28 May, 2012

Open Thread

Posted by Socrates in open threads, Socrates at 3:54 pm | Permanent Link

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  • 74 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. CW-2 Says:

      Arminius, well said sir! ‘Betty Windsor’ has presided over 60 years of mongrelization and decay, there is absolutely nothing worth celebrating about her kosher coronation in 1952.
      Gawd knows what is keeping Britain afloat, all the industries such as shipbuilding, steel, and chemicals were slowly dismantled after they had served their purpose in WWjew. Next car making and woollen mills were trashed, and finally the education system watered down.
      The only growth industry is in providing handouts to the millions of niggers and muds who have been deliberately brought to these shores with the sole intention of destroying Britain forever.

    2. joeglas Says:

      Ah,the ever-present and all-knowing Mr. McGreen,who is the ultimate authority on all things,even my 15-month stint as a POW.I should stress that in comparison to others,I fared superbly.The standard method of killing prisoners (well over 90 per cent of those in Serb camps in Bosnia were civilians sytematically rounded up before the war started by the Yugo Army and Serb paramilitaries) was by guards taking turns jumping on the prisoners chests after often months of systematic torture and abuse.For the first day or two,hands on the wall and beatings and boots from neck to groin.Try that,Mr. Green,for 24 hours,never mind repeat performances till after theyve let you recover for a day or two,try going without water for the first two days,or to the bathroom standing up.That type of behaviour was SOP for Serb police and military.I could go through a detailed description of the goings on in Omarska camp,for example, which,although not as massive in scale as others in the past,would surely be the last anyone would want to find himself in. Believe what you will-the bottom line is that that battle being fought is between good and evil and its up to you which side youll choose.Happy trails to you.And a bit of construcive criticism.refrain on commenting on goings on in former Yugoslavia,youre to say the least ill-equipped for such an undertaking,as are all Serbophiles on this forum.In all probability,the most effective anti-Talmudist,anti-Zionist site on the web is “Real Jew News” by a Jew converted to Christianity.

    3. Sgt. Skull Says:

      If we just return to honest money and post the 10 commandments in schools, shopping malls, businesses and airports, multiracial America can be saved.


      Don’t worry, I haven’t drank the patriotard and libertard kool-aid and I don’t think the Xian Gawd-uh can save us. I’m still an unrepentant racist and aunti-semite (sic).

    4. Arkan Says:

      Joeglas, tell us about all the Serbs the ustashe murdered in WW2.

      We don’t care about your personal comedy of errors, your mouth would’ve been shut if they had put a bullet in your head.

    5. fd Says:

      Joeglas vs McGreen: I’m siding with McGreen. The Big 3 semitic religions — Judaism, Christianity, Islam VS. The Super 3 — Natural Selection, Adaptation, Evolution. I’m going with the latter. I know what side my bread is buttered.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      Joeglas, there is some sympathy in WN circles for the Serbs, but from your description of the their wanton cruelty to prisoners it seems our sympathy is misplaced? Weren’t the Croats and Bosnian muslims doing similar things?

    7. Arkan Says:

      C’mon CW, blowjob Bill didn’t exactly bomb the Albanians. Joeglas is just a pussy in need of a psych evaluation. Being a soldier in any army comes with the territory of being captured by the enemy. Perhaps Joe should study the crimes committed by the Croats starting with Tito before judging the Serbs and their struggle for independence.

    8. Dave Says:

      Given the opportunity my enemies would be made examples of as well. No mercy,no remorse . After all,you would be trying to prove a point and make a lasting mark.

      I will admit my total ignorance to the Bosnian/Serb war. I recall clinton commenting on it as a child. I have read about it but not in depth. I was of course reffering to the real enemies of mankind! Christians and the jewish preachers that pose and christians for financial gain. sick jew bastards!

