10 April, 2013

Books and Freedom

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 1:06 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Reading Marius’ obituary called to mind the very special status Jews have in our society. We may criticize anyone — except Jews. Of course, a liberal isn’t likely under any circumstances to be critical of a homosexual or a feminist or a non-White or a member of any other group currently patronized by liberals. But as long as he assures everyone that many of his best friends are perverts or Blacks or what have you and that his criticism is intended to be constructive, he will be forgiven for an occasional sharp remark aimed toward them. But if he ever makes the mistake of referring to Jews in anything but the most flattering terms, his name goes on a hate list and is never removed.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to “Books and Freedom.”

  • 11 Responses to “Books and Freedom”

    1. jayhackworth Says:

      If it weren’t for the fact that to go up against Big Jew, Inc. ruins careers , perhaps more, including politicians ,would exercise their “1st Amendment Rights”..Realistic cowards, or cowardly realists.

    2. Virgil Says:

      “For books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them; they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them.” “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” John Milton

    3. fd Says:

      Zion’s Cultural Putsch: The Judaization of American Literature


      “This ascendancy of Jewish literati, surprising in its completeness, is all the more astonishing when one considers the historical context.First of all, many of the principal American novelists before 1945 were quite averse to Jews in their personal feelings, in their work, or both. Nathaniel Hawthorne, for example, after dining with a prominent English Jew, wrote of “the repugnance I have always felt towards his race.”2 As for Herman Melville, his attitude was “conventionally anti-Semitic.”3 Ernest Hemingway’s portrait of Robert Cohn in The Sun Also Rises speaks for itself. Thomas Wolfe, author of Look Homeward, Angel, was unfriendly to the Jews to such a marked degree that the well-known Jewish critic Leslie Fiedler, in his book Waiting for the End (Stein and Day, 1964), was “tempted” to say that Wolfe was not “German-American,” but “Nazi-American.” Even Jack Kerouac, the Beat Generation novelist of the 1950s, denounced the Jews and their influence.”

      “The suddenness of the rise of the Jewish literary demigods and the obvious cooperation of forces that made this apotheosis possible justify likening the phenomenon to a putsch. Before examining the reasons — both the true reasons and the reasons offered by the Jews and their apologists — why this putsch succeeded, it is instructive to note that the Jews themselves were among the first to acknowledge the postwar Judaization of American letters.”
      The “Southern school” of novelists, whose popularity peaked in the 1930s and ’40s, represented the last redoubt of White American culture, one final backward glance before the country hemorrhaged and dropped confused and wounded into the arms of the Jewish entity. Power fascinates, and readers of novels, like others, sensed this new and strange power and desired to acquaint themselves with it, particularly since the controlled media were falling over themselves to trumpet the news that Melville and Hawthorne had at last found worthy heirs in the novelists ripened and tossed up from the American-Jewish ghettos.”

    4. jayhackworth Says:

      Good quote, Virgil. So many old authors to read, old friends to trust.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      Hey Virgil, I enjoyed reading your latest work, The Georgics.

      Next I’ll speak about the celestial gift of honey from the air.

      Maecenas, give this section too your regard.

      I’ll tell you in proper sequence about the greatest spectacle

      of the slightest things, and of brave generals,

      and a whole nation’s customs and efforts, tribes and battles.

      Labour, over little: but no little glory, if favourable powers

      allow, and Apollo listens to my prayer.

      Good stuff!

      It’s a shame we live in a post-literate society but that is more the result of technology than Jewish machinations. Let the herd enjoy their text messaging and their cereal box cartoons. They will be that much easier to control.

    6. Virgil Says:

      John Dryden’s translation of the Georgics is considered to be the finest verse translation of the best latin poem ever! In fact, Alexander Pope’s translation of Homer and John Dryden’s translation of Virgil are essentially the greatest feats of verse translation of all times; they are la creme de la creme of white poetic genius.

    7. Virgil Says:

      Meanwhile, back in the kwa, leftard councillors are banning the flying of the Gadsden flag at the New Rochelle Armory; I dare the aracial patriotards to start a shooting war over this latest bolshevesque insult! Enough is enough; decorate them lamposts, dammit! http://washingtonexaminer.com/new-york-town-removes-flag-as-offensive-tea-party-symbol/article/2527031?custom_click=rss

    8. Virgil Says:

      LibriVox recording of Georgica, by Publius Vergilius Maro. Read in Latin by Malone.

      “Vergil’s Georgica is the culmination of a long tradition in antiquity of poems about agriculture, beginning with Hesiod in the eighth c. BC. His poem is a rich admixture of allusion to that tradition: didactic poem, eulogium of Augustus, the neoteric epyllion about Orpheus,Epicurean philosophy as presented by his predecessor and model, Lucretius. Thomas Jefferson imagined his gentleman farmer tilling his fields with a copy of the Georgics between the handles of the plowshare.” http://archive.org/details/georgica_dm_librivox

    9. Virgil Says:

      LibriVox recording of Vergil’s Aeneid, translated by John Dryden. http://archive.org/details/aeneid_0810_librivox1

    10. Virgil Says:

      LibriVox recording of Aeneidis Libri XII, by Publius Vergilius Maro. http://archive.org/details/aeneidis_libri_xii_dm_librivox

    11. Virgil Says:

      Learning latin with Virgil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfxK6fC2v6c