16 November, 2011

A Riot in York

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 7:04 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Today Jews and liberals — both Democrat and Republican liberals — are just itching to prosecute Whites for things they couldn’t have prosecuted them for successfully in the 1960s. They are enormously proud of themselves for having won a conviction a few days ago against a White man accused of bombing a Black church in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1969. But this itch to prosecute goes far beyond shootings and bombings. Today they want to prosecute people for Political Incorrectness. They’re not quite ready to say that in public, but whenever they can find a case they believe they may be able to win, where they can call it something other than Political Incorrectness, where they can stretch things a bit and call it something else — say, being an accessory to homicide — they’ll go for it.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to 05-26-2001.

  • 13 Responses to “A Riot in York”

    1. Nom de Guerre Says:

      What is interesting is how and why the niggers would have rioted back in the days when the economy was pretty healthy compared to todays kwa. Now the niggers are as docile as Uncle Toms. Niggers aren’t going to riot in todays Amerikwa, watch how the jew controlled media reacts to a holdup of a sand nigger or gook convenience store , hell one nigger got plugged and drug hisself off into the push to bleed to death. But a nigger gang member plugged by a White pharmacist is a hate crime, and he gets a life sentence. Forget the niggers they are only still existing for breeding and feedin, the jews haven’t got it so good now, thats why I think this deployment of Marines Joopers to Australias norther territories is the jews looking for a new base of criminal operations if the shitty gets taken out.

    2. Nom de Guerre Says:

      When are people going to say enough is enough? Now it’s our turn to dish it out to Zog, well if we can’t get at Zog will take out of somebody else. As Tim McGreen implied Whites are still intimidated by john law, whereas muds aren’t. Just look at that Mexican who shot a hole into a window of the “el casa blanco”, oh by the way he’s from Pennsylvania.
      Unfortunately the niggers was out of the head woodpile at the times, somewhere in Australia

    3. Nom de Guerre Says:

      It would probably be a good thing if the 40k never made it back to the kwa, since they would be immediatly scooped up into Zogs praetorian guard or other piglice formations.

    4. torrence Says:

      As in any discipline, the frequent revisitation to FUNDAMENTALS is necessary in order to maintain a state of fitness. Thus, the violinist plays daily his scales and arpeggios, the boxer his daily speed bag routines, the tennis player practices his serves, and so on.

      Half of our struggle is in the mind: to think clearly, maintain a proper world-view and to not deviate or allow to be detoured from certain truths. In an armed struggle, what can be more fundamental – what truth needs to be more precisely understood before the first salvo is fired – than to clearly answer the question: Who or what is the enemy? You would be surprised how in the White Nationalist cause this question is not understood with clarity or conviction.

      As a case in point, we can turn to the immigration problem – a large and immensely important issue. The anger and contempt we feel over this crisis is generally directed exclusively to the non-White, non-European immigrants themselves, with little of our anguish directed or held in reserve for use elsewhere. Does doing so reflect a clear understanding of the fundamentals behind this particular problem? The answer is: ‘No’.

      Although it is understandable to a degree that rage and anger is directed against the objective manifestation of this problem, in this case the individual immigrants as people, we are really missing the mark here by not seeing the bigger problem – the true causative player in this crisis. Have we started on the wrong foot in this war by not correctly answering the question: Who is the true enemy here? If we don’t answer correctly, the actions undertaken as ‘Casus Belli’ will be neither just nor effective. So to answer the question – ‘Who is the primary enemy in this immigration crisis.’, we need to answer with conviction: The US Government.

      When immigrants -legal or illegal -come here they do so by invitation of the US Government. The US Government has quietly and passively acquiesced to all this by doing little or nothing. When no action is taken to regulate or enforce existing laws on immigration, the root problem is: The ‘US Government’. When endless benefits are showered upon these immigrants, the root problem are The Federal and State ‘US Governments’. When punitive or obstructionist action is taken against individuals or States who try to manage this crisis, the problem is: The ‘US Government’. When you are charged and prosecuted for a ‘hate crime’ or a violation of an immigrant’s ‘civil rights’, you are imperiled by your ‘US Government’. I’m amazed how so many comrades don’t have this clear understanding available to them.