    9. joeglas Says:

      Arkan-lovely name.A career criminal who the Serb police in pre-war Yugoslavia trained to ply his trade in western Europe,breaking and entry being his forte (as was the case with many other Serbian worthies in Serb ruled Yugoslavia).During the war,a looter and black marketeer and in Serbia an organized mafia leader who was shot and killed in fitting gang-land style.For the record,documented for decades and readily available to all those that havent been duped by Yugo communist propaganda (read Serbian,as both Yugoslavias were in fact Greater Serbias,one a royalist version and the other a bloodier communist version)-The Serbs since 1912 to 1990 have murdered hundreds of thousands of Albanians (in Albania proper they gutted 126 villages),Croats,Moslems,members of the German,Italian and Hungarian minorities,Macedonians and Montenegrins.Serbs started killing Croats even before the formation of Yugoslavia-in Odessa in 1917. hundreds of Croat POWs who served in the Austro-Hungarian army were murdered by Serb troops because they refused to be recruited into the Serb army.Add to that at least 50 thousand German POWs after WW II.Thousands were killed by Serb state terror in peacetime.In 1935,for example,Serb thugs and Gendarmes in Croatia killed 96 Croat peasents and two Catholic priests.While the German invasion was under way,before a single Serb was killed by the Ustasa,Serb troops and paramilitaries massacred nearly 400 Croat civilians including dozens of women and children.The Serb version of WW II which know-nothing losers on this forum propagate has been debunked for decades.These people probably believe the Holohoax mythology with its six milion,as chambers…The Serbs have killed several times over the number of people that perished at the hands of the Ustasa in WW II.Even the Montenegrins who wwere colonized,occupied and suffered under Serb rule have come to their senses and split from that artificial union.Only all-time losers who live in a fantasy world of virtual reality can back a loser and morally bankrupt nation like Serbia and its mythology.I guess they also condone the murder of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife in 1914 by Serb terrorists which plunged the West into WW I.My detractors can only be pitied.”Serb struggle for independence”indeed.If this is a typical representation of “white power” in the states,then its no wonder its not going anywhere.Its obvious many here just talk the talk-they dont walk the walk.With the historical illiteracy and otherwise expounded by some here,its no wonder.

    10. fd Says:

      Napolean said: “History is a set of lies agreed upon.” Sounds good to me. Let’s cut to the chase. The Jews, Christians and Islamists have decided to slaughter each other in the Middle East where their religions were created out of whole cloth. The trail has run cold on the Semitic religions, so they have nothing to do but die in the name of the Jew god and Allah.

    11. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The Semitic religions are returning to the matrix that expelled them, they created the middle-East whole cloth, a sand box of whirling sand with no creativity but business, the bazaar our modern day strip malls included are the religion of the jew.. The jews have bamboozled the world for the last 2,000 years, they sunk the Western World into an economic quagmire that they tell us has to be constantly re-enforced with economic growth, yes we can’t let this shithole die we have to keep it going with bailouts and mud immigration. The jews are waffeling now, the lies are turning on them, they crow continuously about Iran, Syria, blah blah blah, what they won’t admit is that they can’t bring themselves to destroy the religions they created.

    12. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The first kahn job pulled on Aryans was the Persian empire, that semi-mystical weirdo religion called Zoroastrianism, that had everbody focused on good and evil, the ancient worlds equivalent of Puritanism and the amerkwan liberalism this monster coupled with science and economics produced a whole flotilla of moneygrubbers in ever sector of the world especially in the anglo world.. The middle class, the bourgeoise they are the cement that holds the jew world order in place, and even if they don’t go to sunday skool or church they still believe in their virtuosity of hard work and money grubbing.

    13. Nom de Guerre Says:

      If I could conjure up a curse to put on the amerikwan middle class, it would be the curse of Midas, everything they touched would become exactly the shit they worship, No longer could they breathe or eat or even take a shit until they had to ante up some astronomical fee.

