herd in the north is unfair.
Where there are white nationalists, there are men of intellect.
22 June, 2011 at 1:06 am
while there are legions of tattoed pierced dummies following the herd in the north is unfair.
Not to mention in the West latter day hippy’s in their early twenties with girl friends playing the role with them.
Brain washed and seriously ignorant thanks to the regime public schools now for that last 50 years strong!
22 June, 2011 at 3:00 am
Howdy, you can be a hippie and still be racially conscious. Flower Power….But only for the White Race.
22 June, 2011 at 10:11 pm
While I harbor no ill will towards the South and Southerners, they are, generally speaking, very partisan and parochial people. Current events and issues affecting our race are seen through a regional (rather than national and international) prism most of the time. David Duke is probably one of the few if not the lone exception.
Alex makes a valid point in that Southerners seem averse to defining their mortal enemy and crafting an effective counteroffensive and seem content with merely attacking the symptoms of America’s rapid decline. Doing so might lead to Jews and anti-semitism is impolitic and impolite and every self respecting Southern boy is chock full of manners! As I recall, George Lincoln Rockwell observed that many Southrons were obtuse regarding the Jewish question.
Given that they have borne the brunt of Jewish hate and malice of white gentiles through Hollywood movies and sitcoms one would think there would have been a organized white Southern backlash by now, but sadly that isn’t the case.
22 June, 2011 at 10:33 pm
White southern boys are also the ones who are doing most of the fighting and dying for Big Jew in the Near East. And how does Big Jew repay them? By taking away the sovereignty of the Southern states and subjecting them to Jew Snivel Rights laws and to the Jew FBI, ADL and SPLC, that’s how.
25 June, 2011 at 4:18 pm
Could this worship of Jews as the Chosen be a product of inherent pan-Asian nationalism? That is, the sector of Southerners who have American Indian ancestry siding with the Asiatic Jews against Europe?
Recently, Virginian leftists have been touting their unity with the “mountain people” of Tibet & Nepal. Supposedly the Appalachian culture parallels Tibetan (Hindu-infused) Buddhism, and stylish college girls make pilgrimages to South Asia.
25 June, 2011 at 11:48 pm
The real issue is federalism versus states’ rights.
Hamilton versus Jefferson.
I am a New Englander, but a strong Jeffersonian.
What is your region and government philosophy? There we can find some common ground.
26 June, 2011 at 6:05 am
I am an American and a Zionist. Every patriotic American should be committed to standing side by side with Israel, the only real friend America has in the Middle East and the only true democracy in that part of the world.
26 June, 2011 at 11:40 am
Hi Marc,
I consider myself a conservative American and a German nationalist.
Therefore I am a special breed, like Alex, of german-americans who are real patriotic Americans. The Zionist state is more like a theocracy, and anyway real patriots disdain democracy. America is a republic and Israel does nothing for us. Cut off all foreign financial aid like Ron Paul says!!!
I think it is a disgrace how the US and Germany give advanced weapons and aircraft and submarines to Israel. Yea you want us to support a damn little terrorist state. Demographics make that land undefensible. Use some common sense and shut your mouth you zionist.
However, your loyalties usually are embedded in your genes, and I know zionists won’t just back out. But America needs to get Israeli influence out. Imagination what Washington and Jefferson would think of this or Patrick Henry or even James Madison. ISRAEL SUCKS BALLS.