      The immigration crisis is a problem of US Governmental policy and intent, and of little else.

      Getting back to the importance of FUNDAMENTALS, I’ll quote Dr. Pierce again:


    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      The functioning returned zogbot’s are taking various regime security positions. The ones I have met sadly don’t know much about any factual history or what the hell has happened to US as a race and Nation in the last 100 years.

      Empty minds are good slave minds.

    6. Phantom Says:

      The reason the idiots have become slaves to Jews is that the Jews have given that the idiots wants, laziness. Back then, it was back breaking hard work and the Jews give them laziness in exchange of giving the Jews a power and support. If idiots did not support the Jews, they would lost the pleasure of just sitting and bitching about something, but not going to do something. Idiots have lost the will to actually fight and lost power to Jews. Kikes are very good at giving what people wants and the people did not realize that they pretty much screwed themselves. This is why kikes are dangerous and they cannot control the system, media, everything. Everything that Jews do ends in destruction for everybody.

    7. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Wonder if Nethyahoo didn’t send a mossad agent ala Mexican to give the chief spook a warning.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      By now all the once-prosperous cities of Pennsylvania are nigger and spic infested hellholes; Yet another State lost to the Enemy.

      It’s interesting how the niggers stopped rioting shortly after Nixon became President. There was a lot of nigger unrest in the Jew-S-A from 1963 to 69, but then it stopped. Maybe it’s because Uncle Shmuley began giving them a lot more welfare and affirmative action to placate them? Is it because the Black Panthers and other militant Black groups eventually imploded or were destroyed by COINTELPRO? Is it because The Man started herding young Negro males off to prison and the military in large numbers? Or is it that Negro youth simply lost interest in Revolution and switched their attention to crack, rap music and the pimp/gangsta lifestyle instead?

      I doubt the lazy and disorganized Negroes will ever rise up against the Empire again, but Mestizos and Mudslums just might. And unlike the moolies they won’t give up so easily.

    9. Miller Says:

      rap music is the new nigger rioting.

    10. Arminius Says:

      Torrence got it all wrong, and not the first time.
      Who is the “US Government”?
      The United States are controlled and run by JEWS. Jews occupy all decision making positions in public power, and they use them liberally.
      They control Congress, President, Government, Administation, Judiciary, Money, Finance, Revenue, Armed Forces, Media etc.
      The Unted States Government gets its orders from President down from Tev Aviv and/or Wallstreet, which is a well known fact, stated by Jews themselves, and they must know who calls the shots.
      Torrence, name only one public institution in the whole USA which is not ruled by Jewish conspirators- just one!
      To blame the amorphous “US Government” goes nowhere, if you avoid to name the Jew responsible for all the misery it creates. And again, Torrence, your own phrase:
      “to think clearly, maintain a proper world-view and to not deviate or allow to be detoured from certain truths.”- should be applied by yourself first.

      I am sick of Torrence’s continuing attempts to divert attention away from the real troublemakers behind it all, including the “US Government”.

    11. torrence Says:

      Comrade Arminius – I have not grown ‘sick’ of your posts as you have of mine. I don’t wish to make anyone ill. I’m trying to contribute to this board by bringing to the fore different perspectives and understandings to the same real problems we all face.

      At the outset, I’ll say that we are both right and not really at odds. Don’t be mad at me. We are saying essentially the same thing, the difference being a matter of degree, not of kind. We are both looking at the same problem but from different viewpoints and probing the same problem at different depths.

      I don’t have to tell you the relationship between the Jews and the US Government. You explained it for everyone in your post. I’ll further advance your thoughts in saying that there has occurred a subsumption of the function and activities of the US Government into the programs and agenda of International Jewry. The original intent of American government has been thwarted, the operational design of government as been corrupted. Governmental stewardship of national resources of wealth, money, diplomatic influence and military power has become an exercise of malfeasance in service of the Jews. I accept all this; we’re not disagreeing here.

      Because the US Government has lost any semblance of independence and impartiality from Jewry – that it has for all intent and purposes become the chief operational body of Jewry – if we can agree on that point – then we no longer can consider the US Government separate from the Jews, nor can we fool ourselves into accepting it as an inoffensive or harmless entity in relation to us. If it serves as the strong-arm outpost of the Jews, it must be taken into account as such, talked of as such and dealt with as such. How can it be otherwise?