    14. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The circle jerk in the kwa continues, now we know the Republican dunce and cuntidate will be Mitt Romey, what else is their but niggerball and tryvon to permeate the daily rag, the sqwauk box fills up every crook and alley with advertizements for shit pills and motorized wheel chairs or the worst of the “Lot” car salesmen. Now they’ve got Mooo burak on trial in Egypt, oh vey what a victory for mud Egypt One day somebody is going to enter on a live performance of all these clowns and lay a club into their heads

    15. Nom de Guerre Says:

      It’s going to be fart, fizzle, and pop in the kwa for the few remaining months leading up to the four year farce, for some reason the kwa has to have a moment of relaxation while it sheds it skin, I imagine that they may have some sort of replay of the farce of ’08 where they suddenly have to all come together to give the wall street banksters a bailout, oh vey we has to do summinth the whole ball of shit might roll down the hill, and we don’t have anyway of putting humpty dumpty back on the shitter. Or maybe they’ll stage a self inflicting turrorist attack , or a gabby giffart to soak some hot air time.

    16. Howdy Doody Says:

      Treason criminals is the Reason Douglas MacArthur was fired.


      It was a Tragedy for US and devastating.

      Listen carefully.

      No youtube poster is will to flat out say Truman and FDR gang were traitors and ratz IMO.

      In the same line as Joseph P. McCarthy and Douglas Mac Arthur being stabbed in the back, I ask that the worthless NKVD baiters/inciters be banned as needed and not allow them weeks of fun.

    17. The RED SKULL Says:


      I found your post above to be an informed rebuttal of what you percieve to be a lack of understanding.I personally like both the Croats and the Serbs–However i favor the Croats as they were allies of the Germans in WWII.

      I wouldn’t be too hard on the posters as most people don’t have any grasp of their own history-much less the bewildering shit-storm of ethnic and religious hatreds that comprise that little area(Yugoslavia) alone.

      Even a Historian such is myself–is left in the dust so to speak trying to follow the chaos thats been going on over there for centuries.

      Why you guys want to kill each other is a damn dirty shame!Your both Christian counties–Admittedly Croats are Catholics and Serbs are Orthodox but really –whats the Beef??

      Shouldn’t you both be teaming up to wipe out the Muslims there??

      Its hard to dislike the Serbs as they have Bravely stood up against the NWO in that little war and paid a heavy price by having their Capital and infra-structure bombed courtesy of NATO.

      Kosovo was a Screw-over on the Serbs by the NWO–Carving out a Muslim criminal enclave of former Serbia.

      I not saying you were treated fair or square at all.WHY are 2 “aryan ” peoples killing each other—Please explain further–why you guys can’t get along and work together For White Europe??

    18. The RED SKULL Says:

      PS —If the Serbs DID massacre 50,000 German POWs that would be a huge unspoken of WAR CRIME against Aryans –However what your probably NOT telling us is that it Was COMMUNIST Partisans who were responsible-am i correct?

      I know Communist Partisans were guilty of the Massacre of over 30,000 Axis Soldiers in Italy after the Surrender, and nothing was said or done —so I could easily see this massacre of Former Axis people taking place in countries NOW under the control of the Zionist controlled west and east.

      Yeah right after the war ends is the bets time to carry out your exterminate agenda as things are a little “chaotic” and who notices if 50,000 are massacred here,or 30,000 there–even the Americans (yea thats right-the “good” guys)under Krypto-Kike EISENHOWER were responsible for the deaths of over 1-3 axis soldiers -either directly or indirectly—

      Direct example A:Eisenhower “ok’d” the policy of Keeping German POWs exposed out in the open in “Holding Camps” so that literally THOUSANDS of men who would have otherwise lived –DIED.

      This was all done entirely against the Humane treatment of prisoners clauses of the Geneva Convention.

      Indirect Example A:Eisenhower ‘ok;d the prisoner transfer of over one million Anti-Soviet Russians,Cossacks,Ukrainians and other factions who originally surrendered to the Western allies–ie- US/Britain.

      They were taken away by the Soviets with the Certainty of being shot as soon as was convenient,or worked to death in a slave labor camp.

      There are many other such examples of “Western Compassion” after the war–

    19. Howdy Doody Says:

      Yeah right after the war ends is the bets time to carry out your exterminate agenda as things are a little “chaotic” and who notices if 50,000 are massacred here,or 30,000 there–even the Americans (yea thats right-the “good” guys)under Krypto-Kike EISENHOWER were responsible for the deaths of over 1-3 axis soldiers -either directly or indirectly—

      Direct example A:Eisenhower “ok’d” the policy of Keeping German POWs exposed out in the open in “Holding Camps” so that literally THOUSANDS of men who would have otherwise lived –DIED.

      This was all done entirely against the Humane treatment of prisoners clauses of the Geneva Convention.

      Indirect Example A:Eisenhower ‘ok;d the prisoner transfer of over one million Anti-Soviet Russians,Cossacks,Ukrainians and other factions who originally surrendered to the Western allies–ie- US/Britain.

      They were taken away by the Soviets with the Certainty of being shot as soon as was convenient,or worked to death in a slave labor camp.

      There are many other such examples of “Western Compassion” after the war–

      Ugly truth !

    20. Arminius Says:

      Bismarck once said: “The whole Balkans are not worth the bones of one single Prussian soldier.”
      He expressly refused to support the Habsburg Empire in their Balkans policies. In other words, he told to let them sort out their quarrels among themselves.
      But in total ignorance of Bismarck’s political wisdom, outside powers continue to interfere, with terrible consequences for the people there.
      Can anybody tell, what benefit Turks, Slavs, Austria-Hungarians, Russians, Germans, and, last not least US and NATO gained by their meddling?

    21. Howdy Doody Says:


      Behind US Spy Drones


      With storms all around noon focuses on evil doers.

    22. Howdy Doody Says:


      Scary ?

    23. Howdy Doody Says:


      Another poster leaves, and I say many lurk, but won’t join or post.

      Mr. has made history with VNNF, but he has made it clear that he does not want complaints.

      It is also clear that posters that are worthless and worse will not be bothered.

    24. joeglas Says:

      For the historical record:virtually unkown in the West is Croatias contribution to the defence of Europe against the might of the Ottoman empire.Pope Leon the X in a letter to the Croatian Ban (Viceroy)Petar Berislavich in 1519 called Croatia “Antemurale Christianitatis”-“The Bulwark of Christianity”-for its contribution in the defence of Europe against the Ottoman hordes.Turkish incursions into Croatia began in the mid-fourteenth century and for well over two hundred years hundreds of smaller and larger clashes took place and the country was reduced to a virtual desert.In 1566 in the fortress of Sziget (Szigetvar)in Hungary a predominantly Croat garrison of some 1600 Croats,200 German mercenaries and Hungarians under the Croat Ban Nikola Zrinski (Miklos Zrinyi in Hungarian)for 33 days held out against the most powerul Ottoman army ever fielded 100 thousand men under the greatest Sultan in Ottoman history-Suleiman the great.The garrison including Zrinski who led the final sortie perished almost to a man,but the Turks lost nearly 20 thousand men and the Sultan died in his tent.Had that army advanced on Vienna and the garrison accepted the Turks offer of surrender (the Sultan promised to make Zrinski ruler of Croatia,which was then a Hapsburg kingdom),today youd certainly have dozens of mosques dotting Austria with the faithful answering the call to prayers.The turn of the tide came on July 29,1593, at the battle of Sisak when a Croat force of some 5000 men and several thousand Austrians and Slovenians crushed a Turkish force of some 12 thousand men which lost around 8000 dead including several thousand which drowned in the Kupa river.Christian losses were around 40-50 dead.The defeat temporarily halted the Ottoman drive into Central Europe and allowed the Hapsburg Empire to stabilize its defences.Croatia has always been a part of western civilization and has contributed heavily in blood and treasure to the defence of the West.Were it not for the wars against the Turks,Croatias poulation would today probably be around 12 million.Biha? in Bosnia was in 1527 the capital of the Croat state and fell to the Ottomans in 1592,not to mention other areas in Bosnia which fell after protracted struggles with no help from other Christian monarchies.