      In your post, you focused on the causative background of how our government has got to this point. I bypassed that under the assumption that, more and more, people are coming to understand and accept the fact of Jewish control over our government, society and culture. Thus, we now have new words in use such as ‘Jewmerica’ or ‘jewdicial’ or ‘Jew York’, ‘Jew-tube’, the ‘Jew Media’, and so on. We are approaching the point where we can count on the default understanding of the US Government as being a ‘Jewish’ government: alien and filled with malicious intent against us. This growing understanding and viewpoint is not merely among VNN readers – I’m talking about the public at large as well. Go read the posts under a Yahoo article dealing with Jews, the holocaust, Israel or Zionism and you’ll be surprised at the comments you come across. Many are speaking out in anger and disgust at the subservience of our public institutions and politicians to the Jews. The thinking we have harbored for so long is no longer confined to we in the ‘movement’, but is growing among those ‘not among us’ as well. Momentous times lie ahead.

      Perhaps the greatest reason to speak of a state of enmity between us and the government is that it is now impossible to take action or oppose the Jews without first heading straight into the wall of Jewish GOVERNMENTAL protection. Circumstances have now come to the point where we end up battling the government in any attempt to oppose the Jews. They have created a GOVERNMENT that is increasingly hostile to any effort on our part to carry on our work. It is the GOVERNMENT that threatens us with hate speech charges if we speak out (now underway to include criticism of Israel). It is the GOVERNMENT that effortlessly convicts ‘movement’ figures on any variety of charges punished with exorbitant sentences: Hate Crimes, Civil Rights Violations, Discrimination Lawsuits, Conspiracies, Incitement, Littering, Destruction of Property, Trespassing and so on endlessly. Let us never forget Matt Hale, Steele, Bill White, Shuan Walker, and all the others whom the GOVERNMENT has targeted and come after. It is the GOVERNMENT that stands in the way of resolution of the immigration crisis. True, it is the Jews who are identified as having taken us to this point – the point where what was once ‘our’ GOVERNMENT now serves as the Jew’s chief weapon against us. If the government is no longer impartial to our activities, but instead actively seeks us out for legal repression through restrictive legislation and aggressive law enforcement action, we simply cannot view the government differently than we view the Jews. The are acting in concert. We face a ‘dual threat’. We face a monstrous body with two heads.

      To combat the Jews requires a collective national will with access to the nations’ social, political and judicial institutions. We are now denied such access because we no longer have a government that serves us to this end. So what are we to do? If it requires a government that, in the minimum, does not actively oppose reasonable efforts to restrict the Jews, and we no longer have such a government, we then need to establish a cooperating government in defiance of the existing one. In such a sense I speak of the US GOVERNMENT as being a primary enemy.

      Some will say that rather than fight against the government and view it as an hopeless belligerent, we should set out to reform it – to free it of Jewish influence. That may be the position you take. But is such an effort reasonable? Do you really think that such a happy outcome is possible? If so, how? If that is the recommended approach and there is a way to do it, great – let me know and I’ll join in. I just don’t see the path leading to it. Once a national government becomes taken over by Jews, it becomes irreparably corrupted. It needs to die and be replaced.

      I’ll repeat the fundamental truth Dr. Pierce observed 20 years ago: “THE US GOVERNMENT… IS TODAY… THE SINGLE MOST DANGEROUS AND DESTRUCTIVE ENEMY OUR RACE HAS EVER KNOWN.”

      I think we are correct in ascribing to this truth with the understanding that it is increasingly difficult to separate the US Government from Jewish influence and control. More and more they are becoming one and the same. To speak of one is becoming synonymous to speaking of the other. The relationship between the two is as described in the last sentence of the book ‘Animal Farm’:

      “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

    12. Bigduke6 Says:

      With the Katrina unrest, LA Riots and the rioting, arson, looting and raping in every major city; where are the convictions of the coons. They go after a white guy from someting that happened on 1969? It’s like the joos and the holohoax. They only prosecute whites.

    13. Dave Says:

      They never stopped rioting. The coverage has clearly been reduced and we all know why.